HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-08-11, Page 4E. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, I.UCKNOIIM', 'ONTARIO EDNE, SQA1, AUGUST 11tfi, y . • - i00ti_Jnna..`l�";•-�� ��`�a�3"+d. 1e, Ci N TA R IP - I�TFTCCO 6oae p9:-.72.11.:.; ' ; . ' . • °' bine. • Ernie . • Gibson, Amberley, • LUNG. COUNTER 'NOW' oi;..kN. FOR SALE ' — a porta e • RCA. - ', 1, Cheesebur : , Hamburgs, .. Television. 17 inch. =will:. good FOR SALE International grain Super. Ice 'Cream Cones •,:' as new. Phone Faded' Geertsrna. binder on rubber, 7 foot cut; i BARGAINTABLE,'1,z PRICE CONUNGi..Vt4 GRAM FOR; S I.,E -- wheat oats;• SILVER LAKE. GEN, ERAL STORE"' SUPER CASH.BINGO AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace • Ballagh, Teessater Lintrisod Auctioneers •'Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 -PUPS FOR SALE — Registered. Yorkshire . terriers, 4 months old. Phone . Wingham 357-1953: FOR SALE 3 electric stoves,; .itrigerator; 3 clothes dryers; auto, ;vatic ' washer wringer washer, spin-dry, washer; 3 electric motors ILP.,: portable"' oil heater LW* Stu; electric' heater:. radio;` stove eeenge :. cvvk .store: oudoor elec- tris sign- Contact, Jim Ly o s. Luck- now.3 • blower: Phone Gordon Sproule, •' ' • 5 r 553• Shtrts. Denim Jackets, aeons, etc. See us about yotir twine needs' THE LUCKNOW .SENTEL — ' is •I. New Life eed dealer • for- •sale at Mel Stanley's Stipertest,1 . -_ • . - FOR SALE 20th Century mobile L mbacli's 'Pharmacy and H. and B... Discount' in Lucknow,.. home, 56' x 12', 3 `years old, furnish- : - I ed; wth 5450040 ' 1ean=t;o size 24' x FOR SAT.F, — large. quantity' • .off 8 • oil tank; hydro' pole.- cement mar potcedar .Mock skirting; Moved or. left on .� s' cheap � ,• pol•. Clayton Alton, R. 7 Lucknow, site. Full' price' $7,500 .00. Phone es phone 529- i29E. - " Brussels, 887-944,3:. FOR SALE —. ro. ' 60 Allis Chal- — ! CUSTOM COMBINING mers combine:: Phone 395:-5354. • Grauh, standing 'or.swathed. f lax Rieg3isig pho ie 529-•7 Z . 'LAMONT'S• CLEANING' SERVICE • Legion -41- ; Lucknow,-:-e., Thursday:, 8,45 p,m, ; Pot : of Gold,, game winner take. all. 14 ,reg - ' reg ` ular' games, 810' each. 2. Share the Wealth' games, A SW Special. Jack- pot Game for. $115.00 .on 59 balls or 525 consolation prize. ' " 'LEGION AUXILIARY' PICNIC To members of Lucknow Legion Ladies Altxiliary picnic at '.Mrs ',Joan Robinson's, Thursday, August 12. Please bring, a 50c: -prize - for bingo. lawn -hair ' picnic lunch_. BUS TO RALLY v = -- -,A-buss will,- Iea ve. . Lucknov; to tend • the Rev. Rex Humbard R at the C.N.E. ;Grandstand, Tori on. Sunday, August 22nd. An interested contact' Mrs. Russel' Guir'e, phone 357-3858: RECEPTION -_ ..• . A Reception will be held in Dun- gannon Agricultural Hall on Sat- urday, August 14th /in' :honour: 'of' Mr. and. Mrs. Al Webster ( Karen McKenzie a Music by The Blenders.. Lunch provided. Everyone. *el-: 1471 NORTHERN FEEDER SALES. € . SOL rH RJV R Thurs:. S 12 noon 400; WIARTO, Thurs, Sept. 9 - 10:00 a,m 3500; WIARTON - Thurs. Sept - 10 a.m.. — 3500.; THESSALO Wed.: .Sept 29, 10. a m. — iAN'ITOULM (Little Current Thurs, Sept. 30, 9:30 a. ax: 2 'I a SABRE, P.Q. (puppy: 1,; Oct.. 6, :1:30 • p:rm: — 2000 ' L ISKEARD — Thurs.., '• Oct ' p.m. - 700;'. SOUTH RIVER Fri.: Oct: 8, 1p a.m.' — 1000 \.I TON:—: Thurs.., Oct. 1'4, 10.a rn 2$00;. MAN1TOULI mon... - 1 18, 1:00p_m: '- 300 SOI TIC RI — Thurs., Oct_ '21.12 noon La, SARRE .— Fri',. Oct,,-, 22 1200. For further, informa vvt:iie S. " MacDonald, .:adverti. Carpets, tphol ter. and Car FOR SALE ; -'neve potatoes, freshl, come, • Interiors • : i dug. Bring. . your own.. containers. • In your tonne, or free pick-up' Contact Ross Errington St.. Helens.. and' delis ery phone 5V.-8693 Phone '14/4=3slS Box .134 K:iiicardint CAR ' FOR , SALtE = u 1965' Chev:elle • in goody , running cmiditioii good; INCOME' TAX SEPVICE 4 • C STOM SWAT. : NG " ''' � tires:'' Peter MacDonald. • ,' .ne .a"28- as: prep'ara*u+B; a •e. Jt1ax Riegling phone Z - i after 6 p m alceragingLbask her€i..'ote.: ems'or at.'Crlita s et i,'waw' • at• farm, reasole, tea, FARM''TAX .SEkVICE Y e.I 1 ',,BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Coatact' . Lloyd ..f o&stor:..`R i' • 3 Ha€yrtved.. phot -3: -a TRE TEESTATER .`X WS •' is agile at. TheL sac : Sentinel_ are Interested- • ta the,news ,s 'eesvat r and .,EMCs ;Icit a coo `" .cu:vrom ELAyotiTERI NG 'E eiy T she ad Pl:R. and Cas _ Cattle aeli.Trus • .BULL k'S MEAT MARKET_. _ .. DURHAM.,,KINSMEN BINGO FRIDAY, AUGUST':;,1.3 9:30 p:m._. 11�ttY _ :3 r, :-. •i:: 6111 a: ' Draw on 2 wee$trip:for',2 to Hawaii ' aro' TOP ' SOIL:. :AND ,•GRAVEL; oil FOR SALE -• 8 . can :milk: cooler.; or BarbadO• ' type`.. loaded and deli pe d: 1vader'• drop :in, tyke. Jack•. Barr. •R: 1 Holy- .) and dump track rentals,. • demolition rood, Phone • DANCE IN LUCKNOW vi all t - Dance' to the Music of Don and Lucknow �Z528-520 p> � S-rnes. &ro~.. FOR S.at.F — 8' piece.: antique qin• .the' WesternairesSaturdate size L1uck�var mg-rc om sLute. excellent . caad tion. ' Legiob •Hall on. ay, :august 14. FOR S 4T.F —.'>el 'rc ` ed glean-. Pf one 'Luckaow 5M-3;55i.Dancin i': admit ion restrict•e Pg 10 - ANTED er-e a ine, : cue ° Fri daire � -to. person`s'over 1 Admission 34 00 FOR • 4.�LE . 64 ,Ailia Chalmers' : stt'�T�"e;; 4 lauriier '.: phatve 3 _ •a couple. � Lunch.pri'iE-ided' S�pon.�i-: cu�brne goad' can'v as _ 385 Gi E\ Phone 395, .ares 630 tin'. - '�et=d bv':.:ti F't' Local at diGi>�'T PREF .AI PRISES P +«,.� .dead`.'at£d .�:.,�l7sc1 std . . `:r L•EG;I0N DANCE age. c�31s£�'� �# •, OR A_E'' Ford hl Forage' r o I,ticl Qsii Q!i at'e s . • W' '3rly • ; -.. ', -:. c' al t' harvest_ col head. �.� ,_o4d `Im •a. t p. Gr`at ti Tc{ R s� a_ i a o nce• in the hall • Saturday .:�u • curic�ito� � Ail,..o �v €d: ' R: Ft., ' Rip•- g'. C:STC Fri CO LS N't\G — :1_iot - d, :ev. phone 3:=5-•_ 21. �-t.' 1 Mus by ''I'he :Tr�-vittes.. dr fission 3i. R.a.- ;. l Cr'lln phone 00 Per permsn. ;For 7, FARMS' FOR LEASE ns 15 and over. uelco:rne., Oft PURCHASE' `' •,. ' WORK` WANTED -- tiro paneling, rerriodelrg.. a!l • carp er work, pit concrete:'u and floors Reasonable ra'.' Schn'e ler. Kin€ough. pion€�.h 395-2221 IMME:i?L�TE standing timber ails bushes'. Vt Robe' -t :1rag€ n. ,__. ing location and telkp : "._ or phone 22:2445t:.'re after 6 p rn • WANTED .FC _R SA't F — di-cet sees ' ., i D A. 'ham . ra.r 'tor :ease to SOAMER ER FLOWER SHOW E-e-t-iftrt and m :` aex r- =: - : farmers. at • rea• ccai lie T tmiu Sr inn r F'lcu'er i-� R • 74 L.a , 'phone _A. I su1:4 .bu.• fare Show cit LuciknoVi Horticultural Soc7 • FOR Sri . ' •- 7eatty amo 774/5:: and for Fara LOrsolidao.on and iety wU: be' held iii, Legion Hall. an .or .rer3iace Lana : .. Taikk to • Monday. 16 .from 4 m •. to ''ai oot'F43t3i' Mani for�y P rel 6 �Y'•IIi:.' 4114.7:30 to $:30 'eat -einem '•relocat on' -arse retr . nits ' to . 'be�_Ia, + fo L"."n ��- : _ + ` CCM r iTrot e4 a oprnent . A•RD 4 bro.,74ens 'oreOPEN HOUSE teip ng P.r grams. For =ore. i ,The ' fa jl' of 'Mr. and !dry on W farmaccontact' yetis ilea .st•Oct- LJ 'Olt er . Inti • • Zte ',neighbours and 'Depar. lent \et 40 cwre r and friends to OFen House: for , then' Food Office.' :There are ARD A: _pared at their home, H giiwa 21 -epi .sseIItatrtr'es ' a Clinton. ' Mart= ' north of :KTntail od .'5#11rda.y. 8ng 'te e anti ' W alker `on fist. •?.8th , frowp n to a : i4. and to •• �n4 e R EF*.PG:E.RAT1:Oivi' •SE RYtCE . l:t' �. �ii4 't'r - i.- �. . ,1+, . -� � � y^,.,firm • Sir'ciEFi�L�+cr'7 t*:? C nt ; lit • 82,- _• a1e- T•Y. AX"TENINA.• SERYTC: and . Y und ' pi('vme 64^.:173 t�Balt rr s 3URKE ELECTRIC 'rgtarrt ':t-Z45a AOiances-'31atr Rewind ./.4 ourEerzenc,Serr oe Pt"ir 1 BOBBY CRR -SPECIAL. „SECRETARY FOR A'GRICULTURAL'SOCIETY Thiknnu': z :• :,toil require'the services a,• cetary . with `.some ezip:ler.ce thiS. type. Doti°eS ire to forwarded• to 'the later than August t 6:. 1571 Writingor telephone lPresidetet : R o rf G d c} R.R: ';S Luc tnow 34S . { ' HELP W A. ht i o ew• ger- , . : on theoc anion of their whplodrt vrer's a1i c e'il " L1c3:r r, F a :7 aes ;ens, r , — a 'T .4v 41 ment•tcty west Anyrtersary.• Gifts kJIarset Fitriltn $17-1.1:1t1. nam mitre,xr' 3j+ nitfhai+'�t'w virdAI waW. hee:'. —Pert,*ria a. �f i_. cxfielr'~flriElt�-•--"– --•-,- W 'i,�,. •�C: - . . •. : _ GRAM GTJARP kr1i'QER'. :� z1 was .T. bid .r eat at :tar- . - } . znfr'z, and .tti i Ca�•agaer A,►t. ,.w! 3tf ..dye 07171t7aamaia--Wccc' an etec me Bowe Douglas • s= 'tri "T RO155 A T • .,Dns..SA =»ar-t! .T3 k,raeliRZLuc35i3xpiivael58- Mrs. Gorden mWingham ••,_ _ D;° Fn-vii8.lZFeiidsand — reia- FOR 5+r �to. a : t u can tea 3t ''. ;her SAT >+<' I'9b'8 ��re�% � Nova., , tr`' ` ni1 steel. C'36r-.3a rtw-:.1.,7-0177.e.tI't? a : i au at c. 4 • door .dart.F-m. al 4 9 Pon • -. - : �ta m'il's: -bon+a --Q' t -3 Y Catighter _ ...� ' Janice zediii and irta 1 3+Qe'-".it • i1,: ' ;� ^T 7 ;' y3ti .'Atuzu.sL 21st, in honour of rte' +.1•u1 n E-?uipent . • - , . for 'tzorQ ' l fig Parlours .HELP 'WANTED' ASSIST kN'T • F-or--Hzu=w ra , . shift work • 5 day 40 hoist ' we' ' •t'�ood• working. condlt.L. t` and: _a elephoae 4 34 aid: Ad•=" . : t and C`44,` OR. Srl.;:. E. _. Here ore FOR S Se,. e' Cit- tt.res . VIfINGtAM. BINGO ., I` . ,tocre 41.rs. ,ac r.e 74 x 40. COntaCt tome, `I Legion j3ingo at. J.) . . anvi ce ' cwt 'contact' Derpealen For ter R.R. :' L+: cknow. .pnone eglo gni s L' _ i?' F3:all. �i`i11 Rr edllev�y, Luckno sem'-"J rtiiLct E l3 cuar games, SIO Prize each game. 2 share-the-wealt�t games: 350 f la t, 'rr us go. Jac t pante $6�i i) oc 6 c am ' with a 335 cowl tr- ; r^ .i nn �sl+i` SF 111} - ra and'TF�D Lv,� • air ti ` mate,- t'' , ..-# 3 "• i ,C;ii +Y.�.. eC. �j `Y: .y+i3*.. ra ::".i:t' .I » rm at' a�! r4 Large-'' .IITL.':-• —^.int*=-�-.. and 135 ,: C1ilt S:"?!1 SILO • A.+It? ROOF, • E.XEIIIs 'ac 's' lntr 1,1a.it 16'+ '.. ;gone.,;9.:'. . onits..,iti l c•i l rtheir ;tease -8r-- ‘•4.' `' rtti.Tzan :e•:va? ttrSv .. . . S FTSAL L GAME 'George � �Gh, Box • JOHNSTONE'S 10BILE ��• ieleaS•• l play ,,z_, ,dent. S tle �ear FEED -SERVICE a. ie the bei•2' oat SER ICE these ",� '"4w ;61'.v'_ir.4' at 8 X m. 1a re • T' �A ' ,f.. -- bank; '�'• F. a .. Ir. n.F1 Yid ride d.iiia• to a• -d. FPtioaire S. -4 4 aer w" \ hiy bi ors or carts taiprnent. Brtic"'efle d. 'i•' n '• t t't 5 7— 2 3 da 4 special card 3 'for 50c oc 7 foe!. fiaraf-r ,oetg ;fay',: SI : 3. . 11`!1VAC'CAR:DS' F* : '• 714.0 ' • Y~.� 4 t.s't: 'r1 t ti ;1 doth wet "tt ' , : c :' = =z `" ".ce ?ems'' ,. •, ';� x '3� •� tlo•t+a ''��`.: ' ,tib .j � '-ny W+. ,� +M� ., • C8OWSAD • W 41 +waL-r..tWn;Over. VIlufenteLce.RSee. y IE 4534''LUCKNOW. • •DIt :fie •.:,itNtictioi►i °i-tt* 1111e' S1fE�aLK' SALE. h A • 0#0. RcY'S ALUMINUM' M SAL&4�i"3 ' Szik tC. �vlysdo`w�. s d +�rnali_r grt. n�ts. Fir &e d hila t yEmherlmnloft trill' dealer.. 4 : 1.4~ a . E, :r tri.. ni4 wart :one... :Arai rtnes: ; + P; i i— y . t't^. fen 4:etc= mated at~ae: yer,aifi C opt` w .w "sir•.10. t� ... 'Urfa Vt • ` r6 '�--.1e kept a` %r;`� 4119 f er1 r . .�' Wli k!J� LLLk.•14., Fork. :e U 4er,.I.'V d t, . Y Y ti. ,. . Y 3.'»1. . ' B,A./AA R AND TEA • , The a air and• 'Tisa, bake Sale. and prefer. 1., heav :•� .44t r I . Stktv Li:the .1/4.irirch. WeL- y '}yIsiie'. PL .4%., 2 W{L , y SLt. Yi i ANTED Tt) t2 acre farm ux the own- yeryoct ec.'•' ' •••. •r