HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-08-04, Page 14Vs •' PAGE .FOURTEEN. THELU• CKNOW. ENTINEL,- 4.IJCKNOW, ONTARIO''. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4th, 19i1 STOCK 05411 (ALL WATERPROOF GLUE LINE) THICKNESSES. 3./ 1/2» in 5/16" 34i," • 3 t. IN :SIZES 8 *feet wide up. to 40.: feet' wide WHITE,cHLJRCII Mrs. Visser and little daughter of .Langside visited one day 'last week with'Mrs. Victor .Wybenga. Bill Gibson returned, home •Thurs day evening after .'laving•been,:to' Lloydrninster with a _transport.. Word has been received here that Miss 'Colleen Farrier`, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs :.Carman Far= rier of Long Bratch, is to •.., -,,,gra.tula.ted_on_'ha.ving ..received' a piano scholarship'.from the: Toronto ;Conservatory of 'Music , rwhere s ying. Those. from Whitechurch attend- . Visiting summer .missionaries • Esther Trinh and Sharon Stephen- 'Son were :the guests of Mr: and Mrs. R. T Kilpatrick of • • Winghani recently while the girls. donducted four• classes each day at bible, schools in the area.: Miss Trinh is Chinese `from Saigon a•nd. Miss Stephenson is. from Sarnia: ing swimming classes, t Winghram for July 'were :Kay and Glenna Wil- kens, Janet Laidlaw, Rhond:a,. Bil- lie and. Gregory Gibson. A1.hre- ceived'certi•ficates and some'. other awards ' according to their •accoin - plishments . CONDUCTED WORSHIP SERVICE• Chalmers Presby'terian,,Church was reptes•ented''at Pinecrest Man- .or nursing home on: Sunday for a worship -service :by-4eader-Mr--s, - Victor W.ybetigal Mrs. Andrew Gaunt.; pianist; Mr: and Mrs Bill Purd.on, Wesley Tiffin, and Elgin, $64:,247; Southampton; ,Mr,and 'Mrs Victor Emerson '$ , ° i d 0170.0 .avouri e 'ymns Of -The patients'. were sung. I.Solos, readings and scripture were'givee. PHONE, 528-3'11.8 enlas- Amabel township, . themunicip- alityin which -Bruce. County's - largest resort, Sauble Beachis located, will pay the largest 'rates -of any municipality;in the'•county; It' will be billed. for mote than 10.per cent of the county total, $130,101 of $1.;228,000. • Walker. ton_w-+ y .the. r,av,ct-t1{_ any urbanf centie • 13 693.a d the village' that will pay :the most • iss L,uc..know at...._$22., 4,2`,x.. • ' Shares for''other towns'are, Port' LUCKNOW r - ' While training ,for the Bible School Teadhin int Torotrto:this. supnmer, ,, she met Sha©n.Stephen- son. who. will enter grade 13 at • Sarnia this Fall'. The two girls. are. working as a tea nt• Two years ago, 19=year-old Va couvet —S'he ccarild not-spea4c- English.: She attended Prairie. .• Bible Institute at Three Hills, A1- Berta ai.id liup.esthat .liei teac'htng there will help her .when she re' turns home to Vietnam: 'they receive no: pay for their'. work, only.living expenses. While in. Winghant. they sta�yid 'isitfi Mr; and Mrs. Dick. Kilpatrick. nip,oyee•of.t,ucknow Co-op• and. the :.Kilpat.r-icl�s-fox-- c-rly restd•--' ed in •Ashfield. .tt Advance -i imes Photo, 'Wigton., $34,57 and Chesley $30,846:: : . Major township•"contributors will be, Brant; $74,4.75; Huron, $73',,192; .Kincardine, $57',133;:. Carrick, $51,215; Eastnor $49 Saugeen; `$48,861; Bruce, $46,419; Albeinarle , $41.-622;• Cu 1970 PONTIAC PTTisienne -2 door I and op aVS lifiii atic, power: .steering and power brakes, 1970 CHEV impala 4 *door hardtops; V0 automatics, power,. 1969 DODGE •Dart, 4 door, 6, cylinder automatic • 1969 CHEV 4, door, V8 automatic, power brakes, power steering 1969 DODGE. Polara 4'door, V8 automatics; power steering,^ power brakes. 1969 PONTIAC Laurentian: 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes 1969. PONTIAC Parisienne 2 .door hardtop, V8, power brakes. 'power steering (white vinyl intirior) 1968 'CADILLAC 4 door hardtop, full power .and air conditioning • ,On Monday.. Tom Davidson. had. a basement.dug .for his new house •. on..the lot recently, purchased from Doug Conley •on the North White church Street:. • BEEF BARBECUE n``�Phe-mer be"rs-of-the--Wh-rte- •ock;.-$35 667;. Elderslie $35`,6P5; Arran, $30,572; Kinloss, ,$4'46,548, St. . Edmunds ;$10 804 and L'ndsa 3 :'4 •MIild may's share will be $15,909; • '• .A W axrx. ilk, 4,141,,,,„, L a, l . EMU church '• Recreation Comm:ittee, under the' leadership of their pres ident John Jamiesera-pla-tined a '' Beef,Bartiecue for Sunday, August lst in Whitechurct: Community Park: Thee ttertainmpnt hR tn•. at 2 p; M. and consisted.of races,. contest , horse shoe pitching • arida ball ga.rh.e with /Walter . Moore and Emerson :Hickey as 1968 MONTEGO 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic 1967 CHEV 4 door, 6cylinder aur atic 1967.:FORD Custom 500 V8 automatic 1967 FORD Custom 500,.2 ,door 6 cylinder automatic ' 19.67-PONThAC-Grand Parisian; .V , ' power 1967 CHEV 3!2 ton panel. 1967 CHEVY VAN with heavy duty equipment 1966 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic 1966 METEOR,,4 door stationwagon, V8 automatic • captains.'._ The score -was.16-13 in favor of Walter Moores team.. The supper'began. at 5 p, m, after 'which the Old Timers played:the f N,T1 Yd-n,•r, . r• -Ban • `th t -he scorer 12 18 in avvor' of the Bantams.' •The Weather being the best it is fig- ured a crowd 'of around 400 were present. ` it felt the co'm'mittee are due,thanks fora ^well organiz P[� an a ta;i%iria t When you purchase :your.'wedding in ritatious torn 'het Lucknow Sentinel you will, receive one year's free Subscription (value: $6100),„ to The Lucknow",Sentinel , • 15 FOOT mahogany' bot and •trailer. with 40 H.P. Johnston eiectr c' motor 16 FOOT cedar strip boat trailer and with, 40 H.P. Johnston motor, electric stet': Teeswater, $14,.700;: Tara, $12,632; .Paisley,; $10.,42'1;'Lion's • Head , $10 ;203'; i ipley;' $7, 325, Tiveftdrt: $5 ,170• and Hepworth $3,924, Many ti•iunrcipalitie:s will be • paying less this year•'to,the county than they did. i :1970 •because thee' total levy is down .$5,1.1500'. • .::*.***** • -4342