HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-08-11, Page 9h 11 WEDNESDAY,,. AUGUST 1{th, 1,911 THE.'.:LUCKNOWSENTINEL, .fACKNOW, ONTARIO. PAGE " ,NMI feral; .' [ugh,- • , Mai, IVi1 's first eld Cently t . ?f,God• • IIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111Rj jhJIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIH,I llli ' hu . IT . xa Dos4.0.1a0.00 .... ,,111*. 11110. 0,•••••••• SUM 15 •Afon.16 Tui, f,.. te:. Pollifax• IGk BNts§oN• „ommCOLOR Gp lk luFe' ' Nr uU4t UON' •pX U.n,le,I Rrrnttr . F#420.40.21. 0• s...22 Aw.23 r...24. .:y,wr.w.�,., - - 1� I.Lcf r II .. i• h. r, Pkt'ryrlrt»g, f e ( -• a .,., 1'.'411ptlndx4,aruin, 013111113 'OUTPOST TOOK LOCAL' rr�,:F.LuP1 Ll" '4110,40401 PAS!. r1Uf : tYN 71tAa0 4;INI5 • • FiNC.W.,ON drrw.toC *M , • Cam N.C&M.N camo,lorxmL)rt wcr,c! wa�Wty ..N cc w.e wA. s.NSis 4.w'w4wMs • rnL p ••�••••••••'••i•S.•••iii.••• •,•••.•••••••.,••:•'*••• • • 't.64.26. ,1.27 s ►. 28 :o.. 29 AL.;30 >~.., 81 non nom t w.t 1 a i+c eat a0our tr u�iwk c LWUI 1 Uii� U • .at�ew��..farista�1111. ,Wlr•itiollNA'J1.Ji0Ut,.LLM,.1'M1,0Il fRlW'JMt44. bp.E CN N: � .�►ed .. _�+...•... „or.nr nrawaruUcrggn M.,iO.rWARetrMetwue a.N«r� co�u , —11r77,-.4.114.0010 000. 4100 ' y•••••••i•-A>• ,••••••••••••apo.•i•••••'• i•••••. ri...2. Alec upness titer O'Toole., Terrific — Action Adventure ., LANGSIDE __Weele'gld`vsror.s'wtth and ,Mrs,” Dick ,MCOuillin were', alt:. and . Doug MacLeod and; Dawn. • Dawn is re.rnainrng': for'twti weeks. -Other recent. ' visltorsswere• Mrs. Harvey Mc (�uilltn of •St Catharines, Mr.•, and ,Mrs: Gordon McQuillin of ,Sarnia and .Mrs Jerry t3reuttga-rn _ and family of St:. Catharines.,' .' Mr. -and Mrs. Don Nickel and • Linda MMcQuiilin'returned to' Tor onto :a week ago after •a a t ho-ilae. of thcafr-parent- lr- - and Mrs..' Dick LUCK:NOW TP LUCK..NOW: CONTINUED .FROM M.C.4IE 1 . Lucknow, India as we headed u. :Kanpur Road with its maze of; bicycles,., people, :ricksha ws bullock carts , autor obiles and cows.' Our taxi' driver, with a bra''zinghorn, weaved and wove as he .drove first on one side, then. on the other side of the road. It Aa;-IJU a'OatJaSt' ,to. H gh aX 8i wlth:.it-z:oo17iing car$..and white c•ecltre l ne, 'The fQLtr rules of 'the: road "ir k lna a Seeit to- be drive where:you can find. an .open- ing ; pening, give• the largest yehicles;. right of way , sound .your horn Arid watch Out for cows. Lucknow, Canada .can boast an illustrious history lasting a hundred .and. fourteen,y'ear.s:, but in the eyes of its sister city'Lucknow , India',' she is .but 'a few.'days old. 'No aiithetitic early history, of. ' Lucknow, India' is known ,but rec- ently during the course of an exca." vation .sewer,, antiquities and .pottery ofabout the.Gth •centur} 13,C; were•disc'overd :The inost famou;seInd a,n Luc.knowite,was 4 Nawab'rtilcr, A•safuddaula trra'd,e I...A4c.kilOw the 'Ld'pital of'lri5' Ouith 1•Mpii�e 'in 177; `In liis time t e.,:Lucknow cotirtTeached.. , its hiplest.ipendor and no courti 7 Iil,dta =could rival •its extrava.galce and pola;l,p., it wac duriti�T his er rrtliat-firre-iib"rt e -acrd c. t,ltare round their highest e pressioli,as ', poets; •phiaosoph:ers ,• nlusiciaiis and• ad.entiuers. Of. all .ki ids flock - ;.ulated country :in the world', Lucknow's stately town hall w,o1.414 be dwarfed b the streetof im- ;pressive government council build. ings found in Lucknow, India. "' . • LucknqIndia , isalso headquart- ers for the militaryof three states and over 100,000 men stay atthe Lucknow miltta.ry 'confine,-' mens a.r"ea -Although Lucknow, India cannot boast many, lawlis and wide.open •spaees;,itdoes have m0ny scenic. a . • placesinterest.- A Ild hist. of inters • large z nd museum., an in -in -lac a e otanical garden, a great m squc known as the hnam 'Dara,.' and a, well kept park with the structural remains, of.tlie ilritish Residency destroyed. in the' Indian Mutiny of 1857, area few such places`.: ' The typical markets' of Lucknow; India •are strikingly different`from the serene rows of stores along • Campbell. street in Lucknow , Can- ada, The•s,elling and :•buying.in .. the Lucknow ..riiarkeets of Ani'ina.bad;• Chock., etc..;' is:done • outdoors either. 'in front of stalls (whish are shops).or''on the'smound Peo.ple.flocl<to these narrow street Markets ;which'soon •become con- 'ested : ' • sellers r _ J: with s lle, s and .buyers •hag: gling an4I bartering over:prices.. At thso markets it is possible. '' to pi. •' iodtr}�,::' food. tofancy clots irig, ••A.hair •e trt� or, win ade to• easure shoes. ae•: also ea•si1} . available as' barbers, ed rto Lucknow In 1071 the g'iories of the Nawab'eultur'e: arc .gone e'mbedd'ed in centuries of Indian historyy followed by decd - es ofI3ritish d.ontinarlce.,,• but a large; Indian 'city'in an indep'enderi't India 'remains vibrant The original of 'th' na me Lucknow ,.reportedly cairie froln.,a Hibdu',arehi'tect', Shri Lakhna . who constructed.a:'•1ar.e fort called La khnau in the fifteenth century. • From' Lakhnau , the • present. name : Lucknow ;has been:. derived . Today; Luckalow`is:noted-as the., seatOf governn-ient for•the state of'Lltter .Pradresh f his s ,mean feat for if Utter Prad'resh° beearile a 'separate .country, it . would rank the ;eighth most po.P- 1 ONLY ONE, INJURED ani {Of y Seven , IMlchivan Plane Crush • AMBBERL' EY NEWS The following is:a news; itern : from:. Michigan newspaper "The l.eelanon .Enterprise which wiil'be of interest to'.local . esld - eats _here. Sev:en-p.ersons •escaped -serious injury, Sunday:Jill)/ 25', when the small..plane .in which they. were riding crashed while making - an' emergency landing at -Woolsey Airport' near Northport. The single-engine Cessna_ 205', .piloted by Gary Jacobsen 30, • of Livonia , ,flipped ,over and was heavily damaged: when it ra.n;out off the runway after Jacoisen‘at-- •ternpted the, forced landing about: 2.15p.,m.. Jacobsen wife, Melinda 27,, and their three children,` Colleen 'and'Sherry 2, and Kih- berley 7 ;. were'passengers .in the plane along with Mrs: Jacobsen's .parents,'Mz. and Mis. 'Harvey. S.teeleof Parm.- ihgton ',All ex-^rt.'.1vIrs. 'Steele were treated at Lc.•ia.nou 'Me'morial Hospital and ,released. ,Mrs. Steele 'remained in° hospital for, a week with' a broken vertebrae in erGack 'which doctors say will lay her aside for.almost•a year...; Jacobsen told County deputies • that he had taken off from Metr. :.npoluan _A or- 'near, Detroit 'and. :a.nd cobblers ''a•re"alway'�inattgnd ince occupying their: little' square 'slot Of *round with:their tool and stools scattered around them.,• • Because of their global positions', a'sthe sunset .falls . in :Lucknow India in Lucknow, Canada. Similarily'. I have found. the two Lucknows to: be :as di•fferenr as night and day but I enjoy:and appreciate thein ; was bound :for Charlevoix., flying.: along the west shore ,of Lake Mich. '. The plane's engine devel-- oped;an oil, leak, he: said:, and 'he. decidedy•to land, at the.nearest. airfield, Woolsey: e sal• e'rna•.e.one pass over The'field and: then ea"me in''for the landing, 'but oil: spray. on. the .windshield obscured• his. vision. Deputies said he'apparently touched' down about 'halfway along` the 'field, however , and the plane went 'off the. runway andrinto a wooded Area:„, nosing over and flipping'•on its top. ...Mr.. and Mrs::Steele'are well: known in:this area w. F arve. is 'he son of Robert Steele andthe • • late, Mrs. Grace,;Steele„' formerly (of 'Amberley and they visit: quite • oftenat their Point Clark cottage. • • LOCATED NEXT•Tb G:-CHNG;12-OLLER SKATING, SWIMMING, 8, CAMPING NIGHTS - PHONE 396.23.41 DAY • PHONE 396.2107.' • PLEASE:CLIP ..F RENCE:, THROUGH 'AUGUST , THUR the 'CARRY '•ON GANG' Zook at �`'.• lit things on the rip t $i'•e. 'BAY 011T CAMPING" . s1111TIs tu.iirt.htUlta an 00 0019A11.itle. 4srs SAT. v®r••oo®®�A s loemoo® • AUGUST;11, 12, 13, . PAMELA JOWI—IAN—.JOHN' USTINOV 11FFIN • WINT r_ _a ASTIN olso .; MON., TUES., ` WED., THURS. AUGUST' 15 16, 17, 18, 19, . •,+w •ww r.c. 6$ fxne'iiif'i1l i,'iM11d110NwrAltn omits' FRI., SA 21 SUN., MON., TUES, U.GUST 22, 23, 24'. *LT (NTERtAINNtNI •DUS11N • HOFFMAN 'hr AG_ 7'anavrstpnqechrnc0lp WE,,., THUR .S. S Y • t a . F _ • M.e1,otre.tA6' 6roduciion KELLY'S HEROS CL1Nfi E ASTWOOD DOW SU TNER NO 0011 IIICKLES AUGUST, 25, 26, 27, 28 0110: ME TRC) (01 DIAN'N MAV[ 4 rPVrnts A SPE (.T k UM NON( E ON starntiR RR JULIE BROWN,CAOLL HARRI ichael Caine' ±et Carter �:ralhj A� Ks!.10% K11V'.:e r .. ♦ ., •.iUI.ri 1 ,i,s:s . Stu It's a stt.'itCi►d.dliii laueii TUES,1 AUGUST 29, 3pf 2 h Only Walt sney could tell this inetea,A1 1b in 'Verne's , ! 1 Ad'renture. �1:11I 1)isl ey ✓//t T?k$F'1 " ,rwrr,h 11$1a100343. • 41114•44,4s..4, � .�I�.ulltaL: `. ANA, tiibN7 EPNEST BORGNINE 'e'" AOUII rNirRTNiiIMtNt and TECHNICOLOR `• W; try CHEVALIER ;:MIt1S'. .SANDERS runt..►.WHITE 7