HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-01, Page 3re
• wipNEspAv, SEPTEMBER 1st 1971
frtvprry rst 'iv et I
. .
BEST BUY! - With fork fn Tomato SaUce
FEATURE! , 24 -vs. Size
APPLE...pi" *ED I? 111(1,1TE
90 to Collo, Bog
BEST 11/111 =:r.. °FESS,- TWON PDX
• • •..
Coleman's Epicure • ,
BACON 590 lb pk
Itr rrifj+ift'Vtitirri""
r..41. 414
1 , ,j,„,
: Would anyone who has ordered : .
I "
Assorted flavors
quart bottles for 1.0
•case of 1
plus deposit
11.11, 4111,
• 660z Plastic Jug
.1 •
,„ .. •
• *sow • svh.0 NI,* • • • ••••• • o • • fe • 4••• • •11-1-11
• Mr. and Mrs: Verne Allison of
Ailsa Craig were Sunday visitors
with Mr.'and Mrs., George Saun-.'
4-'-a-TOtrsPal irjs an -477'..
• Mrs.' Wro,.:1-larris of London visit-
• ed recently with, Mr: arid: MrS.
—Clarence 6-reer and,Mrs.
beth Ferguson: • •
ofK1ir1�s •
Township ' is Visiting this week
with his.cousin John Wilson in
ntiltoll. while Susan Wilson of
Harniltonis"vSiting with Mary
MacKintloil •
John Fraok of Hanover , former-
ly Of•Holyrdod , bas, returned to
borne after 10 .day S in 'Flariover
• Hospital following an accident:
Mr. Frook Suffered an intUred,
back in a .fall from:a scaffold
•while :engaged in Construction,
• 'Work. It. will be two t� three
weeks yet 'before he can ,return
to, work, , •
dishes please pickthem up :
Wudi Itwilliur
Miss.bOnna Greer is visiting
swithher, relatives Mr. and Mrs.
Aike LJeiT&o' •
Mts.. Charlie McDonald has re-
turned to. her home after 'spending
•five weeks in,Wingham Hospital
following a cat ateident.
Mr. and Mrs •Harvey Webster
Of.Lticknb;4\have their grandson •
-week of hiS•vacation. Mr. and
Mrs. Webster visited recently
in Halifax With theirsion Geor e
.and wife a rid three bbys.and in'
St. Catharines with their. daugh-
terNancy (Mrs. Terry Pyrn) and
'husband. and,son. • •
• Norman Henning_ofdiarvion baS
been Visiting for the past lo days
in Lucknow with his grandparents
" . riTris)i c •t-MiightOn.
. . ' nd-i-Mrs-RosS Christian -T-7
formerly of the Bank of Montreal
staff in Lucknow and now employ-
-ed-arhead ofifce,of the hank,
were tecerit-visitors with Mr.• and
0011 " GIB ON
• Mr. and. Mrs. Chester Feagan,
Palmerstbn Street, Goderich,
a•vet.t.e-turner-fronta_7 -week
• :western trip. While away the.•
visited with their sons, Insp. and,
•,Mrs. 1-1.. A, Feagan and family• .
Yellowknife Ni:W.T. and Cst
and Mrs. Bryan I, Feagins Banff,
• Altahi WattOtts and Regina Saskatch-.
• ewant, Calgary, Altar, Surrey,
'11.0 and Sidney 'on VancouVer
• bland, • The Teagani report. a
• wonderful holiday :and idear• .
weathereSpeCiany at Yellow-
.W•attle NbC011 arrid Darlene, of
Npl6y viSited.Suriday.with hit
paxetitt Mr, and Mts. •liaac„ Nix -
mil; 'Belfast. •
lAcknow friends, '
:Holiday visitors with their par-
Lucknow, Were Mr. and Mrs.,
Clifford MacMillan and, family,
Mr, and Mrs. Jim MacMillan and
family all of St; Catharines and:
Mrs. John O'Reilly and' family of
a. ervisttors-were
Mt, J. Laverne MacMillan and •
boys Stephen and John of Pitts4;
burg/a nd Miss A. Clifford of
Strat ford a, •
'.4Mri. •L.C. Thompson and
Joanne and Mrs; Ed Thom of
LOCknow Visited recently'in Net-,
wtiod With Mr, and Mrs•.,•Ron
Rothwell. They Werc Joined by
Mrs. RothWell and spent' a few
days in the State Of New York.
and Mrs. Dick kilpatriek. •
via train to Vancouver with. stops,
at Hanley and Saskatoonin Sask-
atchewan and Edmonton, Erskine
• and Calgary in Alberta. Aniong
the relatives theyited along
ere -Mr e Mrs.7:]i
Andrew , Mr. and Mrs'. 8111.And;:i.
rew and Mt:. and Mrs.. John 'Finlay
at tdrtionton and Jack. Webster ,
met, them at SaskatoOn. The
Kilpatricks had an interesting
experienee on the train, They
had dinner With 'a couple from
:Edinburgh, ScOtiand. The gentle.
Mail' was a retired'school' teacher
'and his-wift had at one little tut-.
ored Prince. Chalet as she told
the Kilpatricks"YOUr.ftiture
••• •
•••Jarnes Durnirt of Lucknow. re; -
turned to his borne Ailgust Ilth
after -being in-gharn-and-
Joieph's HospitalAndon for 3
Weeks: 'Whilein London he under
.went surgery:.
Visitprs'during last week end
with Mrs. Frank .Miller, Lucknow
and Mr.. and Mrs. Allan Miller
Langside were Mr. and' Mts. ..eg
ivli.:and.Mrs, Don Thompson •
Susan, Nancy and Donaida of •
Etit-know---atrendeirthe anaian
Weekly Newspapers Association •:• •
Convention in Vancouver on Apg-.
ust 15,• 18.. They .flew' to • • : '
Calgary where they•rented a ear ,•••
arid drove through the Mountains
to Vancouver'. After the CoriVenti..
tiori they visited' for a few days.
With Mr: and Mrs Robert .Hewat ,
S di St even ancL_Allad.—....10di-'anci-Shellen--11*moitv_et.
of'Sarnia', Mrs. Annie SWass of
TiVerton and 'Mr. arid Mrs. Harvey
,David, Dean,• and,Tiditny
orkergus. Mr. and Mrs. Mel'
Husk -Of •Kinloss visited Sunday •
•with:Mrs. Frank Miller: •
Tom Barger. KM of Mr. and
They returned to Toronto .via
plane where they .visited briefly
With Mr. and MrsDon__Baes: and
Stephen.: Bob Hewat and Nancy
Bites are the son and daughterof ,
•Mr. and Mrs. Bill HeWat (Fur:ices
fThOrdpson) of 'Elmira ,W spent
.• three •weeks in July with their •
Mt Alan Barger of Ashfield ,.iS
-holidaying-with-his aunt-and-uncle-faThil-Y-th--Va-no0.11V4t
Mr. and Mrs,: Jim Barger and • •
Steven in Ottawa. Torn went ,
•by bus afi81-wilf return With his
aunt and unele'Whb Will visit•rela
tives here this weekend. \,
Td MrT. Robert Maeiceri-
:zie of Lucknow and Mr. and:Mrs,.
Frank',Ritchie of Zion recently
motored to SathteheWan. The ,••
. ,
Mr; and 'Wit:, Cliff Crawford ti
'Mr. and Mrs. RalPh•NixOW •
and children of Wingliarn and•
john arid' childreWof Ber-
and IVirs,. Isaac Nixon of BelfaSt.
Ritchies•visited with.relatives in
he_wattattiglac,leceri4e*' k -
_ n -spent-three-wee •a
visited with theivdaughter Wendy ,
(Mrs,. Toney) and Mr: Toney
attAll Lake SaskatcheWan,
Wendy and her parent S motored on
to jasper and Banff., •
• Mr... and Mr, Stuart Jarniesoiv
Cathy arid Glenda of Lucknow Ah,d
Mr. 'and 'Mrs, Elmer MacKenzie
131air, Brent and Craig 9f Mount ,
Forest recently" returned from a
two wed red:living trip tO, the •
East Coast. -•
ttnOtOr trip to•Vaneoti,vet.,
Vancouver they v'isited'. with their
daughter (Joan)'Mrs. Ted Avis,
Mr. AviS.,„Miehtle and Lori Lee.
tnroute'they viSited former' Pert.
Albert residents Mr, and Mts. Art
Murray ,o,f sardii, 11.c. and Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Quaid of Edson.
Alberta; Fied• Dixbh ,• formerly of '
•Dungadriesri area , and Mrs. Dixon:
of Kelowna Mi. and Wt.
'Keith Thotbuth of Cold :ke,
Alberti aMitsther-raativet.,
• ..