HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-01, Page 111971 hip and erian ist 8 !know WEONESOKG SEPTEPASER Jilt* 1171. 7 THE 141COCNCAN SENTINN.Li INCKNOW,, ONTAR19 s • WWII ft.OVIIIN YOUR LA EL READ? 1 sil •a.m. IF YOUR MAILINd LABEL • STARTS.1401.I. MAY AND ENDS WITH • THIS IS THE LAST WEEK: " RECEIVE YOUR • IF YOUR MAILINP. LABEL • STARTS WITH JUNE AND ENDS WITH 1 — . • • • STARTS WITH -JULY AND ENDS 1 STARTS WITH AUGUST AND ENDS WITH • 1 YOUR PAPER IS DUE NOW • • PLEASE-CHEt K-THE-LAIIEL-ON-THE-FRONT OF-yoUR • • • PAPER. To qualify for Post Office Mailing privileges, all subscrip- lions' must be no further than 3 months in arrears. In order that your paper. will continue please Mail your subscription or drop into our office to pay. $6.00 for Canada $8.00 for U.S.A. and Foreign .HoOitcdized..Af* FOR 'From TreeT. • DUNGANNON NEWS ,Kathy Bere sniferedh broken - right wrist , and no rnerou,s bumps and bruises, when she fell from a. tree in a neighbour's. yard: She • was treated 'in•Gcideri4 hospital,. and has•remainecl titer days.', • • . for a few, • Fiveyoung peO Fom Dun0'6' non who attend d the Co-ed • CartYP at Menesetiing were Kathy Bere, Sharon Young, Debbie Mac - Innes , Virginia Chisholm and Steven Park. All enjoyed camp The•Yule family are'hOrrie in Dungannon after spending a month in trailer Camp near Douglas' POint. ' 7191t, -arid 'Mrs; Kenneth Bowden, Bill' and Debbie,, spent. the week end withsrelatives at Tha Mesville Mr. and Mr's. Bill Blake and. Becky. frorn Galt are holidaying: at their respective horns Dun- gannon and Goderich and in- cluded a trip to, lylanitoulin island. BOX 3 • LUCICNO 158 ENTRIES • „„. • . • CONTINUED FROM 15GE 1 steel cutlery t'awarded for arrange ments, went toiMrs. David Er- phick with 'Mrs.•JackVerhulst al - titled first re . with re again runner-uP... • „ • •The RoYal Bank Trophy, a sil- ver water pitcher, , 'awarded for most points in both•shows 'Was won byMt's. Ewan MacLean with • • Mrs. David Elphick.as runner 41P. MaC;lean also shoWed_ttie., tweepsta•he rote and .glad, winning the Mcconnelr,s Nursery Co. • .,rnerchandiSe prize. • • Tea and. cookies were servesF1 by il-r-C..grarairteeheaded-hy:-Mrs. • Connie yam der 'Hoek,. Mrs. Adel.; ave now enjoylater ine Hackett and Mrs..QeOrge. Cormsh • Ivirs, Dan Gillies'and Mrs; Loh - nes looked. after the bake table' while Mrs: Austin Martin sold the :pia tits . Mr's: .Gordon Stanley • ,greeted the guests. at the door. Lucky„door pr4ei'were drawn. Donna ,Elphick Won a Set of dish- es, Ricky Martin, a beautiful amaryllis while. Mrs. Harold Couytney won a :wall ornament. The' wet weather Certainly. did re vdarriperi- the :.spiritsof the rrieinbers,Or guests; ; *. • • • • • .• • • • • • • IS NOW SIIVATE6 IN KINLW:TOWN$HIP. 1%*J;: onernort.h.of,Lucknowi-turn-left-rseeend-larnftin-therighr OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY AND FOR EVENING ..• • . APPOINTMENTS , • .PHONE .395.5462 FOR AN APPOINTMENT • ..14Rit'fiAkDENAy.,:.-QPRATOR...... . ' relatives in hOnotir Of Miss Mary- Befezuk of Niagara Falls, whose marriage .toGeorgeFinni- .gai is to be‘Septeinher. 25th.. • • • • ., 'Mr: arid Mrs. jack Eedy, Welt- ael and Laurel of Strathroy spent the week end at the horneof and Mrs. H. J. L. Eedy. • Mr: an Mrs. Cecit•IvicNall and children are residing in the Ancl rew's horne in the village , where. Mr. and. 'Mrs. Dwight Ald1aa had spent two months this SO rth-ner, • MisSes, jean. and Marjorie Adkin• of DreSden have. been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reed and latnify of• Oshawa' and Mr...and', /Ars. Dick Kilpatrick of-Wingharn visited at • Blake's on Thursday. • • .• Mrt. Minnie Jones and Mel were guests at Carlow Hall at a •shower, Sundii. August 15th, held by the Finnigan farnily•and., . • • • . . FARM ACCIDENT • CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1. to remove the equipment &OM the injured man iticl.hewas taken by ambulance to the Kincardine . • and District General:Hospital.' After. treauhent for head and chest wounds at the Kincardine hoSpital Mr • Reid. was taken to . Victoria Hotspital Ipndon where cits-New he died at .eight -thirty. Friday • . t Huronview • Dick RoOrda of Clinton Christian Reform:Church'led the song . Service ,in the auditorium rin Sunday eVening.,:' , •• Stvng N the secret of how to. makemoney work foryou • • '• instead of you Workin• g for mon.-, •••.• 4heatOtieV'you:save today at 4a -and • ay dotibleortriple bythe t4ne YOUfl(-, Watch your Money. grow • and grow —When you buy good attendance of resdents gathered In the auditorium On Monday-afternoonifor old ante— music and dancing and a singal- a -long. Miss' Della Pea rt I•tort-n adSp.i.L., and 'Jerry c9tlirts..sup-. plied the traisic.: •• • 1 ent_weathe r, the bus trip scheduled for Wednes- day was postponed for one weeh. • n was spent,p aying several table games; • , • • Victoria anthGre_y-G-uatante -1,-nveiiit1etitTertificatespaymg a magnificent eight per Cent Pow, at VIctona and Grey.. • tfiustcMpA4ytrkit 4-14Lealand Hill, 0, • Manager...I . • Elgin and Kingston: • •• .....Streeti . • • todett4 524,1381 • • • !Russell and Dorothy SewarS of teswter_,,Lwlio ::arentetaning in the area dtiring July and ,Aug- ust, provided an hout,of musid on Thursday Family Niht. The. prOgrarri Which included several familiar songs was enjoyed by the resi d applause to the idling couPl. • The band dottOerts which have • . beeri hldOn the lawn during the Summer have been qite a Stic 'cits and it has been deeided to, arrange to have them agaittnext year if possible beginning in June If you have grOup who would'' like to entettain the residents • fot anhour SOmetime during the year:, they would he glad to hear frOtri you; • The eommunityWas shocked and.saddened to Iearn of his. death. •. Morris Farrell Reidwas the son and Mrs. John Reid and was born Septerriber'14, 1913 in Township. In 1942, he married Marjorie Baird, who sur-• vives With_onliter Linda Mrs. Jack.tampbell Of • • .` • • ----Mrrimain-interest-as hi family and home , where he was a gracious host to his Many •, friends.. He also .took-anaoave part in his church serving as an • elder and in many departnients -44---Christ-ian-Educ-atiee he Was actively interesedin all cornmuntyaffairs. Rev.•,John Hill of Pine ,River United Church officiated •at the' funral. . Interment was in Ripley • Canary. Rickie Orr of Wiarton whO is a teacher at Brookside school will. he-,-stayingvith-,N1r. and Ivirs'. Jack McGee. • , • • - • Mr. and .Mrs..'Ken Park and family of Brampton have been holidaying with Mr; and' Mrs. Ben Park. ' '• • , •' KINLO-UGH- ' • Dr. and Mrs:- William MacDon- Of St. Pauli, ,Minnesota, Rev. Andrew Lane and hii daughter . • •.. Miss May line of Goderich and • • Miss' Heather Currie visited .Mr : and .Mrs. Malcolm Lane and Hugh ,, and with Mr. and. Frank Maulden and Keith. Clifford Simpson of London • visited recently with Edna and • ay oy e. Mrs.: John Barrandlack Ba; • , !and.Mr. and Mrs..Bushell --tvisitid-on,'Sundaywith relatives at 'Oetrolia Mrs.jackBarr,''Jeannette Susin and Murray -accompanied.: her sister. Miss Betty Hamilton to Niagara: where' they spent',a few davs' A shower:was iven Friday even- ing at the.hoine Of Mrs; Robt. Irvin in honour of Mist Diane Nicholson Of Goderieh, whose Inar- riage to Melvin Blundelltakes Plate in Sep.ternbet. T. I. Lannon of Londottis visit- ing Jim Little and calling on dihei:friends'in the village. • Miss.S.hir-otTS14.141cortondon Was at the home of her parents, and Mrs"...John Spivak for the , weekend.. Mrs: Richard. TugWeil (Faustina Banks) and- two children of Exeter also visited with them .on Sunday. • •• Mrs, Tied Stirling and baby. • ed at the hon -ie of:Mr. and Mrs. bt. Irvin The sympathy of this cornrtiun-, ity' extended t� the relatives r Culbertwho passed away' ori Sat urday, August 21.-• '• • • • 'Mr and •kIrs. Art Haidenby re-, turned home after spending awhile • with their' faMily.at Toronto.. • . Mrs.Marretta Hodgins sPent•a • ' few days at her home bete., • : • few days a'..tFithadeCihyc:irnHeedoleyfMsr!latnda Mrs Lloyd 'Johnston at Holyrood., Viitors Wiitt.Mt. and Mrs ?sebten ,on `l on ay were firc. cousins Mrs. Bonita Atkins. and • Mis Emily Roder of liarniltoh; Mr and Mrs Wulliam i•7 Hal- denby attended the 50th 'wedding anniversary;of Mi ,and Mrs, Har.,-, vey Beeking at.Bran,tford on Fri• .: • day. They also, Visited in Harris-, • 1.Lop_with=Mr-d•-ali • Fry and family:and with Mr. andMis. Ralph Ha1denly and . , farni1.yin Guelph. .ip„•• • Visitorswith Mr. And Mrs Art.: Hildentiy were Mi. and Mrs. .• ;wird Bennett , Mr. and Mrs. How-. 0 earl a • a ' ard Whiteside, Howard and Brian o •of 'Tornto. The Whiteside farniTy • left on Santrdayjoi the west tOast Where they will spend three, weeks. e eiten sincere sympathy W.,. Raynard Ackert in the sudden ' ipatsing of her brother the late tMorris Reid of Pine:River. ld • Bertrand • of Sitncoe spent Batutdaywith Mils Militated Percy --; pill and rian Percy. • Pallbearers werenderS Ernest Thompsn, Mervin Ralton Leon-, azd Couttney, , Carrick john A.,. MacDonald and Delb'ert Wilson. HOnouraty bearers beinrildon-Bra-Aley7-GrTid, Bob Raledge. lOwerbeaters :Wtel Lynn Reid, Ernest Ackert, Jirn Wails, Cad Hooey ,Wflhiam Hwitson, Catmet'Courtney and• Murray Thompson. ; Surviving besides his wife Mati, orie , his daughter Linda and son:' in-law Jack CaMpbell arehis mther, Mts4 john kid and sister, Hilda, Mk. Raytiard Ackert., • Holyroad and orie, brother Ledn,j, ard Of Huron Iownship. • Mr.- and Mr. fa _LS viiited recently • Bill Wiggins. , • George kibey and w4h Mr, and Mrs,' Earl McKe, and Mrs. Mar)T Bere enjoyed a, motortrip recently following arOtmd Lake Ontario. • . rot soUnd, counsel find a air price qta. ttotutiett correctly designed fror t1ality material, rely On $1(1.10.N:7 MEMORIALS Pat OHgn,. Fs*, EtAblih6d Oyer Sixty Yeats WALK.ORYON PHONE 881.0234 ONTARIO