HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-22, Page 3* WEDNE OAT, SEPTEMBER 22n4 IVA • ' . THE .1,UCKNOW SENTINEL., imcKtow, OtiTARIO . , . . • " PAO* Vigil • ' '' • • BEST Buys .7. CONDENSED TOMATO OR VEGETABLE FEATURE! ' 73/442x. Tin GOLD L - BEST BUY% 71470i. 'Pkgs. LUNCHEON MEAT FEATURE l SUNSPON PINT BRICKS , . : • OEATUREI, BLUE $TAR,1411-1011 FEATURE, •-•• ASSORTED STRAINED :Oleos. Jilp BEST.110191 $ OM "jaiS° irmx omen far Only • . 20, UW -AWAY CERTIFICATES at- 99c: each • (with 'Oath $5.00iii ATOYAL OF ONLY pe.80 . • • r armenoier edam,•, fid 72' x Wilms .4.. 110091, In colourful' Individual pliofllmba� ""u"' •• • an Mrs. Lawrence 'Comp-' •eau of Lyndhurst were visitors the. •first of this week, in Lucknow with •4\4r.§ -;--John tiairTliaTo-fher friends. . . Mr.'.and Mrs. Compeau were residents of Lucknow for:.a,couple 1--Year4:4hert-prOplietors ofth• e Mayfair Restaurant somethirteen • years 'ago. They are riow retired t-Lynt.lhursti:jus-t-pAh of ' Gananoque: • • Murray Johnstone of Lucknow ; haa' returned -to. F. E. Ma.dill SecOndat0choolifterLbe-ing employed for six weeks on a tobacco' farni near Tilsonburg...:. Mrs, Les Wardell of Huron Township and Albert Tout...of. J1pIe•yer_e_a_mbrig those-ent-e4 ,d in the fiddling contest at the 'steam:threshers reunion at Bh lyt Austin O'Donnell, 9-yeat-o1d son, of ..and Mrs. Jin CDon- nell of LueknOw , has returned• • honie,,,frorn'-Wfftistri*--L 11;4i -tat, :where hews a patient for nine days with a virus infee- tion. • • itenv i'Mottti jrS fiat!! SSS Th 4t. a toy . , ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cianing Igr';111tither Mrs., Charlet Steward,' . Leonard Stanley oftarising; Michigan, Mrs. Frank ElliottOf Detroit and 1rs. Maretta Hodgins of. R. IR. 2 Holyrooci were:recent" visitors. in Lucknow with Mr:' and Mrs. EzraStafiley and with Sam .. Sthriley, a patient in. Win ham •an istrict Hospital. -BrtaireridFOISTa-yner spent' the weekericfat the home' of My, • and Mrs. Grant Chisholm in Luck,' now. T-Itela-kt4=fa I nily took; •, three week camping trip to the East Coast thiS suirrier., . ister At Br�okside e e a ivir.,and Mrs. Al.Baker , Steve, ast wee ,OPENING.DAY • bit ,opening' day , schOol was . Last 'Week Mr.: arid Mis;•*...F. • • lag Graham and Mrs. Warren ,. :Zinn were in 'Dutton Where, they . -Mrs..iohn Emerson' Of Lucknow attendedthe funeral of their cous-' tetlitnitto:0*:61n..eisiclaya,st Week from VaneOuver'; where .SheddOri. . • " she had attended thefinieral of ' her brother-in-law Nelson Albert. son, husband of die. former Hat- . • riett Nixon of:Oelfasts: The furier- 1111 ember :G in Vncouvr.: . . in qtewing. het Sentinel tub sription,Olf Blake. of London writes "Mother.; (Mrs. Thomas klake) is in Parkwood hospital and 1B interested in:the nOV,T8 home,which was Lupk. now, She it.saining all trio tima and is•in.a wheelarchait for part of the 'day". Dave Scott of LucknOW•returned home from Wingham Hospitali 11 Friday of last week, Where he • had been hospitalized for three weekt, ' MrS,. Henry DOrrais, LucknOw, is libme after 2 1/2 wt-eks Winghmand District tlotpitaI. ' • trif:of-trei-TWEIve new. : carne from North,Ashfield chool and there Were twenty - :tout hundred arid sixteen.ptiplis • in ourschool, Everyone was ail :smiles ready a, new year 'of • • school,. lvlany experienced their „first French tesson. by orie-of,-our, • French'teachers. Rick Orr teach- :eS.French to grades 'sir to 'eight and Miss Dorothy Elliott teaches -gra4.e.thtee-AO---firm. We have a few new teachers; /- .. • •• . , ,• • ,Mrs, Grant Farrish teaches kinder- so. kat. Rothwell of Norwood .gartert. Miss Elliott and Mr. Orr Visited last week end in Lucknow teach grade three in Room Four .. _With- ILartter,_ • French., 'oing on to Room Six Charles Liddle teaches grades four and five „arid on the senior wing in Room Twelve Mts. 'Gordon Ander- son teachet grade eight. Mrs ' ,Cyril BrOwn is teaching guidane this year so she is another 1?ew teacher. She Ci et to our. sChOol one day .ah wtek, - ilie:*other toathert are: in Room One Mrs. Muttay Wilson teachet 1 A_ • ..........asokero6 ormw.9 r5 rP.a • Mrs; !lob Bregman Of R. R..3: Teeswater was organist at the • Ilewitt,,Wall wedding on, 8eptem- bet 4th in tangside Presbyterian . Church. The soloist wai"Mits Annette Oughton0f Winghath„- who sang Whither Thou/Coest": ,before the ceremony and O 'Por - ,.foot Love" during the signing of the register, his was omitted 'last week in the wedding write-up • •grade'one.„ In•Rooiri TWO Mrs.., Jack. Aitchison teacheLgrade ,four • ;and 10Three Mrs. Teade, Bakker teaches grades ; ' ,two and three. Mrs. Robert Irvin teaches grade one and two in 'Room Five and. in ROOni SevenMrs, 'Jack aesar teaches ,thee sn loom Eight Arthur ,FinlaysOn'teach-. es grade seven arid in Room Nine, -34r-sv7I4eitit t-eaChes grade :seven. , In Room ten Ross 8.rring-, • ton teaches grade five and in n Room Eleven Don Camerotearhs% 131ake'ls oUr librarian arid Mrs. Ivlary Oete. teaches -special educa tion iri the teachers room. - • • ' Mrs. John lane and Mist Shirl'ey • Norman re special teachers ,41116 fil-eVent schools in u,ron COunty and each of them come • to Brookside one:half day each' week to do ,extra work in special : education and speech therapy.i, Angus MacLennan principal Of !our School.•