HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-15, Page 2PAO, TINA.
"The Sopoy Toorn" ' tration' Num `E '
s * ... ,.. , ber 084�>
.., _uron truce, Duni +lrY
• Second Class Mail Regis
Established 1873 -- Published Each Vednesday, Afternoon
ember of the C.W.N.A,, and O.W.N.A•
Subscription: Rate,• 5.6,06 a, year in advance — to. the U.S A,,.$8.O
Donald C Thompson, Publisher
Carol• Campbell:, •daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bob: Campbell of
' Lucknow',: has entered a: three-
year course at Humber College in.
Fashion' Careers..
Marjorie Burt;, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Burt :1Cinloss Town-
ship left, last 'Tuesday .to enter
York, Regional, School of Nursing
at Willowdale, • •
Jackie Johnston•, daughter. of
Mr. and 'Mrs. •Morgan Johnston,
R. R '4 Ripley, and Lynda'
Walden, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs:' Glen Walden:, Lucknow leftest week, both attending' Seneca
• rl3owda~le. irt-Fa•sii t3n•
Joanne'Greer,: daughter of Mr.
and '1M4s. Harold Greer of Luck -
now ,. started work as a secret-,`
on Monday._
Janet T.hompson daughter :of
Mr. and Mrs:. H:. D. "Bud" Thorp
son of Lucknow, ls enrolled
the Medical Secretary•,Course at;
the Gaderich.'Business... School.
John Johnstone,. son of Mr. and.
Mrs. .Gordon Johnstone.of Lucknow
'is attending • Conestoga College , '
Kitchenertaking a,
Business Administration Course:
Carol Brown, daughter. of ler.
'and Mrs'. Cyril Brown of Lucknow,.
is enrolled at Conestoga College,
Doone in a Legal Secretarial
Jim MacDonald,•son•ofMr. and:
Mrs: `Leonard'•MacDonald of Luck=
now •, is atte'nding Western UriiVer
sity ;..`Lohdon He is in his first
year-LtheJJarnra'L( Science
Course. '
Alan Kreutzweiser, son ofMr.
and: Mrs. John Kreutzweiser of '
Lucknow , is a student at Fanshawe
.College., London, where he is in.
his first year of a 3 year Business
Administration course,,
Jeannette. Johnston•,. daughter of
Mr•, and Mrs.,. Morley Johnston. of
R R;-2 Auburn, has commenced' •
training at the Huron -Perth R.eg-
lonal School of Nursing at Strat-
Sharyn Mowbray,: daughter of.
Mr: and Mrs. Virden. Mowbray
:c 1-L-uo.k ow, -has etur -n
RiO Reed No+
80th or
W. G. (Bill) Reed ovserved his
80th, birthday on Friday, Septem--
ber 3rd ., ` The following day a
family gathering., a complete sure..
prise to .Mr'. Reed , was held' :at
his home just north of Lucknow
on the Holyrood road.
Mr, Reed is married -to the
former, Debbie Webster and has " . :.
a family :of three,sons Bill of ,
,Goderich, Dick of Hazel-Parkt..
Michigan and Howard of Santa
Monica, California; three 'daugh.-
ters Mrs.: Archie. (Birdie) Nichol-
son and Mrs.' Ford (Eunice)' Cun-
ningham,.both .of Lucknow and
Mrs. Ben(Jean) Brown of Port Al-..
berte All' were present at the `.:
gathering except Howard twho
phoned•from •California to offer'
his congratulations. .
ario Bible College in Toronto for ;
her fourth and final year studying
toward' the ,degr.ee of Bachelor of
Sacred. Music .
Elliott , scan cif Mr, and, Mrs.
Bryce: Elliott Of Lucknow ,..has
co riTenced"'a :thre`e year course
in.. Electronie.'Tec•hnology at ,Fan
shawe College, . .
Bev MacDonald and Don Mac
Donald.,. daughter and son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack MacDonald', Luck -
now ,' both entered Western Univ-
niv-ersity, London this week. ' Bev is
returning forier'. t ird year in
Science 'Don is in his firstyear
in Engineering Science.
Jim 'Webster ,;•son'of Mr. and'
Mrs:` Wellington Webster of
Amberley , 'returned .,to Conestoga •:
College„in.Kitchener for his.sec-
ond. and, final year in Trade and
Technology. •
Back Injury In
Farrn Accident
James Bir , 71 -year -o •-r n ossT
Township resident , .was unloading
straw' onto an elevator on. Septem :
ber '9 when the 'bales became.
clogged and some fell•,off striking.
Mr. ,Bird. 'r•
He •fell striking, his back on a
wagon wheerandseVera-r.fines
fell' on top of him:
Ile was-ar-rdttt-ed-o
Hospital with back injuries' arid is
in satisfactory condition;•
: •
The accident `happened. at the •
,/farmdof Allan MaeIntyre, 2nd
Of Kinloss', where Mr , ;Bird
• is-enip-loyed , '` . ..
Diane :Zinn, daughterof Mr..
•and:Mrs: Warren Zinn of R.;'R. 2
Lucknow has registered in' the•
Hoare 'Economics: Course at Cen
trala •College ; . Huron Park. • She
Grade. l3 graduate of F.. E
Madill Secondary School,' Wing -
Bren..da Ritchie ;Receives N�ufrsing Bursary
Brenda Ritchie, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Ritchie, R. R..3
Lucknow •,/has been chosen by the
. registered nurses of Winglam and
District Hospital to receive the
'graduate' nurses' bursary'of $100.
Brenda is a' graduate of the. F. E '
Madill Secondary School and was
Chosen among all girls training
for registered nursing who attended'
the :,high 'school, . • '
The bursary was presented by
Mrs. Florence MacKenzie , Reg
Nr'., left Of Lochalsh and Mrs. M.
I. Grant, Reg. N. , centre., both
members of the Graduated nurse,s.
association at the Winghatri and
District hospital at a special cer,
emony held at the hospital Tues.
day, afternoon of last week,.
Mrs..Florence Mabi<enz e'read
the.address to the nurses present
Brenda , shown on the right ,. ex ,
pressed her thanks -.for the, bursary
A few encouraging words were
spoken from the' different nurses
wishing‘success•with her training.
Brenda left. •Monday , September
13th to enroll in the Regional
School of•Nursit g at Owen Sound,
( with CO-OP •Savings Certificate)'
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:PHONE 528-2125