HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-22, Page 1h, 1971
$6.00 A Tearilli
Siroglo Copy 145:
• , 24 Pawls' .•
Council Briefs..•
• ". . .
some painting and repair work
is to be done tO,the town hall in
Lucknow With improvements to
the Wood facing and eavestrough-
ing. It was agreed to hire Otto
Luedeinann of Ashfield to do ibis,
work at $3 per hour with the town
• ;,".••• •
A special meeting was set for ,
*. this week to deal with
the budget, ' • .. - •
---A M. llavens building
• ,
- 'office; attended the -meeting
and stated that he had‘received a
--request to put_a trailerhorne-on-a-,
lot -on -Stauffer -Street. T -he -re--*
.;clueSt was turned down by council
' who feel that there are some areas
— re-Ltra-ilers-worrid-b e-consicre red
• . biat•not on a main •thOroUghfare in
:the, rnidSt of a residential area.
The keeping of livestock in the,.
villa:e a ain carrle u -for discus-
sion. The bylaw 'officerwas in-
- stintreettrittep a c ose watc on
the keeping'of livestock within :
the village lirgits; 'It is felt that
t e—practicety some people'•con-
ravenes the existing bylaw. Reeve
Joynt said that the utter, disregard
by some'people•towards adjacent
•residences is a disgrace in any
municipality and, grotsly.unfair
steps-Willhave to be taken -by
/ council and • urged* them to be
ready to discuss the matter at the
special meeting this week.
Miss Meaford Alonied Miss Midwestern Ontario
d • t
1,4 ;/4. •
hirley.Robb„ Oughter..9f,A., •
And Mrs; Gordon Rohl) 'Of Ashfield :
is studying Home EcOnOrnles at •
Centralia College. • •
Fred Phillips of Belfaci has re
turnedfor his 2nd, .vear at CentraP!'
ia College in Farm Business •
Management: Ken Phillips has
commenced-a:three year Meehan
ical Engineering Course.•at Guelph
Liniversity, They are sons ofrMr,
.And Mrs.: Russell Phillips of.
' t •.,. • . •
Judging Horses
n NovaScotio------
Elmo Pritchard of Lucknow is 2.
' judging horses at four Fairs in. •
Nova Scotia. this week.. k • .
Elrno and his wife Noreen left
Lonslon,by air for Halifax on Tues-
day night after he had judged
Tuetday at Wyoming Fair here in
• Ontario. • '
:e-w1-1-7ifige four, fairs on fonr.
successive days in Nova. Scotia,
September• 22 to, 25• •
g1n10--ha to be back by Septern..
ber 28th for another judging,joh
• in Ontario.
B he time-the-FanFair season,
ends, he will have been Judging
in the horse.ting Z4 Fairs.
,Linda Pickard 9( St: Catharinet
is the new Miss Midwestern Ontar
id. She was crowned on Saturday
evening at the Lucknow F11 Fair
'beauty contest which has become
one 'of the highlights of the Fair ,
day. Linda represented Meaford
in the contest. Her faX-rilly have
been summer residents of Mea ford
for a number of years. She is pres-
ently training as a ,nurse at,Stinny-
brook Hospital in Torcinto. Linda ,
18 ;, isthe daughter of Mr. and
' Linda is pictured 1 the centre
following her, Crowning by miss- •
Dominion of Canada , left, Lana,
Drouillard,of Windsor. On the
right is last' year's runner-up in
the MisS Midwestern Ontario can..
test " Valerie ,Morriingstar of Lutk,.
aturda , Harvard
ero atit Team
• -
- This ceinmunity .was shocked:
and saddened on Saturday after - •
noon to hear of, the suddendeath
bind of the former Audrey Stan-
ley of of ‘1<inlois, daughter of Mrs.
Harold Stanley and the late' Mr.
Wi16 was 33 years :of age.,
Was perfOrthing- ati aerobatic
tear at the 'getting of the new
4000 foot runway at Stratford
Festival City Airports, I -le had
been flying as a hobby for quite
a number of years and a year
or to agoltACI Acquired A Harvard
enmg ort
training plane which ne. macre
Available for such dvents as. Satin
day's opening, Gil had Particip
cardine`airport earlier this tum-
;* •
i•le•wil Well known in the Luck.,
now area Where .he had rode
malty friends. He had been 'oper
tiiig Ruston Mobile fiotues in
Eurlington lot some time*
Gil wat killed :Saturday A (ter
noon witen:hi• Mark IV Harvard
', 'Wanda Hunter , :wh� received ,.
her B.A. from the University of
Windsor in May , is 'attending Mc-,-
Arthur College of 'Education,' .:
Kingston for the corning year. She ,., • •
,.., _ _ s -4a ,....„--..:—.,
• •
15th. '•Wanda is the daughter .of* ' • •
r. and:Mts. Jim tiunter, a: Zion. .2 • .•
Ivan Cranston, 'son Of and
Mrs. Jerry Cranston .Belfast, is
two ;year A- ticultural•Di loth
•WWilsOri•daughter of M:r.
IvIaTilarCeVirilson of R.
. 2...Auburn ,' hats: returned to '
Western University, 'Condon, for
her 3rd and final year. She is
majoring in French. • '
now Valerie represented .Mid- ••• ear -old Glenda Fisher of Exeter.
Western Ontario in the Miss .Dorn- • • •
The first place winner:re*ceived
Inion.of Canada contest this past • •
$50, second .$2.,`,5 and third $15-..
summer .: , • . • •
The neW-Miss-:MidWester. Ontar g;:fc-t..c4-17ifill.'4:eT597r ja
io.• has earned the right to celm., . as matter of ceremonies for - the
pete in the 1972 Miss Doniinioji evening. Organizer of the cont -
of Canada contest at Niagara Falls: •est is Charles Webster of iiicknOws.
`.. Bob Gilchrist , Fair president,
Placing second in Saturday's • 'assiSted in presenting thegifts.
contest was Miss Walkerton Dist - along witij valerie-mOrnings*..!
rict Credit Union and Centennial, . , Other girls entered, in the cont-
l7-year-oldValerie Bate of est .Were Karen SkidraoreL„Qwen
•Mrs. Orville -Elliott of Lucknow
is attending Brock University,' St
'Catharines. He is in the Arts '
Course with the Intention of
majoring in Economies. • ,
. , •
• .
William Irvin, son of •Mr. • and , • - •
RusselFlr-iiii of Ashfield',
has commenced a 2 -year Agricul- •
tural Course in Farm Management ,
atCentralia College Huron Park.'
. ' 1
• .•
Miis* ZUrich Bean
wa'swoo-bYT Sound Winter Carnival Queen;
E'llen, Elliott, Kincardine .Fair
. . *, • 'Queen; Shirley Marie Siddon
,:. . ,.__. — • •, _ - — •
- ' *
CLOSES . . Miss uouglas Point; •Ann Cleland a
:RiPLEY: PRACTICE ; Listowel Vair.aUeen- Heather • '
. , .. . . , CoJohnnnTeeSwater Chartiber of
tieicertincia Stanley , LudF--
, an ,
t ' Queen; Matlehe Jamie -
University Fair
' . .. : sop,. Winghain SnowQueen.
roc" Young Men
••04,Friday at Seaforth Fair,
4-H Clubs from Huron COunt.
Winning .the sweepstakes. cham-
pion showman wat Glerf,McNe11,
Goderich with Douglas
ler, R. 1 Lucknow the reserve
champion showman of Huron . •
COM • .
This is deteirmined from the
dairybeef,, swine and Sheep
Ivir..and:Mit:•Bretid;an Geog-
Kenneth I, Mac<enzie of List- hegan of Hamitton•and Miss pom.
owel has closed his practice itt
RiPleY 4 fter'serving•that COMMIln- the event. The girls Spent most
'ity one day a Weekfor the past, of the day together and had din -
21 years. " 'ner in the evening at the Mayfair
trist , is a Ripley native and the
son of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Macken-
2ie of that community; His, Rip-
ley office has been located in
•the Oddfellows Block for all the
-zharnpionship Shows in'Huron.
Gion• an In
the Huron County 4-0 dairy calf
show and Douglas wasthe cham-
pion showman in the-luro-
. • ,
Corbrnuriity.,— • •
The"Presure of Work at his LiCknOw's 166th Pall Fair Was. a
Listowel practice, plus the fact ,dandy; As one obserei front 4,2
that he is now on the part time distance comMrited, who makes
faculty ofgie school,of OpiOrn- a habit of attending the Lucknow
etty, , university of waterloo hs . Fair, "It's getting better every
forced him, with regret, to • year", With some of the strialler
cease his weekly visit to his hotFir § in the ara.having difficult
towtt of Rpley*, times, the directorS of the Luk.'
Records front the iliPley ffide now. Agricultural 8ociety4: and
have beet transferred to LittOWel theirnany supporters, do take
and follow-up service will be good dal:of satifa.ctott ft'. *tie.
maintained there, fact that they are.btilidiug thp.
• •
.. •
• • „ •
N.• . .
. • . .
local. fair into one Which is held
in high regard Over a Wide are
• • • s • • 6 •
LticknOw's event 'Opened:Friday
When ehbits' for indoor competi-
tion Were piaced and indged.
•Friday evening,. the arena was
open to the public. and many view,
ed the indoor prite winners at
that time . Numetoui COndetsions,
coNtftvp Et) ON PAGE 2