HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-22, Page 9141:Cite's. 41.4enit. • ' .leg and his onso ted ad' R. pic4 n Sept- . •accid,. ion of .1grave; • r ib_ • Auburn, as ad,. WEDNESPAY,, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1971 THEATRE wjN..„011A1V1- •'1,140910- 357,1630.: PIO* TOMES F$day and Saturdays at. 111$ and .9 All other dois„'' one 0.110.9 , et BOO,. except wharp ••noted on 'the program. • * * * *.* **it, *.•*.* •THUR., FRI., '$AT.,..... SEPT 23, 24,: 25 'Mita Entertainment The Andromeda Strain” cob. - Starring James Oisms„, David.WaYne, Kata'Re14 The' starrof Biological warfare • the.ultiMate battle. * * * * * * * * SAT. MATINEE SEPT. 2-$L Coming. Soon — "Little Big Mai .TME 4UCKNOW SENTINEL, 1,00(1401kif ONTARi,O, KINLOSS • Visitors with Mrs, D. Mc' Kinnon and John and other tives last week.were, Mrs. Kinnon's sisters, Mrs, ata smith of Maybee , Michigan and Mrs. , Phern Collins and daughter Mrs. Doyle Hogg and Mr. Hogg of, Ypsilanti, Michigan. Miss Barbara. Sparks enjoyed a vacation at her parent's borne beri fore Teturtiing.to Ashbury College inentucky. !•' • , Miss Sandra Keith -was. one, of the twelve girls clibsen from, Bruce County for the special 4-1-1 activ ities at Western Fair , London on Friday ,. Sincere 'sympathy tothe Stanley familY in the sudden passing of Mr, Gil Rustiri on Saturday. Ms. RUstin 'was the former Audrey , Stanley. • . • Mrs...Theresa Ilennon was the lucky winner in the Amway Con- test It Lucknow Fair on Saturday. congratulations to Miss Barbara 'MacIntyie who plaCed.second.in the Queen of_the Fair Contest Friday night. . Denver Dickie at 'Conference. in .Milwaukee ; Wisconsin on Tuesday of last Week Guests Thtirsday-with Mr: and Mrs..Harv.ey:HOUston.and Kenneth were 'Mrs..:;,Ilay Taylorand Mrs. Jim Napper. of. Walkerton. Rennie Graham .of Toronto'con- triburecrthi-riiirereirffirliKr7 item:. ' • • • . , kliss_kargatlet_MaCpia !mid fOrrnerly with:the :Windsor Board of Education, and WhO,is.On.anT other around the world cruise, had a pleasant visit, while in Vancouyerwith her old friend, Mrs. W... D.: Annus ---TGITIan-rii.77Cith•of these ladies 1:Were born on 'the' 4th Concession' and attended Grey Ox School • • -roimvon oo, 1124FFIC, ,E#VG sotses : • . • YON lisariy,No ,,f: -o' . • ' PM* • 5, .:• DRIVE-IN. HE T E • . . • BeeChltreeit eat to 'community Park 4 CLINTON ONTARIO . • . • --;•SU.14, Septar*bai.24,2S.46,. • • • • 7 'POOKk • ..f•EATpRE 1.: • -THE.. HARD-. RIDE :(Ap.ULTENtERTAI:NMENT) • • Futter Sherry Tony, $0.401. •• . ,• • —WEDDING NIGHT (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) '• Color • Cartoon ;OPEN WEEKEN•D .AFTER .LABOUR DAY SAT% First Class Badge The first:meeting of the tuck, - now Girl GUides openedwitha scavenger hunt. e pieent ed to Mary •81Ien, HayeriS,and Katherine Treleay.en. The girls then rnet in patrol corners to fill out a:questionnaire: A game yas played followed.by ca rp_pifire • The Meeting then closed with taps and'vespers'. .Two new Lieute-na-pts-with e— Mrs. Evans (Barbara) Helm and Mrs • Brian (Linda) Johnstbne. MrS. Jack NiKirn iS Captain:. LOCATED NEXT TO 'GOLFING, ROLLER SKATING SWIMMING; & CAMPING 'NIQ'HIS. PHONE 3,5i6.2341 • DAY . PHONE. 1i21„. ***.ltr'kii;*********44'*'*** . FRI., SAT., SEPTEMBER 24, 25. M. • r ' t 73* GASSS o Tweenies Join rownie frk Ones. AT t$ SHOE START AT cuss DRIVE -1N • GODERICK SATURDAY, ..SEPTEMBER :244 ;,,,FRRooms,. PAVILION' r 03:magmle.$ in COLOR A UNIVERSAL PICJURE What's Nevi At Huronview Mrs St. Claire 'of'Brigden, along with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finlay,of Goderich• joined the , Huro.nvieW orchestra to provide • the music: for the Monday program. . —T-wenty nine -residents were • honored by the Tiger Dunlop. WOrnert's Institute on ,Wednesday con-amfireprerriber day party, .,One hundred and • fifty residents*and some guests • gathti..ed in the auditoriumi for the :.• • , party' and enjoyed the program which was ,convened by Mrs. ' • Airmulk. ' Reapburn, • • . OD*THINGS �APPEI WHEN YOU HELP Ihe,prograrn RED • • •-•••:•••• Lucknow. Native, Died In:. Sask. • WILLIAM D. GOOD.. •Hunter and several4OcOrdian .,,,, ' •-,, i '...• • i ' •• ting die ,prograrn.,grfts-*ere-presi,: TI 17" -'7::" , numbers by Hilly Klouse.., ollOW•••• . . •• -.: • : '. 1 'ented to those celebrating -birth- ' days and lunch was served by the t.., ladies. : Leo M�rbec-k Of Huron- , view thanked the group on behalf Of the' residents.' Sharon Carter • ' _:,_:44.i..144.a..RieeerkliBe.t.t4c1c.,khar.t.'7.-lunteers'., 1. froth ,the : peta Signia Phi sorority,. away on August 22,. 1971, in: : ' Union...1-lospital.,.kedvers, Sas . ' assisted with the wheelchairs . • . , :Jack McLaren of Benmiller . chewan• at the age of 5 years:.. . ' . • He was born in Lucknow Ont- 'a'edPrnPa,ni;ed on the piano by Ed ario on January 29, 1876 , going •Stiles of Goderich provided a very ' to the.'Wauchope district In 1901, • enjoyable hour- of entertainment • Khere he ietiireci4a4945. .1- -ati.the_Thurscisy-fa'rnily--1(1-ight-pro- • spent his:last:years in the Centen- .gram. Mr. •McLaren, on of the nial Haven for Senior: citizens. • original members of the famous • at Redvers. . ..; . 2 , •ShoW "the Durribells1:Sang several Of the songs that were' sung by the' group which -kid beginning : • following the first world:war. . He also showed pictires that had been •• made frOrn old snaps of the meril,r • • . . . .• . Funeral Services Were iksi.: Wiiirhmiia7.:TWauchope„, with Father L. L'Heuremc officiating, on August 24 ;With. inteimeni at' Wa uchope Cetpetery. . . . William qpod, knOwn'aS Billy, ; Went west fibril Lticknow.,' Ontar-.. 0 , • with his widower father John Good, working oti the. building ,of.the railwayAsit a ene_d '. the rai-lway went to 19pchope in 1901;and Billy had made his home in the district' jr:ce that time. His bers as veil as slides, on the history. of Behrpiller. Mrs. Mary johristop expressed the appreciation of the -.. : ',residents.. It is encouraging to. `• • have visitors attend the program Oh eptern er t t e 1st Luck - now SrowniePack, held their first meeting a fter swill -n0 holidays. =t-vcryone-joi-riecH two singing games "One Of Os 1 one Away" ana "If You're. licipW• • friend. -nia-verait---of 20 -units -of -v.--frolt: trade watniasonry and carpenter, blood, is needed for every open ing. , . ' heart operation, .," • • • T6'. 23Fri. 24 Ur. Marian Raynard _was Our 'Fair Queen so she set, up t -he Toadstool. fOr,Brownie Ring..., We welcomed -two new -tweenies to sit arOund,our, .'rbadstobl. T- Radt ie.. but sno be am ma wap-fot-youngurchilliten, gem MEOW poppuctio . . • = • .4 • *,,IM 011*94 tt(:itrifigim[(oitiel oaud)itis 44I 940 X Ri,i6the4 Ngl k s94 '4 • • 1-lowald and. Bonnie Purves, • Dtiting Pow WOW 0:a BroWnit. told the,pacR abbut'what they en, joy.ed intik ;about 'their -holidays.: • 3111-liteoft-d.---1- ies three. interesting tungs of riature,.. pri5w.ri OV41 asked all the 'Brownies; that haVen't done their' ithitting tegtAo bring, their' • yarn and nt ddle8 for next meet- ing, We sang Ilappyllirthday to the Br9wnies'that had their. hirthclity during"the holidays,, . , We closed du; Ineetihg with thSqueee, Ilrownie Prayer .and Tap* • = • 411' ".•"" ••••• • •••• • 4=•• .•=4 • • • E w.t29 01,i 4 itf4f*TO. .•LDO• ; PI,, • . ()f Alt ,Epps ie i;(* , onompoolloonolloomoutomoilloollommittionotoomeni000moonialimmliwir , • •