HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-08-11, Page 10•C •. THE LUCyKNOW1 SENTINEL,, ,LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO • INCLUDING CHAISE LOUNGES ,— CHAISETTE.S SUMMER. CHAIRS — CHAISETTE PADS - ETC. -LUCKNOW PHONE; 528-3432. • SOUND INVESTMENT cis ESTA'T'E COUNSELLING • When you need the ••compete-ntser._v_ices..of: a._- P. t, r u -s t• c o m p a' n y, •' Ia, t.. us help ou. on such items: as Y• Tax Matters, Succession Duties, Planning and 'd.n o s1ei ng Est -axes. Investments; Savings' and .High Interest .Ce'rt,ificates., STERLINiO. TRUSTS • 372 Bay, Street, TORONTO LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister AUGUST ;15th: No Sunday School:; 11:00i`"a m;. Morning Worship. Joint. serVices with Lucknow and, S•o ,u t h Kinloss , Presbyterian. "Churches 'b. eginnng August 8, through Se`pterr-tber- n-Lucknaw Presbyterian Churcht KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. 0. MacPherson, Minister.. EVERY SUNDAY. 10 a.m. Sunday School' 11 a.m. Worship Service T 7:30.p.m. Evening Worship WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 0:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting •0 ANGLICAN CHURCH! LUCKNQW AREA PARISH The Rev. R. Odendahl Rector AU.15th Tr•mitGUSTy�1..0. St ,Paul's, Ripley 77 9:15 a,rn, Ascensiod 1 plough 10:30 a,nl St. Peters .Lucknow 11:45 a.m., Church School.—v-10:30 a.m. AUGUST ONLY St. Pauls, Dungannon —.11 a.m. 2nd and 4th: Sundays Christ Church,' Port Albert 11 a.m. 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays. 111I,EP11ESD ►X. AUGUST iith4, 'icr�ic and Visit Nurs:Ing Horne WHITECHURCH NEWS W.hitechur-ch••United Church Women held as 'their August :rneet- ing •a .picnic withnoonlunch. lhverside.Ptrk•on :Wednesday ,, • Autut � s ' �• .after the •luncheon the}`• haci,tise\ e.ral conte€ts with \1rs Milian N:bore lea der , The' next; me.eting.in September, will be held a week later than tisual,;,Sept•erii- abet , so' firs:: Del(oeijer {isit ng in Holland will be' home , ' • •• • The society; then went to..: Brookhaven nuising`.home where a workshop service was held -and 'h tris. were -sung '.C`Irs: eorge, V L Thompson read the scripture Readings.a=nd po'ems,we-e.•given by Mrs. Stella _.Beecroft, Mrs illan• Moore and 'Lirs Elwood. Croskorth. Themeeting closed With. prayer. A treat of cookies and candy'' was g iVen. leedhams Spea n ew ea an Travelogue Given On Ireland On ,Wednesday, evening , .Au.g- ust 4th , the August, meeting of the C. W. L': 'was:l eld at St_.'1bs- eph's. School..; ;the -Spiritual :Dit ectot', Fatl,et Hem y,Cassaito seventeen:nembersand four visit- ors 'were' isitors'w•ere' in:.attendance.. Father' Cassano stressed• the i•m- .portan.ce of daily reading, of the Bible, A s.piritu'al reading wad: i-v-e•n-�by-ktrs-:C�-r.�-Ri-eg ••r.espondence was read, th• .treas- urer's•.report given, and the roll' call was: taken. , 'The possibility of selling plates and cook books at the October': • •Carlow. .Hobby. Fair, WaS. discussed.: :sirs. Robert Howard, hl:rs/. John" 4Howard arid Janette Hogan helped. at the,,, Craft Festival in Lucknaw on• July 30th .and 31st. The. August• meeting of 'South: Kinloss Woni•en'c Missionary, Soc- ie`ty Was held Wednesday evening, August .4th: at: the•home of Mrs. nald C. t-IacIntyre were 1,. members , 3 visitors and,. several c:hildi''en Mrs. Bruce Hamilton was in the cha•ir .a.'nd opened the'meeting by reading • •. a. shor.t•poern.,. The Lord's Prayer was repeated'in•unison Sandra Keith read:•poernS. Which .she had composed,: The bale articles •are •asked, to' be given to Mrs :.Allan N1ac1ntyre by the 1a:st of'August: =re�a�etrrdi the form of a:skit .which was Well' acted. by .several of the.rnenibers :. A discussion followed le,d• by. ;sirs. Lorne Sparks;' The- offertory,Pray er wais given:•by Mfrs.. Philip Steer,. foiaowed•.by Son` of the •\Ion.th•..: "'Channels Only" John Needham, told of their trip to' New Zea ld_thipa�tw Lucknow Presbyterian (hurt Rev. Glenn, Noble, BA., 13,1 Minister Phone 528-2740 AUGUST 15th 9. Sunday Sch091 "y • Morning Wor-sh 7 The Presbyterian ' and Uii Churches. are holding jq worship in the: Lucknow Pres terian Church, beginning Aug 8 thio ugh September:5, LUCK;NOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED .CHURCH J. *.:Van, Stempvoort.: Pastor Service's 10:00 a.ri;. ` English 'Service 2;30p.m: English Service. Except..•2nd, Sunday of eacl month ~lien, the afternoon ervee-is-in- Hatch VISITORS` WELCOME enominational • Radio Brad cast, "The Back To God Hou: every. Sunday; CJCS (Stratfoi 2:00 p.m.;. CFOS . ;(Os Sound) -• 6:00 . p,m . • • beim, Made, for i l rn ; of U ad SoY.idl . Action.•Conv.ener, gave a•report. .The C, ty, L., observed Nils Herm:= an Larnbertus' birthday, : N•1rs:. Joe .Courtney , Mr's..Wilfred Austin and Mrs'. Carl Riegling visited :her and took a gift. Another, clothing•. drive Will', held in October. FatherCassano said"pians are. winter. This was .followed With pictures shown by John Needham which were'most interesting tiirs..Pon 13ell.thaniked the Needharris and all •taking•..part, in the prograrn. 'A hunch of New Zealand, Torte•and tea were •serv- ed by th'e hostess and directors Mrsr. ;fah -rt eedt-a- -and xIzsreDan-Bret, ENGLISH COFFEE MUGS ; ITALIAN 'WINE -- 69c:'ea.1 BOTTLES ;2:00ea. 13 ems ma on.. awl I-IANDI.NOTES NOTEPAPER 43' PCE, SE DISHES ;14.95 set T' - "C an SAUCERS FONDUE POTS ',Midi Yet- or Gr'eied 69c g 6 -- $2.75 I PATIO. TABLES $1.97 anr- LAWN CHAIR PADS—$1.97° F `I,WN• NDOWEMASTER SH/DES' — $4.95 Reg, $6.99 ... SALE `59c• ' DECORATED. r ENGLISH • _..,.. 1 COFFEE M. U`GS. ..1 13 OZ. APOTHECARY- �.1=a�Q�Itrttp�ted 75c ea. 4 TOFFEES ;1.69 • Reg. $1:95 ENGLISH BONE .CHINA • cu,Ps 'aid ' SAUCERS'. X1.50 at: St.'"'\laxs.,,,011E,ariC.;` Wilfred Austtiri Lave i r�, y in: "Today'' elie<,uc fi' , ships- is:. to. be. seat to r.: it Father >'assati(?'Closed Lv •..<'t'' with -prayer; ing thesii:er trr , ohn Howard and >:r,. '•`ed entertained nie'rtther< n. 3iroWi! slides a:nd' tealirrt; a.bor4.t 'lr •huid Lunch: wasserved•.'_w�. U.C.W. Entertain Olivet Children • The .Olivet:•L•nited (.itterch Worneri entertained tlit ch 1d c other..y.. - a •. 111,01111111 NAM the,i;Jirnicipz 1• Park • 1 •s!;x)rt' ship prograrn scant 1 thL :r.0 iv.1 4.-lary Aimc Ca11 I4 C ture•and Joari Osborne 611..ened •praye:r . Readings werc. Vii; Ci, h Jc e:i3lar..k•,.\inry,`'c Brian Colling. Judy and Evelyn Collin.:.4 O'n• ducted .a 'pro gratp-bf � ,t contests enjoyed by 'a1L A bountiful 5uppar ti\ +' <t e� at, Noreen '\lac Charies' cot ti'µe Joyce Osborne spent with N1r,'and:qrs., trot •_ David McKay of liiplcy.5; 'rrt a. couple of days with' hi f:`iortd liriart \,Iso Cu ire.• ' Mrs. Violet Sande, at dart ter Metairie from Cilifo:•ni.r is ed r r �;fi•c, , e:1t r�, iirt; �trtd atter dcd. the c r.i `r Fest ival on Friday. Nirs. 'Robert Er gel ��f " • '.'lfri and Mrs. Henry Howes Lt:'Ltsto were week end guests of irs. Walter Black. and aist cisil ed the Graft Festival.; • and \'its Bol t31aL i:W11, Bobby a,tid Slt'annon of i�tr'liti�ttll spent holidays wait, 1•r., ;Ind tits Stanley Slackwe•YI ;