HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-08-04, Page 13971
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# •
% DISCOUNT Cashsales
Phone .28-317.,
on Thursday , July 22 on #8 .
Highway, south of #27 CtY: Rd
Maurice Schaefer-, 545 Gordon
ve. •nlon struc a dog on
the roadway resulting in damage
to thevehicle.
On Thursday ,,,July' 22 on .old
#8 HighWay, South of #8 High-
way ; EdWatd Webster, ZurichWas
g An a sing .e .motorcyc e.
•orns' iOn•..reSulting,in darnage to ..-
his vehicle..
On Friday, July 23 on Main St..
John Carswell
ard •Apedaile were involved in a
Awo car -collision resulting in •
datnage to the vehialet.
Ori Friday inly .23. on 48 *High -
way 'west of Clinton, Mary Ellen
Parker Was involved 4n:a single. .:
car Collision restiltingin daMage
to 'the vehicle, Mary Parker •
received injuries ,arid BerYle
Parker was fatally injured:
On Friday, July 23 on #4 High-
way .north of Clinton Brenda CUM-
mingsand Peter Mason were in-
volved in a• two car collision r-.•
The Legislature has,'adji?titned.
for the summer During the last
week , we have had. extended it
tingS ,,continuing untjl 3 and 4 •
,a; rn in. an;leffort to 'deal with
the flurry oflast Minute legiSla..-
tiori brought in by the.
D.' -is "GP-V70-rilirkent-i'-',-4117bills-haVe
beeri dealt with except that on
registration and regulation of
• credit4epOrting and some "liOnse-
keeping" ,mgasures. • •'
• Uptight I'would gife you a • ,
summary of some of the things
:which have emerged from this
prolOnged. session of the Legisla
The hoped for combination of
OHSIP and OHSC has not Material.
izecl ,.and legislation introduced
-by the -Minister OrHealth, to
,double b.illing of.OHS1P and
patients , and provide sorne meat-
ure of inspection of doctors' bill-
ing practices has caused consid-
erable controvery. Nursing home
• On Sunday, July 18. on, tot 5, . •
Lake .Road East., 1..larry Chisholm
• R..# 6., 'Goderich and Joseph
Craig, 184 .Wilscin Street Goder-
ich were involved in a two car
. collision resulting in.damage to
the vekicle,s.., .• ,'.•
On.Sunday July 18 On #21 High-
way •Soulh of Twp. Rd Lots 9'-'10
Harry Tackaberry, , 2903 Palms
• Road, ,RichmOnd Michigan Bruce
• Scott , Ripley, a nd R.obert Jefferson,
R..R; #.2, LuCknow were involved
in a three car collision'resulting_ •
in damage to the vehicles • .. •
Monday,On July 19 on:
Con i�-
11 at intersection 24-25 sideroad..;
West WaWanosh Twp Allan'Parr. •
son 818„,,,PlincessAv.e.-London
and Charles McDonald # ,
• . Lucknow .were, involved a two
car collision resulting in damage
to the Veliiclei. Parson, McDon-
ald and Ruby McDonald, R. R:.#:
•,‘* 2, Lucknpvi received injuries.
On .Monday; July 19 on #13 Cty:
Rd. wet'of Clinton; Janis Gal,-
braith, 228 •Rattenbury St. ; Clin.-
ton.was involVe-clin a single car
collision resulting in,dainage to
the Vehicles. * •
Off -Monday, Jnly-I9 on #21 .
Hwy. south of #25 Cty. ,
Velma Bowden,..94 •DalewOod
vgi-r-HaMiltoirwas involve:111i
a single car collision resulting
• in {la mage t� the vehicle.: •
On Tuesday , July !'20 on West
• Wawanosh Twp; Rd. 18.-19 'north
of Con,_10r.1 Ames Maguire ,
30 Northteliffe • "
N.S.', Kathryn Todd , R.. ;
Lucknow and .Nancy MakoVskis',.
,10-St--DoniST-Drive non -Mill•
were. involved in a three car
lision resulting in: daitiage tothe
• . .
• stiltingin damage to the: vehialeti
On Sunday July 11 on Lon 2,
West .Wawarrosh Twp..: east of . •
-4#-• - 11' V e an n erson;
Auburn : and NorMan, Becharcl , R.
'R: # 6 , .6"oderich were. involved
in a two car accidenttesulting
in minor damage to theit vehicles
s, 'On MOnday, July 12 on #21
Highway north of Jiinction CO17
borne7Ashfield TW.p. Line ,,
Baker,Itene . 1.7th. St. East Owen •
c ittett-
With.an unknown.vehicIe result-
ing n rninor damage to the vehicr
le -she wasdrivin.
• On. Wednesday , July 14 on' Con.
4, WeseWawanosh Twp. west of':
24. , Norman •Led y , •
175 Quebec 8t. Goderich was
involved in...a single, car accident
when he struck and killed a calf
resulting in minor damage to his
Leave' Worries ,Behind
When You Drive Your 'Carl:,
Get peOlc, Performance
t100ther. Rides
Drive in for every car -care „need!
although not until 1972,; and some
dental care. for children'will also
be covered; %The ProVince's..Par-•
cost prescription programme is .,
being widely used .by.pharrnacies.
Great Lakes, and OWRC is taking
measurei to control phosperut lin •
our waterways: •
Liquor laws have been relaxed
.and in an effort to eliminate
to save substantially -by purc1-ias;--
frig.' selected:drugs through the:
Ontario..Depa.rtnierit Of Health's
Central Pharmac ., • • •
• A.Departinent Of the Environ-
. Ment has.been:established 'with
power to. Controlall. major •fortns
Of pollution and impose Penalties;
and individuals will altO have •
the right..triproSecnte firms,
Qiietico Park lias been clo,sed to
. _
cornrneycial'lOg'ging , and a..tatge
,area North of Lake: Superior is to
'beCorne a national park. .There
is legislation to regulate qUarrieS'.
• and 'gravel pits, :ensuring' that
such land Will be rehabilitated'.
. after -Ilse: . The Ontario Govern -
merit, the Pederal GoVerninent.
and 0.S. authorities are to corn -
'bine to combat pollution of the
Thiitsdai, July 15 on #1
• County ROad , north of Con. 2,
3, :Auburn 'and Riith.BOgites,,'
Lucknow wereinvolved in a twO/f.
cAr accident resulting in Minor
S1Df:Wit Li( . SALE •
AUGUST 13,14
damage to the vehieles..they were
driving:. ,
.,On .Sat,uday 'July 17 on Did. #.2I
Highway Polt Albert, Brian' Brind-
ley It R. # '5', Godericb Struck,'
a cattle, beast resulting in danir
age, to his vehicle.
give preference to Canadians' when
granting ',Want to Companies:. •'
The Age Of Majority has been ,
lowered to 18, effective :immed
iatel , and ,a modified forth of no
faultmotor vehicle insurance has,
Retarded children are to be
'given broader 'schooling'.
portunities and measures have
• been introduced to guarantee and
safe -guard the civil liberties of •
people appeating, before sprovinc
'ci9a1 bOardt cOmMissions nd,
iprovide-TOTneThiea§ure .of rebabili
tation ,,detoxifiCation centret ate,
to be established throughout: the
•-• Tlie Ontario-GOVernment, 'hopes
to institute its own off-track bet-
ting operations,, ensuring that •
horse racing circlet get% fair per-
centage 'of the total money •
Wagered. • z •
, .
Capitil,grarits for •Ontario farrn•
ers,haVe been inOreased, nd the
range of workeligible his; been
extended. HoweVer, ,:it is to be •
hoped that the governments' legis
lation restricting the impott,of
Qiiebec chicicens into Ontario:will'
not give rise to rataliation by that
Province, with. whom we at
present have 'a favobrable trade
' balance' in agricultural products.
ing diffuclties because of intuf- •
ficient rnilk under the qUotdsys-*
• • • "
In an effort to protect Canad-
ian ownership of VIE economy and
our country,'restrictions havebeen
placed on.foreign ownership of
Our investment companies and
*Os. Farm, part lot C. Colborne
'Twp, ,.Jay Ralson, 10 Horne Hill ;.
Lslingtpn was-involVerLin .asingle..:-
'itiOtorcycle,,accicfqi, resulting in
dairiage to the Aotorcycle.
Ralson received
On Stinday,. ;1111y11 on 421
Highway north of Dunlop Jct.
ftron' Rd: 25) James Carl Meli ,
.New" Baltimore, ,Michigan and.
Francis, Lasonda
Rd. Windsor were inVolved:iti a.
two car accident resulting in.darnr
age to the vehicles. they were driy-
4'. PaingerriLy. Jean' 1vtelt-"rz
received injuries. ' ••
On. Thursday , •July 15 on #3.20
County Road „ Tuckersmith T.
Janet Mary Allan,R. R. #:2,
'Staffa was involved iri a single
to the vehicle she .Was driving.
On Sunday, July 11 at Maitland
Falls Reserve 'Beverley•Acheson,
R. k; #2, Monkton and Kenneth
Schrh;dt geiw l-,larnburg were•in,
'volved in a twdcat doCideig•
resulting in minor darriaget6 the 0
Vehicles' they were driving: Passeri:
ger Mialm,e1.McOr4w ;128 Reber
ea Streit Stratford received ilia,'
have to be 75 10 Canadian control-
led. Also CrownLands will in
• future only be aVailable_on,a
lease basis, priority being given
to Canadians. Government will
• ..The high cost of electric power
and the effikienay 'and effective-
ness of Ontario Hydr/oit being •
studied by Task Force Hydro, and
*the whole question of the Wag,' •
ara Escarpment•property deals
is under consideration by a
Transportation facilities to the
Northern part of Province are
also being studied ,atid an, exper• -
rita17. :• sse ger,?rvice 'is
to be established in Septerriber...
Regulations for granting
fare have been considerably
tightened, and spot checks have
been instituted to avoid the :F..,Ossi.b.
ility Of fraud,. ; • 1
• In an'effort to give some tax •,
relief in the future, the_high cost
with particular reference to local • •
boards, AlsO, property oWners`ate • .
-now4llowed-to.-Inake-repairs'-and.---t .;
improvements :without , increasing ,
their assessment. • •. •
• . . .
..• :
. •
44010.0410Pilenti101eatitolta0 'AT. 'NO COST'. TO 'YOU
•'pho... 528-3012 Lucknow