HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-08-04, Page 16PAGESIXTEEN • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' ...WEDNESDAY,' AUGUST J tic ti 'EST'. PR. ICES" FOODLAI SIDE i • CAR ACCIDENT CONTINUED 'FROM PAGE 1 of the accident just, down the road. They went imxriediatelY to the scene and'learnedof the tragedy which had occurred., . Jerry Russel' Irvin was both in Goderich on October 29, 1951. His parents Russel Irvin and Lillian (Raynard) Irvin .farm in'Ashfield and_ eside__on tl e 9tk:concession';_ just: west, of the. Lucknow•-Dungan. - non road and across from Brook side school. ' Jerry. attended Bel- fast Public School, Winghain High :School and for the past two years has , been employed •at 1I Lucknow., He, was a member' off' Trinity: United Church, .Ashfield. and has" been a life =long` member of the Sunday School of •hick he • was secretary -treasurer .at the. ime:. o is • eat The body -rested -at -the MacKen- zie. Memorial Chapel in :Lucknow until Monday, 'August. 2nd when ` funeral service was•held at Trinity United -Church at 30-'p, m, , con- ducted'by Rev. Robert Nicholls of- Lucknow United Church and Rey.. Glenn Noble of Lucknow Presby- terian Church. Howard Blake act ed as -organist. Burial was in Greenhill Cemetery, 'Lucknow. Pallbearers were Gary. Blake, Greg • Blake , Brian Ritchie bred Phillips, Ivan Cranston, Steve Hackett.: • . ' Flower bearers were Allan Mar - ray ,, ur-ray,,, Melvin'.Blondell.,; Donald and Richard=:Shropshell`, .Bev, and Dan. Curran,' Richard .Irwin and Fred • Sterling.,. Russell and Lillian (Raynard) Irvin; one sister Susan; four broth- ers ,.William ;'Dale .,-Murray and. Alex , all at home maternal grandparents,'.Mr, and Mrs, THAT Mrs :Wilmer Nicholson: of Holstein the former Doris .Mil ler of this community, was the winner of one'of the quilt draws at the Lucknow Craft Festival. The other winner Was . W.. B. ; Anderson of Lucknow..' A paint- ing was won by ,Mrs. Dorothy Fray of: Clinton', one of the exhibitors at' the show. i ., •- ` ' 4 THAT the: stationwagon belonging, to Bob: Mac Kenzie of Lucknow •stolenand reported in last week's paper;* was recovered near the: '.golf course at Walkerton, undam a•ed... SUPREME S OZ. instant "ZIP" BRAND 15•OZ. 1 og Foos • DOLE; 19 OZ. Fruit Cocktail Pay'.OnIy..M, STOC I 8Tin.sH SAVE.1 3 . Tins Fr: ernal .gra^ndparents,; .Mr and . Mrs. William Irvin of Ashfield Town ship . THAT ;because':of.the holiday •Mon-+ day and no mail service that day pictures'of• the opening of the ,Lucknow Summer Grafi Festival nt a this week's issue :and will.a.ppear next. week, rash Field Tomatoes URa=T-AN,-z-a-Oz. % • LL ANNOUNCEME CARNET' PENTLAND.' The. forthcoming: marriage .is See' our, ' large selection JNWORTHY ABLE _WA LIPAP� �1RS of PAST ;announced of Donna Marie. Pent= land, daughter of Mr.. Frank Pent- land and. the late `Mrs: Pentland; of Dungannon to Mr.'' Michael' Thomas Carney, son of Mr, and Mrs. Edward A•. Carney..of God • erich, They wedding will, take place in Dungannon` United Church on Saturday September 4th , .19'71; at 7 pm , S..00 -GASH -PURCHASE- t .Haf=Ga1.:Ice: SAVE • 1s.." SAYE CieOrn:8 VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY,SATURt AUGUST 5, 6, Z PHONE LUCKNOW 5' LOOKING BACKWARDS WITH' .MARGARET THOMPSON MOFFAT - Tv1ULLIN Mrs. Stewart 'Mullin of Lucknow wishes to announce the forthcom- ung marriage of her youngest daughter Donna Joyce to Mr. Wil lia,m David, Moffat , son of.Mr. and Mrs. David Moffat, R....R. #' 3 Holyrood Ontario'. 'The marriage wr1 take-place-Seeptetether-4th , at. 3 o'clock at Lucknow Presbyterian Church: • gARS A APRIL:1951 Increases in parcel.post:, regis tratiOn and third class mail rates :. took a 'hike upwards. The 4 cent letter rate remained unchanged, • :Unsealed. 'greeting. cards 'required 2-c-ent- post , DeWitt Millet, Robert Casernore and. James Haniilton of Wingham purchased the:,factory of---th l -at Charles Cooke; • Wm. Armstrong accepted a position in charge of. the finishing depar_tntent of the factory. . Township. of Kinloss issued a • ' , notice to cattle':owners that,own- ers of cattle being brought into the Township for surnmer STA M- -.LAC KEY Mr, and Mrs. 'Douglas Lackey., R. K. 5 Luc know. wishto announce the . forthcoming marriage of their. daughter', Karen Elizabeth Elizabeth to Mr 'Leonard Harry Stam son o.• and Mrs: William Stam R. R 4.1<incard.ine,: Themar- riage will take place September .:r,�,,;:;. ✓ "'! :� ,�..' Irl:'.• h,-azo-'-��Oo-}�'aL c�t: AnC�-re-wt'�S'•-•- r, • � ✓err �.%. tri/r+l. NION AND ARMSTRONG HIONFLOR AND INLAID VINYLS • :United t:>hurch, Ripley } 41.11 .01111low .01111. 4senow YOUR' COMPLETE ROUE DECORATING CENTRE, DRAPERIES FLOOR, COVERINGS Finlay WALLPAPER AND PAINT s LUCKCNOWi N't to PHONE 5x:1434 • pas ureage must urnis a certi icate that th'e said cattle had rec- eived. two treatments of Warble ELy. control. WINDSOR YOUTH CONTINUEIJFROM PAGE 1• Mt' Meyers was observed for possitylISlc niuries, is t tee- year-old'son, ,.Joseph, and Mr.. Carter'w.ere both discharged after treatment. • , The crash •,, at the 10th conces- sion'and 20th sideroad of Huron ' Township., was investigated ,by Kincardine provincial police.: The in'njured• were "taken to. Kincardine-irt three'ambulances,. one. 'Of titan troth Owen Sound. which heard about the cr.ailf in radio. police report,' 40: YEARS AGO APRIL 1931 The Bank of Montreal'announc- ed the appointrrient of C. L. Ob - elle as Manager of the Lticknow. branch. 'He succeeded R. M. MacPherson,' The Douglas Brothers' ofLuck'- now,. who had taken the mail frtrri they C, N R, station to the Pee Office fit' almost ten years, made their last trip and their size tessor was Herb McOttillin. :O YEARS A •• APRIL:11+11 ' A downward dip •in.the tore. gave the best ice of on With the regular.cot tions: being over, C itrli < iasis arranged. ga+nres fist% reams fFo ni-ttotrlrc? sides of Campbell. Street' east and 'west of Inglis St' 8l i-ps ave- e G-,•-1 .--S-m4ilk Aliin, D. Archer',. oeh , . R. Johnston, A. P. R. Johnston, J. c..lrird Watson, .J., Hildred, E1.: lin. John.Smith, donee WestWawanosh sold his;f Joe Carrot. Mts.. Janies Irwin,. W to her farm, concession,",:1 to Alex, McKenzie thug!: -r-.esidence-of-thc-lati. \Its Mckenzie on•:StatiaCT trC LiNGSIDE Orillia.vidled last week his sister Mrs. 13ob 3rtrg "ta lregma l' and fartiily The annual L rigsicie C' tional picnic was. held Sal at the Langside hall. • Nancy, de. Moet is \ tsitirt in Guelph. Many_ people: art t n,1c1y1. holidays.. Helen Wiersnttl `i,itc'1 in L .kt ow ovcq tltc .week