HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-08-11, Page 7PIRA • . . WEDNESDAY, APOVAT114.10,71. THE LucKNow SENTINEL INCKNOW, ONTARIO. • BRUCE COUNTY BEEF IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION • • Ilow- ent, ary s- in'. • e that re‘,4 he mjiid • c•-r'ity; • • Fri • r : • COMMUNITY CENTRE U I S SPEAKER HON.'WM. A. S'TEWART-:, ONTARIO MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE ANO FOOD DANCE To. FOLLOW • 0000000400.00 400.0 0000400•0 00040.00.004000.00040 TICKETS — available from the ,Beef Improvement • ' Association Directors HARVEY DAVIS • M. R. BOLTON President •Secretary DUNGANNON Mr. andMrs. Thorn.as, Web- • •ster's granddaughters are visiting for two w‘eks. years •in Dungannon. He saw•this town 'whgn-it was young and thriv ling: to his wife..Mary and, his family, and friends we send our: Sy,rnpathy. • • OivSunda Au u 11 41,0401.14.EY AT. • 914191NAL, RASO* • Move Bar Dave Moffat's) PAGE sEVIN LA140$,IDE NEW . During the past week the barn on ,Lot 23 ,:toncession ,7; Kinloss TownShip was moved by Parsons of•Staffa .to its new site at Dave. recently pst. • theij ban by fiie At time of Wri't-ing-the7hartstAll-his-'-to be raised onto te.,fotindition. The: barn was built in 1894 and one of the Men at the raising, Joe Con, ley of Lucknow , Was at the, mov ing last Thursclay,, • •• Mr. and Mrs . Dona ld Martin ;and Danny were'Sunday visitors with Mr. 'andMt. Dave Moffat, •drid Mr,. and Mrs. Jim Young and. fa rni lie s . Marty 'bung•re- turned home with his grandpar, ents.for sOrne holidays. Diane and Debbie, FlUfftnan en •joy'ed some holiday's with their aunt and 'uncle Mr. a.nd Mrs. Mike • Collins and 'Ma .of London. Ken Young andamn . Jie You• spent the week. end visitin. , . r. an •• ert rvin ave their" baby grandda ughter staying • • for ten days. • mrs, Cordon Schultz came home Saturday after being,in • • thelio.spital for surgery. 0900' Mrs. 1.,orne•ErninetiOn and daugh7, ters Lori and t2indy had dinner at Mr.andMrs. Bill Bogties in Lick-, •' pth ANNIVERSA,Ry, su • • - • , • . . -__tha_t_sOolishe,Will-.15e_ipieh a ga in • Nfr,•-and Mrs. Bill Bogues,OC:.• Lucknow drove to Windsor with Lorne and 'Lind.a.-tn=1:mept; daughters for the Balkwell reunion. • • Synwathy 4.exteridcd to the, fatnily and friends of Jerry Irvin who. waS taken, Jul -y; A' good.. .c t' • n • . pe missed On Saturday , July 31.We .,loSt • .ano:ther long:time,.neighbour and •- friend teslie.Schtiltz.,. He.made Ii living,14ack§mithing for 44' riendS.in Thaniesvilie. Torn: Vyse returned, ith. then'for some holidays. , LA NG SIDt• C. O. C. • ' The meeting of the'LangSide : • C;O.C.. ;beetled with a sinson• • • FOR EVERY, THREE,GARMENTS LEFT I•VITH. US AT ANYTIME DURING THE SIDEWALK 'SALE ON.FRIDAY AND SATURDAY • Z WILL CHARGE YOU ONLY FOR TWO AND THE THIRD WILL BE FREE* . • • •Bill 14)elson„ pro . • Phone 528-2941' Melbayatk were •Mr..and ofGoderich, •Mr. and. S. and ,Teildy, Of Weston; Mr.anMth. C. w . Stiles; Janet-Tted: and Philip of Mrs. Stiles : •Of.torontO; Mrs. E, Brown .0eiry Shaw pf"NeW' rket .1:\,41.,;" and' •Mrs. Neil.Rin7 foul of' go;.• • 2 •LucknOw, Mr. and 'Men The pCcasion for the lamily gath-. , eritig. was, to, Celebrate the •30th• Wedding ariniversary'of.Mr.and •Mrs, EdStileS. • : '• • SHUR-GA1N of several by rnns.' Wybenga read -the scripture: The-offerins was received. and heoffering • .: prayer. sung.:: The 1....Ord's Pra ers; nsa-F1'epiew-zin*Tison.- • e groups divided for stories and: dis- cussions, and rater joined outside ,for games., .••••• : • 1• . fohnSuiderWaS tearing down ;the railway .station at Ripley last • • • cOnratt41a0.orts to Mr and Mrs, .Roy-Coblentz on ,the arrival. Of their baby boy Baarday, AugUst, the-Wingharn and. District /Hospital. • ed and animal health service leadership in nutrition • THAT M0NiY 'T BUY... " SHUR-GAIN SERVICE. continuous research • management skills • ' • • .2. ractues Le KING SBRIDG E NEWS Mary Luanne Clare -daughter, of Mt, and MrS4,..Walter ,Clare, had"the Misfortune of ;tea i • .. • Pot Luck Supper KINLOUGH NEWS her 'leg While playing with her COUSLflS las(week. • • ;MOVE .1'0 Mt. and Mrs; Torn Hogan (Karla.'lliegling)moved recently to their new honie in Kingsbridge' Vt • • beck. • .. • Visitors with. Mr. „:and,Mrs...' bert Fra Yrie:and also to. attend, the Lucknow Craft. Festival were Mrs... E.'keynold*of KioheneF.ancl• A. E. BriSbois•Of Waterford ' „Other tee e tit. visitors. were 'Mrs: E.•:Keast ;of. London, Of Woodstock, Mr. ,and•Mrs....E.,atl„. Ilanting Of'Sarnitai •MisS• .,•13ant eingratfulations John•SheardoWn (Ann Heffernan) on The arrival of a' baby boy., John at,the;,Ale*andria 'and .Marii Hospital .oderieh on ,Recent -visitors with Mrs. Cliff Austin were Mr.' and Ms Ambrose. Hartrnan and \fajaily of -ittlren. • ands.Tack mctopville,and fa o." Scar r„. • bgeOUglit ' • Good..service.".1g••jitat a;1itt1 i?nor, than carrying Alf a "ob. It's • .the.aeryice-•:tbat really counts the second look at n order */ .6)01* 'phone Cat' to niake.aure aqinetbing. 'ig • 1 It doesn't riean we won't make Mistakes -We probably will. It does.tnean We feel badly when-a-mista-kels inad-e---anti-italso ria ans -.Pti;at care taken that it won't happen' again. growing animal health service That's the .kind 'of care We ,Taldge.to give youi. and all our custOMers. • The•August-,nteeting.of the HolYrood, W.I. was held. at the• • arrre-of-lqrs,. -..--icalpray and , took the•form Ofa, pot luck supper. Following a:Sumptuous meal the:: prisidentWekorpeofeveryon'e and the Ode was Sting arid. the Mary Stewart Collect repeated in f • S. III * minutes, correspondence and the financial statement which showed a gratifying profit from . :the Slimmer craft FestiVal'at - • • •Lucknow:•when HOlyrood was , arriong the local Women's Iristi- tuteswho served dinners_ and lun- chesto the visitors'. : 4. Senior' Training Schobl"Ontar1O :Will be held 'at Lucknow Septem- ber 23• 24.„ There will be a 4.-H• Delbert Hedley leaders. Cards Were. signed for sick folks in the Iflstitute r • , . ' • The: Lucknow ,faa'fait entry will ,"Thanksgiving Patty”, ' • P.A. Murray will be in:charge'of "The Cotintrywoman" Each :triember is :tobring a picture•Pf • , ' • • • • " • • ' . . . Sympathy is„,extended tO MrS. • John Howard, Mr.' Howard and,. laiiiiLyonthe,-recent-ber of ,Mrs.. Howard's sister , MrS. Julia Langevine of Toronto. l‘/Irs. Lang • ovine' was a •, frequent' visitor with the' Howards. . Mr: and Mrs.' Mark Dalton tamiry spent the past 'wee)t•Visit- ing their :daughter Maureen at Moose Factory. • • r di-Mrs.-,--4-1bett-Fic ffernan and family Of Brantford spentthe. week encfwith Mt. and Ms. Orma ha Heffernan. Litile :Lisa remained 'to spend the week with her .grandparents, Wig Manche' a er o been hblidaying here,. ' * COngratulations,to Mrs.; Lambertui who celebrated her birthday On Atigurst.7th. 'Lambertus is one of they.: • . • "Oldest" Menbers in the Parish. •, Sympathy is eXtend•ed t 1.1.„ ,Ind Mts. Joe .1zicIntyre On the recent 'passing ofMaelntyre's mother, Mts. .Matt.'MaePonald Of .tt:g0t.-4 With every "order Of • PHONE 6284026 ,„ • TV er- • me to thr-tregtIneeting'at the hall for the,Twe edsm uir bool<,. jny.itatioris a re being .sent 'to • Bruce, , lea :-„Hain and--theTCarrtithers Nursing Home to have the.resid- entS corrie to the.September meet -1M--Dan • MeI-n-heS. Mtirray willb&in charge.:, - The roil. Call was :"A bargain that. did not 'proVe'a bargain" The topic "COnsumer. Buying . .• enbi- Who. ha crtinic h. valttable :fOtmation, charts as illustratiOnt , ;and &questionnaire on thesubject. reading, Miss Barbara 'Murray Wasthe capable auctioneer'. for 'a 'white elephant sale which was 'entertaining, a well as profitable. • Mrs. Prank,Maulden 'reported on. , . • • :the Craft !estival which was the most recent Activity in our area. The meeting closed with "0:. 'Canada', • bitectOrs wereMr, ' Alex Percy and ,Mies . Morgan: Johnston, • •