HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-01, Page 1rar n.AdYaingki-', 44444+ + • 4. • + $eIIs Ashfield ownshipFarm ER . • .13atry origt bas sod hi .50 aere,fa`rm, on the 12th conces- sion of Aihfield to.,Ken Taylor, eiripioyye of the Combined insorance (tornpany. • possession was obtained in Mid August and Mr and Mrs. McDon- • agh and' faniily are temporarily residing at their cottage at Point ' Clack. • . • Mr. and • Mrs. •Taylor are frorn London and have a family of four giris of public „school age. • The farm haS'been in the Mc:- Dorragh family for over 100 years and was originally taken up by • Barry' s great grandfather.. • Barry is associated with his father in the instirance,business 0 Extra • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1411. Mt • 1 WO* COPY 15O 20 POOP • . , • :Itt, • WilliomDickieTetIs Of Experiences At orld Scoot -Jam _ • • • • . roop Evac • uate Campsite After_ Two Do • • . f Ram .and 0 Inches. of Water g Hoist Real Estate „• al Affafrs, who approved the,bud- . . • • •• •• • .• • • get.4gures,. • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••4 • • • • • • • • • • •• n .A special. meeting �fWes Wawanosh Township council was held on Tuesday, , AlJgdSt to further discuss the 1971 Budget for the township and to establish a. mill rate for 1971 taxatio.n.: • Don Brown, new manager at ,..the Au !Dian branch of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.at-:, tended the•meeting, met Council • members. and the financial affairs of the Township were discussed briefly, ' rfhe clerk. and Treasurer:re- ported to Council regarding the 1970 .Financial Report, and a•tel- ephone conversation held with'D. J. Date of Financial Ivlanagement_ or Services,,,,Department of Municip- On.motion of CouncillOrs Aitchr son add Hickey , By -Law # 14, 1971 was given third,reading and. finally passed., ' •• • This by-law sets .the 1971 mill. rates for taxation at: County - • 18.43; Township - 15,3,5 and 18. 78, Huron County School Ara* # 2 -.4.,2%• aPd 4.74; Colborne S.A. - 12:66 and 14.07; Morris - East Wawanosh S A 8..54; Kin - CONTINUED ON PACE' 20 rn,FireiDu Nincent-Austin, Davi elbergueBary • .Tliree•disastrouS fires levelled as many districtbarns during the. • Sentinel,holiday period. • • • •• The first blaze was at...the farm. • of. Mr. and. Nirs.. Vincent Austin, they were. able to achieve rDungannop., Tte Austin Obildreuwere• unloading grain at the barn -when flames were ob- ered the building. • • Call 'renders For New Liquor Store In Lucknow Tenders are being called in this•. ' . issue for the construction' of a new. 110111----liquor-st-or-e-in-L-uk-now-w-fth•-tend-7- - •ers, due September 8th. • 11Ficheran Mrs. Austin surrinioned .the • . , Lucknowvolunteer fire depart-,. ment Who later called. out• the • . • Goderich fire fighters but the best . • was •ri• .-------4,4101-1 to save the other. buildings in1 the vicinity of the barn.• I. : ., • , BY W.ILLIAM. DICKIE KINLOSS TOWNSHIP 1 returned Saturday . APgust 14 after many action filled days at the World Boy Scout Jarribore ih Japan.' At Vancouver we were billetedat the University of Brit- ish Columbia. There, we were told what 'to expect Japan and at the Jamboree. During °kir stay . there ,• we tOured Vanceiuver and watched. a. football game between the 'BIC. 'Lions and the Saskatch- ewan Rough Riders: We .had a refueling stop at An, chorage, Alaska , and had a, chance to see ksmall,portionof Alaska's landscape.. • on arrival at Tokyo Airport , 1 felt quite a change in tempera- ture to our clirnate. The .cana,d ian •Contingent stayed at the Olympic Memorial Youth Centre built for the .1964 World Olympics. After one day in Tokyo, we, went m .by bus to the Jamboree site. The CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 .'• ' "A Trek"Wallow Arena For Two Days Attracted 50 People, Course Had Participants Fro_nultiallYeari_Of Age k • rav-e-Iling--krtiSts-Tisitedickwr-Ities th LATCHklisow. This willbe On Land was purchased some time now Friday and Saturday, ,:August display at Likkniiw Fall 40:5:froP SYnles.BC901C0 27 •and 28 'from 10 a.4.n. 'to .9 0.fri. September 17: and 18 as Will sev- now and' the site for the neur.• eacbday•• ,.-•er-alother indvidual pieces dope ••, in will be .on WillouighbyStreet, adjacent to',Syrnei Bros:. COnstruc- tidn:. •• • • Plans and specifieations,are iv 4able' to contractors only at the office'of the architect , Moffat., • • •II . • . • . , • f3ONTINLI.ED ON PAGE 19 The theme "Do your own thing" took well with the fifty particl- Art Ttek, a project of the. drit• pants and one piece of Art rneas-• ariO Department of EduCation tiring over 0' in 1eiith will test Xouthand 'Recreation Branch, • , ifY to the 'public' the artistic abil- cnnsiiisof three teams of artists • who have spent the sunrrieftravel- . ling throughout *Ontario .in fully' 'equipped vans ,c0ridneting,casu,h1 artistic workshoPs. in two day:ses- SiOns in each centre visited • One of the...va.ns with artists. Harold, Norrington and Roberto • • Carbone ConduCted the workshops . • .. . , . . . CONTINUED ON pAGE 2 •at the school:. • • Plans and specifications will. also be on display at the builders' exchange in Toronto. . • • Announce Area. Real Estate Sales rf• - (101. PS.:TP" PfXhOSIIIIr-ge iviondy0o have' been cornpleted by Warren ' .The•foltowing real estate sales t Flower Show; 141 Entries Shown Fractured Leg . lhe, August metting.of the. LtiCknow and 'District: Horticul ocretyWai the Annual Summer, 'flower Show,"I1eld on Monday afternoon and evening AUgusf.,16.th- in the Legion Hall. The show. ' committee .consisting of:14s. .• Gardon Kirkland; Mits'Liella fin' layson and Mr.: Robt. fisher were. assisted by Mrs,. Walter Rexter. and Miss Elizabeth Robinson in set. -,--:-.4-ing*p4n4r-eParrnttahles74107.7 looking after entry forins and cords Mrs. Walter:,-Fa-rieltofiqley• lilies,• flbral arra,ngernents And • con4ino..s.,2potied-pia,hts.--;,..b.e. • Uonal•• ayrew1F ias:and:vegetables.,• Mrs, Jean Burke provided record ed musicduring the showing. At the conclusion of the show, the President , Mrs. Ross Cumming thanked.' all who participated in any. why to make the Show the . • success it was. She also presented the-a-wards-and-trophiv, Beatty trophy and .the.T Eaton! Co award were won by Mrs. Ford Cunningham: With '51 paints Re Simpson a wa rd -and also the d Rose ,Tea Trophy were won by Mrs. Alex' AncifeW with 39 points. The ' bion -Reid awards Were won..by Ada Webster, Robt. Fisher' Mrs. Jas. McNaughton a . • ' and !vbs. Ewan MacLean ofLoch- alsb Judged the eXhibits. there'. were 16 •e i iter -s -and 141 -entries: in.the show The the exhibits-includt. ed choice spe.einieni Of • ntaialt*teses,,dahliasWilfred •Drennan, phlox and . . • resides on the 2nd of Kininis west , suffered a.:badly:fractUred.left,leg on Monday of-last.week, August 'He was loading feed at Treleav en's Lucknow Feed Mill when the steel cart he was. wheeling threat- enedto go Out, of cOntrol. In an attempt w save the feed incrthe,cart • Donald fell oft the loading dock onto the diannre • • Spreader he was Using to transsPOrt tire feed and fradttireirt, the knee. , .He was treated at Wingharn Hospitaand-thenret-ur-ned-ho for a few days until Saturday when he Was admitted to St. JOs.r • eph"-S--HoSpi-tal-itr-tondOrr2-Surgery was performed on the leg on J\40nday of this week. , • It is expected that.Donald' will be completely off the.leg for ; tw6 or three months and will have -t-O-d-clettruLt, ts'- to get arQund,. orris Reid, Pine River Farmer, Is • KiIIeJ1nFtirmMtichineryAcciIent1 14kig Resident of Huron Township :E.un..af.srics were •held A,the eleVa tor Was being. trrov• day, August:16th dt, he Mao an-McCreath_lutt44ioth" kpley Tor the late MOWS Rid, 7-year-Od -Pine River farrnei who died after being injured ir-1 fnn.accident. Mt.. Reid, Who °wets the first • 'farm son.th 'of Vine River On the west side of highWhy 21, was Mov ing his bale elevator about three Oelook Friday' aftethodii, August ., 13, Helping him with, the ChOrd, W55 ht wife Marjorie. .; . , • • • • • led it appeared to bounce causing co apse an alloWing theeleVator to crash tO the grOund. Mr. Reid shouted warning his wife who wat able to move out of the wy, ststining.onlY a cut on her attn. Acorn the ' falling machine, Mt Reid .howeVet , Was pinned be- eatIT the elevatr.— ••Neighbeitrig ruSifed to the scene tONTINOW btt PAOE 11 • Ziniv,•agent kir Wilfred l*Intee. and Co. • , • • The.l00 acre farm Of George -Sm-ith-fforrnerly-blOyd7eline to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Metzger of Wallenstein: They have 4 child- ren attending NorthAshfield Pub- lic School., • s.' . The house of Mrs. Edna Con - gram, Inglis Si. 1.41Claiw to Mr. and Mrs. Orley' Cooper, R. R. 5, Lucknow.. • ; • ' CONTINUE:D ON PAGE.2 • ReturFr n erseas Holiday Denver Dickietreturned home the first of the week from a three week holiday overseas. On the continent he travelled through France: Spain'and PortugaLancl • in a rented Volltswagen he toured England , Scotland and Wales., ucknow Home • Died Suddenly • 4 4 • operator, died suddenly on Fridy. froth a heart attack. He was, in his' 62nd year. Mrs, MacKays death also' Occutted quite sudden- ly just a' few -Months ago. • 'Kenny had beenat wotk all day Friday and had returned Friday evening when he' tiyas stricken-. He WAS dead' oh atrivalat'Xineardine -loPitl., • The ftirteral service Was &today! wth bOrial in rtUpley Cemetery a in ayson recently sold their Ludknow home to Mr a' and Mrs Herb Clark arid &Ward Onbro. Mt. Clark is with the Depart- ment of Land&an will now work out of the Witigharri office wIlich is at preSent under constructiOn. , ajidJvira. CatkJav-e-a • family of six:'‘. The eldest mem- • Entries In ber•Cathy is, beginning her second year aSa rinrSe in tra thing at Barrie ,lospital. TwO will attend' the P.. .E, Madill Secondary :. f-Sehotr14- WerShOW • espitethundetstorrn Conditions ' • d•DistriCt-llorric-tr, • " t• • . • al Society held A very successful Flower Show on Friday, August •71ti the Legion Hallfrom 3 - There were a tora1 entries and the membrswere very appreciative of the guests. who braved the elements to see the display of fioweri and arrange• mentsa Grade 12 and Stsati in Grade 9.. • The three yidungest Will attend • LUcknow PitbliCSch�OIT, JiMthie age 1in Grade 5, age g in Oracle 4 and bougieage in Grade Mr. and Mrs: Finlayson, who purehased the home on Rse, Stteetff0m the George Stnith" Estate sothe 25 years ago, have been retiding Goderidh fr.. 't dptt ttici years. theihOw was judged by Burke McNeill Of the Dep,artrient of • - •Agriculture and Food from Mil toria • He opened the show and gave a feW COmrperitS Ibti the • The 'Eaton Trophy fOr dtit= ers was awarded to Mrs. Ewan MacLean.with Mts. Jack Verhult. as runnier The Sittipson Prite Of stainless ,CONTIUEP ON PAGE 11