HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-15, Page 1IPPIPPIP 1 4 , $0,S#0.0 A Yar In Advance -- $2,00 Extra TO U.S.A. • WEDNESDAY', SEPTEMBER .15thf 19:71 SIngl�'Copy, 150 Victoria Grad 19c 0.30c 9c 010c 9c TO 9c 9c E.•14c nons .0 • lidra-44.141-Mac-charles., 'daughter Of Mrs. John MacChar- les. and the late :Mr..lylicCharles of Ripley graduated from Victor- • ia Hoita1 Londonon Septem- • fullowing her, graduation she will. lOin..the. staff of Victoria . • Hospital, 'Lontion....: , Steve ',Stothers.::. Mason. SO: Years Steve Stothers Of Lucknow was presented Asi-ith-his-501ea;r-pin,-for membershiP.in the lvtaSonic :order at 'the regular monthly meeting.1,;. of Old Eight Lodge, lacknow. on September' 2nd Steve became a Mason while in 'Clinton in 1921. The presentation Was 'made by the secretary of the Lucknow lOdAe Thomas Salkeld.: .4. . • Youngster. Has. Leg Fractured • • . • • . Shellie Clarke ,L„.1,...V2-ttyear-" ' old daughter of Nit.':and;-frirs.•: :.CliffOid. Clarke of London, : -:•40 a badly ,fractuteca:._ esent-1y--a---jyjent in War. Mernor, ial.ilospitaVin London where the '• leg will be in traction for. Six weeks. • ,IVIis„ Clarke is the former Shar- on Whitby, daughter' of. mt. and.. , Isiirsi,Lpustet-i'vtrit-by-df Lucknow, , • ..The family were attending a.. motoror bike show in London. •day., •se17 tunster was struck by bike.* .fta.Miriii..g het leg. . . • y111 rra`Ser reeent edding , 1 were 'e "Niildred dell. • "A fox, which by •its actions was believed to be a rabid, was loose in :Luc:know on Saturday afterno,on.of last Week. Four local dogs are 1/<nown to' . . have Come in contact With the fox and are being kept tied ,for period deterrnined.hy the veterin- ary'brineh of the Canada Depart- : nient of Agriculture Fortunately adults and. children which were in the path of the fox Werenot touched.: 7. • : The•fox first made an a. b ear.r- ance e incl,the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McKim on, Ross Street, at the southern d'ut,4 ;skirts of the. village: It camefrom the. west.. A pup, belonging. to the children of Dr, and -Mrs. McKim of Lucknow, .had been left at the A.m . E. McKim-. residence while the, McKim fa m - ily were away for the day. The :forattr-c-ked the dog, biting it on the: nese. MrS„,.A., E. McKirn'' was in the yard at the tirne the fox attacked'. • 't is Two Forint This Past Week It crossed Ross Street making, its way through the. property.pf • . J. Joynt and the Christian : Reformed Church.. It:was spotted at the Worden Howald residence - under a car. Children were play- ing there at the time,but it did not bother the young peopleTwo 'of the Nowa1d dogs and a tiog longing to Lou Taylor chased the fox to the north-west behind Clare Johnstone's residence. It, was cornered there in a tree •house used by neighbourhood children • • •Worderi•-Hoyald told The ' Sentinel that the: a nima..I passed Within ten feet of her and was last seen in tall grass and Weeds at the rear of Clare Johnstone's residence, Ml• four dogs-ha-y-e-beeOied , .for at least three 'rnpntlis 'under aihriiasnu.PCr-vi,io'n of an'are4veterin' Dog s iirThe village.and area, who Were nokaiVare of the , incident and might have. noticed any unusualinjUry to their pet ' last week end, are .urged to con- tact anthorities. ' • . : , , - ^ Lucknow Agricultural Society is busy tying in .all the plans and preparations for the 1Q6th Luck - now Fall Fair slated for Friday rand Saturday of thisweek, Sept- ember 17 and 18. While the • group has been working harder in recent weeks, actually plans have been discussed and forMUlated for the past 12 months since the completion of the 1970 pair. •;8•01•0•044.•••••••••'• Bob Gilchrist : is .the president of the Fair Board and Mr; and : Mrs. Ross Errin ton 'u t r c were appointed as.secretarytreas urer of the group They succeed - .ed Mrs. Robert Struthers who has been the very efficient secretary for a number Of years. Bob or Ross should :be able to answer yopr-laSt:mintite question about the fair. 'If you need • •advise about entriet, give them , Friday is the: opening day of. the Fair when indoor exhibitsare placed and judged. Concessions. ,also received a $200 bequest are set up On this day and the ; • from her estate. : - - . - , • II • ' • x • • ••• arena is open in the evening for the public to view the inside work.. Friday night at the arena' . will feature a nail driving con- test for ladies, rooter crowing CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 Fall Fair Board The late Miss Jessie' IvlacKay whose death occurred last April in--,erT4th year, has terriernber7: ed the Lucknow Agricultural Soc. ,iety in her will. • • • A.bagyest of $200 has been left to the Society from Miss MaCKay.. . . Jessie .was an ardent Supporter of .the Lucknow Fall Pair and was for•‘ many_years-the-winner .of the -- "oldest lady" at the Fair award. , She was keenly interesied.,. ththe-vim** • - 4hEfinit-e Yeart.-i- n the Luclulow :Agricultural Society.' • At the time of the deatkofber. • siser, Annie /vlacK4, a , number of years ago, the SocietV : . • , • • • .tililvert•Reid bf Ashfield has. sold his two farms withiri the past week. , The. home farrii , Ideated on the siderOad between Highway 86 and west of Lucknow has ben solo to Glen 1.4a lden.of .Lucknow 'farm adjoins the back of the • • • . Reid: prOperty..... Glen,will obtain' .121 acres with .Milvert• retaining . she ,hOUSe'and four acres of land. The farm has been in the 'Reid name for three generations:. It.: • was owned before., ilVert• b gran at e . .ett• Reid. and his • . 'father Sam Reid,. • ' • ilo-solci,13-0.-a e:&-on.:7-.- the °Gipson siqeroad to Ted Van... det. V;eikie •who.rosiOs on 1-lighWay' tWo: miles westoilucknbm_ Thi Ashfield property, which has. no buildings, was originally laiOwn _as-the-41e-44d-erson-farM-•:-bitt-1* •'heen.in the Reid name for rrian,Y ye se . • afla I arrived back hOtrie on SePterri- ber, 3rd from a great Stirrirner in India. * : After leaving: ,Lticknow.; . • *5 I .: • , BY MURRAY MORRISO . • • " . now, India uritriies water without having. to worry.. about boiling it. ' find it very • , • convenient, to be able to cash a ' cheque in two 'minutes_instead_dt*: CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 „ , • , :ever; as I think:back On my ex perience I realize that it s the . . . AugUst. 21st.I sPent thirteen. ,peq-)1Y.O1 these countrtes that days (or"rather fourteen days as I ' gained a complete day when crossed' the International. dateline) seeing different. Southern Asian countries. I returned, via .Katmandu ,. Nepal; Banghok,. Thai land, Hong Kong; Tokyo, Japan; Honolulu; and Vancouver. 'I ro eVelo At a special mecting Of 1,11Ck,, ritlik village-cOntr l.1.4201 -13:1-4-gt 'week, c'r.rk ,i. W. jarnie- son was instruc '' ,to draw the required. money* L ,owing by-law ' iri.the 'amount -of $24 ,000 cor ther pupese,of bringing int!'6 'produc, non the new water well at the• .south-east edge of the village , • :south of ;the public school, . * • lie was instructed tO- ca.11.. tenders regarding the interest ' rate en the debenture 'sole-, . Alter the necessary bylaw is a O prepared; it will bejubrnitted O for their approval., ' Earlier estimates by -the engin- eel. a few years ago were brought up to date recently:and council decided t� proceed with the well at Once, .The well was drilled a 1'6f years ago and inctiOated excellent supply of water for the village. The high cosvolfinan-, cing iri recent time was one of the reaSOnS developmetit orate ' wa's temporarily set,ASide...: • e cr=rtrkfla, 1 interesting in its:6\4n way. 'flow:. Nur&ng Grad • .Friake' the lasting.impressions, whether it, be .a friendly nor -Eng- lish speaking Japanese, an .. over- aggressive Nepalese merchant, or a businesslike kiong Kong tailor*, • I: find that food is one of the things I have learned to fully appreciate.. A haMbur er or:Least, e an ice cream seemed. like, a.great treat on my return as I was getting tired of ,eating rice, chap -7, atee and curries: I also 'found :that it is great to )able to go ,. tO a,water tap and get a' drink of 0 and Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick Of.: Wingham., whd,received...hisB,St . .last spring2at Western ,University, 710.1\I -N &WS rhas_registered-far.-a-four'year course at rhe •Canadian • Wayrie Cranston,18year,Old 'uniropractie College; Torontb..:, son of Mr..' and, Mt.e. George Craft' . ston met with:a painful aecident. . Mrs. Janet ,Bannerman of Xiti, on Priday While tutting.graSS• at 1os Who graduated Litt' May in the lawn ersi • aridiVItst Craniton in Luck- Toronto,.is interning for two , now • months at the Rotary 'Crippled '• '.Wayne Was. operating a tjtiling • , children's. Centre at Waterloth mower and had got off td.rernOve Janet will later assume a ptlytio, , ,some boards from the, grass.. Upon therapy position at kiticardine reMOunting the vehicle his foot :Hospital where she WAS WOrking for:' the. stunt:tier monthti,, ' • . Bill q1b,sliolfn tof Mr. and • , .Mrs,""Grata ChiSholm,of Ltic.4tiowt has enrolled In the Obitiptiter pto, • graming course,it:.Hutriber . lege, .CONTINUEri 'ON PAGE 2 , STUDENTS. EOING :. HERE AND THERE This .colurn.d. �vetheJext4 Wee „ will attempt to list as . .rriany itemsofinterest as possible : about students and ;others who are • returning ro further their educa- tiOn, taking ,a new. job Or Making any other .rnove which will be Off interest*to readirl; Please give us a call and tell us about your family member or friend and his • plans:.: • , O Ilrenda HutriiihreyO , daughter. of Mr, and M. Cecil Humphrey of. 12,t 1 Ripley, graduated from 'Victoola riOspitali London On Thusday cptelbrJ She Was oh fclass f 124., -Brenda it remaining 0O1 the hospital staff. 'slipped ltitti the Cutter,. which" , bruised. arid tnangled the bones. ,He received first .aid rnedica treatrnetit fromprS„. corrin and Mckim and Was•I'ffiillNiately transferred to Vidtbria• HOSpital.; itOtidOti where he will remain for • fUrther treat Merit , • :•