HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-15, Page 3• THE ‘1,UPKIIIQW SENTINEL UCKNOINi ONTARIO.. • . • :• P01111.011,11: 400101,14“14/111,9Mflillf1111111111111Trirrr quolumer upu.roututt,q1,..7,r,171virfri IfftrAtiptt,t9ptatettly11111,._",04,111iffrifflifft,i10,41901110410101.10,4004100400,10014001110419/11.011w,„.......„..„. 001041,00011,041,1000010/04014014000,110140001,01000114 • . . • • . • BM' BUY! DR. BALLARD'S ,CHAMPION:' • BEST BUY! ---,GENERAL ELECTRIC "BEST BUY" 40. WATT BEST BUY! •-;• .ORANGE PEKOE tc. Pka, BEST BUY! — LUMP Bag DIASTE 'FEATUREI.— FREEZE DRIED iNSTANT . TASTERS. CHOICE Coffee $1443zbar9 • _ FEATURE! — EVAPORATED ' ' • Tall Tins sCARNATION ElAnAR110* -Jar COENUire • , BOLOGNA by Hie Piece BEST:BUY! — 'BATHROOM TISSUE: FEATURE!' iinITANT;e0040LATE 111.E.STLE'S •CANADA.PACKERS.DEVOifl.%\. • Bacon 59c t.c 0410.0044 3lb. for $1.00 CLOSING:..., o'clock Friday nigh • . . . . „ . . „ ., ... • ... - _ _ _. ly...iiiiiiiii,14:416,s`'. ii,,,J1..11,,,.. ..A....4114-. irlii;.41Wie*.%"1"°\"".16064401-. iiiiiiiiiiii4604014046 14-1614ifiNi443±iiiiii$074i444111;i1;N41011604410001.00eutaiwiu,601.4‘..iii.i4..4i,”414, . , ' • • • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mole , were guetts September 4that 'the -9eisLrier-Pentlasd:-.wedding-at--- . Dungannon. •• ••• • , . , , • , , Mrs. George Saunders Of tuCk-, now returned home from St..: Joseph's Hoipital,,I.ondomon Fri- dayof last Wiekwhere she;w4S' a patient:for two Weeks. Mr.. and ' Sault.Ste.. Marie flew to Toronto .on' Thursday of last week, where • they Were rnet by •his. father Spence Irwin of Lucknow: The three continued on.:bY planes° BalOrriOre, Maryland to attend the 41.Ureral of ROk RobertOn, a brother of Mrt. Spence The funeral was held on Frid4., Srt-erff erb—T1th • , datighter"Of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Taylor of Sarnia returned home recently fropi a tyo itonths tour •- -okuropritd-theaBrit-istrIstek7" — She plans to take up nursing duties again at Toronto General Hospit- al in October,, . and, Mrt; 'C';. C,owatibf Mr. arid Mrs. ,Harvey tucknotv-liad their 'daughter -in. law Mrs. Don (Crystal) Mole and.' her three..childrn, ,Dtawn , Kith • and JestiCa of Lon „Inch' foiL six wee cs holidays. • • Mt. and Mrs. Atlee Wise -ef-Maple-Heights, Ohio.are ' •trig with her. parents and. Mrs. • .Wellington Webster of Aniberley. • • 1\:•11'. and Mrs:: lohriMatMtirchy, ef Luc know •,a ecompanied 1\4r , • and 117-LT's elt-guson. and .Anne of R. R. 4 Ripley to London on T46rsda • of ast.„:34zeit-,:to-attcrid• - :graduation cerenioniet at Victoria .• , where their .granddaugh ter Brenda Humphrey of R. R. RiP1cw :and:Ws. Art AndreW of KaOuskasitig, a.re visiting with his sister, Miss Flora 'Andrew of/ Lucknolm.. 1•1 • .44.04,444.04041,A100404,04,04(04,041oilio404404-'''00404044.404,4,01446,4404,_ii • • • •• . „ • , Mrs. Illiott Sandy. and her friend 1Vis: Shirley:,MOrris of Lislotth4Carolina_ate_v_i_.sitors-in Lucknow at the.home of Mr.- and Mrs. Buster Whitby and with:other friends. • • • .Mrs, D.. 'MacDtnald who : 11.4s been a.patient iriSarnia Cene': eral Hospital for the'past'several weeks as a result of a -heart -a returned this week' td the hor-he of Mr. and Mrs..Lloyd Taylor at • 1848 LakeshOre Rd. , .Sarnia, where one_ofthe-gradUases ; rshe4s--Coriva-lese ing; • The CuIrciss Tovvriship Cotincir met 'on September 9th'to open grader:tenders, Councillors Zettel Keith and Baptist piesent with 7Rtge4Iis=511.' e ing Mr. Thompson and Mr, Mac LIXtrilaid.4.theIbepartrtient Of Transportation and': CoinmUnica tions were preterit., .• • Tenders were opened anddis', cussed". A rilation wa,s snade by Zettel!-Baptist That: the Council purchasea new, Champion D.800: grader with 671-1-1.11.Lnailtor , " power range's ift and V snow. plow. The. present, township equiprnen% is.to'be nstalled'on The new machine,' scarifier one and bulldozer blade.: cKinnon El SPECIALISTS. IN FARMWIRING • • "Belfast, Irein4wh.ire kfiSitisig: their son and, daughter-in-laW. Mr.:and Mrs. -Lawrence Cowan of Mississauga , spent 'the week end in Lucknow with Mt, Tortante Anderson. Nitvand Mrs, Hank Krueger of Linetin Park,, Michigan visited last week in Lucknow with her sister Mrs, Charles COOke , a reS- ident at Pinetriest.Manotursing Home. • • •rcommEROAL AND INDISTIIIAL PULLV LiaSitiO ELECtititiAN • PHONE $244336 RAC: .16 WO:ERICH „ . • - s . total cost will be, $30 000,with -PrzSzrit Austin Western grader as a trade-in. This subject Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schisler of •Bay City, .Michigan, visited over the Week end in Lucknow with • nole-an W. G. ':Red and farinly. to the approtial Of:the r)epartnient ;of Transportation and dOrnmuni7 carion,•: Payment... tO be niade by ry about October 15, ip,n, Carried: Mrs. Chas .. Steward of LUck ilhBattha-t_w.e recniqt ihsellruce7C6711i ghw yiTififf-STO • . haying•ipents12 days in London survey Con. '0-11 road front lots visiting arnOng her :family, 'Also 5.to lots 15.: '• visited with her ion Fred in St: losephl'Hoipital London, where eith-'2,ettel, that we adjoiyt),. he had undergone surgery. : • . '• Mr, and Mil, penIrwin Luc:know observed their 42nd wedding anniversary' on September llth and spent the past week end ill London with Mr. a nd 1411 11„ Cross.. . „ Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Dietribh of Tepswatei.wtre recent • visitors in tudknOW With Mr.' and.. Mrs, Harvey Mole and Mr: and Mrs, Waltr:Dxter, • • McDONALD • CLERK, • . • Series Tied • • defeted Beif,a4 114 Oti8titday in tucknow in the 4th game bfa plAyoff 'series in the •local softball ItaAtine • • The series now standiAt tWO' • .14 ith the 1641:v111e tobe playd• this Sunfty 'n'it th titkgeow, 4(4 •