The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-15, Page 20PAGE TWENT :THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTA, t,10 WEDNESDAY, S TEMBRIR epend windfalls The`` only. sure way to ' harvest money is to grow. your'owtn, One of the easiest •and'quickest -- and safest -- ways .to grow money is ;to put it where it will bring you eight • per cent --- i n Victoria and Grey Guaranteed Irivestment Certificates. So bring.your surplus cash in -- and bring it in today,— and. watch it grow and row and row . , � ,. g g w at Victoria and .Grey. •., VG TRU$T COMPA.N4Y 5.1N. 'E 1.889 Lealand . Hill, .. Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets Oodericl 524-7381 • N. Visits Mother On" 80th Birthday ZION NEWS Mrs,, Frank Ritchie visited with her mother, Mts. Mary McAuley, on Thursday at Milton. It was. the occasion of Mrs. Mc'Auley's eightiethbirthday• and she was able to have dinner out with her visitors.. She resides.at l-Ialton.• Centennial' Manor , IvPiltoh,,,. . Birthday greetmgsare extended from this .community, Cong'r'atulations' to Miss Brenda 'Ritchie who was presented with' • a bursary at Wingham Hospital. byado the � e �r ated registered nurs- es' association. Brenda.was' chosen to receive this honourdue: to her high standing. in marks and personality. in Wingharxi• District High School and also because she is entering training for hr, . registered nurses' degree.. B enda. entered Regional *Nurses''Training -in--Owen--Sound :hospital on Ivlon day, Miss Elva Ritchie will 'enter Wingharri Hospital R.'N A: -Ntirsi ng= -e -la ss -o n-Vedn a sd a-yY Miss Nancy Kirkland• entertain- ed at her home on Sunda where', �ijur��s Treated 4fi hospital Charles Mason ,.age 10 Brussels son .of Mr. -and, Mrs, George Ma son, fell off his bicycle on the Main Street in Brussels September. 7 and received painful injuries to his left foot ,' leg and anal e . • A car driveeby ;Harold'; •Prdc:tor , Belgrave , had' a' rear end -collision with a- car driven by Glenn Walk- er .of R. R,� 3 , ' Wi.ngha iii ;: which in.turn•collided with:a car driven by Bonnie Pocock of •Woodstock • during a funeral procession, Sept -7 ember. 8.. The site of the accid - ent° was. No: 4 Highway at the turn into Belgrave Cemetery • Mrs. Grace Proctor received facial .lac- erations and• an injured left knee. ,She:was 'adrnitt:ed to hospital in satisfactory condition. • Mrs. 'Mut- ray (Joyce) Vincent, R. y .Belgrave , WAS a•. passenger "in • 'lenn walker's car and received a: Whiplash injury. • Glenn Walker, age f8, R.: R...3 , Wingham was examined for: whiplash injury:;, Invest_iga.ted' by• Wing hath Q, P.,P Mc Kittric k. u herself,: Donna Rit-, chip; :Wanda' Hunter and Barbara,' Wilkins, she presented "going away, gifts" to: Misses Elya and 13renda Ritchie: -Donna Ritchie • registered on Tuesday:,: or er ' r.' year at West- ein. Universtjz ; London: iNanda Hunter will enter College'of Edu- cation at 'Kingston, : Barbara Wilk- ' -. -.gr ins has ;on:E.e�ed--•: ad.e:_i3.. ham District High School and Nancy ` Kirkland is teaching grade: • 1 and 2 at. North Ashfield School:: 'At a directors .rrieeting. of the • Huron. Plowmen's; Association held in;'McKillop:•Municipal Office., arrangements were corn-; 'pleted for holding the 1971'Plow- • • ing Match on' October 9thron the f� rm-of a -i a an .Ribcy , 'Dot 5 , • Concession 9.; ,.Colborne Town Ship, • Arrangements were•also made to holda coaching day on Friday 'afternoon October 8 at the same farm when expert .plowme'n will. .heron_hand•-to-advise contestants:— on the fine .points of 'plowing. n.• A sin way ##, 4,, 4,miles North o.f ,Wing - ham occurred September 8. The driver Was employed. byWallace Turkey Farm, Unfree) Albracht , age. 19, . R. R: 5 -Brussels, received FF QM` SE TEMBj TO OCTOBER • (NO PURCHASE .NECE (:MUST B.E 16: YRS. OLD -TO ENTER) • ►MPOO 'DOROTHY:REED 120Z,: • :ME RINSE —• D.OROTI LY REED •12.'OZ LADIES SWEATERS; Sizes S, M and L 34, " 38 and. 40 4.98` M L -- 38 and *4 $3.98 Don't : Wait for Spring Plant it n WE; HAVE HOLLAND BI TULIPS, DAFFODIL S, C HYACINTHS,._.N.ARGISS FOiR` " NO • I KLES .ARE-_COM1NOE WATCH • 1 II --ra - tions:to.face"and' head:, rht.el.- bow , right.arm•, 'both legs and feet, , also a fractured left ankle, and foot. ' He was'.admitted to hos- pleat ; 'Investigated by "Wingham: O.P.P. McKittrick: • Wallace Black,.•R. R. 5, •Bcus-. sels, while.spreading manure on .this is exeMpaified by'provid:ing his. farm, .wasstr-uck,on-the head a' retainer for at.'ieastone Town b : a fl in stone cousin : .a dee• .: af�h�e--je�•ter laceration to his scalp.. of ancient times? and by subsidies • .to promote Stich scientific pro- jectsas investigation ,into the;sex life of a cabbage ;::the nervous. • system::of a butterfly, and the theory that eggs. speak :to one Lrsi11q-Cirq ' Upte" ` a=notiher-lust-before=they hatch There areMan more of course uclow Phone 528-3 LETTERTOTHE. CCANAD1AN OULTU`RAL G•I:Ft ,In aid 'of Art and Science. , Canada has• contributed:. • • 'munificently ice.ntly, to, this, nation's culture and to world knowledge • To mention. just' a' few' instances, DAVENPORT (opens to• make a bed), CRAM—AND--SWJVEL L-ROGiceR Vinylcoverin g —Selection of colours r .•••••••...••`••;••••• BOTH. OF THESE SETS ARE, W J't15T_,LTEA'__ Qf'K Come in now and, see these fantastic buys. • We can order the 'colour of • your. shoos tag. cyyt HOME FURNISHINGS 528.3° 13 MOFFAT APDL /A NCES • Joann`Ladlavw 1s . . . • WHITECHURCH NEWS - :and no doubt many are: under'.c.on, On Thursday Mrs. Elroy Laid sideration• law attended the •Nurses Gradu.a- 1 Among projects :for' the near don . .,g ,aduates' fur-ure ;• 1• Pesoonally-a-m-conce n ers from 2 to 4. at. Victoria Hospit- ed with several which shoulden al residence in London where •her ; hance'the,knowledge , ;comfort•.and1 :daughter. Joann was one of the satisfaction of mankind To., in •graduates Mr, and, Mrs Elroy; d •cate very briefly the:direction 'Laidlaw , Jane .and. Paul and Mr`s.., of these interests 1 migt mention for example ,: that explorers and Gertrude Scholtz fro7l here attend.... • ed the Nurse? graduation at: Cen- kimos have long realized that 'ten ial Hall, London at $ o'clock' , the breath of,walruses leaves mucti a_honour off-the_-€o;>r�et'-c�.da-ugh--�~ to be .desired Incfas[_; whe�P ;_ ter and the tatter's sister Joann large "herds •are• gathered on the Other relatives attd 'friends were•shore` the arorna is Said, to, .be ". invited , .bu.t'as is usual'each' •overpowering. 1 hope_�by;careful nurse can invite a limited number studies to develop .a, disinfectant to the: graduation. • • Walrus Mouth -Wash so attractive, • to walruses that they wi'll•use •vast After the •graduation•relatayes quaJntit es, Such a boon would. ' :and friends gathered .at the home °flier aunt Mrs Cameron Sim • be welcomed.. by Eskimos and the mons a' d Mr-; .Simons=in-London prolect'should.uualrfy'as, a• doctor to do Joann honourand offer :41 t hesis. • congratulations and have lunch Another plan , which might• find eon with her, .::On .\Ion.day , Sept- more 'eager acceptance in China •e'mber.'13 Joann began her nuns- . especially now that .we are on ing career at'"Alex' ander and speaking terms. With that' populous 'Marine General Hosp a - r cgunt'r.y , t-a,ke t eountT thc . ich � fact that for centuries they have ?1rs. Visser was able to` return. . •used'powdered rhinoceros horns home,from the Wingham hospital. as.a.n aphrodisiac. The'rlfinoceros On Thursday. . ' has only one horn and h keeps•it . Victor, Wybe:nga , student preach • for life , so the consequent Blau h er,'Spent .tilatatiav ;` . yq • at Toronto making a'rrangerrtents extinction. :C ,owever we hope for entering college: again this to evolve a r?iinoceros' w}ilei hot fall; only grows several•horns, but sheds them every six months, It will no to:111e.r be 'necessar}' to kill'the animea1„ butsimply ga`h- ger ,horns ' in greater abundance than before, This. May be no, comfort to those who fe.ar the'• pop- :ulation''expiosion.,.''but if it makes r the Chinese i'at)py, •pet aps we an,let' them w•orryabou; In the realm of the seems to. be a feat'. nerd; Metre Meter.. eo ,le w . tb.write. p'oetr.y today `nte ,prose into' assorted len: tr don't .seem to•kno.w.wliat and even if they hit, on ..s( 'metre by"a'ccident they f -oagnize it ,.'and lose it id: 1y. We hope 'to. deVelor ma chine.' 1,4h w'lll .trans disjointed prose'into; cora rical verse. If the.writer 'do' it the' iimac.hine wi l Another boon: to, milli be the•-Ind-i�-n Cot-ia-(-off•--`�•-i plant which will ,produce el''s on cobs,:whichy,, ivlren will 'be •practically core p1 cob pipes•a.lready trlled''v corn -silk. ue,• A Much-needed dei etc •istoni'akeall ntetalsIna ;and phosphorescent : filling 'or•"any oiter meta.1 jest can be recovered wit net , even in•.the dark. T also make it possible tP r coins., ;and. even. s1t' s , •fr•c .7p—skit to. mention the extra.ct'ion lets etc.without e,xtensiv :ery, , • An electric blanket to i on gas would be4ttr:en, help to cottagers who~Lav electricity, or When tli: i off. "Vfield *Which st,:c; been neglected. so f is i' at analysis • f the cari;t int. baldness in eagles;,` 'should :be. found tc, p.,e,t ing among a nt -e'at'er; , 'N( our ktaowledu p 11,;1.4 t17w,:4.: _ '- -••••P.Q G R7.7d,®- cOL-r co ae 6 serious research info t i t' .of mental retardation erpillars. Very little irita,inat:cr, ed to visualize the o ' ual has onlyy to rrodtc },t p and fri' its zeal lot tha. call of humanity thc gladly subsidize it ;!..t v 1L'i The only stipttlatiot .• 1':•11 idea be Merle ftc ia). t4;" • .:tw and/here is no doubt' leets compare Others already span t.1.7:•e,,