HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-01, Page 9ss d *EptigspAY,,,'EPTEMBER10,..19.74 • • • e • V ar lOOSARI.OrteS .Treated Hopitai Stephen Nlartin, Age 14;..Prus, sels, found a. package of pOwder' •and he decided to light a mateh . toit. It.exploded and he receiv, • ed facial, neck.and chest burns'. He was admitted to hospital dn..' August , • • Richatd Moore R. 5.... Wing ,..../tarn,•receiVed'painful injuries • ,this left hand.AugliSt-13when he • c4.1ightjt in a rai auger;'.1-1e. disleoted lacerated .the first finger. Richard Jardine., Lucknow, , walk- • ed into a rod from a drill pn • uSt 13 lacerating his forehead and • scalp. Daniel Law., age 7 ,,.Teeswater was struck by ivear driven by Wrnfishing' in the Maitland River , on Deyershergen of R. R. 2 LocknoW 'the 10 11.Concessidn of E. Waw infront of the swimming pdol in nosh. , Teeswater...., Hisonly injury was a ..Williarn Yeoman, Wroxeter, bruised, right leg. The accident,' age_16._, was hi..3spitalized-w-itli4 - -- was inyestigated.by Walkertondeep puncture wound when at, .• . ' : piece. Of *board became e•rnbecided . . in 1115 groin white. at work. ". • Israel Levi Good, W.ingharn ,, lost control of his car on County Ronald Hanna ,•age 6, of kitch, Road IU, hear Brussels and it rolled ene;*•1 son f Mr. and Mrs.. David over several tirneS, He received Hannawas ' riding a bicycle across shock and a lacerated scalp'.and #4 Highway in 'front of Amos .; • . was admitted to hOSPital. Smith's Store., B1grave Ile came,, igated by Vihgpa fn 'onto the highwa:frOM.ibetween Foulon, • ' . two cars A car driven by Len ••.. Seati,and Danielle Chilton,:age. .Kramer of Walkerton Strucktlie.. 5 and 2 of Toronto,. were Stun: „ Ronald received a deep y wasps w: ile visiting:On the laceration to his scalp" and .right t3 -Line • near.-4ingham contusions .and a -bra . • Chilton , 'father* of the children, sions*, bead initty. Investigated . • also received wasp-stings/03, his. by Wingharn'0 P P. Foulon . • .". -right. • Try—. krw—rmecaTi!.., age.(i4.:.‘;),rinOsPrc Bryan peach, age.l7 ,.GoderiCh was working on the farm ofCarl' was the driver of a Cal which:*miS, Johnston, Bluevaje , and became - .sed,a-scurve in theroad, on Lot 35, entangled in a .swather• and receiv- Concession A,. Township; ed a deep laceration to hisright travelled across a ditch and ended arm.' n • ;•• Up circa farmer's lawn. Sandra • Robert Si-nith., age 24, Teeswar,... Erwin, of 491Bridge• Street., Brid,ge. er, , jumped off a veranda and land- ' port, OntariO, A passenger in the ed on a 'sharp object; lacerating car was thrown out of the car and .his left foot.... •• .• 4 • * • ta " THE 1,0CIKNOW SENTINEL., L.UCKNOW, ONTARIO. PAWN HIND received, facial laceration, chest and possible internal .injuries,. Bryan I3each received chest alla abdorninal'injuries, injured right elbow and knee. Investigated by Wingharn 0.P.i), Rickey. , Rosemary age Wrox- eter, dattghtel:,Pf Mr.'and Mr$,, Kenneth Pellet*, received a deep laceration to her, forehead when she wa:&truck by throWn POp bottle while at. the 4arn. n WrOxeter. ••• , Herbert Ftnes R R vale, age 9, shoulder, chest 'and neck when he Was diving off a, bridge and struck a roc k in the river at the tonser,. vation Fa,rk in Gorrie. • • •Harold dutoskie; R. R. 1; Te4. umseh , OntariO , had a fish hook embedded in his.;,back while WAS DRIVEIN • THEATRE Beech Street ..Next to 'Coniroursity Pork 'r.diAINTON;1'01141Afil WED. THURS. - FRI. September 1-2-3 DOUBLE. FEATURE • • SUPPORT' YOUR • LOCAL. GUNFIGHTER • , I 1ITrfUIIDf:;U Mr ;*.alld ArOhig..01,1rOgn 1<athr:„ Lod,a ni KeildTa .VISINCt Sunday wixli her mother Mrs, • Webster Jacklin Of tiStowel,. • ••„ • Kathy, .Lori and. Kendra remained With their grandrpother for a few • • d 4 S holidays.. , • • . , Mr., and Mrs, Jim Johnston of Listowelyere Thursday callers .on-' Mr. and Mrs. Georg e Kennedy .; his parents Mr, and'Mrs., Gershoni returned ilOrnO.on.saruirday fro:fp a, Johnstonof Wingham, ..". two'weeltlidt# of Newfound1and.* • Recent visitors with'Mr;.and •-' They accompanied their son Bill MrS'. Garnet Farrier and Mrs,, , of-Tortintix.on the tour • • Eunice GilleSpieinsWingham 'HOS- Mr. And Mrs, Don Dirstein, pital were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie . Richard. anal Carolyn Ann Of . Taylor and .SO4 Sidney of Ottawa Ajax are holiday ,visitors with her • Mr,' and MrS'.. Gershorr John— parents Mr. and Mrs, kliSsel" ston;of Wingham were Sunday •Gaunt. Mr. Dirstein returned to visitors .with Mr and Mrs. "Jim • work on Monday but the rest re- JohnstonKintai'at their t,railer camp rnaoinnesdt.mfddriayn:tthaernr i‘.Y1;7gke.z...tc WaYne.Farrier of kianover and ieTe;nomss.. 13111 putinte was. the home of . Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Davis, of *Windmr sr N.i.ere visitors last week With l'sr4zei* • and mrs• P°Pagl. • their—parentsMr and. mu;_.Gerry,..„ - -Gaiiptivfirst Wedding anniversary et Farrier....On Wednesday. •mr , Present, were Mr. and Mrs. :RUssel and Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Gaunt ,:Mr.. 'and. Mrs. Don.Dir-. Fred Davis visited 'Mr. •and Mrs„ ' stein, Richard and Carolyn Ann of: Carman Farrier of Toronto and On. Ajax, Miss ' Thursday they took in the Exhib- Charlie•Mcgui1411. Barbara Nrc'', ition. , :• On df.Kitchener and Harris l'UtclOn. Isms" Oirner7•• Suter** Plaskett* --IL-- ---.- , in Color „ . HELL• BOATS (ADULT' ENTERTAINiAiNT). ' , • • • javnia. Francke Color • . •• ' • Cartoon in Wingham last week from the .vicinity were janene, Carey, Karen, Shaneand Lori PurclOW, AOOrding to what they a9n.lp.. 11.1ished crests and Cards for . 1, their efforts. were ,receiv ed, . Miss: Mildred Mcclenaghan of Goderich spent.Sunday with her. ;mother McClenag7 hart; . • SAT. -SUN. Sept. 4-5 .GIANT TRIPLE DILL morotcytm.penus - HORROR. • WESTERN ACTION ' Mr.. and Mrs. Erie' Elliott.° ., - ,Mr. And Mrs...Am6s Martin arid Ottawa were last week to .. ' baby were Sunday visitors with .. - Toessaion to bring their son David, :her sister' Mrs: N.. Geder; Mr. ' . • , , who has been a 'Forest Rangertyliis Geder and family of Wellesley. -,' • • • 'summer holida'y's,in that ,area, • .. horne . They ' returnedhome. b ', Mr t i 1 14 14 i I . - bep_g4 . way of Manitoulin Island and, and three daughters and his neph-„ ••• -Bruce 'Peninsula and on , Wednesclay—ew Henry Vi.rybefigi76fTcendal .. 1 • and Thursday.Visited with Mr, • visited Sunday with his brother' , ' and MrS, Russel 'Gaunt ;Mr: and •Mrs. Ke •'.. i and Miss Leah Currie. David will enter University this fall' at • -Brutel;The -Beast- (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Franco Niro -- George 'Hilton PUBLIC DEMAND! • • The LOUPES (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) . Bernie: Hamilton Adam *mirk, •:In Color • Because of overwhelining public' dernand :for finer! film entertainment, - r)-oridly-pl.eTenrf'iOIW-trh. library of masterpiece reprints, another Series' of .all -time -great movies..• Commencing Wednesday Sept 8, at . . and Continuing On • successive Wednesdays; each , SEPT. 8 SEPT. 15 SEPT. 22 SEPT. 29 Screant & Scream Again ‘Victor Wybertga , Mrs. Wybenga' and taamtly-.-, -Their 'son -Freddie, Who had visited here the pa,st two weeks, returned horne*with therr.i; • On Sunday ‘Mr. and Mrs, Rus- • Mr. arid/Mrs. E. W. Beecroft. sell McGuire and Brian acco'mp- • and Karen visited on Saturday • anied Mr., and Mrs. Art Stapleton with Mr.. and Mrs. 'Kirk Beecroft to Toronto. Mr, arid_Mr.s__Mc 7 • • Of• Exeter. • , Involved at the swimming 'tests.: • (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT)• Vincent Price - Niter Cushing Christopher ‘Lee • Color ' Cartoon 1 .•()PEN.WEE.KENI:IS ONLY . AFTER LABOUR DAY. (FRI. SAT. - • LOCHALSH :TPE.Noes Mater John McIntosh 1,S, feeling SHOWS better ,butwi1l be viearing.a cast - START AT for some time yet as a result of • °USK,. a bad tumblebreaking his!arin..• • • .cigfCannell Of California Guire and Brian visited with their son Lee' MCGUire. ' • . . attraciion'will be •presented.'one • night only .as.!ndicated below: , • •• MUTINY. ON, THE BOUNTY THE BEST PICTURE OF 1935 • • ,CHARLES LAUGHTON • CLARK GABLE -TRE G000 EARTH PAUL MUNI • LUISCRAINER OCT. 20 THE PHILADELPHIA, STOR_ KATHARINE HEPBURN • JAMES 'STEWART NAUGHTY MARIETTA MRS.. MINIVER. MINIVER. GREER CARSON \•:WALT THE GREAT CARUSO *MARIO LANZA, ANN kVA • DdROTIIT KIRSTEN g,Se-)4A ioiN-PARArtiopE-r-i0ANTtliAttiton— . *, • CRAMLHOt NOV. 3 BIG STORE f.,DAY AT THE CIRCUS • THE MARX BROTHERS . • GIGI LESLIE CARON • MAURICE CHEVALIER 411-ATAAAMTOWITifille L1ONE1BARRYIA011Z IlAtA014NOVARItO. SAN FRANCISCO CLARK GABLE JEANETTE MACDONALD SPENCER TRACY TIIEGREAT WALTZ • • LUISCRAINER ..MILITZAKORDZA. * .1 1 Of .Chathain have been holidaying in the. formef pan MacDonald . . borne:. Re6ent visitors w ith' Mr and Nit's. 'Eldon Bradley were Mr, and 1.7y1.--S4-n-i-th7a-nd4arnily of Milyerton. The for a time in the Bradley house. 'isitorrwitil Mr . aiidMtsO iver McCharles during th,e past, week were Mr..and M4„gill of Whetinsville ,Mass. Master Seim •McCharles of Brant • ford ,,Mr.; John McCharles of Pet 0 LANCASTER ::ACK'PAIANCE, LEE MARYINH: ROBERT RYAN 'pRoFES.siopoliks 'RESTRICTED DRIVE-IN • GODERICII HWY. 8 Ai CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524 9981 Al* ()UR • RP,C,1_11,AR, a#• CLIP AND SAYE THIS • HANDY LISI FOR PR ICI'S• • ctiftsfit Itt.FIReNCE. •' - - Miss nolina wyios of London has . been holidaying. with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Warren Wylds. • Sympathy is 'extended to the. .reiatives"of Mt; Monis Reid, 0(5 -pnsed:,a71-xtritr-----12w:kitt-4ftersa setious.accident ori Friday. Mr. and Mrs:. DUnean Catherbn. and family of St, Catharines cousin of..1). A. MacLennan Of t,ochash, visited with Mr, and Mrs. MacLennan Mier ttio' Week end as did John McEWitig. Of , Spokane' , Washington ad McGill, ivray Prot.., Of Port Elgin Who All enjoyed an evening of tiagpip•e , NDJ LAFF MARATHON V 0 HORRORS OIF The 10110 EIT(A7114.10.41 rtESTRIcTIM ofctiss • Yrilic„ IL 411 Ofilt . , .;..,;‘,...1074E1/41.E/WESIRIS.7 •• 1401104V4Aattit