HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-08-04, Page 7WEDNESDAY,, AUGUST:4th 1971 • ' , . THE LUCKNOVil SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , PAG 1: mom • • Pro ail th • se who helped make the LUcknow Festival such a success. N _ resident and Manager -1, --- CRAFT Guaranteed Investment Certificates a . _ - •,. the rnier ns.e. • ...Whor's.'"Ne*:*,,.. At. Hilron**(st Monday afternoon's program Of .old time rnUsic and a ,sing-a,long. was Well attended last week with -- ;Alice' Rocirda , •Norman Speir and • 'Jerry'. Collins providing the music,. Eighteen, residents from Huron-, , view we're guests last .Wednesday. ;afternoon, 'at'th,e 24d .annual • octogenarian (Over BO) club pie'-.• 0-Oderieh and,sponscired by the Goderich• :•Kiwanis chib::. 'transportation, the varietv PrOgra tn. and lunch was supplied' by the Club with Mr, . Norman :Speirof. HuronVieW 'assist-, ' wi."the program. • . itl• • The. Ethel -arid Moles.Worth :Worrien'S Institute were"hosts•for • . • .• the July birthday, .part Y Oil WedrIeS• et -yours, -.7 ay a ternoon."..IVITS7TR:10-11:6 • • VG • ' • CONA.PANY.'Sit4C,E. 1689 Lealandilill, . Manage! Elgin and Kingston Streets Goderich 524-7381 .. • • . A num ber,frOrn here. attended • the tra.ft Festival at Lucknoilv on • I:11day" and •Saturday of,last week,: ..Sdriie•frOrn here had disPlayt there. • On Saturday, the, Holyrood Womert's Institute Were' in.charge of the dinner Meal and the booth • __froni_10 Mrs.: Wesley WhytoCk Of Tees - water vitited during the•'Week, With Edna • and: NlaY43.pyle.L. . • , Mr and Mrt. Wilbert i Ha Iden- hy of, TOronto visited .w.ith and Nirs...Bert Nicholson and Other relatives and friends here. . :Mrs .,Lyrnan. N81.81011 arid john, • ' • aCcornpanied..Mr; and Mrs. Cecil S'ut'ion on .a trip to Iowa , • where, they,visited with relatives,. ennert-Ji.. iid Mi . .Heather LunnesS df-TdrOnto , • •visited:dutirig•the.Week With his gra odpa re nts • Mr . arid Mrs,. 'Art , • . , . .• • • ., • :Mrs, Gertrude:Walsh. w'is ,gue.st. at 'the' scott-tioupe wedding c. at Ripley on Saturday • . " VIHear ..About. Stoti.q. AMBERLEY NEWS The Reids Corners Wornen's Institute net in the Church BaSe- ment•on Wednesday evening; „ •Thly 2§ with a good attendance -Of thirty-prie. Mrs. Cecil liqllands,'PreSident opened the -Meeting with a-reading:and the: - :Opening Ode was sung ,with Mrs. Ernie. Gibson at the piano, very - one repeated the Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. Leopard Reid, gave the treastirer's report. The ,roll call - "Have you,heard that.. (News Itern)" resulted:in rnanY - ,inforrnative and hurnerout answeri, • Mrs. Jack Elliott introduced the • guest ,spea.ker,Mrs. Seldon 6en- • jarnin of1Bervie, •Slie showed '.slides and gave an -interesting • 1 " account Of her•licime Province Of Nova Scotia. •she•alsO•had a play Of Nava Scotian souvenirs, and pictureS..'Mrs..Be•nja:min is alto\ a 'talented 'singer and .having Limited amount for this coming week -en • .44T-KgNirt-FRom,THENJ*4 • • . an. eets Carrots' are now in seasqn ' . • IN AN BINDER TWINE"... ountry ar e HIGHWAY S6 L4 MILES EAST OF LIJCKNOW . •• • • • . • 57 Attend Reunion mi.. and /Ars... Don 13e11, Wayne. • • • and Beverley had a feW days holi lld day at Dickie's cottage At Hope At Can Dona , Bay last week. •• - KINLOSS. N'EWS Fifty-seven registered with President, Rev.. Alex MacDOn and secretary., Mrs. Donald C. • Debbie -and Susan Fittkee•of--,-- Connecticut visited a few clav,,s • the with Mr. and.Mrs.' j„ Needham • aid anci•Janie. :Pb a nci,Janie'.. • '•, hav been ClasSrnates at partons MacIntyre for the aninral, Clan • , • • • 1- • S. I brought her guitar, sang two songs Donald Reunfo which she has composed herself. She has been Chosen to. sing:at Ontario Place, at a later date. • - :Mrs. Perrin LdWry. thanked the • speaker and presented her wi.th. a gift of 'appreciation, The .losing Ode. was. sung .and after Grace, lunch' was sered • by .the Committee in charge.:. • • • Was mistress of cereinonies for the a•fternoon and led a lively .sing- ‘sdrig. The Variety program : included several, musical nurnbers by NOrmaniBirne .Cecil Bateman David DoUnd ,Mrs _ Stan Speir- ,man; dance nil bert by • Barbara • .and Karen Johnston And readings by Mts. ..Wm. :Beirnes. • Following the ,program gifts Were presented .by •the 'Institute tO 26 residents having birthdays in July with Mrt. Mary Johnston celebrating her 97th .birthday: Mr. and ;,4rs.4.JiO-1, Barrie whO'ceiebrated..their.'54th wedding anniversary this month. •were presented With rotes by the - ires..--.444,49-:-Ba-rrie-thankeettre hosts for the party on behalf of ' .the residents and lunch'Was • served. •• " • The Salvation Army Band of . , Wingham entertained. the .tesid-.. ents On Thursday family. Night . with a concert•outdoors., ,Mrs. G ,Arrnitrorig Who' ineidentally has tWo-_grandchildrerrirr.rhe -bpd., thanked the grdup.on.behalf of • the residents. It is hoped ,-.Weatht ex -permitting, to-held--a-bandleon- Cert eaCh evening:durin.: the simmer as all the residents. are ab o en_joyilluepri ogrami' either Out on the lawn: Or, being in the room on the west' side of the • , • • ON NNE T AIRY • ' . • rot sound counsel and a fair price on a mOnument correctly designed from quality material, rely on . SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat Oltagaii, Prop,/ established Over Sbity Years WALKERTON PHONE 8814214 ONTARIO ; VISITORS FROM cONTINLIED:FROMPAG:E.I.' • ' . . • ,wanted to be back next year but with'dne.understanding.; that they have the same spbt... .• • .• • • . The oldest exhibitor was frOM ..Haidernand ”courity., a/cleats old lady over 90 with table cloths •.'. and bed spreads for ditplay nand Crocheted: a rid .beatit.iful ',. • from the hands So small arid' frail, but so artistic • . The •Frontiersraen•frorn.Goder,-. ich did.a job otrtecurity andtraf-' fie Control and Created' an attrac tion as welt.; ; • •. • Baked ,goods ?.pretervet and - produce sold quickly and. inciitat - the need for a•farmers market . in' Lite know :The space for next year's Festival :if there is to be: one, completely.sOld out if :,'• requests for such are,ariy indica -.• tion • • ••• • . • Every 'booth owner. this with TO', ept Offivo , indTc ated their desire to return next year and in'most cases to the same areaTiorrOtted. to them this year ON HOLIDAYAND BUSINESSTRIP . • .:: , • • • • Five mem,bers.of the Dan 8. Mac Donald family were present:. Mrs: Fred (Maxie) IromIeypf T�r�nto., Mrs:.Ken yina) Ja Mieson of Montreal, •Mrs:. Seymeiur(Sally) Macpon '11 of Torantp; e • , %School of Design in New York Cit • / • of Kitchener. and Ross of Lucknow. • • .; and Mrs Allan Graham - Mr ; and Mrsn , un Middleton of . • Toronto visited' on Sunday with Mr; Ruth andMartha Mr. and - . Frf.alc MacKenzie, vised- and -- „ atid-ME,§. Donald e : MacIntyre .. • Sunday With Anne Graham, • • • other relatives and friends the area.: . • .• „.. Heather MacKenzie and Mary . • • • ' . • Henderson at Canadian 'Keswick,: * 'Mr: and Mrs': Evan Keith and Mrs. Duncan Keith of Teeswater visited Friday evening With • -friends ..from the West at the home ,. of Mr. land Mrs.; 'John Reid in . "th 1 • • • I ' • . • .near Port Carli•ng.. .- • , • DenVer pickie left from Ivialron , * •• 2 • ••••••.; There are many stories one Bob Keith of Suniiny •for a' three-w_e.ek-hol .Mr;'anq . rpugh•visited Saturday . day -in the British J.sles and a busi- 86arb9 , nets trip to Portugal o : .with Mr. and. Mrs Evan Keith' . , ''. . • ii ' and fainilyBria.n••ke•ith.sretU. returned Dr • . pr.. and Mrs. Alex Maelntyre .. 'home with them for a,week't of Alliston were•weeL•erid guests . •holiday, ' : ' With Mr...and Mrs: Allan MacIn- ' '• . .. ., 1 , ., •'‘• • . .. • 1 .' . . :.,1 . • '. tiire.aod attended die cianD „on4id all, Grace and Audrey and Mr m--1; al?d•Nli s. floYcl• !Ylacnbug- . •. .. ' Reunion on Sunday: .. . . • , ' '• • , '. • •• ' d Mrs Allan' MacDougall, Mrand ,MrsMatthew Mac7, Heather and D id attended the Innes aridfamily' of FatrislFamily cniC On Sunday visited afew da s with Mr and MrsLeonard MacinOes arid fanl-• ' , .. . ..... .. /.,. Mr. and MrS. Larry BrOcklebank. • . • . ily. . , . . ... •'' Luanne and Lorelie of Loudon ere Mr*. andN4s• Hector Cooke .• Monday Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. :of Kitchener visited on Saturday Harvey Houston and Kenneth. -'4 • ' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall. • STLJDYING IN FRAN,CE. • , Friendi_df..Bruee-IvIat-Kenz-ie iii be interested to hear that he is furthering his Studies toward•his Ph..D. degree in Pari, France. , • • ,. . . , • . . • .. Mrs. HarVey Houston laav.es• on. • ', • ' :Wednesday for.•Millarvilie, : .and Mrs; Hugh. Houston, Duane : • and .Heath. The trip will be . by. Aif..„Canada...,tO„Ca_l_gary-,;- „. • heard at the Festival...' N6 one , perton, nor even the .Founding Committee,n. can take all the.cred.- it',/for if it hadn't heen•for the .. hun.dredS, Of helier8 ill . . there could have bee n no Festival, nor could it have been carried din wtthout the. wond,erful support , -from'the-t- 'sod • • nization The 'LuCknoW Agrictiltural Society 'and the President of, same BOb' Gilchrist and wife lune.' They put in many hours of untiring labour preparing the ar. I It and IrnentiOti Only two, for there were many others WhO helped in various ways Thanks goes to the public and volunteers arid perhaps 'hundredt in the background unknown t� the organizers. • , • Indications point tO a Vettival. of the same ,,Calibte nett year. 1 CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WIN6HAM ONTARIO PHONE 35/-.386 1969 CHRYSLER Newport, 4 door, power e9qipped and. radio ,. 1908 FALCON 2 door, 6 automatic with radio ., . . - 1968 PLYMOUTH 4, door s 8 'automatic and radio . 1967 'CHE'vy. II, 4 dooir, 6 cylinder standard -----1E—YIVIDI/TH Sport 'Fury convertible, Power eqtiipped, radio bucket seats ,and console . ' . • 1966 PONTIAC GTO Convertible,'8 cylinders, 4 SPeed traria, 1 Misaion, power steering and,birakes ' 1966 OLDS 4 door, 8 ailtematie, poWer steering, radio 1966 F0111), 4 ddeiri 8.;.AtitOinatie, Power ste,eritig;.-ridio 1966 PLYMOUita 4 automatic'with radio por equipped mariott'm6. etiaiits.„ 1988 !MD Cloor, 6 automatic# 'radio Publicity Director. . • 1966 etlirirsLErt 4 door.we , , ••.. ,„ • • t. , .,,