HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-08, Page 5ta Int `11.141°. e walls es: Ry ttiptey or good S. Write number an. or 10 to Ama- PUblie will be E.D.S.T: .7, 1971 oars o . . andel. b' de aterloo 1 ptember It `.WEDNESDA,SEPTEMR 8th 1971.• _THE LUCKN SEN offn acomplete seleclioo, of . wetklipt annottneemonts. stylest fey the • ifildir!g'r • 04kfor • mesNITIONIL, CHISHOLM FUELS • HATING OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS. • LUCKNOW.. • ' • Phone 520..7524 or 524-.7681 - -FREE -BURNER-SERVICE- 'Products For Farm; Home and Industry : JOHNSTON'S Modernand 'Convenient Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 .Day or Night ServingAll Faiths. . • • rding-io--Thelr--Wishe4-111HWEIVIlit • • , . . • • . , THE .k.K15149W SEHTINEki,04CKHOWf,..0t4TA109 PAGE MVO • IAMQND ANID STON.I. . •1•11•SPECTION. AND uk:TRAsoNtc.-4...EANANG. •DURING• • SCHMID% QIANT..SAL,E.-• • WATCH CLOCK ,JEWELRY REPAIR • bIAIVIONDS.. REMOUNTED.....Y * * -.* * * 1. am now in. Charge of, the repair at Schmids Jewellry and China. • WM. ' A. SCHMID'S • SALE Will continue until October 15 at Which- time I will take over We 'complete busipeSS. • • W. --.10S. AGNEW . WATCHMAKER' -7 JEWELER DIAMOND SETIl'ER,_ .* ..* .* *. ** * ND. CHINA LUCKNOW AUCTION STOCKER SALE Rainy River Cattlemen'a AsSocia.-' tion Annual Stocker Sale at, Sales„, yards Stratton, Ontario, Monday, October 14 at .11 a.rn.. 2300 head stockers and: feeders, R. G. Hartry, Sec'y, Emo, Onti; 411411,'M'acIntyre, Au,etioneer. . AUCTION SALE, • • Of ' ". • '" Livestock and Farm Machinfty:'• Vi -11 be held- for MRS. HAROLD'CONGRAM Lot 42, Con. 13, East Wawanosh ToWnship, 1 mile south of, WIngham • on 'Hwy. 4 ' on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1 : 30p.m. • t:ivestock : 3 Holstein •cowi;.• open; 1 Chare- lais cow, open ; 7 calves; 2, B.W,F,. heifers; 16 ,steers, 1 and 2'year old.' Implements . . • - ' Case 200 tractor; Case 2 furrow plow; John Deere 3 point-hh-eUlt- ivator; Harrows,.disc;:•Internation7. al 7 ft. mower; New Idea side rake; Massey .Ferguson'.No, 10 baler; Grain auger; Bale elevator,. Geo. White. wagon and rack; Internation- al Manure- spreader ; Deering horse mower; Woods: gra.in grinder; 2 s; en cra. es . a er; steel cable;• rope; chains;.Maple Syrup equipment; Washing mach-. ine vacuum cleaner; Nutnerous 'Moderate Prices Established i894 ' . • , IS ket for a sern new. en, .eloc- n. • L • lot with • heating. ce, light. L • )orn home " 'INSUR4OCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AtITOMOBILE and LIFE • ToProtect siour..14Ck, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH• LuCknew, ',phone 528-3423 CLEARING Ati4TION SAE of . Rea Estate, Livestock, Farm MachinerY, Feed, Household Effects. and Antiques Will be held for the Estate 4 of the late MORRIS REID :Lot36, •11 Wiles:7 Wtth..Of Kinc-,a4ine and'. S Mites West . The ..First Farrit. ...$0uth:7•Of, Pinez.:.,„giver Store ?•On Highway 21: . • ' On. - • S.EpTEM:BE12..16 - • Sale .Starting.:At 12 P.M.' Sharp Lunch - Beeth On The Ground Catered .To By The Pine River • .• • •i „.... . . Livestock • • • ...•• 1 Reg. Holstein cOw,. 4 yr., Old„ .due • in January; Springing stein. heifer.; 1 Holstein heifer.bred. 6 •weeks; 18Yearly. Holstein hef 74t$7,-6-Y.-67.5i1y 'cross. • Holstein - feeder ..•steers . coining, 2;. ,23 -„Yearly Holstein steers; 3 •Y.earlY cross bred stePrs.;•..1 'Brindle steer, . calves - under, .O. months, • -• Pigs . . '• SoWs: due sale time; 1,3 sows, r er par icu ars • ay. o sale); 11 Reg. Wessex ,saddle back ()oar; .70 chunks; 25 pige'9 weeks TK SOIDE!,ASTR49„. wOR SPRAY pAjNyipm ARNOLD STOTHERS. PHONE' 5297403. FOR ESTIMATES' MOBILE 10MES-• 14-10110N7GOF A•MOBJLE HOME OR RECREATIONAL .VEHICLEi Many Makes:and ,model's trireltnase':" • from. For 'a better,deal, drop us a -• line' 'or telephone RUSTON MOBILE HOMES. LTD.. 547.PLAINS RD., -EAST ••• ' • BURLINGTON • • :Tel. (Code 416): 611-8400 • • • small articles. Machinery': . Late. addition; Maisey Ferguson, . I 66 MF high arch - with rntilii. pottter-,-'-‘-nriciLmoter--eve IIELP-WHIR-RED-GROS- TO HELP 4 furrow,•12" botto10,-:plow, ..• • • TERMS CASH MitaroItCongrarn• FOR SALE 3: BEDROOM ranch. home situated on , 45 ,acres. of Aiver property, , • r fron-rage-,75p-eliffraTalk) • 'excellent stein's excellent potent- . 141 as:a trailer Park or as a private estate. This/J. home and acreage must be.seen to be appreciated and haul; Freeman loader with: , 6' • - 47 plow,trip beams,. 3 Point' hitch; ' 1 — 32 'Case Allan -Mectrityre, Auctioneer P -hone' LucknoW. 5284519. plate trail.disc., 1 Kon•skild.9 ft. cul-• K. J. MO'cKENZIE, 0.D. $ .0 . ' , tivater-i-6-section-diamokuHrarrowsl- -Ws been greatly reduErd7m, price .1 International -13 run' drill, 2 years for immediate 'sale, all. offers will o • • mt old, pt. hitch; .1. — 10' land pack- be considered. I • ", .er; .1 -- 32 MF 7' mower, 3 pt.• - • ,Optontetrist le • • NOW - IN RIPLEY •:.....VERY.,LEONESDAY Office Hours1O:00 a.m: to 530 2. e .p.:rn:.,PhOne 'Roy MacKenzie . . •, • , Ripley 395-5154 for' appointment • • R. W. ANDREW • Barrister anti Solicitor,. L1,5TOWEL;" ONTARIO. 1 IN' LUCKNOW : • Every Wednesday arid " Saturday Afternoon Office-UTtlie Jtiryn • . Telephene; • Lucknow 5.187311'0 •. CRAWFORD and. .MI11 J. H. CRAWFORD, G.C, ALAN. R...M.ILL, B.A., L.L:B.. ROSS E. DAVIES, B.A., L.L.B. 'g' ; ' • 'hiteh 1 L.-- 38•MF 6 bar ralie• 1 MF- Immediate possession on.this .Luclr wagon with 18rack1 Little Giant ideal for a retiringcouple or a .• No, 10, baler, A-1 condition; 1 MH now home, located on Havelock.$ . ▪ 50.' P.T.O. elevator: 1 202 New y Four" piece -bath,• -oil ▪ • ea .1 manure spreader 125 forced air furnace plus ,other recent a bushel; 2 -- 16' augers with electric iniprovernentS make this a -herne •; motors;. 1. feed cart, 1 pig.. feder to Consider, taxes are only pl*. • 1 set of tractor chains' 1 2 wheel- a. . • • NI ed trailer; lb.— i0i1. lial. milcans; 98 ACREilti ' KiTss Ttvp. (ant; 80 to, le I electrie ,drill ; '. 14" electric drill; I, rame home msul sided, f rnace . . • : - - ' . a I anvil and stand, 1 set of. !..:.,:' soc- and bath. Barns 60 x 70 and•30x 40. ,,_:_._ i s• . • .• - -11.01..LING,HILLS . • kets'; 1, fairoWing :crate, : - silo. and implement shed. A spring ..: . • m ,.. led, pond which could be, easily en- ' .• larged is air added attraction on this: family (arm.. . ' ,' . • 1 emery with electric motor, 85 workable acres ; 4 bedroom TED COLLYER • • ELECTRICAL 'CONTRACTOR • . •• • . : - Specializing In ELECTRIC' HEATING, ELECTRIC 'VVIRING. AND REPAIRS and ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Hydro Financing Available. • Lucknow --- Phone 528-5802 • IN'LUCKNOW :EVERY WED14,IESDA4f : O a;rii. tO .12 'noon* Located in *Breckles 'Bleck • , Phone .528.2320 ` R. BRAY I • • • •• Drive back. into the ALPS a Fed •-• ..• ! and you :will find .a ,breath -taking. 4000.bajet, Of hay ; 2000 bushel , of 2i,...Viey.L_There are, 53 scenic 'acres: , mixed grain. 2000 bales of . straw. :having a 2.bedroom' hoine a e jr-in-*1111L-gOragebTOlk:t Tri light ' table 'aim)! Duncan °bourse and .a spring. .All this canl Ffe table; ,s' wivel rocker: .2 mag, mis• st5y000n.g... for. the AO!' Pric'' ?toil Chair• aineraancdkseEkent,d., tvaabglet:m; inderarnoersr;:, ••:in 2 carditables: 2 fern stands; TV. Liltable;-• Frig Westinghouse- dryer: OUR B.E,ST. . . 1..washing machine; floor polisher; 150 acres ° ,, f good farth :1aild a '2 chrome ohairs. floor runners, tea :plus modernized houseand .°- 'al:kettle; tr'y pan . teleetrit 1; ' ' aim 1.bathroonT .scale; carpet • sweeper: IN well equippea hog barn hotising: ; - ower rocIser:. Captains chair, an- . IWTOR OF , alhousirig. 100 head, also paved , tique.- brass bed- springs dress , , yard andsi Y a m • library table•• desk lamp; set der; ra CHIROPRACTIC , ' swivel llutes' from' maiiUgn hway,,Abis- .Toni: chairs; boots:, •EGK TM Wawanosh Twp. ; 40 acres fertile workable . acres, the balance', in bush;,. a 'small creek arid a good' . spring on the property may. inter - et you. Look this property ovei, and make us. an offer.. • 50 ACRE retirement or hobby...farm in Kinloss.TWP.: 6 room stone home -has 3 piece bath and proPane fore- - ---z-ra a - 40: about' 20 workable 'acres*: the balance rolling grassland. The oWn w-. -er ,will acce t a reasonable a payment and:terms on the balance' to. suit the .buyer,• •• / • • should prove an excellenlawn chair; handy table to Te %; dishes; • 1.97' JOSEPHINE STREET ET se invegtment, with its commuter Il blankets; 'pillows, •ete:;.. trilite • • • WINGHAM, possibilities 'arid high clear; mill lights. 2 end, tables; 2 rockers: • • RIPLEY "' EVERY•FRIDAY In Itois, Martyn Building Phone' Winghtirit. •Office .3630 -':R. 35.233O .o7totyitiRAT • Situire PHONE3s1;1224.1.,, .• •-tkiaon 44661) A. Nt HAIIPEk. tIfIRitEttEb•.ACtOtikitANI' Sotith Streit; CloderIch " Telelihone 524-7542 . • INGHAIVI IALS 'etialkANTEEp GRANITES eeMETERY ,LETTER1NG. --REASONABLi&-PR44-ES Buy Direct and Save , 1A sno '11-tAday • ' 'd n-L-wal- • ca • • . desk 2 iron beds an springs, • • 6 chairs; 1 sewing machine, seal - PRICED RIGHT ..ers; 1 Clothes hamper;.•TiV., black :Only $6,50000 11/2 storey 4riel•ti Real Estate . . •house with a full basement, -2111 . • I Zbedr-sYsTsiVing room, an n-•. well drained; bUildings in excellent iling, room. Situated on amactel -al condition. House withmoden con - lid land. Purchase now at, thiss • price and renovate to suit your -10 • $ • 5 " 35744.10 ' Res. Ph, J571O15 • . •MacKEIVZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL FUNERAL sekvidE Services, conducted according tO :your wishes at your Home, year thurclibr' at*our mem- orial chapel at, lid' additional 'pharge... *. • • Lotknow„ Phan' i2it..3412 • veniences; .Large barn • with silo, * loader,.4table cleaner-jand 11--tltirtfir-GrilidefTshedlike rieW; , .• is Auctioneer's Comments this is One of the outstanding' farnis in the Township. of Huron, For further 'particulars Contaet the • • Mrs: -Jack Campbell T618 bria other articles tootilt-. ero4 to mention, .. • 'RURAL ONTARIO Executors and Auttioneers not • SfseciA,Litirts • held responsible for' any .ateidentS day Of sale. II' DON HOLST 'REAL .11. • ESTATE LTD. REALTORS, " so. VVINGHAM, : • .0 1 5284031 • Teritis Cain, Lutkhow office, , EXeCUtOri -414, MrS4 RIOlde MrS, jack Campbell Atiottisovk Grant MepotiAlt1, '111 Barry McD�nagh, Rep,, • '305.5151 Ripley *WaHc. Uallagh 3034110 Vietwate • . GENERAL STORE -Ice -at Highway; excellent- brick building containing' living quarters, plus two separate apartiriettts_ior additional interne, If you' would like a cern- - ... fortable home and your own bus- iness ' • possession. • • —1 . • t.0 061 0 am Terms an be arranged with early -225 at.CStreS' 7-- and rough pasture; well situated all in one block with part of the acreage being seLf-drained. Asking ,500;.'posSession this fall: Phone: 529-1350 Mcintee Limited. • • WAL-KERTON Member' (it the a re' and Bruce , Multiple 'Listings Servite • — Over 60 Sakm Working Poe You •