HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-22, Page 14rrh '
of •
'Features 3 cycle control ' regular, perma-press and pre „wash.
11��vt�5,�v�a�h�R•d-�rutse'�tem� r�•atures;-�n--ad-d"ition. � you -have full: flexibility of the two , speed control for normal and gentle
gyrator and spin speeds. All porcelain top and lid assures long
life. Balance of cabinet finished in hi -bake acrylic enamel over
phosphated steel plus hii-bake "Egon" primer for lasting beauty
and : corrosive protection. 12 lb. capacity _ power overflow rinse
- dual ball bearing mount — sloping back panel heavy duty
solenoids: _
y automatic dryer. Three complete . dry/ cycles automatic
dry. cycle - plus perma-press and regular time cycle. Special
low heat drying . to protect any washable fabric, Exclusive new
filtering ; system enables you to: dry your Simplicity clean clothes
i11 drum all._ rcelainto sun
sic' aminated po p s -ra-Y
element safety door — multiple heat control -- giant in -door
lint filter (154 sare inches).
••••iattlo ideee• •
• • :• •• ♦. •
PHONE . 528-3112
Membership Has.
Grown To340.
The executive of the Bruce
County Historical Society met at
the home of the 2nd Vice Presid -
ent , Miss Camilla, Coumans,, in ,
Chepstow on, Tuesday, evening, •
September 14',Mrs. James Mc
Clure of Chesley, , president ,wel •
corned the• Town and 'Village, Rep-
resentatives.who'were invited to
this meeting to hear the annual
r, eports of the Society corrirnittee
Chairmen. It was decided to hold
the annual dinner meeting on
Thursday, October 7 . in the South•
ampton Legion .Halt. Dr,, Stanley
Reid of Guelph is tobe the guest *�
speaker, and everybody is wel.-.
Membership. has risen to. 340..
Of these•members, 150 are from
outside the county,and include
the Dominion and Provincial Ar -
Chives , four •Cntar'io universities
former Bruce residents. and desc
endants in many cities and towns
from. Vancouver, B.C. to Arvida
in, Quebec., and several States-lse=
IOW the Border. The Society
Year °Book ,is:.becorriing known.
amongst historians, and a few -4-
raries ,- such. as the Metropolitan
Toronto Central Library, and Yaale
University Library, in Connecticut.
either collect the 'books' as annual
members or send' for the books as:
Kd_ rShre a
Mrs. Robert Gilchristpresided
for the September ,meeting ;of
• •Kairshea •Wo',men's Institute at,
Kairshea Hall: with Mrs. "Eldon.;.
1Nelih. as hostess. Mrs. Gordon'
Wall, secretary, .read the corres-,
pnindenee-and rbe h,isinesswas
'dealt with.
, A donation.was sent* to the garl-
and Lee Homestead. Fund. Mrs.:
Gilchrist was named delegate
to the Area .Convention in Hanov,
•er on Octobr 28, 29.. Leaders
for the Seg
''Trainin.School, -
'Ontario Fruit' , in •Lucknow' on
September 23, 24 were'Mrs.
Clarence' Ritchie and' Mrs. Evan
Keith.. Mrs. Roy Finlayson, Ms.
Virden Mowbray and Mrs. Evan
'_ keith are in charge of the prog-
ram for-Brucelea• Haven on. Oct,'
ober. 28.
/Mrs..Harvey Houston: and• Mrs.
Lloyd' MacDougall were named
ta makearrangements for :the •
Bruce County Rally at.Teeswat:=':.
er on October 21. It was decided
•to enter, the Group , ..
Display at Teeswater'Fair. .
The roll call was 'well 'answered.
with aniterfof farrn living that •
-i on aF -di eartr►g:—'-Ttilt!fv trtveys;a Lrady:had,eeii
theyare published. each year.
Members who live too 'far'away to`
attend meetings rely an the Year
Books and quarterly bulletins:for•
their link with the Society.'
Tests -At. .Fair:,,
onvention •
Plans, have now been finalized
for the 13th Annual Area -Convert-
tion of the Grey -Bruce Women'r.
Institutes to be held October 28th:
and 29th in Hanover Town Hail.
`The new President , Mrs. Harold
Biasing of N'eustadt.,' will be in
charge of the opening Session, and
she has:chosen as the themeof the
Convention "Tomoirow''."
1v1iss Helen McKercher,, Direeta.
or of Home Economics Service ,
Department of Agriculture and
Food , and Mrs. Austin Zoeller ,
Provincial President F, W;.1.0.
will be addressing the,delegat:es,
on the :first day. For Mrs. Zoeller
this will be her .final visit as prov-
incial President as' her three year;
term of office will expire this
Etitertainment will be provided
by Bruce South. and 'Bruce. East
The Huron -Perth Tuberculosis
and Respiratory 'Disease Associa-
tion plans t'o do Lung• Function
'Testi air. the Stratford Fair; This ,
was announced by Mas. Edith .
'Fisher , Nl'itchell', Education Chair -4
man of the organization at a
recent meeting in Seaforth•:.
Routinereports were•• given byMrs.
:-Fisher ; Rev. Garbutt •Smith ; Strat
ford , Mrs. David Schenck, .Sea!,
forth, Tom Leiper., Londesboro . .
and Mr', Lloyd Dodson ,, •Stratford, a
President Ivan ,Forsyth th , Ki �.e
y PPn
Mr Smith'said 'industries in
the area were, being approachedroached
systemically regarding
lung func-'.
tion testing ofemployees and
Mrs. Jim Burt had .a display of
Crafts from the 4=H.course';' Focus
On Fit -tress".' .,
The Current Events were'.given
by, Mrs r Clarence Ritchie. „A
contest. on "F.r
conducted by Mrs. Cliff Rouiston.
•Mrs: Eldon Welsh•read'''A' Life•
anthits Seasons:!--Mrs-:-ted-0
Iyer was auctioneer for a sale of
plants, bulbs and vegetables. -
The next meeting will be held'
on 'October 14.
The hostess and directors sere
ed-a-sa la-d--lu-nc h . ,'
A • •i
1650 to 5000 BUSHEL SIZES
moi■:.. _...
PHONE 395-5286
completed; Mrs.. Fisher report:=
ed that.the•,•two bursary recipients
would-be-addres bers n
:the near future and that :Mrs-.
Schenck and 'Mrs. Edith•Brothers'',
rferd; \ he--atrended-the-lnt-er
national: Union Against TB rneet-
iing in Russia', would show slides
. ...
.,- e.•- •
bers. Mrs. Schenck has eight
engagements to speak ..to_ area
groups but Mrs. Brothers
unfortunately, is hospitalized.and
unable to participate for the time
Mrs. Schenck said .that 'Dr.
Norman Epstein, Director of Al-
lergies, St; loseph''s Hospital,'
Toronto, will address a public.
meeting 'On friday, Septert;iber
Districts: to Ivor Phil
give a dernonstration of
"Macrerne" and the
various; displays, of'F, re.:,
plies programme platin
erial and crafts. Once ;
ing the community sing
Mrs. Clatence-Coxon o'f
On the second day'of
vention , the Rev. Ken
,.Nies. Welch of Paisley 11
•sented to speak during tl
•It ;is.anticipated: some
guests vial attend the,Beo
be -held the.. first eveninE
over Legion .Hall.. The
speaker will be Dr, ,Wm
MD. , Ph.D. ,
iver.s.ity of Western Onta
will carry on the theme
Convention by speaking
rnorrow'•sMedicine". E.
nle•nt will be. provided h
Prospective Sweet. Adeli;
Hanover and iistrict ar
Ahrens.; 'accompanied h)
Ahrens, will give a trun
wimp NO cis
aor-hardtops, V8 autonni
powr .quipped
1971 PONTIAC stationwagon, full' power
4:--1971 SKYLARK'Custom, 3• door hardtops, 'V$; 'power e
1:971.. MUSTANG, 2 door hardtop,• V8; power equipped
1971 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door hardtop, V8 power equipp
1970 'METEOR Montcalin, 2 door' hardtop,' V8,• power equi
.1970 PONTIAC Parisienne 2 door• hardtop, V8 automatic,
steering and power -brakes ' •
2-:1969 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4 door hardtops, V8, powe
2 1969 CHEW Biscayne 4 doors, V8 automatic and a 6
1969 DODGE Dart, 44,door.,: 6 cylinder: automatic•,
1969 CHEZ/: 4 door,. : V8 automatic power brakes, power
2 •1969` DODGE'Polara.4'door .V8 automatics, power s
power brakes '
1969 PONTIAC Laurentian 2 door••hardtop, V8, •automatic
steering; power: brakes
1969 .PONTIAC ' Parisienne 2 door hardtop; V8, power bral
power,• ,steering (bite vinyl interior
1968 RAMBLER American' 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic
1968 CADILLAC 4 door hardtop, full power and: air cond
2 - 1968 CHEV 4 doors, V8. and 6 cylinder automatics
1967. FORD Custom.500 V8 automatic, power steering
00 :,
1967 PONTIAC Grand Parisienne, V8 full power
1967'C_H EV--IY ton panel
1967 CHEVY VAN with heavy duty equipment
1966 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 6^cylinder automatic '.
1966 CHEV Impala S.S. 2• door hardtop, V8, power qup
• 1966 PLYMOUTH loot_ 6 Oylinder_automatie'
1966/METEOR 4 door stationwagon,• V8 automatic.
15 FOOT mahogany heat and trelier with 40'
electric,motor •. ' '
16 FOOT. cedar tfrip Iwai and trailer *tit H.P. Ji
�.. t�- -2r��r�l••-yy:�tQtoa�lto�#a�stai#'
that inhalation therapy c;otnpres
for pumps are still in great de-
Mand andthat drugs had been
provided these and other respita -
tory disease sufferers , If parents
consent, children with asthma in.
the counties of Huron and Perth
are to be researched' at the Univ.
erSity of Guelph, which has re-
e-ceived a grant frorr the Ontario ,
Tuberculosis and "Respiratory leis-
eaSe Assodk,...aTh.Dn for the project.
. JohnstO