HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-15, Page 11ze. SON., iert ys rch B.D. wELMOSe3Ay SEPTEMBER 15th, istn. THE LucKNOW SENTINp., Wicklow, ONTARIO ipAGE•Eievet# CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 57,3862 196$ PLYMOUTH_ 2. CislOr hardtop, 8-atitomatici-power-Steering end radio • , • 1968YAM..011.,2410or, 0 automatk_wiih-radio- 1968 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 automatic and.radio 1967 CilVY II, 4 door,6 cylinder standard 1967 FORD 2 door, 8 automatic and radio 1967 PLYMOUTH, .4door, -6 st,ndard.. ^ .1986 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury convertible, power equipped, radio • bucket seats and console 1966 PONTIAC 'GTO Convertible, s Cylinder, 4 speed trans-, mission, power steering and brakes 1966 OLDS4 door, ,8 automatic', power steering, radio 1966 FORD, 4 door, 8 automatic, power steering, radio 1966 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 automatic with radio .1965 FORD 4 door, 6 automatic, radio , _ • • REMEMBER Help Your RED CROSS TO HELP burolt Soo,' • the itt ed very-, • :by • CifilReff7NOTES Luc no*, Uri! • 'The'Septerriber• meeting of •••• ., f \ _ Unit 3 U:. .CitedWornen v4as. heldat.the home ofMisses Ada • and Hazel Webster with an attend- . • ... ance of 17. ' •', . • . '•Mrs: Gordon •RitChie Opened the meeting with a reading: follow; •ed by'a hymn and prayer. the :roll call was answered by a verse, . with the'WOrd Love, Nits:: Al Irwin.reported on C-ItizenshipO —. and•Mrs.• Walter bexteron Stew'- •ardship; • Mrs. Gordon Ritchie. '• read a report on Supply and wei-; • . - • - 'are. Dy MrWratthT. • Helpers were' asked for the sel- • ling of Craft Work from Goderich • at the. Fall•Fair. • •• • • • •INI-S7-el-nori Hunter presided for. the program oPening wiih a hymn. The Scripture lesson Was • read ,by •Mrs,:Torn,Haekert: •Hunter gave themieditation on time. •At all times we shodlcl take time for God and use our 1-ifnerw,isely'irreverrw . A . bible reading Was given by Clreile Greer. • Miss Ada Webster introduced • the study '14bok on.MiSsions in Af- rica,' She referred to Garth.... Legge'S book "Why Africa"? One reason is that itS. problems are our. problems christianity is growing more there than any • • other..Ettropean:country; Harvey HoustOn rendered a lovely instrumental : Mrs. :ROss. Shielli gave a,,n, interesting talk On the .Qifr, of Love. We. should Use our time and t'alents for the,.. good of our fellOw' men by btipg, 1(it).01, grateful and. thoughtful. • Mrs. 'Ewa t Ta lo • - _ ...., reading op a boy's first daY at '' ' •school. The meeting Closed' with.. a hyrnit afterwhich the commit- • tee served lunch and .a. social . ,• : hour was Spent. '... . : • 0 aft: Toyer i • • orrSunday, , Auguit 9 onCori: cession Least of 21-22 WeSt!Wa wa- nosh Township sideroad, Donelda Brindley, R. # 6; Goderich was. involved in .a single car collision restilting in damage to the vehicle, On Wednesday, September 1 on 35sideroad, 'Hullett Smith of Concession 8-9, Worthy Young, # 1,Auburn nd Leonard , RadfOrd,,..Jt. R. 1-, Londesboro were involved in a ear -truck collision resulting in - damage to the .vehicles. :-__,On---ThurSdayi--September-2Ton-', #LCounty Road north of feith. C011- tessiorr, West Wawanosh Twp, , pan- s., rc -rr-A ue, St. Catharines' .Was inVolVed. in :a single•truCk collisionresulring in darnage:to the Vehicle. :Pas- senger , Lynn Hills , '2•MiChigan• 'Avenue, St. Catharines received injuries. •. • O•p-Saturday-T-.$ #8 Highway 'Highway South of •Goderichl ,S.• Lts; ;Bradley Vanstone , :R. R. ki1-;•ederich :and; .RandirBleice.,-: • R. R.# .2, Clinton were. linvalyed, in a t•wo Car collisiorretulting. in damage to the• vehicles. • • ,•.• 1. How safe. is the bicycle ythir Child rideS?.,Renleinber , bicycles are vehic les . nd,t toysosand • cars.Reed regul,ar. safety 'checks.: Paints to check are tires, wheels, and spokes, seat, 'brakes ,.ehains; 'handlebars and the befrn or Also ,i1 the bike is ridden after • • 'dark; rernember...special equip .' • merit is required by law • white Or amber light.on the frdni:.• a .red lighr.or reflector bothe •• ;rear, ; 'phis reflective ,material... red on the back fender arid white. On the front forks. lielayour. youngster" ave. a summer of cycling by,inaking sure the •bicyc. • •le.is; in safe mechanical condi- E..' W.: 'MOULTON,. ,Provincial .Constable • ENTER YOUR C ILD :•.SATURDAt.•...geTEMBER. '...• •-. At The Lucknow Fali Fair ..••• .•••"' •••• •-% ' , 'CLASS 1,— SINGLE BABIES UNDER 6 MONTHS AT 2 30 P.M. , CLASS 2 SINGLE BABIES 6 TO 12 MONTHS AT 3t00 CLASS 3 7. SINGLE BABIES 12. JO18 MONTHS AT • 3 30 P.M.' :1 4 : ,2nd 3rd PRIZE In.Each. Class 1M 11 fl .1 • • • Y • . . This space is donated • for commtigifY irriprovements »...;r17,4•!1•!"7777'." • • • LISTOWEL TRANSPORT LINES 'LTD. • Ontario's' Silver tt Black Fleet fifICARC,01111 E At 7..45. a.m. 'August 30, Con- stable Burgess inVestigated-a • t-trigliTATTC-6, ident on Concession 2 of Bruc Township when a ve7'.. hie le driVen. byl James Ilroad.bent. of Oshawa , Went our of control' ,and iruck a fence owned by Lorne Antonette;of R. •R. •Y 2, Tiverton; • • to • urance. ..,The Crop. Insurance Agents in your area.. • es iness ate es, tary, irank No one was • injured.; in the 'accid ent which caused an estimated $375 damage. . .• " The Ontario Hydro Pa lsin. • • Was the scene of a minor 2 car. accident investigated by .con-• • stable Renwick, at 5.90p.m..., August 31. Vehicles driven by ;Gerald .Beilemore of CornWati and • Alari Goldie Of Brooklin collided causing an estimated $150,00: damage. No one was injUred. , eptern Constable Burgess investigated a, two car accident' on, the. Oh Coh-, cesTion of Bruce Twp. wirer! :0 0 hick's driven ,.1.3y Helene Claris,: R... R. .# 2 Paisleyii, and Brenda Vance'. f R.R. -.4;q2, Paisl ed causing attetirpated $400.p0 • ••0 • MAC' Ger'' O • SO call your lotal Agent' today —he'll be happy.to telt you all' about the new'Special coverage — the new ' queljty coverege and the new system whereby your 0 0 guaranteed winter wheat produCtiOn can increase year by year at no increase in preMium cost per acre. pvcryoulle-rp'0% tiff — so yo–UT-Can uy this comprehensive crop itittratICO for only half the actual. .0temitirri cost. The Prpvincial and Federal governMents pay'the other half, '..86 -act how L get your applicatiOn in before the deadline', POI/ yOur ib/ Crop Inst'irande Agent he's listed below, GEORGE A. WATT .BLYTH Ph one 523.9217 • GEORGE TURTON AGENCY 319 Huron Rd" GODERIC14 Phone: $244411 THE CROP .INSURANCE COMMISSION Of ONTARIO • . Parifanient Buildings.,Toronto 5, Ontario 1 • • • • .• • Constable Poland O investiptecV; • a two car accident At 10,4C) a, 'September 5 inl:mc know wh ich' caused n estinlated $1; `,400: 00.1, datnage. Vehicles 'driven, by Luckn6w colljdcd at • intersettion of Cail)phell and. Outram: Brie& „ one was in- jured.. 0• • • At 4 '•, p„fl eiiieniber •„. itivestiga red- •dat andcattlei)dasc riccident iri iinlbss Twp. 'Marjorie, Nicholson O 0o1):13erkQe was northbound On the IOth:81kierad when her vehicle dame litio collision and killed a• " •rontlebeast owned by Melin :111•31‹ •6f R ./.1 2, ' Holyroodt NO 61‘le.was.irljured lb the mishap .; ,A4Riet.tAtIsed anb stimutt1 datnage... iUf ••• NoVihelai , .400- - , I ‘4° •-.VOO •O• ft, •