HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-15, Page 19R lith, • tin.et t teg1.441. 1st. The present ex, 11. If the regtik Were adopt biginess accepted': drainage, 6, Kinloss a. the .drath, d by:pun, ; Kinloss' Spray. ;•1 with Fran Ugh F, F. railer on' s approvedr f 13e'partment 1l..ef4 Of Tran. uhjdt1014, S.passed y in the •• • unts were Ifigiways, • EDNEWAY, SEPTEMBER iStlis, 1971 titta... 4 T110- 1,1.1C1ctioW SENTINEL, LocKNOw, ONTARIO • 14A1% ROA§Tc' LEL' ; , FRESH SIDE PORK piece or sliced , 49c Ib BULK WIENERS: 6 lb. box 49c lb. •.•••••4. .4m0,.1•04••••••!••••041•••••••11.41•0411.#. 140.4•111.0104P1.01.1P••••41•••••••••.4P•1•011100?IlIKI.ke•iwipirqr .. . . ‘4;,,,* 4-',,t .. .. -:,..1, , ':' :•::. • ..'i SPECIALS Ib. homemade sousage REG 45 0 lb. homburg REG. $6.90 'rata! • 1 , ••••• "••• •••••• ••••• •••• • • journed fo tatithe NO1\i;;G•lerk, Scsve • ii0-.1.--rmrmii*TrTy... ... ., . .. . t . . ' " . ' • 4416441•190liktIdr411•0•11•01•1111;•••••,101 ---"—'— .:•.N,'s7 't • . • ilsof-- , . . • Bee' ' Fronttf tH :-.:-.0- Beef .. . . .. .... , . .. .. . . . 2c 'lb . . . • . . . .•,.............„.,,.,,,.„.......,—.......,.....,.....,.......,„...,....... rea Native njoys Life In ursing me in Saskatoon, Sandy Nicholson Gives Impressions After Visit With Her 13Y SANDY NICHOLSON • '• Mrs. Foster , formerly Marg-- aret Beaton of •Lue know. who will be 9.1 on.christnias Day, moves around easily in a Wheel chair in'th,e ,Sherbrooke Nursing Home, Saskatoon: Her rriernor- des of Kinloss and Huron town,-; ships of more. than eighty years agogive her and het visitors much pleasure:, Neil Beaton and his wife Har- riet Brochie Were living on the' E.H. of Lot 3 2nd Concession' of Kinloss ,when Margaret was: • born.. lierbrOtherJini still lives in Lucknow. Donald, who mar= ried Margaret Graham olthe 4th. Of Kinloss-, and sisters Minnie, Mary, and Lou',..have all died.; "Peggy"., the new riame:giyen bytheSaskatoondoctor tothe patient who is so young.in.•spirit ; •rpoved,Witb.h•FU--.6_ip:illy4o the Old, Brochie faitn, 'the second' fairin West of the Huron bound- ary on the 4th of Huron. From there ske attended the'SChool about two 'miles:west:of the farm; a•-iiiesof Cousin's in:the MCINAurchy farnilY• livingacross IrOM .the schoOi. • After a lapie Of over 70 yea:rs: it is•ari achieveinent to remember_ Jack, Norman; Sair1:1;:c4rnex•Pq.•,. Alex, also the,:thtee:girls- 'Annie ,. Bessit•and .Caisie. Although' the . Beaton farm Was .' about •fotir. miles •frorn .South loss, ChiirCh , the distance Was: much shorter if one:Walked down the rai1wy M'argaret and 'my Aunt ;Kate MacDonald ,• who:Jived • ora. the Big Sandy MacDonald'. farm half a :mile closer t� the church, '• preferred tp.walk down the rail7 ••• Way and back; AS the fartn•hors es were .entitlea to 1 rest. On the. Sabbath, and walking was good • for the youth, the,horse,and bug - were for thosetooOld or too YOUng'to•wallc.... . • • • • • ,190 lylasrgarer Beaton and. •-• • • : : • • . • :Albert Pierce of.the 6t1t..01 loss weremarried by Rey: F.' A ; MacLennan, the minister of.he "Sig Church" for, 25 years'.' He? ' ..had baptized:and married the s• hride. the. young couple moVed to Reston, Manitoba Where her husband, had built a verylarge • stone store in 1902. A story about this remarkable building in a national magazine•.a. few years' ago;, gave J. A. MacLean the credit fOr -being the builder. While. Mr. MacLean, Was a carp-. enter on the project ,• the build - erwas, the Kinloss Pierce who had. •been trained where there, were so, many stones: and:good • , stonemasons like the,.Muidochs• and. Mac kenzies •' WHOLE OR HALF eef 62c Ib. 39c ••••••••••••••••• • • ALL 395-2961 3 Local Are., Victorio:rodygtes 4MBERLEY NEWS • . . • ." • Graduation exertises wereheld this past.:wiefat_:..-thra-.1.. .girls all. giaduatirig as RegiSter'.. edj\Ititset, from .London Victoria liotpital. • .:• • ••• On' Wednesday , Mary •Blizabetlr., ,Walden,.daughter of Mr. and • • Mrs. Murray' Walden, graduated, ronrher three-year curse.. On Thursday, Brenda Himiphrey daughter of Mr. and urn ey,.and Parn:Partell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Murray .Farrgrkwated in,the rieW tWa, year'nursing Cour. •• Filencis andrelatives attended the Graduatidns and along" .th ',,,,corartunity-frierids-Offer eongratulatiOns.ta,these ghlsY . . • • ' ,.Lynn LOwry, acCoMpanied by Mrs. • Boh•Courtney, .sang at the Anniv-, erary Services held at Cargill.: • Witted Chufch on Sunday mOrnin, • • Mr. and Mrs.. Bob Courtney alsoviiited With Mr.. ., )kalter, and 'Miss Margaret Chish-'• olm of:the Car ill area onSunda Mary, Elizabeth, and, Brenda have, Joined the Staff Of 'Victoria Hospital, London; arid Pam is •'cOri'• titwin° estern University, LOndon.# Miss Anne FergusOn4 daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lester .Ferguson' registers at tondon's Tea'ehere College this 1,4ek. Many froM this area attended' the Huron. Pioneer Thresher Day at .BIytlion Saturday,. Mrs. Leslie Watdell.patticipated in the Pid - dierTs Contest held that 'day, • The Pine W.ver, Men t `Triq f11/4', Clenil Boyd Bob Courtney and rvices a ine RiVerIChurali on Sunday., Mr. Larry Irwin was gu'est soloist. Misses Anne. rind Riali-Perguson were at the piano and organ. • CONDUCT SERVICF Rev. Mr,, Hill and meniberg of the PiRiver Choir held‘serVices • ti:the-Kineirdine-6eriem-1-1-19sP;it' al on Sunday evening. • Weal teachers are back to their schOorrOorns - Mrs. Bob Camp; - bell to LucknOW Public School,, • • Mt. Charles Liddle to Brookside blic-5.•0021tAsrt341._*56.4±_ son' and Mrs. 43141 Ferguson to Kingsbridge Separate School: Mrs. Gordon Elliott.to Kincardine iub ik School ( W. E. Thompson: School); and Mrs, Pobert Rutledge School. When -asked -if -she remembered any of her schoolteachers the • name Of her first ancl' best teach-: • . •!A�NIN.OTEEHL THEREARE*TIMES., • 'WHEN .EVERYONE • • 4.' • SOUND INVESTMENT COUNSELLING Whenyou need the cOmpetent. services ofa trust company, let us 'help you .on such items as,. Tax Matters,SucCession DutieC_ Planning and Administering Estates, • . Investments, Savings ' ..• and High Interest •• •. .••• Certificates •t mind. Then she named the rrian who foildWed Mary Stratlidee. • He had strapped: Margaret be- cause sh:e had :pinned flower in her ha•ir. "Why woUld he ever. .• 312 Bay Sireet,TORON:f0 . • • • • • what E never found_but quired ,• "Did you cry?". "Indeed did tick. J'was too, angry:to give hip -1 the-satisfaCtiOn of.see- g rrie cry" :the .replied. .Then srnilingly she volunteered ,:-"The next summer he -died in the Kirr:. •bardine Hospital. I thought this • was his punishment, for strapping: me." . : • • • ". Albert•Pierce died in 1916 when their only son ,• Clarence Alexand- er, ,•waS quite young. Thesecond husband, Mr. ,foster, ,'passed.'aWay some years : . • , • G. lye o eck_ e On Membership Representatives of five Municip. • alities in the penetangore River. ; watershed will decide October •6 ' whether 'they will join ,the Saug: • . • een River CorTervation Authority. • .resourCes. management, George •• Kerr , has:advised the •toWnsliips' ,of Kincardine, Kinloss arid • . .Huron, the' village of Tiverton arid the .town Of Kincardine of the ,meeting which will be attend- ed by one voting -member from each municipality.• THE RED CiOSSIS' PEOPLE -LIKE -YOU HELPING •PEOPLE LIKE YOU •.• • Lit US ..ASSISt YOU 4.11T+3 YOUR WE061t4`6 PLANS • • •, N AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL. • GIFT REGISTER . . • • 4.11111•—•-• • • • . • • •