HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-15, Page 17th19i1 •. • y iko the rozen ' , . rty. 9ggs: With' a crash ded. au in; Loch - ott lstons Vi* E(1' tO • viEptospAy, • sOFTEmBER 15th 1 • .971 • THE tOCKNOW.SENTINE4..':14,14KNOW,. -CONTAR.1.0 • Custom Butchering .7- Curing and. Sbleking •cutting and Wrapping — Sausage Making —'Fast Freezing koGS: AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS' .• CATTLE ONLY ON: FRIPA'YS. Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill Wifh Twi5 Big Coolers. We Are Able TO• Hang Your Beef,Frorn, • 1 To 3 Weeks— WhateVer.Yeur''Requirenients Are: •• For Home 'Freeer,*:We..Sell:.-ChOice and .Lamb In MY Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices. t ALL 14EATS:-AftE--,,GOVgRNMENt -,INSPECTED- Foii. Y0412 PROTECTION CHAS. HOO1SMA,.. PROP. • e . ABATTQIR 395-2905 • STORE. What's New • AtHuropvio* Several tables of.cp•rds and : • : • -Other garnes-were-playeci on. Wed:-.' nesday afternoon, If.yoii• would • ' cafe to join your relatives and friends. ,Huronview in a, ga•rne • euchre five hiiridrebridge , cribbage,. crokinole and other . . •;:atnes on Wednesday, afternoons, you woulcrhe most welcorne, • .• . , • Elmer Parrish of Gorrie , assist- ed by hfs dabghtef :Mrs Leader, •thoyed•slides and 'gave a•Corn- ••• all • iiddcal)• frorn :••• •• there Is sus7 •crackeci; ..• 'We • ..st,ated • • e. , ...• • mote • fled' i on him', • .1yeard :• • •, accident der..the.• • ,.• jn,iges,, • • last few !. uld have'!,: t r Relates Experience. As Page Boy The St, •Helens 1,Vornen:s inti- tute held, their September meet,. ing in•the•hall on Thursday even ing at 8'.0 yitli Mrs. Allan Mil - les presIding.• Roll call was answered . by showing a picture out of the local, paper and identifying in Ethel October 4 with registra- tion at. 9.30 .Tlie Area • Convention will be held at Clinton September 30 and OctdberlSt. 0 • 0 the Family..Night prograin.On ....Tharsday 'in the iatiditOripin..:jaliT Boyd Of '.orrie;pla yed‘:$everal• .:' nurribersois vi�linaceornpan-':. j?y7IDS. Boyd on the piano. Francis Inglis of :HuiOnview <eX••• ?reseed than•ks on behalf of' the• •, • residents, • • • '• . . . • 1 s attend-- edthe Threshers': reunidn •in Blyth On Satin:day afternodn. / ; w R.O13::ER170..N. • • •The death 'of Roy, S, Roberton• of Glenn I3urnie Maryland, U.:S.. A occurred in the more 0044141 On Tuesday „ Sept• 7 ember 7th'at the age of • . ..• „ •• •• '.I\1rs Spence Irwin of Lucknow. , is P, sister. •• Mr. 1.Zoberton is surv4ked.15y . . ,ifs Oife..cat,hy whowas formally of f4elfost,.lrelon4, They met while residing in Detroit moving• to 1.3altimor ten'ycars ag0:, • ; • • He is, also' suri/ived by one daughter Mis. Dick (Marilyn) Stimpson of Severna ,Pak, ,a sub- urb of 'Baltimore ',•,a,nd three grand- children; two sisters Mrs. :Bert • (Gladys) Mills, Of Goderich, Spence (Mildred)Irwin of Lucknow a:rid one-brother,.Frank of Sea forth. • The'funeral service: was held on 'Friday, September .1.0th at .11 a.. m at Severna Park: •• PAG EVENTEEN— NEW DELIVERY OF DAVENPORTS PA AND VINYL . • ‘, • . • AND NYLON COVERINGS COSI Chairs • HAVE.A140'AUST 'ARRlyEp Chesterfield Suites THAT HAVE BEEN USED IN THE FUNERAL HOME LUCKNOW '—,PHONE 5283432 • • ing With Knits Will be held in Clinton October G and' 7. M.S. Peter Chandler A Ernest Snowden attend ,the Training School. Mrs.. Allan Miller brought a Crest. :which 'she had made to the hall. this will be placed .4 t the front of theehall.- • . • rsiuced• • of his eXperiettae as page poy • at the •parliament buildings in • Thronto from April lst to the •thircl week in•July. Sega ,is the 137 theguest: speaker •Scott McLen- nan of Kincardine.: Scott told,. . • • 11161e and !rs putt lough! • sign iqUeS 90.111, 9 '• SHUR-GAIN leadership in nutrition • continuous research • management skills • growing animal health service 7 • , • . • • e • • ”. Ross: Mclennan. Mrs:. -Ernest Gaunt thanked' Scott andLpreiented-him With' a' gift. A reading wps given by Mrs', 'Peter thandler,folloWed by a contest by, Mr's. George • Webster . •• The meeting was closed with• ... Q Canada 'Lunch wai.serveel ,by Mrs.,.Peter Chandler., George Webster ,and Mrs. Ernest SnOwden.• . '• feed and animal health service CARE THAT MONEY, CAN'T BUY... — a a ma I 111 R -GAIN SERVICE, . , • • • ICiNG•SBRID6E NFWS' • On Sunday Mrs. Carl:Iiieglingd a weeks .Barbara.and Max , Mrs. Frank '• Riegling, Mr. and Mrs. Tom HOg- .an, Zena• GarnisS Luck.,nOw.„...„ • Mrs. Ted Redmond and Ambrose„ ofSt. AugOstine were in Chatham.. • While the ladies attended;a rela- tive shOwer in honour of Barbara, bride -t� -be, the rhe.n spent •• the afternoon visiting.::. , • ' • ''A community bridal shower •wa$ held,in St. Joseph's Parish • Hail on Wednesday ,Septernber'l in honour of 'Barbara Rieglirigr whose wedding' takes. place Sept erOber .25th, lifter a short, pro-, ra-warls*1 in •- opening her. many lovely gifts by , !. Mrs. ,torn Hogan and .Mrs. Angus :•. 1,-;raTro*gh-ter Of mi.. andIClark Dalton, is enrol led•in a 'Fine Arts. Course at the Univeristy of Windsor. • Miss; Marion balton,of Detroit, spent.a few :days last.week with,' Mrs. Ursula.. Hebert and her broth- efJohn•O'Connor:: •I-7: s. r a ton an ' Brian of Hamilton visited last • • week with- Mr. and Mrs. Jbe : CoriTtney and, family. •• good service is just a little more than Carilying t-he--1-it-tle-ectra-care-going-in- O. the service that really counts . . the second look_44n_order . aT-re--ehec7k-ron---a:load an extra phone call to make.sure. Something • • ,• • . • Recent .visitors, witn. Mt. aria .N1rs,....hari Drennan were Capt. and Mrs; W. .1;1. 'Robinson:of Goderieh; Mts,,RdaPrioe of,SC. .Catharines, Mr.' and 'Mrs: J. A. McPherson • and Sandra Lynn of Bro,oklin' and . are.nnan and doesn't mean we won't make Mistakes:We • pr_ohably Ty!f411-1we feel badly when amisfiillS made and. it also Means • that car e i8 taken that it:won't happen again. .That'S the kind of care.we pledge,tO give you and all our customers. You. get it with every order of Shur -Gain. rson roducts Limited • PHONE 528-2026 LUCKNOW , ..•0* , • . Debbie of Goderich.;• .• Holland. , . • •••• " , • . • Recent visitors with Mr and •• 'Mrs. Gilbert Frayne were N1r: and Mrs. Meikle of, Exeter, 'Mr.: and Mrs. Robt.'FraYnearid daugh- • ter: of,Sarniai and Mr .; and Mrs. Robt,'•Jay and fainily of Toronto . . • Week -end visitors' with Mrs— Marie Austin Were Mr ....and Mrs. •Arrifirose Hartrnan arid family of. Kitchener and Mr.. and/MxS. Jack• ' McConvelIe and 'farnily. of . Toronto:: •, • 'Mr. and Mrs.Antone 'Van Osch: • .• • , . . Spent a•feW days holidaying in : • , : • the Georgian Bay and '4Iuskoka Lakes Region. • . • ' „. • Miss Irene Hogan:of.LOndon , ' • Hogon, • • Recent .yisitotS• vjith•Mr. and.': Mts., John Howard and.family were Mr. and:, Mrs. •Sill..Forbes. and family, Mr:: and Mrs. 'Eugene': • Forbes:: MrS. Shirley Cook and ' . •, •. • , Rita, all of Detroitr•Sharton. . . • • . . • Langevine arid Colin'erawford. • : •:Toronto; Mr, andlMrs,. Ed •Se.hefter and ;family. of Stratford , • and Mr and Mrs Jahn O'Neil .• and fan -lily •of JacktOri Michigan,• • Mr.aiidMrs. Peter Martin.. • (Ifiuise:Dalton),Movedlast w;eek .to their arm at G arnalis. 'They • formerly resided *in Hamilton'. • • ! r$. ar o Florida has. been visiting with her brother,• . Frank Sullivan. ' . • Mt. laricf.Mrsk MoraTi' and family Were in London on Saturday .I. Robinsonn.Ma-rk—to4viS-i-t-4-W#11, Mrs. ran_,..... -...L.--_.......• .,...- .. .: of-St.4 Catharines Sperit'a 'few . '. who underwent surgetyl in hospital - ' . •, . weeks withcir., and M. Earl - therelast week, Frank Moran who' .Drennan: • . , . ,•. had been staying iti London re • - .; turned•hOrne to Luc:know. with ,the:rno. :,:' ' '. ' • ' . ':, Recent' visitors. with Mr% .and. —6.--ton&Ittoffernan4-4 'ad 'Mr's; 4ntone Van ()soh Were Mrs; D. Gaudreau. and .Mr, and Mite ..T, datidratt,of Montreal:, • .Mrohn AtiStitt and Eugene tptnt.LabourDay week end it ..- TOT:Onto! With Mr; and Mit:,.'6tyati and • VISITING IN HOLLAND • Mit*, Bill.Vati Dyke it Vending • Mr; and N1.1.• Courtney and family were at the WeOdth .Pair inLondon on Saturday and alsO Vitited•with Mrs. Courtney' • . atitit 1, Mrs. Frank Maran jti tiOSpit.' •and Mrs. Con HOgan spent the Week end frt. Fa,ye Who has' ileett.e.frivioye4.in London fOr. the sumt 1r routtted , ,home,with themfor a week'S-410.li- day before returning to University tioct.v;re6li. , •, "