HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-22, Page 15ps wfl .1 be ma;-. 18 will be. Deshoro: !via ago' co6,;* r. ,300 nqtiet in Ha* luest •111/4tsen, G.. Un- rio , who . of the. certain "The es" of dJiipetsok . . DNESD'iSEPTEMBER 22nd . ' • • TWE 04CKNOW SENTINEL, AMCKNOVE:f QNIARIO 's• • piAGIR.;. • KINCA R C) N ,At 12.30 p.m....:September 'onitable :Burgess investigated,a ar and thick collision on the „ oath Shore Road. A truck driv-. by Ross :Cayley , R. R. # 2, pley,'carne into collision with ardriveriby Bryan Astles, 770 eet St. ;.Londort. Estimated arnage to beth' vehicles was 225.0; Constable Whitelaw investigat-. d a single truck accident on,, one. 7 Kincardine Township, enneth Johnston 10 RiverwOod kwy, , Toronte,suffered niinor njuries in the accident. The otor vebiCle—WhiCh stn7iCk.a ee at the edge of the 'roadway suffered $600 00 darnage, • s' David Grenfell,, R. R. # 1, Hanover was not injured, wheil his motor Vehicle struck a bridge abl-arlWin Druce TwP.•, On. Sept,. ernber 9. Constable Whi,telaw, , iiivting the 4PPid.VIt ated damage to he Vehicle at $150:09, • . Cbnstable Renwick investigated an accident involving a vehicle operated by Walter 179 John St. ,. Ingersoll. Mr. Mae 'Kenzie suffered minor injuries heri his •metor,vellicle left the 'roadway th Bruce Twp. ,and stittek a tree. Damage tothe MacKen- zie vehicle Was approximately .sptember 7 R $65o. 00. Ti* ac6ident occurred on A. R. OURGESS, PROVINCIAL CONSTABLE. • On. Tuesday ,.Septernber 14,.: Constable Whitelaw investigated : a single car accident on#_21 Highway,, 1 mile south of Pine River Wile,n:A Vehicle 'driven by • •Isabel Hardman- of tivecton, went out of control and Nentt into the west ditch. NO one Was injured' in:the mishap whicli.eauied an. • aenHElliott. Heads:41.Klub • The second meeting of the NO. 4 41' elub Id-aTegffs.Trrri Boyle's: at 9, 00 • • The meeting. '‘,/as OPened With. e 4-H 131edge _follwed by :the eetion: of Ofi&eri. they are as Hours; President ,.Narn,Elliott;• ce President 'Nlrion JohristOt; cretar)-, •katliyTtleaven; dastrer, , Lorraine •Boyle; Pres porter, Lynda.a mplie • .. We acted out the:namof ok we had .reatt-and then jay e on it. ur discussion at s•meeing Was trayeling: We tened to analbuni the j.eff• en Airplane and then analysed clOsedthe rneeting with 4H creed. es itioning • • • • • • • • • • • estimated $1,•3QQ,,oadarnAge, On Friday , September 17 ,• Conr. stable Poland investigated a si:poe car accident on the South Shore Load just south of the Kincardine Town Limits. A vehicle•driven by Barry Moulton Of R.: R. # 4, Kincardine Went out of control and struck a tree causing an estiki: ated S500.00: damage. .Barry. Moulton suffered -minor injuries ti thmishaji. ' Charles SteinOff of. Tiverton suffered .rninor injuries in -a singl car accident on #21'1-ligliway a. Mile north of Underwood at 6.30 p.m.. 'September 18, A car driv en by Robert Toneili of Guelph, Went Out of control and struck a' fence owned by John MacKenzie... of R. R. #3,. Tiverton. Constable McPhail estimated the damage at $1,000.00. • • At 3.00 September 19 '• Consta:ble McPhail investigated'a singtesar 'accident brill County Diad , 1/2 mile south of .#9 High- way, Which injuied 4 ,area youths And caused an estiniateci .$1,500.,00- da.mage. The ear, driven .by,John Hogan of R. R. # LucknoWs; 'which' was sOuthbound onegotiate a .curve HURPN,ORLCE NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY. 1, „ • 800PM I-EGOON:HALL . ' • Higher Coverage, Lower Cost A new.Winter wheat:insurance plan featuring coveragebased on the .grower's oWn indiyi0A1: ex- periene and yields has been . developed by the Crop 'Insurance Commission .of Ontaiio. The net result is an insurance plan that is much More, attractive TO high, ,produing growers following top management praetices. Under ffiis system a good grower benefits in twO ways.' sAs well as °starting. .• strck a hydro pole rolling over en its r�of Injured .in the .accident • .1.: Were John Hogan ;Lynda. Macin- tyre,.R.R. # $: LucAnOW;. Allan. • Nicholsort,R. #1Ho1yreod;, RoSelyn Maebregor ofLticknow' a nthher -brother-Briley-Of indon • who:were all taken 't�. Kine,ardne Hospital by ainbt.tiance. • ConstablePoland investigated a. truck,earaOcident;pri.#7 County Road jUst:south of the .19th Canoes,. sipnOf Huron Townshi, 'A truc'k driven by Paul •IVIacD'Onalii of R.. 2, Ripley driven. by .Mari4nne.MacDonaid of eaker, Kairshea Werehasts• to Luekriow , HOlyrood , arid KinloS 4-H their rnotit' erspand leade§ at kairshea en's Institute Hall on Thursday,_ night ,:September 10 with'Mr. Van ou.:Old or. aim. olosoommon No one. Was injured in the mishap which caused an estimated $700.00. darnage. ‘M 7.0.0 SePtember la; LonstalOzhitilaw,investigated a two Car accident oHigt7,'thit. the 1i:riledOn Of Cone". 6, Hitron Township which injured two area persons and. caused 900.001__ -dirtria-gd:-Tritgi'feer;-eirejaiiie e Zbarowski and her husband Brian of R. R. # ?;. Kincardin., . ers 9f.the cars involved .Were Barbara Farrell of R: R. # 1, Kincardine and Brian Zborowiki; A. WHITELAW4 'Provincial tonstable. • Leewhen from Wa ketton haspi • speaking on first aid. ./ .• Mr; Vanteewlien spoke ,first about artificial respiration, He shoWed haw ta domouth-to, • moUth restiscitatio.n.on the dutorriy :tha lie had. Then he had all of us.ty tO dd . • Mr.' VanLeeWlien then told about .helpiog'a person who is 4tid how tO treat, an unconsc ious prson. • • : • . A "Very interesting and inforrna7, tive evening. ended and • • Cathy Hedley of kiniorigh thanked Mr: VanLeeWhen for'corning and presented him: with, a gift: • Handicrafteti he second . , en's tiappy Htidierafteiswas d on Ttiesday September 14 .30 pan.. Our presiden or meeting was,Corinne.Cran- 'nstofl ene wit 41-i Pledgefollowedby the utesof the last rnetingle4d, erna Aitchison, tiie then had treasurer's, rport. Our next ting is to be held On Tues.- Prternbr 21. ' if.--RosyS-.Errington discussed notes With us on Skini milk der, the Requirements for k Carta da' s FOod du ide , ,q nd Y.ogurt was arid how it Was • • C. Aft e • • in. our Sheets.. . e had a chance to try StieW s... The coin. chowder' Made aniee -Gaunt,. torte .6arntinie.t garet .MaePhesott And le MacDonald', and the 'Yogurt h Mrs, rrringtati passed rid, 'Cenevieve kinhar, • MaPherson, Lynda Lyons. Litd4 Mewhinney helped e the cern chwdet. eclosed'the meeting by fpg. the .444- treed. The fifst meeting for the fall project 'Daisy Fare" was held at the hOine of Cathy Culbert.. The Meeting Was Opened with the, 4-H4° pledgend the election 6f Officers, followed, They are: President,' Peggy YoufigrVite'i.ckiit, Sharon Young; Secisetr; Lbis Adams; Treasuer, Kathy iletei Press reporter, , Virginia Chis_h_1M;__ Young and Miss Cathy Ctilbcrt. For a name, they deeided on • nannon Dairy Queens". MfSt Yaring discussed the 'different, 1Inds of Milk *t T& lunch they had grilled cheese sandwiches .arid.' hot cbcoa. The second meeting ,of the Durtga.nnori Wiry Queehr was had at the home of Miss 'Young With the 1:2 Memberpresent. Threepamphlets were hatZted Mit and .tte discuition was, ott wtilk and health id by Cathy Culbert. •The dernotistration wWs how 'to make Corn ChOwder arid Egg Nog. The next meeting will be Sept 011Vt:4At. the heiltie if Mits, Cathy Culbert. • • , • 1, • ;automatically increases at the same time as his insurable yield ihc teases . This- increase ..n Protection korn y.edr to year takes place at n� additional Charge to the grower. The cost per acre for this new insurance is $2.00 for. • the low range scoverage and for high range coverage. How- ever with the additional assis- raarinneoeuntoce-tdr.bPy-.411eurklaonnc,PWrrnce.11A4..' • Stewart, minister Of Agriculture arid Food.; the Ontarioand Peel- eral Governments will pay -half the. pretni40 costs, leaving the• 'insured rower•with a price of • ,Cr0 per acre, for low. Fange coVerage and $2.25 per a.cre, foi high range coverage. The new plan offered :ths year also contains bonus benefits at no extra costto• the farther , suCh as LeSeeding paymciq on acreage . . , creased'protettion against loss • where wheat is reduced in grade • Applications' for winter wheat . insurance:must be made with the local Crop•Inurance agent qn or before October 1, County Agri- cultural offices cart s.upply ested grower's with additonal in- formati�nrid refer,them' to their nearest agent. r •t • • E PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THA I • ' • . • . • • . . . • . • ' • Has joined their staff. With'Eldon's 10 years experience in L " • a a on and service you can. rest assured Chishohn's.can offer the4ery best service in heating. • . bUAL PUMP ECIULOPED WK'S DgittE. DAY DEpyipy 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE • .„.4-x • k • kaikk:',., • ••,'.•!1 o „ . liMits t *.• * BURNER PARIrS NSURAI,ICE _USTOlVtlaR. FURNACES TO FTr YOUR NEEDS * FURNACE FIN*CING... • EAMe BUDOET. PLArL PAY1ONTS • 4 LICEC") ItintIVER. MECHANIdS * CLEAN "110T" 1311E14114G SUNOCO FtffiNACE PUEL FROM NEW 40,000 GALLON 13ULIC PLANT • •,coksuipt: 111E$E IArURES AND, 'LET •CRIsHPLA FUELS " • • • , LOOK •APItit YOUR HEATING Neaps,. PHO'N'E 54524 K -OR 1244681 • • " •'. • • • • ! 4