HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-15, Page 9z WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER. IStb, 1,71: • , • , MIHIPIIMPIHRIIIIHNIWWWWWWOMIMMIMMIWOOMIUMW11010.91111110101iilliffilithijillinPe 14 :0 17 so. Ill $000f.Y.Sel ' , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTAR110 PAG.' MN! 4 PA 0,61.0kINT Pie I OK 1011111,SCOK • t,. Men.20 T ENMATAWmo AOKOWAY'S MOST 'HONORE() PlAY; AS NOW. MOTION PICTURE .20th enTu ox 15-r-e's-elifi-, eireat. $tariina James Earl Janes. .darle.Alexander , . • Wit 22 only 1110011141 IRPIR1101 .4.104.4 at,4n. peat AC1,111 • • • Surprise arty For Earl oslick Wi-lITECliQRCH NEWS • • To hOnciur and surprise Earl Caslick and to celebrate his 80th :birthday, , Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Conn had. he and Mrs. Caslick for. dinner on Sunday. •They then .0.• ,took the Caslicks for a drive end- • • mg pp at •Mr•., a.nd Mrs.. Ronald' Coultes' W•here.the ,other'relatiyesL ad ga,tered. On the,e.loities line they had Happy Birthdayand • fund erneath:thli tlie)-/Tia-CIAT•pitrit the - Phihidelphie story• supper aS,the weather was fattor7, able. The community extends ,theiecongratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Duncan .of POrt Credit were week end visitors with, her parents. Mr." and Mrs. Milian Moore. We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Mary Chapman Sr.:re.- turned hOrne •on Satprday from • Wingham Hospital: much irnprciv-- JAMES STEWART•. = _ecUaleltb-and_a,ble--to reside inuomminumwssMississmissississilississiusispiminsisiilissoislinimissislissississisri• in. her oWn apart M ein 1'4 id I" acomPanied them'11(ime _—CV-GRANTrtal-RUTICHUEI •'"" • with his parenO Mr, and Mo. Dan Tiffin, Victor Einerson, Russel Ritchie, Wajlape Conn and Earl. Caslick attended the Thresher Reunion .: at Blyth on Saturday,: •-Visitors with Mr '-ancl, Mrs. Elwood Groskorth.'on the end were Mr. and Mrs, Otto Groskortil of Milliken and on ..korth,.and,'Donna of Parry -Sound, Otto and -Carl are brothers of Elwood's. • , We were pleased to welcome home Mrs. Eunice Gillespie from Wingham Hospital on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sim- mons 'of London visited Sunday • with Mr: and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw , • Mrs. Gertrude Scholtz and his parents Mr.:and Mrs...G. Sim- ", • THEATRE • WINHAM PHONE 3$746311 SHOW TIMES Friday and Saturdays at 7i15 and 9:15. All other dayklme show ---at -entePt----where noteck:on the program. MON., TUES., WED., SEPT, 9, 10, 11 13, 14, • 1$ (4 :DAYS) • "Love • Sto Adult Entertainment, Colour. -.Stinting AU McGraw, Ryan This is one of tietig 'ones fOr 1971. Make sure you see it. * * • SAT. MATINEE f0.1*ter_ReSjOrit.Died In 1 OOth Year .. WHITECHpRCH NEWS „Word was received here on •Thursday from Mrs. Olive Boss • • t to lhat Mrs. Emma Browning had passed wiy shot Morning in her. 100th' year in Toronto. The re- maint.Were brought to Curries Fun eral'Horne where, the funeral was, •held. on Saturday at 2 p. m. • ,Uck- te can Ina ,./ Mrs.:Browning, the former• , ma Cottle, gr eW to young womanhood at the home of her , • parents, Mr.'and Mrs.isGetirge Cottle wlio livied where Mr. and , Mrs. John Gaunt now reside. She citst-7-rnart:ed to J... Sparling. and after.his deathshe; married Ed Browning of Kincardine.: After his death she moved to. Tor onto. She was organist in. the Methodist Church here for many years„. •'• . • the RED CROSS it PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU .• . Mr. and Mrs.. SpeakerOnErnersbn • :.,1Mr, 'and Mrs,..V. A. Bailey ' VictOr • • ' . . and Leslee 'and', Mr's visited Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs.: ,Mr:.a ci ira• of T.. or.. Alex yerbeek,•, Jarrae:--and--M-ihH1 • 'odern Teac ing ' oAnlitomsapneinl:rtiba:ha:iiday.week eno .elle of, Gorrie, , R. 1., •• , h -es Tspea- : er at the September,MeetingOf the LyeknoW Wornent.s'institute and gave a very interesting talk on the administration and the. modernecludation teachingin t,1*' schools of Bruce County.., „__44,....demcnstratiOnjon•X1-lowo, 'Arrangement" put On by Mrs.': • Frances ,Elpflok, was very. much 4njoyecl--lay theHladies, • flower .ariangerrientS. were then donated by Mrs:..Elphick to. the • thernbers who drew the lucky nurribers:,' being Mrs: W. F, Mat - Donald ; Mrs.!:Charles Steward, Mrs: Sam Gibson:, Mis. Alex Mac Mrs„ Bert G4minic and:Mr J. L. MacMillan., •Mrs.R�ss Cumming entertain ed "with Several delightful !nuke.- al niunbers' during the program. • During the. busineis., plans were Made ,for the' Institute bus trip, .whith is.to be�nOctober 4th. •' Lunch was served by the ladies in charge fp1Iowtri'g-the singing of the 'Queen" and Gra0e. • at the forn-ler's su Mrs'.Cla•rk-Johnston .and. Janette of London were Sun day v,isitors with Mr.. and Ms., George George•-•oung and family of Lang. side. • •' • . • Mr.., and Mrs.' Gershom John- Vav43.1••11.1 Niltillief Val MI •Nlfb VW. CO NMI 'Week end,visitOrs with' Mr:. and • Mrs. George Fisher incl'Doris Of • Winghank,were Mr, and Mrs; 'Gord• on Fisher, Lonnie, Lori and Lee of Guelph, ;Mr. and'Mrs. Bill Fisher, son of Wingham 'spent -the Teddy and. ef reon Mills •-enewitisr•1r.7-aars' ••• Cheryl and Lori Of, Bay Ridges, • Woods andfamily at their cottage Mr and Mrs Bob Dawson and • at.Kincardine. • z_...•:;cioy,..01,:ca.m.p414461-4ii;-and Ivir.:-anti--Mis;' Walter Moore- • Linda , Riehard and Cindy were Saturday visitors with Mrs: Dor-. othy Moore of: WrOxeter and on Sunday Mr,' and Mr. Paul:Moore • Mrs Macharrof Waterloo. Mr • , • and Mrs. John 'Carruthers of. Lon- don. All 'attended the first' fainily• rennidn of the' late: mr; and Mrs. Iota' Carruthers at 'thehome of • of Walkerton visited at the Mr. and Mrs Bill Gibson and eer-e-home. family .where. '15 g.atnered. -.• On Saturday last Gary Rintoul • • and GeOrge Kennedy attended ' Kincardine Fair where :George ex- hi.!)ited his lierefOrd cattle•. , Miss Gayle Ri.ntoul, Mrs. Leroy: antN)ebbie visited Satur- day afternoon with Mrs.Robert Purdon Of Belgrave. • i'•Oh. Saturday evening Gayle Rintoul, loyee :Tiffin , Helen • Gibbons, Mary LOU Wall and ane erg t o m atten ed a shOwer for Linda Srnith, bride.lo7. be ;, at the home of Mrs., Gordon Wall; Winghatp.: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne'Flowe arid .family di Teeswater were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.•Carl McClenaghan ari4 w, *id MrS, .13on McClOrlaghti. , LAIVGSIDE • Langside CKNX,Wnday eVening: • : MC)VE:TO PAM! Mr: and Mrs, Vernon.Coblentz and family have Moved' from. their: .farm they sold _to Ivir. 2and. Bong er the farm. of Elmer Scott. on the 6th concession of Culross west' of , Teeswatet Mr.. and -Mrs. EiOnsert- man moVed on the week erid. Congratulations td Mr.; and Mrs. .0111 Moffae(DOnna, Mullin of Lucknow) and to • Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hewitt (Janice Wall of Winsharn) who were married September 4th. Kincardine LOCATED NE -T TO GO-L-RN-6-i:R0-1:1-ER-.-511-N-0 • SWIMMIN.G,a,cCANIPINd: ' . Nit6His PHONE 396-241 DAY - PHONE 396-267 '*f*';**-wk—*---ir*'ifC*******-**** FRI„ SATs; SEPTEMBER 17,,18• • c -7,110miithingielsafritikthiedirottoi*Pollt Vilk.ft It . GETTING Di WAS EASY... GETTING OUT WAS G 1,161tOreUnfs rfeeman tnifer.1, Fioduc ion la • tine y . ..Atinedockstiti •..afidEliWallach, • • • •• N6lItifitiAd • ****WM*, *************.ik4r; • •• • .Li•Ir.,” worn t'OT4Irth*1 •• hoof nitts; • Dalt. •1.I • at 1- • nt Apoloosa 1 . . . THEATRE ', • • Beech Street .Next to Community 'Pork .** • 'C.LINTON -.ONTARIO . • • •• . . , . . r' 'FRI. - September. 17-10-19 . •— DOUBLE .FEATURE u- • 1 LOVE MY WIFE. TAN pi •,7141C.Tt Or gift Ova Brenda VOCCif 0 • In Color • ' Elliott, Gould • • • .. .. will' be tiO: C1iurch Service: nor', . ' THE STORY Or A:. ....,... . Church here-a--it-is Anni'versary. §tinday School tn. the .Utiited ' .: . • releaSed,...: , ... - ,: ,... '. . • .... ..., ' 4.06411 't iiel. ' ' ' . ' .. ItObAni .tillick..! : .' .,,• . ,.' MtS . 6eorge Young, 'Mrs I !Os-, . •,,.....4Pla .. • ... oAnd...... Services 0,..1310,evale 'tiniteti..:. '. Church : ' - ". ' • .. ••' " ' • r ley YOurtg,. Mrs 4 Cliff young , and .,,....,....,....,, QV . ' • . . In Cnini% .. d hMe Srle yailadn'CIME. 4r .Na;Ids.)Iviri..rks.°AtylePxf ...' Wir0.'sf'o:rjiLthYoungindasli'ta66 ftiene1:1-ad. at t-44heG:1-'.• . : ' Cartoon' Craig and Lana were Saturday , ., :home of Mrs, Gordon Wall, I‘dif,IS.-...E.wwEsicemos.,0NLy evening-visitoWi-W-Mr-iHand--Mrsi-ha-m ',. . , . .'„ ".. • . . Albert COultes, , • :.. . . - ..: • ' Mr,,, j.irti Young attended -a . : . • AFTER ' LABOUR . DAY.' • .. y . . , . . Mr; arid . Mrs . Leroy Rintoul MO,Dona •, - . shower for'. Louise .,ld.,,heid.., i ....,-, - (FRI.-, SAT -7- .--,-.-Sti , . , , . ..... . ..„ . .. cArol ;:Kinlbeoey and Debbie of at the 't;,:fleiefi's iiail, . . . , ., - .•••."..*•,,,a0.44„....,,,4.,,,,,,4„,,,,,,,,„41/44,,,,,„.„, . , , .• Linicmwill-e pent . the weeic etlY. .. 1111.1111;111111111111111/1111101#1011110110.10100111110111111111/111111101111111111010001ffitlaillitinilllitlill111110001ik , 14th. his parents Mr.: and Mrs. „ . . . . . t_do,n ,•,pii tyi_04:0_:fia41.0.434.„e_44.t„s4,..........L,-.:644.1. .,-L-'-.tat, j..46..4... ,.„.•..,, aits..4..,-. .__ . . . .o.t ilA 1'1 ( illjii .1..41 has been, aPatierit.at:the •Wingham and bisttiot. Hospital', hs been. a -n -d Mrs.. StalileyThack with Nir. and,Mrs.• Harvey Black.' of Belgra've and attended the Hopper -Cook reception Friday: evening at BruSsls.. • • . Brian Rintoul and George' gen4. fl '-rdes-ir-es7 FA•ir last week., George judged the Beef cattle at the Fair. • Mr: arid Mrs, Hardy of Toionto spent a few. days laSt week with Mr. Alid MrS. Dalton SchtatZ. • Mt. Ana :Mrs, Car Weber were • Sunday. eVening visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Bob Charnbets and fatnw• . of,fiatristorio , Mr and .)1.rs. Douglas. Tiffin and Uri were Sunday visitors they Caged th,eir bodies Aphunat4a lirSTP@CIED iv %.• PLUS nd BIG HIT! • "IF YOUR FLESH DOESN'T CRAWLt IT'S ON TOO TIGHT!" d4A — Look Magazine 7141#574/31 DRIVE.IN THEATRE 3, 8 GON.RICH A' "(,4:Ess oP v•pv •••• MVO MVO. •••11. •••• • , ' . • :S.HtlySiair.pcgtititt. AttULt • E1S.110.tAINMEN = a AlDitO1OvititAt PiCtUfitt 1111111101001010111901011110111-101110111r 6. • tr' • • V