HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-08, Page 115c.
• , '
$6,00, A, Year
Ex' ire To.
- Nursing Grad
'Single copy Isc 1 ;Pages
' Patricia: Anne Anderson, daugh
ter of Mr and
erson R R 7Lucknow; grade
-ates fromtondorit'sVictOria
Hospital on Wednesday, 'Septern:;;
. ,
Congratulations to grand .lady
'Mrs. William Hooey, Who on
Friday, 'September Nth 'will cel:
ebrate• her )8th birthday.Mrs
Hooey, the former- Snsan kuther
'fOrd', is in good hearth and lives
on the Fourth COncession of Iitiron
Township where she, keeps house
lat-her in Elmer She attends
Pine River United Church and is -
quite active. attending meetings
• . • . ; •
I,S.44, Hooey. Was 'plettired in the
LondonFree: Press this past 'week,:
in a five .generation picture of
daughters,- Mrs. Hooey; daughter
?Mrs. Orville .Firilayson;:graricIL :•••
daughter Mrs. AlViri ThonipSon.,
great granddaughter, Mrs; Rob-
ert Bowers; and great 'great grand-.
daughter iteresa Bowers', a -.-
irari-ort-stre------4-1c'n-41d‘ • • " • • - :•••' •
join the staff of the Timiska
ming General•;HOspital at , • CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
• A
;Is ;
'incar*;: •
ai ey ury,.
• 4 • • • •• • •
. .44 iv ••• ••••••••••••••••••••,••,,
Please Tell Us!
September is the time when.
area. young people return to
• • schools, 'colleges and centres of
, higher education, or possibly take
\ a riew.•joh: • •
• This is new and The Sentinel
would appreciate being advised
• of these iteni§of interest. • '•
• • -• • • • • • • • 4;
.4 •
• arm -
ers Uriion conducted a picket at
food stores in.Wingkiarn On Friday...
The Union distributed-parnph-,
lets.urging custpmers•not to buy
Kraft products , Union me in bers
state that the are working for the
right to'establiihc011ective'barg-
aining for dairy fatrner$ in their
• .1
•• •
Unt7777 parade on Saturday,•September
' - 18 will be Miss Dominion of
s Candidate In Forthcominu Election-, Canada. She will spend the da;
in • Luc know and on Saturday Cycl
ing will•erown Miss Midwestern '
Ontario at the beauty contest
held in conjunction with the Fair.,
• Miss Midwestern Ontario will be
Picked from a group of girls rep-
entrag-town$1.- - c
.area She will win-an.'all,experiSe
paid Week at Niagara Falls 'next
stintt-iter-W-here shelWill have t le
oppoqunity to compete in the
Miss Dominion of :Canada'. contest
of a
Mr.' Gaunt Liberal farrn.crit-
ic, came
out heavily against, the
government's airidultural.policie,s.
He, advOCated the Liberal,platforin
inc e
'pick up the tab for 80 per cent Of
edUcationicosts and also the aboli
tion of succession duties
Means of casing the strain Oh the
farmer, • /'
Ontario, fa rinerS are
producing food of ;4'Rolls Royce
quality at Volkswagen
The Liberal critie of financial
and edninlerola 1 a f fa irs Donald
)istriet .
; in
ital to
. ••
r < en re rt Ingo
said costs are spiralling, ,beeatise,
different .goveinnent departments,
lack interconinhinitation-i
"' . Irert-y-'-•---- • ,reas.T: •
MURRAY GAUNT sessing Ideal' go,vet riment but .
, . ,.,. . ,, .• this should be done by the'iocal• '
iitiron-Briree 'Liberals Thursday ' aTipstlieh;WitihheCnII:eski‘s
cld'.',PaMri:k.'iDtlietac' Oh.
.. . . •
night i -ii last week nominated Milr- said,, • ' ". • '. ' ' '
'..' taic;a11-1LO L -W -ill -•glii-SatItil---•-'--. --.-.4t 'la -vats -Cr etu,,r ii"brasSess in ei t
, dato in:the coming'prOvincial Cl 'to the to-nifty:WV:el:, ciainling:the
CCt1Oi 111.c 36.y.eartold former preSentproViticiaI•atiesSnient lias
larnlor.' and flaim 'COlnineiltAtOr. . 'removed this Vital. service tOO far • irst won thesea* in a-byelection . fani the,' individual,.• '
hl::otliopin ' The gOverhment has ignored
had 1:vtii held for 10'..years. by the 'ti:to-Cl'alle.dp.e415flieir'ejte'l;eriltis fat on 's:1(idn:
Prog,•s'•ive, Conserva.tives• bef,de ' '"',1,r,., ii,t''eaccill cited the ()•tii"atitl'
lira cfatilli 'entered the picture.•
Department f .Agrieurture and
:ridini.f, PCS nar.ned Wu ' ;.'trkicj,.)ed,tet.taYllii.1.)'ggg&V,:leitatililset'l(11-.1c61)stilltoYt's for
.110yr-e•, 0.3i.of Ig
KincIrdineat thAiclilt
eir • ••• , - • • mi. • r W1' 11 la in
.. ..allciiti,olit the nigh; heror. d.;.• , 8t.gerwar',Ikr° 11•°
.... . ,
• •
By The Sentinel
THAT registration at the Lucknow
District Publicchoot on -Tues--
day. waS;301 and at Kinloss .Cea-
trial 115, both about the same
,as laseyear: • •
r •
. .
„ .
THAT Greg Hunter; son. of Mr:
and' Mrs. Vernon Hunter of
Lucknow, commenced a two
• year course on manufacturing ,
and machine design it Fanshawe
College in London on Tuesday.
of this week. • •
'1 HAT Bill Black has sold his prop- • , • .
erty•An Dungannon, the former ,
• Melinda Black home, to. Terry • :
and Penny_Hodges •
siding in Goderich: :The sale.' '‘ •
'• was completed by Gerrie Glenn', • "
agent for Alexander .and Chap-
man kealEstate.of GOderich...
THAT .Eicron Austin' of PungannOn.
has joined the staff of Chisholm
Fuels of Lucknow and will be ..
engaged in furnace installation .
and truck deliveries. Grant '
and. Wilma Chisholm and fam-: , •
ily recently returned fr'ornGod-: • ,
erich to live in their borne a • •
mile souTh of :tucknoW.* Grant
, .
: „ •
Conservative Candidate In Huron - Bruce
. .
• • • Mr. Brunelle predicted an elec=.; • • ..
ey: tion within two months, and. • , •
pointed out thatridings rePresent-
ed hy 'government Members, get
MisS'4boMinion of .Canada ,•is blue
-..'emt•-binnerre—froin Windsor known
as Canada's most beautiful rep-
re el ative •
Since a distinguished: panel .of
judges selected her as the most •
beautiful .girl in Canada,: Miss
ling thrOughout Ca+nada, the • •
United' States and abroad.
' Miss Drouillard, a, 21: -.:year-old •
°teacher and professional model,
won the title.of Miss Dominion;
• . •
Windsor , Ontario, .‘ iOr to be-.
coining Miss piciffithion of Canada
she held the• title of Miss Windsor
•Jaycee, •
Miss Dominiofi of Calla:dd. •
annually 'represent& tanada.in the
Nifss Unirierseraeant held in • •
'Miami Beach; -PlOrida USA.,.the
Miss World ildgeartt held in Lon-
don, Etigla.nd,• the Que'!en bf the
• ::.1.!?
• •
• low:, ;.• •••••$:;•:::••:'
Lana , the
'• , •
opposition members.
Ontario Lands' arid Forest ihis
ter Rene Brunelle , speaking ata
tion ince t Wingham Wednes
day Of laSt week predicted'that the
NDP will form the Official 00posi-.
tion party after themext election.;
the NDP 'attain office the
province, wotild face bankruptcy
and COntrol of all aspects of
'Mood while 'the'P.Cs ."&tand for
fret enttrprist and a,Lt,ainit the
zin af the NDP and the
. •
watered "dow'n Version of toeiniiin
to :FK.4 'found in the 'Liberal' party
d ,
He spoke in'suRport of Lou '
• .
Boyce of Kincardisire, who was
chOsiri as pc candidate for. the
Huron -Bruce riding by acclama-
tion . • • ' • •
Mr. Boyce ,' 53, iAtap borrvin • ••
Toronto, has beeta_a_fxmet,
pro.vincial,pOliCeMan, liquor. • •
irispector, and hotel owner until;
e t e in'-
seir in Rincardine tecently,
lie has' lived 1."'incardine'foi...
more, than 204Leats„-tuartl:ed
The or4 othernominee'fol,'
the position , 'Len Metcalfe of .••
Mildmay, withdrew favour of
Veld by „Libetal Murray Gaunt of
Mr, Brunelle Said his deptt-
.nlent is working With the Ma it- ,
land Valle, 'Conservation Author
ity towards A co"Operativ6 wild-
; life niatiageTngni.airet,nrent on
authotity, ptoperty, This would
be Si mita Cto the agreement now
effetto for nianaFehient Of the'
Luther Marsha
136.100 Keith eti •I`eQsuatil
:4'cliairiltan of the' rmietirii.,,:".'aitt....ti'deir
by more than '2Uu.
. • ' ' '
. 1 • • .
. •
. .
. •
• ..,
. ,
. , . .• .
. . .
. .
. , . , . • ,
• • . • .
. • . • sy • •