HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-01, Page 17• 9.71 WEDNESDAYI 4.E.P*EMBER.104, MOAK ..4V;KI.4.04.14.-ONTARIO • futroy ' Exerc1s0 .00' -06 i ' ...TYPe*nter Poor- .. ' :..... 5 for 49c' • ... .,• • I - .....2$0. sheets at .'88 ' - I. • • , , , „,,,,,...,„....,„,„.. ..,,,,,,o, , ,., ra".' 1. . ,....,,O• .• • • ,... Ring-,Bir,441! 'itort.:.1k414-s.''..::. 'REG *2•96 • for $2.19 . • . . . ...• t . • ' '..; ' ., IF01,LOP10OF., .. . , . ... , . ...., , 656 -CIA CDC) L "MU VIIIL.EFEM LUN H BOXES " IFlare.Bottoin Corduroy 41.69, $2,98 and $3.98 I VACUUM. ..BOTTLES SNACKP,AC,S BY THERMOS 99t I Size 28 7' 84 $6.98 Pants $7.99 Button Fronts Sizes 8 18 Flare Blue Jeans $4.59 ouths Brushed• . Denims • UNGANNO • "' isivataseti Visitors recently N -.4th Mr, and Mrs. H.).._ L. Eedy inchOed Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Ross and a child, - ren of Oakville pn Saturday; kle, and .Mrs. A. Denstead of Milver- ton on Sunday; and Mr, and Mrs'. Lou Culbert of Stratford, on Mon- day, • • • Mrs Melinda ..NiVins 'Clinton. spent several Oys.recentlyn•with n , and Mrs', J C (Buster) 4tiOAQII*44,1144-oatg.:419-V-1ri, froni the 8th CongeSsiOn•Cf field 'to the'Park homestead' on .the 6th concession. Mr. and -Mrs. Wilbert • 'and family of DUngannOn and • forrnerly of Galt have bought the 'Pentland honie (originally Treleaven's) On the Pith conces- sion. 'Mr, Hartin worksiat Doug-. las., . Mr., and Mrs,..Laverne.Pentland haVe.had many visitors during the summer holidays. - from. : Florida; ,Virigina; Paris, :Fiance; DetrOit; and other centres. A *Pentland ti1ygtriqg was Tield-inhOnor of:Donna Pentla.nd, bride -t� -be ,the: home of Mr. • Luclmow • ••• Phone'.5284214 Pinecre4-:Manor Professidnal NFsing Care. 24 iOurs dany. • ming -Rom and Tray Service MeMber:7-- Associa*ed Nursing 'Homes Inc. *Ontario' • -Associate Member:— Ontario Hosioital. Association Municipa4y Licensed • ' :14cOied by Ontario Department freiltb. * MARY R.: 'NEWS01.6,. . .RATOR . • Drawer 40 •• • Phone 528,2186 LuCKNOw,i ONTARIO . , • . , • ic:144= 1OUGH • ...We are sorryto report that Mis. William Cox is 4 patiPrIt.i1)1th0 Kincardine: and District 73VITrit'h her improved Sympathy is'.e,xterided to Mr; •'Archie BOnnett and family.in. the' sudden -patting Of Mrs. 'Bon- nett .. The funeral, was held ,cin Saturday from. the. MacKenzie • Charlaine and David Borden who have been holidaying at the home of Mi. and Mrs, Glen Haldenbyreturned to Toronto. Five'fitt1e. friends helped Eric day on Wednesday orlast week. They were Kenneth Irwin, Paul .MacIntyre, Douglas Ross., Robin -Hodgins---and-Miclia01 Ja-n-sen. Michael stayed for a few day:t for holida •s. the; burial in. Kincardine „cemetery .:IvIr.•and Mis. Williarn E. Hal,- dertby accompanied Mr. •and Mit. Norman fry -and family on a motor -trip to H•untsville•earlier• n the ' Friends of Mrs., Russell Hewitt Wilftie.'sOrry to knowt at :she is a patient .in the, Kincardine .and , District Hospital. Mrs.. Hewitt has" been in pcbr- health for a'. 1i:trig periOd of tine and.we hope for intproved health.. .• , 4r. andMrs. .GOrdcin Hodgkin- :son'Of G oderich called On :fri'ends ittere'last Week.... • Historical Socie Take Annual'Tri _ The Bruce Count Historical . . • . §oCiety go on.a bus trip each . • • • , year in August. On August 19th, • . ":. two buseswith 94 people aboard . •arrived at.DOuglas Point., Here ' . • • they vieed..a filth and had ques- tions answered before returning . to the buses where .guides explain- ed all the construction taking - place. Everyone was amazed at . the ii.`Yll'OsitY ofT e PrOiect..in a s . was a gtiestat,the wdding.bf.lier great !niece, Darlene Scott at London on ,Saturday... •, Relatives attended the Elliott- Hodgint. wedding at Kinloss on Saturday. .. •the number of buildings and towers ,alceady.; in process Of construction and were assured that only a stall thasfas yet beenthade.Sorne parts of the construction now exposed to view will:toot:1 be covered. It --Vi1tors durrngtheweekwith will be interetting to- teturirwhen and"Mrs. Art Haldenby were Mr... and, Mrs, Fred Prior and ;daughter Glace Marie , Mr.. and 'FlOy,fkepberts ,Mrs. M.: Lun- iffe-t-c Mi'si'Margaier Ltiriness , Mcrae, Mr'. • and Mrs'. Howard Bennett r nd Mrs: 'Howard Whiteside, Howard and • (ARENA IF IT RAINS) . Miss Kincardine Competition Parac, ‘by__. Kincardine Scottish it is all done. A picnic lunch Was enjoyed in , the'park near Tiverton. Then on.. to GlaITIMiS rian-ied a fter„,ala.,mini_ Castle ,‘ to ChepSloW,w.4h its old .' hotel and: natural beatity spots , to. Forriniosa with its Palace .Gard-. ens and. beautiful .church and Brian of Toronto cemetery with iron grave markers'. Many spOtted.the'fOssils iri the . blocks of the:church especlal .1'y noticeable on the north wall Then. on past the T.V. tower tch" Mr. and Mrs..,George 'Adams. '(Mary Stauffer).of'Braniford and Mrs.- Gertrude Bushell intere, ,Sunday dinner' guests with Mr..: . # • eus a t anet e . ' • ' ' Sauge,en Valley Headquartert near Congratulations to Mr. and •Mrs, Hanover.. Thislovely beauty sot . George Bushell of 50 Crepeau, . is-D,eLT_urpin..._. g a great favourite with Apt. 315; St. LaPreDt 380, Queb- picnickers.: 'The fish HatChery. - '... ec,on the. gift.of a son, 8 lbs.` , at Chatsworth was .most iriterett- d Ing-lis--Fa4i-s-fi,lere- e. • .. ,. ' :,. „. , mettingriwgaisichaePld.Pahresreh oc.QrilI.SnUcnidi a}r Soovuelildy.andPiiilrionniefewa4gsalli:.d aMt-t °*lit.. ,ell ' ,,. ' ' . . a . • t evening with'representatives Arnold* Ripl'eAratias col on one bus and Mary in Robertson on the other o' wa a pleasant way to, learri'lOcal- history. ' , ' .- . • • Thos e ftom this area erijOying -ho-da-y-istete-Martcl Mrs. Phnis MathEs, M. and Mit. John Mc- Murchy , Mrs. Roy McKerizie, • Mrs. Hazel •Macponald, riiite, and Met, Earl Lohnes arid Mrs, 'WM.. Arnold. Mr, and• Mrs,, Archie ' • ••• , . from Lucknow, /Ripley , pungan non Port Albert and kinlough. • lostnttrnee ing t e KinloUgh ladies served 'refresh- ments. ' - • „ ', •”' The Hol rood W . „. will inept ' • on Thurscliprtritlitrlyro-6---d- -ali-Ir when they will 'entertain residents from Brucelea Haven and the , Carruthers Nursing Horne, Any- one in the area who.,wouid. like to come and visit with thett.Seri- zeris-:--wIltbe welcome: - Sunday visitors with Mr, nand MrS. Frank Ivlaulden'and•Xeith were Mr, grid Mrs..' Harry Met,- Calf,Of Cargill, Mri, A. A.,, Greer, Mr's. Ay E. Greer Cf Glarn- is and Mrs. Bert Begg of Tivetton•,. • mr,,atict Mrs. Alex Percy visit-' eddver the week end with Mr, and Mrs. 'sell Ball at Tober- inOry and With Mr.. andMrs. Albert Trafford at Hanover: [Parade led .by Bruce C. Junior Pipe [Band and Purfiti Girls Trumpet Band ..,IVIratt:CkIb .4; Latimpi. iyay • ADMISSION.: ADULTS LO� HIGH SCHOOL ,50c •• :PUOLIO SCHOOL 25c • , • n till, bus,' • • ' • A