HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-15, Page 10• , ' PAW.:: TO ; w THE LU4KNOW SENTIN L� hU�I<1 01Af, ONTARIO Y, SEPTEMBER 1St} 5t1 a ,. .... , .., ...,.w, n, ...,. .... .. ,,.. , ,... .... ..:.,.:. ... .. ... ,,........., , • • • : '\,; ,.:CN\,fit N,* , $ ..CK . ' Y. -RS, 'De Boer �Is, President : CHRISTIAN 'REFORMED IMPICINPW• CHURCH— AREA. • w s. 1 t' • r •Fl ... :.. • . .,.. � .. 1 ,., • • T o Ho .... , • \\ 1 11,'1 \•., 1 atOf ,. Land : i 4,, •� Lvcknow Unit 1 Unit: l of �Lucknow'.United , .,• ch As•• sem- _Char Women met. in the sem- .. ., on Tues . HlTECHURC NEWSn w .'H The: first meeting for this sea' son of the Y,P.S; was: held at the• home of Mr.., .and:' Mrs :�. Victor' Wybenga. '• The meet n -o ened; with a. s eri .tare'. readin b Jim de l3oe P g .Y ' ._... ' C H URCH J� W. Van .Stempvoort pastorSEPTEMBER 0,00 n4•! , � .. . e Rev R. Oiien dab Rector EP EMB rI Rpleyr 15 .....,_ _ _. _ .- .. ., ,. ._ _� H1T-ECHURCH EWS • ..: •� :. ,. . `4Vu'itechurch U.C.W. 'held their .:, . . , �Mrs: .b;L ..-Room..of ,the _church Y , ; .. ; ;• :., eY da .S to ber,7• at 2 with Y P - P , W,, B,. _Anderson actin 4as Janet .Adams - ed .i` .ra • of fie l n• p eP • e oe.r ;,.. ers'elected were Jim d-. B ,. Enh 2;;30 p.m'. Service - Exce t 2nd Sunday a each p . Ascension K>nlough 10+.30': �_� k :.. Se to b . _ _ . _ m er meeun on Wednesda ,resident, �P g Y ' � . • -� , :.. • . .. '. • .. ;• .. .. . the.•8th at the R n a. e.in._Blu.e._. _ , u . .hostess,. Mrs. Kin lied the •. �n ,,_;..resident• fhy W .bfn a icy ICa ., Y' �' „ •. Y Y.. g ;' Secretar • Janet' Adams; Secretary,. n h w en: the afternoon t `�, : ` ; Lservice_ is Dutch, St; Peters Lucknow 11::45 , .arso $ • vale " the home Of Mrs • Carl . , .. .. , •R° De.,Koeijer. Mrs, .Russel Gaunt, convener Comma it .Friendshi was • n• Y P , in;ch'arge of the meeting' and gave g .the call to'worshi'p , a. grayer, ' Mrs. Ben. McClenaghan read the • - • ,• .. '. , : _� _.' meeting to, order. ; T-he-Treasur- • . er s re rt wa}s, given'.' Seventeen g members and one guest answered • roll call by telling o.f an int- eresting event they had enjoyed , 1 during.the holiday rnonths, • y Mrs. J • Hunter r orted for Friendshipand Visiting. 'Mrs, C. - ,. 'T.rea'surer, Kathy-Purdorr; ' , ._... . ,. The ro ram for this season'• . • P g was discussed and a number of to pies to be included. were re'- topics quested. by the members• 1v1rs ben a served lunch'• ' ' wY b . { , ,m �.• • VI RS; WELCOME• Broad- Denominational Irlitigg,...__.0.Hthe s �,�off,,,:2nda ear day: St , eve Sunda CJCS (Stratford) _ CFOs" Owen' '.2:00 p.m., Sound) -- 6:00 ppm'. `` Church School -= i i .30:, St.; Pauls, Dungannon -. , id4 14 Sunays:.of Christ' Chun , . ch, Fort Alt .3 ppm. 1st,: Srd and: 5th .S nd s , .' :. ,'.�� .. scripture. Mis. Gertrude Scholtz .P • gave a: piano intru'rnenta'1. Mrs::, /.Russel Gaunt ave,a oern, "Sept- :znber-"__.._ands' Ben Mc:CTena - . Irl,,.,: Irwin read an inLeresting and ' . timely. article` on Citizenship, . s Mr. W •B•. Anderson repotted forLucknow :Membership and,_Mrs,, W_LW__hax • ,t ' i2 I Loin ....hap one 'on •Friendshi •. Prayer , ;. .. P Y p, was given by Mrs. Bob Adams, • , ' • , .• ' ...Carl De • Koeijer gave a. talk , . • to While__`-_ gave an account of the bale which was Packed � n:lu:ne.. Mrs. • H. • 'Barger, Stewardship representa-• • awe:::read`a__ „ on Stewardshi- .. U'n'it 2, of the Lucktiow United • Church Wo': en Met in the Fellow- 'Church m of Church ' .. .ship Room .,e• -United' •-tbr'Aheir_Se er meet•in _lith . Pa g • PENTECOSTALS CHURCH , •' Rev: 0,. Macpherson,' Minister' Piesbyter.�an l �•uc n: b �, •• Ch :on._their..tri p ,Holland.- • in Holland hepreached_ n even- •service inthe oldest chrch. paper pp p , .. Pertaining to the Lord s Prayer"an. :,teal.• attenders a of :14:. Mrs• ' Baynard: Ackertopened. •EVERY SUNDAY , Glenn• Noble, B A:,. • Minister,..ing The aendans-6.,._ . IYIacI<enzieand Mrs tN Altonn. 4~: • There is very little unemployment. I : • ,. . • 1 , o `. . •. , ' offered• to hel .:at he Ps. • chiatric Socia],:Se,.curYty is more than. .. P t.:. Y �'' � `• When ;Hos ital 'booth at the Luc know • ed. by.prayer. .Hymn 35 was sung,, ''Plans`were�rnade'for helpers for '� held a4i n: Worship Service , . • 7:30 :it •Evemn Worshi . P g P '' .Phone •528 2740: :. ; ;SEPTEMBER 1.9 . •• •' •� • � � •' ; in Canada.' either of.a P , • , ' Fair'on Se tern ber,17 and 18,r°Fair. ,• , : ; p gDay. married. coo le reach a e.then . P : ' both receive the pension.' The • ' Mrs., Eunice Dutismuir consent-' P to •; pr�aTamme:•Convener the Ggderi'eh Hos ilei booth t P, , x . ee. _:: on For ,our ne t,,m t i we 'will' be :us n 'our new : • : ng i "Mission •.NESDA Y TIGHTS 8:00 p.m :Prayer:Meeting nday. SCh 10 a m: ' Su o0 • 0', SERVICE • , ' ' : ��st=.e#,1ivmg is. high,, ,wages -are , ed. act• a� pM1' for the October Meeting,' the: find: it hardA �nlcs the Study -in ' � .) Anniversary ' Services ood`bu.t eo''le ca to save, •• There is a lot of travel..•. Mrs... Ross;Cuh'irning took the chair' for the - r:o' ramme and're ling do•ne� to. Europe a•jj(���•d p. g a tel : a 'poem entitled . ,W thou Lorre he .-ro ramme ;was turned P g over �to'Mrs'.. Wghtman• ••She . vn4.i ro a:rrrme wit-tti--� •LUCKN0IIV ,. U N :ITED Dungannon Presbyterian Y_ '` • A'. sterdam is the main hangMrs..E. W. Rice. ave 'the to is m,<. g. P • ° : : ,•Rev out for.fiippies•.. In one arrest. • ;on•Christian�'Women: A hymn • . - •Society . there were'36 drug pushers, only, composed, by Mrs:, R. Nicholls' • • 6 were Dutch. •' `• was sun : Mrs. Cu'mmin ave g g •:g ' . '• ° : Holland :looks. prosperous . On ' the :Bible lesson and ,Mrs. Rice' the .freewa. there is no speed followed,. with ra er •. Mrs., :Bar- ' : Y prayer.. a ,reading toll wed •b a h y rrin . g o Y Y' ., Mrs .... -Eldon he scripture from'lst..Corinthians.: Mrs. •• Ha'llam: ave the .devotion g followed :by Prayer.';'•• lovel duet, was sun b'' .Mrs, A Y, •g . Y :- --C:C Cobert Nicholls, B,'A. s 'Minister... ter. SEPTEMBER; 19.. 10 a.m. Swnday..School • 1: • Elects • 972Orficers . KlNLOUGH �N•fb�S` 'limits. „ T,,here are ,some, speed , ger read':"Fatm ly .Bleat:itude.s".' •• ,`limits elsewhere. •4 Sugar'. , are • gtown:. but :vety. wheat •, . , ,.,p g y.., r : ',•review,.of'the:book, M s. Cumming introduced: Mrs. There are high. rise a �artment g .. r , : P. Robert •Nicholls,' the" west seek- . - � • : `, :'• houses. with beautiful fatniture S P • •, • 'er:. Mrs. '' Nicholls o ened•he • whichw'ther .:elan: on chars• in: Y P g, g Ernie Ackert and, Mis'...,J• W �. • „ The Art.of lov:in b '`D - Eric Fromm which g. Y r. .,, 'was most interesting.. Mrs. Kirk land followed 'w`ith ar reading The m.eetin'of the b'bl e `:11•a.m: Mornin Worship+ lett' for this area was held i. :. �. ; Pentecostal Ch'u ch 'w tll,an` Special• Guest: Mr. it NYarston ance of 22. • The Presid`li. • (Alcohol ,,.and Drugs :Concerns.. ° Inc• 1Na'lter.�'reck'les;welc,.oiited. E one:;'• Rev. McPherson lei. i ever 5 . ea:rs:. S .. '•'• in question. Wh is there a'code y ...y . ::.•Labor alae reements .a're. • g of ••ethics for men and a•differnt . h a .. ,. • '. : , ' • -d•. .. ,s .• . .., settled without strikes .: `They : �„ ., . one . • . for,women. In conclusion.. . work hard to...keep their church ter.: ' i ` - 'the • P she :,emphasized. that the need of . '. .. r . . gether. The,pound there.is 5 • today is- for woken who are trot ounces so the bu in small afraid to ata 'd up for what°is' Y_ mn 611 closed the meetin . a'nd HY : g:. all re' Bated•the Miz fah benedic- P , . • P . , , tion r The . meirib�ers of Unit �.2 °oined:,Unit t for lunch ser'v,ed.b j Y ... the.committee 'in char a g �:' .prayer"a.ni1 the'scrptur a 'froi. . Religion is •better considered'. ' Hebrews; 'Chapter .4 was` tea ' as'. so, methin .: ' :done. '. -- primarily.. , g Wa•lt,er Brec:kle ' . � .� ther than essenttahy •as some-- , s. '' thing. believed,. .. .. 1 Rev A F Cowan " repre Wm. A. Sadler Jr: tive of the Bible S`orii�t}••, sr - . ;. : ... • amounts• right and parents who are giving . Mrs . Millan: Moore i president their, childr6n a Faith,: `• Mrs. resided•for the business; Mrs.e'great P Nicholls: closed .her •address with Gertrude Scholtz ave',the ,trees- . g . a. short prayer, :':'Mrs;, W. • Wha%rt'', ; � on behalf .of. .1nit.•, expressedH • urer s, statement••for Mrs • Albert , the• . ' � pI/Irc Coult'esr A -regional is . • th •' $. meeting thanks to the speaker.i? to be held at •Bluevale October 19 • The roll call was:answered . • rs 'E WRice . .., - M sang a pleas ...: , •..,.: .b 16 with a •verse with•word • • . in solo: "Spirit. aft'er • Yg . PY.. . GiftPresented TO • ••':`i;c . lexj'inAI iss The, September meeting of the St'. Augustine C: W.'L.' �tas'held• the in Parish Hall':Tuesday • even- : •,..,..,...."^,-,,,, from Hebrews:and delivered most ins iris * tl>iessa' sires P .. •. responsibilit\ of:a Kin to u h A A.C.W.CI W; :.`•,; . christian: He *refe•rred to'th NEWS time 'when Arrios• spo tit i : Mrs (Rev KINLOUGHOR Odendah market lace an our .i:ora •s was • ., hostess, for the A�,C:, W. Meeting :.y house is theF the, He -•also told the:'stor •.•of the at .the Lucknow • Rectdrj with a �. a. ones, in Japan whose life c�a': food ttendance.. Mrs,..�Ger rude P -• be en5rc 7t1 ip- C[t i of a . iec;;a- which the meeting- was conc u• • . . tion was read from Overseas'Re- y a ng a by 11 repeating the Mizpah bene .. :. • • •.• lief for a bale',sent, �- �dct•ion: x';n g , P _ i.. atter. •, Cassano'o ened'the meeting Withndern P gWelcome theTe'a ue Prayer... gThe presd= . Todayrn�ic �tz7r Walsh presided and extended a changed i. , .: Go'd•s'wOrd. t to the 'Members and one .Po g '. ke. t ;ii.tiei.e visiaor. � •� ahairdresserwho • p • Carl De .r-er cluse-d�th-e'—�•,,,___.,_____.anr"so iai er`'d f `• - • . , -i��erj ,J•p. to of o1—w - • meeting. with 'ra r Aed ',when Unit: andi • ...'. t p, ye . birthday en of . 1 Unit_ 2, met held..., ' : • tea .was, then. held.:• ''• together.:for refreshments,,, � _ , :. • . ,. , � : ent M' an en -re i- rs�' J6h� P, s ded'>.; .and there were fourteen members-• x_:;' res„ p ent. Mrs. ..Neil Stapleton a J re ert •t=- . testamart—Wheee "eq te--c'orr Miss May Boyle read the scrip , , �P P read it and she reached dut tore. and the roh•call 'was answer,.. e . • (,0 . ' 7. Rev ...(-:0 ed with the word Harvest ,.Pra.. - many in. This way: ' e-Fred�ir-t_i•ou, : _ �� '`' -:the -fine -racial g � . _.. W i - - - 5 f011�w� : closed With ttl� per ed . Octa'bei` 17Z,H was :., ., : ,. . :. .. , : • _ , , •the h_ 129.49 in the bank , ':the • Al • 1 conveners ave th.ei r re- • g port.; . suggested' it to datefor Harv': • �' :han sgiving ervice ate -the, Mrs' .'ley led � ST a F p. of.ferti t e S t ra EIeY ., , t> . A •well . ` oris: l rs Bi'l nrand►i•:re P ed`get : fiveds, on car congratulation e .. congratul ' � n card a urer hour . � -gra -a f,a • The meditation ".Godin Nat Praye•r; The-pianistiwas 1r: e . Glen Hodgins:., _-• , :.: .... r., :... DUNGANNO'N UNITED' •CHURCH:' m rid card sent ta;a new, a b bye • amany IvTr.s. Gus Redmond was .appoint- .. 'Thompson. She 'pointed 'out the Business followed: �(inut places where the Land of were. read a:nd nta'tters'of ['t ':God is evident as we -To about our w dealt with. '.file 1,172, ' e recon„ : e ammo �.� � - a : � O:thy r-5=t-�k-ung-pmt • .....� -WILL BE HELD ON t ,in • '' Sunday,September 1 9th� , : :._ �uel�t ___._—P to the'v`'acancy• made by Mrs• °. Alex•MeGuines's leavin the'Par ,'Schnel g ish. • The President Mrs Franken Presented Mrs. McGuiness 'with inesw' agi $ 'on behalf of the League � _ y...-4- - - t s==�-e•d-nerd a ;�c pt-t�r - . with 'readings.we.re' Mrs: Roy Kinloss (inited,aurch :( ler , Mrs;. CJeorg:e Graam follows; .1? Miss May l3o 1e Ml's G•ertrude • ent , • a 'Walsh and .Mrs, Jack Scott Miss M • ed-ta :, May Boyle; Treasi,rer, �(r5'. Edna Bayle conduct bible .ono' n c rs-7. i'''. lo a �-? 1 - it 6 - r ; e e -urness-...•.•• :: _� .•, =•eontestt- roti rrp tree -ca <e- - '• ;., • �„ .' •'.. ' ' � • �' • :.' REQ. G: ' t'. WATT \B: Rt f 1 'Bf�.+ .. S Paul's .a's Of $�.. Paul s United Church, Oakville • Formerly of Dungannon> ,. i' . SERVICE: — MUSIC'' I1.00 A.M.: S BY THE ,IUNiOR CHOIR T 7:30. P.M._„� ...,, ,....,. A . SERVICE SPECIAL MUSIC BY . :. MALE:.. :... �. QUARTETTCHURCH,. PRESBYTERIAN.. i d ,Bet A C0BDL I14VITA�ON :IS FXTE N NDEII TO A,�, yocfginy:, than ed the ladies for their n i,„ kkid:cake”, tress.. `The final, plans were made . forthe .Bake ale•.'to be he , . rd inr0c ober 1~ather . Cassaino•: a ve a vel "nt:erestin t interesting. alk o• gav ' Holy' y ,..,., Bible., .1 . stated everyone should;'' take, ten rrt>nuta to .; . .. ,tach, day each to r 5..'.ody ead from the 8ib•le. T'lie m iii .... was adjourned alta lunch 'way s se g the r�rt3d bybottom. o in charge,' ' . • :�.-.-•..•-, • o Ellison I I , Rlr • aret Bannerman;. Bas'e.lin , al . The hymn O Master let 'met ,:: • t. Stitt ,, South line, MI's.. Lydia „ ,w sung,a:fte ,: ... oa:l,ilial whicth Rev TOdend hl spike on r Mrsa 'Ronald. Ihacltet, { Villages Mrs,: Ruth \`ril.9!, H Wins . 1° .was. thanked by crib l'e rr , t:he� resident ' i d. Y y p r ' Hodgins;AConi�12 `NCSs,. 'I"a'r.l ;` • Cards were signed'for sick Donald; Con . 10' West ,' ,l�lrs, rttetnbers, Mrs, lltiy Schneller to t the meet- a1 'Con4.I0 hist, .,,, eft en Mrs. Glen Itod YitIS,Jrs•• 1'4 inc ed d g t , da C • B',rl with P rfi g lased' �1 y �n How � �Iol r d� on• sed Thoti�pton will be the Johnston,: Mrs, Ilii•) Smith, �r g Ck`taber hostess.. 4/ w✓