HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-15, Page 7• WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th 19.71 r.• MarriedCouple • At Langside ChL • • • THE ilicKNoirsgpfripiEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • iintiti .• . ' HEWIT'i• :WALL' fhOto by, McDowell Langside Piesb.yterian:Chtirch was the scene of an evening wed - .p.in,when Janice Elizabeth Thnd kOnaltrjames lieWitt were . united in marriage', The double • ring ceremany•waS performed by Rev. Glenn Noble of LucidioW and Victor Wybenga of Whiteehurch,, • , , bangside. Lighted blue tapers in candelabra,, surrounded; by yellow • mums and.bauCtueis of yelloW.glad- ioli decorated the church. , • Oce and seed pearls:. ' The prin- cess line gown was accented b a stan up-coilar, Juliet sleeves' piece, a' flaral;Style arrangement df Organa accen(ed: by:seed Pearli held,her--th'ree-tieted-ved:'••S'he carried a crescent banquet of yelloW:.Shasta mums and white carnations. • . • Mr. •Eric Hewitt of R. R. '2' Kincardine Was her sister'Spiatron AT.11:00.4„#4,,„94. S,‘ATUROAY,;•,.$„EPTEM.E.ER 18. AT THE 14.1jCKNO41/ FALL. FAIR - • Get a 'Prize list froiri, The Sent= r • inel Office and check the clas; ses in which you could enter your pet. The, siMple nec kline was accent; .ecrwith a pearlhecklace the gift of the 'bride.' Each carriect a sing - 'le yellow rase bQd, A11,wore tiny 'Nue rosettes ,in their:hair, • Rtie...Llewitt-7of-4(, 2 dine,: nephew of the groom, was best man and guests+. were liShered by •Wayne carter, of L,ucknow., • • nephew f ,theroom-andtheT' • bride's, brother. Doug •.1;vinigha m. * w predominated 'for the reeeptiOn which followed 'at. Holyraod H4112. For.receiying the gUests, the.:'. bridebride's 'S Mather :WOre'a street. length' turquoise dress. of satin; accrepe ,accented:with a jew:', back-a-ecessorieit and a corsage of white mums.. • , • • The .giboin'S,.rhother ;chose a .sapphire blue coat and, dress' eri- senThle Of 'nylon and acetate la'a.e oyer.raYon taffeta'with blaCk •accessories and ,a corsage. o White mums.'• • •-For, traVellibg to points dry, Nor - -I • DUNGANN • Mt,• and Mrs, Aubrey Higgins have: been ViSiting for several days with Mt, and Mrs, Mi4ttay, Oke in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C.O.idon Kidd of Geargetown, and Mr., and Mrs. Rob. ,Gaunt of Chatham spent the -.week end with Mrs. John Ryan. Mr, and Mrs. Ennis Cornfort of .•,•. St:Catharinesoand Mr.. and Ms. BU1BraRe'and 'Becky ,of gait Visite.4.,th4s •Y,„eel$' Cecil 1314.1e, 13arbara'and Harold. Mrs. f•rect:YOung-ifid John were in London on Saturday, for an inter- view at the Herzing rristitute , where John plans to attend classes beginning in October. They 440'. viSited,MrF and Mrs. Harold Md - .,wain LondOn. •. • Mr, and Mrs ,• Irvine tedy and Martha, also Erie' Wiggins. visited on Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Bob _p_tt.and.MatrheW-tn•Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. Dwight Aldham „ • John. •creg'arid Larissa of • , Stoney PointAvere at the home . s, 'Mary Bere,this week•end.,• • Dungannon Pall Pair is 'I'hurs7 day', September 30th. That is :,ETIREMENT INCOME. THROUGH .4.KURANCV . . . • CONTACT e ri parents. are Mr. and Mrs.. 6ordor1,Wall of Wingnarn and the groom is the ,son of Mr. and Mrs. JarnesHewitt ,R,•R, 2, Kincardine., "Given in marriage hy her father, the bride wore a.white.goWn of organza tinned with tows of • w, .o.Lhonour-in. d bricle-ima-id-sTw-ere •• Miss Donna', Wylds-Of R R, 8, Luck. now% 4 friend of the'bride and MisS. Mary Lou wail of, White- chiirch Cousin of the bride..They, •were gowned alike in floor -length bine Crystalline chiffon dresies. •The empire waist and puff Sleev.: es were trimmed with white • late; ••• iMi0e1.4 • • . . • ; „0„ / • • • • • !TI••••' ••••• ••••, ••.e .•,••• . ..... i,' . r.:•,...' I.,:t.,,,' ' 4'. ,,,",,,,: . ''. ' . 1 I ..OA ' '."•''' ,,,f..., ,,k,,,., , j .. . P • V az...•.2. P...r.,,ps=maimmx,W,Mcmummammour=emeau . ,••-,L. •••Fi: 7.-...,_,........._:.,.. .4 ./... .When you purchase your wedding invitations. from The Luckngw litineLyou_will-receive one— year's free subscription (value $6.00) to o-Sentiel . • • +. • ; , • • "' . • • • . . • • • them Ohtani?, the bride wore rnoss‘green, fitted dress with brown accessories arid a corsage of yellow shasta mums, They will reside °hale ,groarn's farm in Kincardine Townihip.. The bride .is a Registered Nuiiing Assis- tant on the. staff of, Kincardine • : ,District Hospital. . Prior to her Marriage the bride was honoured at several showers. Mrs. Willard Jahnstbri,was hostess at...a.,shower4ac-merribeis- of the ritirsingstaff of KinCardine Dist- rict Hospital, Mrs. Edwin Hewitt Of R.. R. 2 KfriCardirie had arela- tive shower, • Langside Commun- ity and .Kairshea Institute, together had.a shower at Langside Carlin -um ity Hall. • Classmates al 70 Nurs; ing Assistants class had a.barbecue boviiel4t.--Ta - Park: The bride's mother enter- tained at a trousseau tea Th'her honour.' ' •• -a:so e-st ay o -the London Area Women's Institute 2' -day year eet; t. the ltiiviontraremtAtiA SUN': LIFE ,ASSPRANCE•• 0be • • Convention to be held this • in'Clintan,.So the regulat rn ing of Dungannon W..r. is t Tuesday., Septerhb.er 28th a , • • ; . • . • . • .• 'Irtahittn 4ucknOviS. • . • • •.. Wi.riohapi...557,115117, orae 0 Mrs. John ,Ryan., ..tkete is,:anather4busy.,'week I Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Badger Of Calgary yitited during this: week with Mrs, Cecil' Blake and also in Wingharn:W:ith Mr. ' and Mrs. Dick Kilpatrick. 'Both, ‘. familiest,exchanged get-together dinners. ' • Mr.' and:Mrs: Jabk Phillips had their.son;,AnO•rew John, baptized' in the Anglican Church with Rev. R. T Oderidahl Officiating at the service. Walter Male, of • London is godfather,.' Walter Mole and his friend,. •a • studeneat.Fanshawe and , recently ftoiii:Wesi Indies,' spent the week end. With Mr. and Mrs. . L SON CliotoE PIT RUN • CEMENTHC4AYE.1,.. • CRUSHEO-0,tAVEL • SANMSTONE AND FILL 6 . • HAULAGE •• Mrg; Gordon Maner,of `Pinkerton. Congratulations gb....xo Mr, puvgT NEWS 0 INTAIL Mr. and Mrs. George,Moncrief and :Russell have returned from a trip. to B.C. ,, •• • .1 Misses Anna and Charlotte Mac- Kenzie' of Weston visited Dela-, tives here last week. • • Mr. and Mrs. Doug Drennan,. Allen and Deginis.spent the week end in Montreal • • . • Mr. and Mrs.. Grant Parrish., Janet and Barbara motored to Calr, gary:recently. ' •'Jari.Simpson, of Toronto was borne, for the N4.reek end., . ' • 4 , 'Mrs. idizie 8chackleton of .. • Belgraiie spent the week end with Mr'. and Mrs. Colin Howes and , _. ,, Mr..,..;--and---Mrt.,•---Ttos'w-='Webst-0--- -ctri-lererrspenc the Week end at Mt. and Mrs.. Walter Scott visited Stoke's' Bay.' . • . ' ' . : ., . • also on Sunday eYening, and:the .• latfer's Mother; Mrs.;• • Shaekletari, returned home with them.' • , • . • RETURNS' TO UNIVERSITY • Miss 0eatriCe 'McClenaghan ft leon"Tuesday to return to Win7.- ersi y a • toba, fOr..her 4th year of 'studies there. •• . ivitiliOrr of Stratford .• • V • and, Mr .',.and Mrs. Ha rv,ey • tong- • ,raM of Kitchener visited SundaY ,Lorne,IVers.' • Mrs. Mary Rivett of.'Goderich called onseveral friends along the line on Thursday afternoon. ••, aWSon and Jaccitieline,"alsd.Mr. and .Mrs: Wayne Durnin.spent.a recent Week Robert Osborne had'th'e ' misfor- tune to break bone in his end with reltivJLgt an Satili'clay.- H&Ii�pes to have " a Walking Cast. an. in a week's time'. Mr. 'W I ROulston of Winghani is visiting at the. bs- horne•for a: few day. . . , . • ----Syrlifalhy rs extended to the family of Mr: Melvin whose death oCcurred, on Friday morning,• . Visitors on Sunday with.Mr: and Mrs„ Oat White and May Were' Mr. and, Mrs. Jini McNairn and Karen of Seaforth and Mr. and • Dungannon, Ontario. and Mts. David Riggs on the birth -of their son y, • C Diane MacKenzie, who: was London for• the Suinmer'and•Sh ley*bb, Who, ,w4S•.,at Sauble at home again. ..• ,• in ir- each . , each had injuries last week which kept them' from 'work far SeVeral AnniverSary..services in Diingan- non United Church are to be Sun!, -day ,' Septern-berigth at 11 a: rri, , . and 7.80 p.m. with Rev. George . 'Watt:of Oakville as guest minister; _Fellcmtsh4.13,-ari440h 0 i ' follow the Morning Service,: At ., . the evening serVice.there will be. ‘ - guests'in the elioirfionrgNr.d 'extIra.,ani,nutiC, On Saturday even Mr. Qordon Ander the Caesar arid Anderson relatsiveS ,. at their home to honour their daughter, Patricia,. who .graduated • rfom-tonclont G Ian espi, September 8. - • JACKS SUPPLIED 'EXIEACHARGE.