HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-08, Page 4PAID Ie0UR' THE LUC.K:NOW SENTINEL, LU.CKNOW., ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,. SEPTEMBER 8 FOR SALE,.0 •,% Pontiac;Stratd-• chief, . automatic, 2' door,. power Steering,. good • condition. Phone 395-5257, • FOR 'SALE 46 bushel of. Genesse wheat 'for seed, cleaned .and treat- ed; also 3 H.P: electric motor phone 529-7427., • AUCTI':ONEER SERVICE • • Grant . McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh,. Teeswater Licensed Auctioneer! 'Sales of all..types _Phone_Riplty 395.5353 Teeswater '392-6170 •. ' FOR SALE .— one smallpart ter- rier female dog, house trained and two-small-maltese-and terrier male puppies, nine' weeks: old. Telephone FOR a - us , .. ra conditioned; Greer TAT. and Elec- tric, phone 528-3112 Lu. eknow, INCOME TAX;. SERVICE Tax::preparation, financial state- ments, tate ments,: averaging -basic herd, .etc.: eashydr- acernaFsystem work--den- at farm, reasonable tees. ' • .FARM TAX""SE�cVICE " Phone �1-438-0401 • FOR SALE tomatoes,; phone 395:- 2811. 95-2811. , , CARROTS FOR SALE - 6 qt: bas ket; 75c Mrs. Weatherhead,' Phone, 528-3829. THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL — is. for sale at Mel Stanley's Supertest, ,Umbach's. Pharmacy and, H, and B. Discount in Lucknow, TOPSOIL' • 'AND GRAVEL,, all. types, loaded and delivered, loader • and dump truck•rentals, demolition of all types, phone Symes Bros,, Lucknow "528-5203 or '528-2608: HIGHEST PREVAILI.NG PRICES.' paid for dead and disabledcows and horses. Call collect 881 -3459 - Walkerton.' Graf Stock Removal. TION,SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types Complete appliance repairs at ' BURKE ELECTRIC Wingham 357.2450 Electrical Contractors Appliances. -3 '.Motor Rewind. 24 Hour., Emergency Service B C_STABLE EQUIPMENT'.. Contact ' Lloyd Johnstoc, R.R. 3 Holyrood; phone 395-5390. THE TEESWATER NEWS _ is available at .The Lucknow Sentinel, 1Oc per copy: If you are interested in the ;news of. Teeswater and Dis- Wet, pick-up &cop BOBBYORR SPECIAL' BIC. PENS . buy two '.49c pens, get four 19c pens FREE. Regular $1.74' 'Value " for' 98c" at The Lucknow Sentinel; CUSTOM SLAUGHTE•RING Every Tuesday and Thursday Pigs and Cattle,. Tuesday Cattle only, Thursday, in by;l.p.m: .BILL'S MEAT MARKET. • • FOR SALE. = Beauty'-.-automatic- feed and • manure': handling ,equip— . ment, stabling and pressure ,sys tems.. Contact Beatty Farm: Ser- vice Centre, Clinton :482-9,F.61: — T _ CAR FOR SALE= 1964- Ponlia 2. door, automatic, , good condition,. safety checked. Rod,.. McDonagh, phone 5283823, .'PICTURE ; FRAMING - our:spec- laity, wood:' and.. metal.. Maxwell Photo Studio, Wingharn : James ' ' Snyder, proprietor, phone 357-1851. DON'T "PTT IT :OFF If you • ;are needing.coal for this winter's •heating, • Place:. your order now, Phone 5247421. X• OVERHOLT FUELS 248 BRITANNIA RD.• E:, GO,DERICH ONTARIO SEWING MACHINE SALE Back to school. Sale and C.N.E. Prices on Sewing 'Machines, Clear- ance of all demonstrators -and. pre- owned models; also Brand ` new -White portables, only $49.95. . BAYLEY SEWING. MACHINES 304 .6th ''St:, • Hanover SUPER CASH BINGO • Legion • Hall,. Lucknow,'; every Thursday,. 8:45 p.m.. Pot.. of Gold game — winner take all, '•14 reg ular . games, $:10• . each. 2 Share the Wealth games: A $30 Special,. Jack- pot. Game for $115.00' on 59 calls or $25 consolation prize. DURHAM' KINSMEN BINGO $3200. CASH PRIZES Draw for a 1971 American Motor. s Matador. , 8,30 P.M.rSEPTEMBER 10 . •DURHAM ARENA WINGHAM BINGO Wingham Legion Bingo . at The 'Legion Hall, Wingham, Wednesday, September 15 at 8:30 .p.m.' 15 reg- ular games, egular'"games, .$10 vine each game;, 2 share -the -wealth games; $50 special, ' must go. Jackpot •game.. NOTICE ANTED HILRAY FARMS LTD.' ABATTOIR, 'HOLtYROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef: Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Custom kil- ling by. appointment.. ' • , Phone 528.2132 NOTICE FARMERS , The best returns for your fat cattle, a canner cow or. a fat steer„ call Omar Brooks, :528-3839., NOTICE • TREE PLANTING ASSISTANCE. . Do' you 'have some land you want reforested_ n.1912 _I ___so, ,contact. the: Secretary -treasurer Maitland Valley. Conservation, • Authority, Box 5,—Wroxeter, Ont.. 519-335-3557 = on ' . ca ation: Admission $1.00. Extra and special cards 3 for 50c or : 7 for 81.00: LEGION, DANCE Lucknow •'Legion ' are sponsoring a dance in the hall, Saturday, Sept- ember .13_,M.usic by "The Country Musicmen'. Admission $1:00 per person, Persons '18 and' over . wel- ' come, TROUSSEAU TEA .Mrs. Oraen Rock of Ripley in vites friends and 'relatives to ' a, Prousseau Tea ' for her ` daughter Rose Mary on Wednesday, ptem- ber 15, 2 to 4 in afternoon and -8' - 10 =a�nght 1�10 gftsplease • RECEPTION .. '` 'A 'reception willbe held in the Dungannon• Agricultural'. Hall :. on Friday, September 10th in honour of Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald (Linda Lattle) Tiff Ins .orchestra: Lunch provided'. Everyone • Phone 3643606 CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALE,: FA"RMS' FOR LEASE MONDAY, •SEPTEMB;ER 27th: • H=ASE _ at i- 30pan: • A has, farms 'for lease , to •Accommodation for :400 head • full-time' farmers at. 'reasonable 2nd and 3rd •Sales .rates. A:R.D.A. is still' buying farm October '18th . and 31st land 'for Farm Consolidation, and LUCKNOW COMMUNIT.Y SALE for Alternate land use. Talk to • 528-9912 395-5230 A•R D.A. about your plansfor re- tiretnent; relocation and ,retraining REGISTRATION NOTICE e nt nSeptember'• • from 0 m or about `cornmunit de '1 O lO 7 3 FOR : SALE . - .dropped • calves, programs:. • A.R.D.A.. programs are 8:30 pan," there will be registra- • Ho stein: Alex Far-' helping _programs. ' For more in- tion in the Lucknow Town Hall 'for • Y • r• .n rish, R. It: • 7305. Food Office ' There are ARD 'A uc now, • 1 •.--.---,e - 1 .1 1 .• e e rl illy `_ O• ''q.: ; Lucknow, 'Boy Scout Troop " will resume meetings on Tuesday, Sept- ember 14th at 7:30 p.m.. at ' the Lucknow Town Hall. ' •NOTICE .RE,, OPENING • Re -opening of Ex-Toggery Shop, Teeswater, .Thursday, September 9th--for-September--and October -on_ Thursday,Friday and Saturday afternoons,.; '2 5- p.m. Clothing• clean and in good condition accept- able. ''Located .,in back - of Red and' White. Store Sponsored: by, the. Coin; onation Rebekah ' Lodge. NOTICE ' " RE PIANO. .LESSONS. PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 1 / 71 egr 'Grade.6 to .Grade 8 - $2.00• Grade. 9 —. $3.00 • • : Mrs. G. Noble Mrs.. W. Scott Mrs: T. •Pritchard NOTICE RE, BOWLING .• Meeting for' men's: 7 o'clock: Bowling League at the: bowling alley Friday, 10th of .September at 8 . o'clock.; Anyone wishing to : bowl please attend or phone 528-2904. WORK WANTEB• — tile paneling, remodeling, ' all er work, pit :silos, •concrei and floors. Reasonable ral Schneller, Kinlough, phone 395-2221: IMMEDIATE PAYMENT'l standing timber and bushe Robert Eagleson,: Aisla Cr ing , location' and telephone or phone' 232-4450 before 8 after 6 p•,m.: '' TENDERS WAP TENDERS 'HEPWORTH, ONTAF Tenders for an. ,Addition bel - Hepworth- . Central School,, Hepworth, Ontario. .receiveduntil 12:00 noon, FRIDAY, .SEPTEMBER' e ruce oun y Education. ;Tenders •for mechanical ectrical sub -contracts' will .posited' at' the , Kitchener Bid...Depository . until 3:( 'E.D.S.T., • Wednesday, .' Se 15,' 1971. er or any_tevnder n( arily, . accepted. Salter and Allison, Architects . . 29 Clapperton Street Barrie, Ontario ALEXANDE. • AND CHAPMAN REALTY LIMiI GODERICH 524, SPORTSMAN_,PARAC This is for ;you 115 acres and rolling land with rive through plus creek with`.d4 built on it to' give you; up t of 'lake. DO 'NOT: READ' TH Unless you are in the mar small farm: This has m:a home with attractive. kite! tric heating plus, small bat OWNER SAYS •SEI This• new home' on large full ' basement, electric 'Give usa call on this •one • DUPNIN ' = in' loving memory of a dear.. father, , Sam Durnin who passed away 14 years ago, Septem- ber'.9, 1957 and a loving mother, Katherine Durnin who passed away January. 2, 11969. No one heard the footsteps Of ,the angels drawing near. ario Department` of Agriculture and 7 10 years; Girl Guides; ,10 `- 14 DRAGLINE BACKHOEbul- )dozing work done:. Farm Pon ditches; fence bottoms cleared and stone piles buried: ' 'Phone , 'Wing-. azm--3577 2798 - presentatiYes° in 'Clintony._Mark- ,dale and Walkerton. SILVER LAKE GENERAL:STORE FE ENLGSS,-ON rA-R�l LUNCH COUNTER NOW OPEN Cheeseburgs, Hamburgs. BARN ,EQUIPMENT -- complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay .s lel -a years; Rangers, 14 18 years; •Must bring • 'a parent and • a . regis- tration fee of $2:00 is payable at this ;tiriie, .e e e e . e el e a_.a • -z., The ones we loved so dear :But they haven't really left us Nor have they travelled far Just • entered God s beautiful •. . ' garden . - • • And left .the ,door' ajar • Ever remembered, by the family. CURRAN -. in loving .memory of Mrs. H:,; Curran who passed away pt-errrber 7, 1970. 1 1 1 1 1 ty- •.1 / • ing; Westeel - Rosco Granaries; BARGAIN TABLE,1/ PRICE: Chore Boy Milking .Parlours;z Also Complete `Liftra - g=r ated' Metal•Culverts; .6'.' to 24" 'See us• about your twine needs.' ''sizes od hand at all times; _:larger New Life Feed dealer pipe by order; Lowry Barn Supply,— = -- AmberleY,__phone 395-5'286 F�}R,-SASE = 1-968 Chevy- ov 6 cylinder auto -Ma -tic; door span. SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS Call : Lucknow. 528-2448 after 4. :or 528-311'7: Anyone wishing to have exten , signs on their • silos or roofs, please call or. write. This. can be done noW: FISHERMAN'S COVE George Wraith, Box 95, Goderich: TENT AND TRAILER PARK Ph eS�.e�(�t<nce---- • on .. a .. in • �immin . ^,5247002 o st •' 6i4:6511.77is�hing andnack=bar. Open ail' Winter for all types ofsn .• PLAYING CARD'S bbrl- owm " Plastic coated single decks from ing Clubs welcome. For inform- ation phone 395-2757, Fisherman's $1.19 tip .as well as double decks Cove, 8 miles north of Lucknow,• and• euchre decks 'teuchre 'cards : . _. Y Drop . .. Sentnelin at. The Lucknow ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, windows, doOri, awnings,Sidings; For 'free estimate call Roy Emberlin1 your. local dellen; LOST LOST' -- ten Black Angussteers, about 700 lbs.,. ear tagged. Reward Hugh Mason, 2nd "of .Huron,. phone 398r5182. • Fra e 'a d Do is Ma` a<innon Wish to express their sincere' ap- preciation to neighbours, • • friends, • `al even- _ . o`the�i e -when -you wief a with irs Ing: and the gifts• presented to them To' the happy days of yore, g: on the occasion •of their •25th wed= ding anniverary: :This building 30.x 60, form ing.: Full price $2.000. PRICED TO 5E1 This attractive three bedr( .in,the country.. •, GET AWAY Buy this home in, the 'cc 'just .:$3,000; -full price. Heavy are our hearts today Memory;:brings you back once more 11 •Someone remembers and someone • cares • t ' 1 would . tike to• -thank-everyone; VitirTiart from Dungannon and area for the lovely -gifts received : at the com- inunity'shower Tuesday evening. •• Sincerely Susan Park 7 ALSO, RIVER. PROP] ' FARMS AND . COTT prayers, , .. A smile, a • tear, a thought sincere, How often we wish, Mom thaty ou were here; Sadly missed by her family. GIVING AWAY Just .about —.two attract houses. • FOR RENT heated apartment, Available September 1st. Apply Al'= beet Gammie` Apartments, Ross • Street, phone 5',8.3104. • * • GERRIE GLE AGENT DUNGANNON.