The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-01, Page 7, • , AY, SEPTEMBER lste 1971 • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . . G0()ERICH a Culver inve-stigkt-ed--quisliap irr • • .• • , - • Bervie where a carvdr.i,Ven by • • • on slylenda y,„ , _on $ Highway, 1,2 miles south of. (Hurion Rd. 31) Ian • .' Mornto,.229 13.r.kinswic1( Street; Stratford and 'John Shephard Lont: deshOro, were. involved in a .t.w#0.. tr1.4 accident resulting in minor dainage to the vehicles•they were • On TiicSday August 10 on Con, 2-3., Colborne Twp. east of #21 Highway, James Redmond, R. R. Go erich w s .irivolved in. single triick.accident resulting in . carnage to .. v, .Redmond received'injUries: , • . LilliartilenneSV.,Qf R. &II• KIncardine rolled Pvei al the corner Of #9 ilighWaYiand the -5th Sideroad.Mrs, lien,ness* was not injuredand about $700,00,damage was Caused to her Car. , Later on, Friday , August Constable McPhail investigated a two car collision'on the".13" Line just SO,lithpf.Courq #15. 'A Car driven:13y Bernadette Colwell of R. R. # 2, Cargill: • with•anOther car driven bricenneth,•Webb of,Port Elgin.. • No one was injured as .a. result of this collision. , • ., ••• :On Satiird.ay:, August 14 on #,P: Highway at Holmesville (Huron ' Cin Tuesday ,„ August:10 corfstab .WivcZaryk investigated' an. ' ' • Rd.."31) Patrick O'Neill RR. R accid c'n e'N Sh °'*•11° aci R. When it was struck by anOther car'being driven by Robert Gilles- pie Of Port Elgin. Gillespie's car was also dAftlaged very eXt:4;q1."' Sively on the front end. • • Oil Friday evening, August 20i, Constable McPhail investigated • a two car accident .in the Village of Tivertpn involving two TiVer- toil resicienrs. Harold. Wil1is •and Donald Wor tile two unin, iured drivers involvd'and the • ' Cars. that they were driving suffet;-- ed minor damage. •-• 2...TOO 23, con, stable Mc'Phail 1nvestigated.a two car :accident, on121. highway. ' just nortil of Pine Ri,ver. Vehicles in the accident were driven by Myles West of Hamilton ,• Ontario and Ronald' Stephens of Kinear- dine. • A passenger in the ,Stepli,7. ens vehicle', David Stewartf q Kincardine received minor injur- ies. Total darnage to -the two cars was estlr4ateci'at *50. 90. At 7.45 a August 24, Con - Stable Whitelaw investigated a • twocar accident:on the Bruce • Generating Station Access Road - - Drivers of the ,vehicles involved • were Ronald Cooper'of WateiloO- PAGE WES fa.$00 Away. in 'Fier-..6.5th,Yecir.. • MRS. 'ARCHIE BONNETT .• Mrs. Archie 13onnett,of Kinloss Township passed away in, Victoria. Hospital, London tin Thursday „AugUst 26th , in her • ,She*as the fOrmer •Georgetta StanleY, • gesides het' huSb.a.rict: Mrs „BOn:- nett: is survived by two daughters • and three sons, Mrs. Donald (Ruby) PeterbaUgh of •Ripfey , Jean, Lloyd and Jantes, all•athotne and! Robert qf Stratford; four siSters',, Mrs. Hannah Shoebottqm and Mrs. Ida Sh,ebottom, both Of . London, Mrs. C.. R. (Margaret) Scott of 'Royal Oak, Michigan • and Mrs.' Belle Pepper of Saska- toon, Sa0..atchewan; arid two brothers Clarke of.1..,Ondon and David of. Tiverton„." • • . , The ftinera.1 service was conduc, ted at. MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow' on SaturdaY: Aug ust 2Sth with interment in Kincardine 'cemetery.. 2. 1 '1 1k Bruce Farm Report SHERRY POLLOCK, NA1WEP ' BRUCE'COUNTY DAIRY PRINCESS 72_ At the, recent Walkerton Centen- celebratienS1 Sherry P011ock of Ripley won the Bruce County , Dairy Princess competition, and will represent the County at the 1972 C.N.E. competition. Sherry ' ,is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace' Pollock.. 7 • The Bruce ;'County Prim-. ..cess is .made available by, the County. Milk Cornrnittee to attend and Speak at Fall Fairs,.organiz- ations,'• meetings, .service' clubs' and to school children.. • . Other contestants in this year's , competition were Eleanor Fenton, 'Elaine -Fenton and. Bernice' Ham- • mell of Tara; Nora Zettel, Chep- stow; Jill Caslick, Walkerton; Betty Ann Grubb, Milchnay and :Gertrude Lee. Walden, Ripley. For the second year in' a row, Eleanor Fenton of Tara was nam- ed runnerup in the competition. • , • • Miss Pollock received a set of luggage„ a set of steak knives and a 'financial award for being chos- en winner, Jeannie .Reid, Bruce County Dairy' Princess 69-71 ., crowned thenew princess.' • INCREASED ,INCOMES. FOR ,DAIRY FARMERS ' •and eith Fiher ,weea car riv n •lanne Goderich_,„•s R. R. #1,, codefiZtid in a two car accident resulting in minor darnage .to,the vehicles they were drig7 yin 3 ,Sherrer.Of Kitchener, Ontario • :strucka 'fallen tree which had • been blown down as a result. of the • violent storm w ic .stmc t area earlier thesame day., • • irday, August 14 , , ugus Dungannon, Wilbert Ilattin:,,19 .12 tWo_..a.ars csollided. On the bridge Oar< ,t.reet, 'Galt and Deborah Me on the North Shore Road just South ' Call were. in.vOlved in.a two Car. of.Lortie Beach ROad; 'The ca,rS NO one was injured inthe mishap ,which caused an 'estimated • $1,,000 00 damage.' • •• At 9'."00 'atn. August 25, Con- stable Whitelaw investigated a - • sin!le'ca • '• - • . • • - t. !bad just east of...the-trailer park .whe-n a vehicle driven by Manoi.1 'parr of 1:2•. R. # 3, Granin„ went' out of control and ment.irito the' ditca. Appro.ximately $400;,00 damage resulted. • ApproxiinAely $250,00 damage resulted a'tWo•car accident , linVestigated by Constable :4eriw it 14 lat 47.00, p.rn..Auguit 26 ,'On #21 • riltifi.6-L.4n-danjage to- -IL._ - ?,t - the vehicles they were driving'. 'Kitchener and.Alairt•Tar .1)ebOtah McCall rec'eived injuries. Kincatdine. Constable Renwick • . • • ,inVestigated the collision and ,On•Monday ,•,,A.ugust 16 onCOn7 esirilated a lotalbf approx.imate- ' • .cession '9-10 east of sicleroad 4-5, ly $77,5 00 damage caused to the iciarsha Kerr, R. R. 6; Go -de' ••• be -1 , 41 iigles-e-,•a--7-!-, Street', c.;Oderich,Were involved in a car:-tnickaccident resulting • • in niinor„.•dainage ter'the 'Kerr • • vehicle, : . , • . . • • • . . On Tuesday, ,:August 17 on 30-31 • • A Sideroad nOrth, qf Jct. Larry • • • r ey , R. Tr 3, Blyth was in.- volved in a single truck-acciderit • resulting in damage tolbe vehicle ..he was 'driving. Passengers • ' • BartholenleW Vos 131 th le A tam 1401( k. # 2, AnbUrn re ceived . • • • , injuries.. , • • On Saturday, August 21 on Side-. road 24,25,, south of 6th Conces-, sign ,•West.:awariosh , Cranston,, R.#.2, Auburn strusk a• cattle 'beast 'resulting in, minor damage to his vehicle 0-11 Wednesday , August 25- on! Concession 4 dz5, West WaWA,- • . • r)osti fiownship , east of Dungan- . On.l'hursda,y .eVehing at abOut' SAO Lailiel Mifflin of • Glarnmis Was driving north from TivertOnOri•the rough Con.. ...*J” road When the car she was • ' • • driving left the.rpac1,- entered 4/ie west di:id:Valid went through a ' • • , g P g.. owned ,by Bernard Conquergood o R. R. 2•, tiverton. Consta/ble: Culver estimated a r xirnatel '$300i 00'da a e. was _•_4 to Mifflin's 1964Pantiac family au ono i ,. • On Friday afternoon, August 13 Constable,Poland inveitigated. ' f a two'car On the South . Share Road involving cars driven by Alberta Munro of Toronto and Peter' Gerster of R. R., If 1, , Kin- cardine, Nobody was injured;: :however, , $6-5-070'07damage was. caused to the vehicles. ; Ori.Saturday AiLig.nst • . • . • .•\. ) „just .South of gin. erwoo Drivers of the vehicles 'involved were Kurt.ChristensOn of Don 14i1ls, Ontario and Donald Ham- rnell of R R# 17 ,P91)Sintoill. Noone was injured,. . ..• .. 26 • Letter To The Editor - Box 384, •• Pal I * 1 • AUgust 16 1971: The Editor ' •.• Lucknow Sentinel , Lucknow A 9 • • . • : , . • in t. •00 P. .A, g Dea!'Editor stable WiVazaryli investigated a Iwould appreciate s,ornespace single car aecdent on the Shore.ir• . yoUr."1.Editor" .ettersto the Ed'. , . • Road 'north of the.7th.CoriCession Column for the •following, Some f Kincardine TWp. when a vehic:- months ago a motion wa;. y". . 4 .12x:_ajjjklorily404,,c_ !''.,. LasseCL . . . arys, went- out of control ing Committee on Transportation -arid' struck a 'hydro pole. Robert • .• in the House of 'Commons, Ottawa. This Motion called fOr a .complete reView'cOncerning the need of the travelling public for public pas,,F- anger' train •service ,in, our ' area AS:We are aware ; all pubtic.irins- portajliOn was eliminated, in the. • triangular area from,oderic fr.; • . . POt2enrotli and a. passenger Brent !Blackler of R. R..l, Kirkton • . , both stiffereci the Mis hap Which caused.an estimated 11;200:00 damage., • At'iCi.'4 •August 29 , stable Renwick inveltigaied a two 1Itii-ne•-,7-beitt-ba-mpton-;-"-Qw Kincardine, TwP. at the jct. of Sound, .dOWn. through the former /1 highway .' Drivers of the vehic.'railWay'Oentre of pairnerson., ''4nd • • involved' were !Matgareta.Cook. -south-to-Guelph This fairly fise,,r• and efficierit*mearis of public transportatiOn vanished frOrri our , Canadian Transport Conitnission, all railinersWere dispensed With •ApProxiny $409°, 00:damage- on-Novernber17-1-910. Any • resulted trotha 2 car .accident. ,-private bus service in the place of • byinvestigated,Constable Burgess train .Service is • not b an e who desires highway a mile orth of.bn er• at least a minimal .railiner ser' wood. • Drivers of the vehicles in.' vice thfough,this area should et vo 1 ved were Doria-ld:Cote..nf_R.a..-L----wlit-eti-s-oritevt-Csbni Of_Parlr • -----tion--;.-,-arowri7S.rtlytit-,•ifDinTgannon • • and William' McAllister Diingan-, • non 'were inVolved in. a, t‘.4o, car aCcident esnItinOri • their vehicles. • 14.,, Constable Culver. estiinated, about ,$50..00 damage was,cius 'ed W2hen'a cat dri darnage to '. Johnson cif R. R# Kincardine truck another vehicle beingtiriV .en Marjorie Martirrof piget- Soli This 'occurred- at about 7.15 • • • • • p;m, on the South Shoreload, -d4n• - • . ney of R. R, # i,.kintaydihe and -Robert: McKay Of a,R 2, Tiv•- ven by David CARD-INE" 9 e•y a ternoon, August Corittable Culver investigated a NO ear Collision on #21.High to -a t -rue- , . . . . On Sunday , August 15, an estin • atid $1500. damage was caused • erton: .,Noone was injured in the• M-ishap which caused' an estimat - ed $4,50,.90 damage.: , • • 11 W • ,M.B. in, the price of milk supplied ' to processing plants in Ontario ' should result in improved incomes for dairy farmers. The, price of •: milk supplied to cheese factories was 'increased. August lst from ---per--Inmdredweig __August 16th saw the price of milk: • supplied to powder ' and butter Plants increase from 3.99 .to 4.24 • per hundredweight. Can milk 'prices are. Joy cents , per hundred- weight less. • • ' ,The final blend 'price that will • be. received by all Group 11 pro- , ducers. will-not•be•known until; 'the ... percentage of milk '-used, in each • 'categoryis determined at the' • ' stilt in an increase ,in excess of 50c . per hundredweight. 0:M.M.B. are making 31 of',a producer's Market', Share.. Quota . available to him for the month of July.: Producers therefore, could have shipped' 68% of. their avail - '4111 4able_s1VI.SQ.in'L.-the-, first four months of the present dairy year. •Producers who have had the $2 05 lioldbSek levy :applied 'against . their production, but :are still be- low 68% of their total M.S..Q. at --thtren-d-oflutyill ave o back. refUnded. This 'Shotild, give th'ese producers an improved op- pOrtunity to balance their A/LS.42s With their expected production for the present tdairy year. • , Producers' who expect to ship less than 75% of their total M.S: Q.- for the, dairy year°are 'advised to. 'sell their exceSs:. M.S.Q to a . • producer .who inay_shi coVer. A producer not shipping 73% of. his, M,S.Q: for the dairy year, :will lose ,1‘1.S.Q., :as it will , ....be_iedticed-by-the-amotint-his-pro- . • ductidn is belowthe. 75%. : Producers wishing to Sell or.' purchase M.S.Q. or Federal Sub-. silly eligibility, shOuld make the Same known to the local ct,m.m.p... „. ---- . ii L tnenoession--o-f Huron -Township. A car driven by bavid 13uchanan of R: R:. # 3, e driver) • by Peter White of Stratford; pro5dnlately $1,800..90 da'rnage , : was:sustained to'botlehicil.e4-- Ildertori collidedwith --...7-'17V-TTwo-'p-elsoris were Kilicardine.Hcs041 for niihor injuries,' :. ' ' • i,,. " On Tuesday" August 3 Constable 1,qy. The accident was•inVtstiaw * ', wiwe2ary1( investigated:a.single i. ated"by Constable's CuiVer and ear collision in which a car driven 81-itgess of the kihtardthe C).P•IY4' ,by Milton Rappel of UnderVood , On Tuesday, Anglist 17, COW'. WaS il-IVOlied. Apptdkiniately- . stable Poland investigatcd,a tWO4',. - 1350 00 1 ' ' . , . carnage was caused to car collision on #21 highway, , • ., ! 16PPO's it and he sustained . , . south of- Tiverion, A car driven very minor injuries. % • ,by• Willia.h1 Hector Of Michigan On,Pridayi August 6 Constable suffered abut -$460, damage , dine Constiuctign Co: when it rolled Over lifa' 'steep ditch on the sixth .concession of Eitiron • . - 1 *-2--,-Tivertotrlid .GwendO-1yii Hill of MisSissaugna, 'Ont. ,No One' was,ifijured: Township . The driver of the , A ‘41-1ITELA W • • thick , Kevin 'pi Kincardine -lopped_ uninjured4•Abw.ever_a.•_ paSsenger in•the truck Sustained back injuties. V # *4 r • o N puBLIC RMATIQ • lament -.askingthat this motion, callinglor a review beplaced before the'Metribers ofthe House .of Coirimons in Ottawa, and that the, review' .be allowed to take' te-L-LAIralrirl-4*iiir---- , whole Area yho. feel that we are as much entitled to public trans- pOrtatiori as any Other part of Can, ada7ttr Member of Parliament '• and for that niatter, , the Govern- ment cannot ,:know the wishe'and needs of the people 'if the RePrev: entaties of the people are riOti,• informed of them.. Sincerely yours Robert 8'. glietcy, , Milk Conimission Fieldman • • 0 4jj I 'ASSOCIATION , „ The plowing,' match .and 'coach- ing .day spOnsoredby the Bruee _C_ounty_Plow-men-",4--Association- -will-be•-held--on-th-clarnfor-Jolux Loney,, 11.11. 1, Tiverton, 3 milis east of Tiverton on County Road, • on Thursday, September 2nd, 1971. Coaching to commence at 1000 a.ni. and the, plowing'. by 12:30 • • MARKET 1Nk*ORMATION Now available to Ontaii6 farm- ers are Producer Call In Linea ,''sO that producers can obtain 'MM..: ket • information by telephone:. The numbers are as, follow8:" Fruit & Vegetable report, 924-4461 Hog PrOdtieer Report, 924-7446; Slaughter & Feeder Cattle it'eport, • ' 24-7441; Farm Weather, 94-9606, Denis Quish Associate Agricultural liepresentative, • 4,•••••••••••••••••,,Rwraimia.• • • . • . • •