HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-08-04, Page 5A r 4th,; !9]),' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4th,; 1971.• WHITECHURCH ,Mr, and Mrs. Walter Elliott, Ruth, Barry, David and Karen returnedlast week from a car trip to the western provinces;. ., and: Mrs. •S. King and family f Hamilton spent the . week end with.Ivtr. and Mrs. GeS or e •Currie 'and family.and;' With his brother Jim King , Mrs. King and.:faibily from Ireland..• eft .on Sunda ----�- .rl T -,ham snrk. f .. y .f9t a we':k at the United Church e.h parri . Menesetung ,North ;of God- erich. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO • This conamurity extends. sym- pathy to Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Schultz, in the passing, of.his ' brother Leslie Schultz of Dungan-- non on: Saturday. and to Mrs.. Fz ,a; p Scholtz in the passing of her • assin � • brother -in-law . Visitors on Saturday with. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilkens and family were Mr. and. Mrs. Lincoln Mohr and family of Kitchener. Weare sorry tv •report that N. Mabel Stapleton , Tout Jamieson's`mother , whq, is in God • erich hospital -is not improving as: fast. as'her relatives would like •.; 'Holiday visitors ,with 'Mr.: and rs Wallace Conn were Mr. and- s. Herb; Hunter and Trevor' of Cordon and Miss Alma Conn of London.. T'I' at act Tillies ANKS I' CHISHOLM to express; id friends pith . cards; he wan in Its also to :Kim and loor. mur thank received., acts and sympathy from our it'Aves and. ble during =eavement' loved 'son; . ir burden ' heavierto ely. in, Russel; Susan and= Alex Irvin Miss Ida S. 'sincere Iness ' and sympathy death: All' FUELS" 'HEATING OILS • SUNOCO' DISTRIBUTORS. LUCKNOW' . • • Phone 529-7524 or.. 524-7681 • FREE .BURNER_ SERVICE • Products..For Farm, Home and Industry Miss Darlene. Coult.es of .East WaWanosh. visited last week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs...;• Earl Casiick:. Mr ..and Mrs... George .Currie of•East Wawat.)Qsh had:her niece and nephew Mr.. and Mrs: Jim. King and baby Alison•frorn Port Adown., 'Ireland, as:recent visit-'. ors and on Sunday last hada fain. ily reunion, as they left on•Tues- da.y.for. the return trip to Ireland. . Mr., and Mrs. Jack Gillespie JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME t � Modern and Conven Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 Day or . Night Serving,. All Faiths ccs ing to Their Wishes oderate Prices Established 1894.. y relatives who s; letters, Also -the hurch and their .get rou. These cKendrick and Lorraine of Sarnia , were. week end:visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. Garnet~'Farrier,;and Mrs. Gibson •Gilespie and callers in Wingham Hospital Ott M'rs. Tillie Reid and Mrs,. Charles McDOnald:/ communi y ex ends t -o rs.. Jerry. Verbeek and .farnily, 'their sincere 'sym.pathy in the sun'- denpassing' of her mothet , Mrs.: Guteher:, on Friday evening. We arere oleased to rt that p l� Harley Gaunt of Wingharn, form; erly of this community,, was, re- leased from Wingham Hospital on . the week end but will be conyal.- escing for•sorre time.. ' Mr; and. Mrs, George Gaunt of Exeter spent the week. end with the" parents Mr. and Mrs, John Gaunt and Mr. and Mrs.. Bob. • . A'darns,On. ,Monday Mr„.and Mrs. Gaunt and Janet' of Centralia were v sbtors..at the same Wine.. Joe, Tiffin. and the Intermed- 'iate softball team -were- at -Mea;--, ford ball totiirnament•on• Saturday and Sunday. • Whitechurch Inter- mediates lost to' Teeswater Inter-• 'mediates 5 to 3; Mrs. .Leola 'Chadwick and Phil Chadwick of London were •Sunday; afternoon visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. ' Victor Emerson, .and' in the. evening all called on , Mr. 'arid .Mrs. Ewart MaCOiersgn Of ' Lucknow . " .Mr, and Mrs..Elgin Wellwood of,Orangeville. visited •last wee,k.with:Mr*.. and ,Robert" Mowbray and 'On Satu'rday "went -to visit With Mr. and Mrs. Calvert..Falconer of .Bl'yth. ' : Mr: and :Mrs..John. Willis of t ay wi is ,'mother and her parents Mr and Mrs ..Bill Caslick'and:farrmily•of Culross.. ' PAGE II'. UCTION SALE AUCTION SALE. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of .livestock, machinery and antique. furniture will be held for • Cordon Smith, lot' .30, concession : 6, .East Wawanosh Township, ,1. block ;south. and 4 :blocks west ofBelgrave on Saturday, August ' 14 at 1:15 p.mw See billsfor list. Terms Cash., Farn . Sold. Brian 'Rintoul, auctioneer'. .AUCTION SALE<_. AUCTION SALE oflivestock,, farm implements,, Belgium; horses,. grain, household furniture and anti- ques will be held. for Ben Troyer, Lot ' 18, Con, 3, Kinloss Township, 21/2 miles , north and 2 miles east of Lucknow on Saturday; August 21 at 1:30. Terms Cash; -Farm Sold, Full list next week,. " " AIIan. Macintyre, Auctioneer Not.ice TOCredit�rs. NOTICE: TO CREDITORS In the Estate of DONALD HENRY McPHERSON. I• Deceased All persons having claims again. the 'Estate of . Donald Henry Mc- Pherson, cPherson, late of the. Township of Kinloss in , the County of . Bruce, 'Retired Farmer, deceased, who diedon or about the 7th. day of June 19700 are , are hereby notified . to -send full:particulars of their claims to the undersigned :Solicitor' for the tal_e_on.:or = before ° the :I2th day of August 1971; ' after which date the Estate will , "be ' distributed a- mongst those entitled.. thereto : hav-- 'ing regard' only to ` the claims of which the Administrator shall .then ' have notice. ' Dated at Listowel, Ontario this 15th day of July .1971. ' R. W. ANDREW; ,.Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor for the 'Adm, inistrator APPLICATIONS Arf,, N i4leBNl•MSNNB•l4itw . FOR SALE REQUIRES ADMINISTRATOR : For newly, created ' .Social Sery lees Departmentto serve' in the. General ,Welfare Assistance field.., • Applications.in writing wilhbe re- ceived . by. the undersigned until Wednesday,_ August 25.,.1971;__please . include experience ' and qualific- ations. Salary ran • .i.i — cellent employee benefit's. -Starting. date for , ,position approximately' October 1, ,1971 John G. Berry,> Clerk,Treasurer & Administrator,' ; , Court House, Goderich, Ont. e; . 5 9-524-8294) • UMMER BE WATER Sri FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMO.BULE 'and :LIFE To protect YOur.Jack A. MCD.ONAPH LueknOw,' Phone 528-3423 optometrist NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10:00,a.m., to 5:30 •Ripley 395-5154 tor appointiiient • 111 .01 • • FULL' LISTED PRICE $7,900 for a fully furnished 3' bedroom cottage in the Port Albert ,area, complete -with all :; electrical appliances,.'. and • with. ` immediate possession avail- able. Lucknow take this', ir Thanks iere so w or who. tasks, but e and' we nks, gcCharles eryone for Special AitChisou rds, fruit, .was ends `aild and as forgOttea Eva Burt W. ANDREW Barrister. and Solieitor LIST6WEL, ONTARIO Every Wednesday and • Saturday Afternoon • .Lucknow 528-3116 TED COLLYER • 100 ACRES of choice . farm land, well . located ' in .the Kingsbridge area; check the ,crops for'- yourself. v . pie trees :'surrouru the above 'average home, . which has every .convenience,. large barn suit= • ed for : both loose ,cattle . and, hogs;,• The owner; will consider your down .•• • NOTI.C.E stone ranch home. in,. Lucknovi. A. 'full: basement; attached garage, • • • Specializing In, ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRIC AUGUST • PRICE -WI E J. H. CRAWFORQ, Hydro Financing Available Lucknow — Phone 528-5802 stwir IN RIPLEY VERY FRIDAY Phone Wingham • • • :Cedar lap 'siding, lined inaide: swith panelling containing a. worlz• :saying kitehen, well located din-: ming room entertainment sized! :living room with a red.brick fire-; splace, 3 cheerful bedrooms and 2: lot: A. 12' jt ceMent:block; CHIROPRACTIC • E ley. A cottage filled with relax-. -197 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM MEMORIALS :CEMETERY LETTERING. ed over LL Buy Direct and Save BUIL Ph. 35771910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 :Picturesque 200 acres for suin-: ▪ mer or winter, +you'll enjoy every! :minnte of it. 170 acres of slight-; mly rolling land workable, balances w m scenic 'nixed bush., 11/2 storey: °bath and fUll basement Barn 40'" MX 60' mostly loose housing and* :driving shed 25' x 25'. Only as i few minutes drive from shop -III aping: Full listed .price ONLY.' • DON HOLST REAL : ESTATE LTD " The best in 'Mime Grown,,Dry .Fed, Drug .Free Beef. .Try opt. Fresh 'Horne Made Sausage.. Cnstom kil- ling by. appointment. . Phone 528,2132 NOtiCE, FARMERS -7-The—best--return for your .far cattle, .a canner .cow or a fat steer, call Omar 13rooks„. 528-3839. . . 'NOTICE -Anyone with a bill owing the Lu.cknow Craft Festival please send the bill to the.Trea.surer, Dan Mc- Innes, •Holyrood,, not ,later than August 14th. PUBLIC NOTICE Offices for the following depart - silents are now loeated in the CoUrt a a ing .Department Gary Davidson, Director b) Development OffiCer Tel., 5197524-2188 c) Construction, Safety Inspector Everett Smith ' Tel. 519=52442188 d) Land, Division Committee electric ,heating, 4 piece bath 'and quality broadloom, plus a well plan- ned iliving ,dinihg, area .make this a hoine you have to see to appreci- ate. Make am appOintinent to ins- pect this 'home at your -convenience.. 212 ACRES' of.. reCreational pro; -balance—faiTgh, good spring . fed stream, also.'teeswater river, drill - led Well, Old log heouie and barn, excellent hunting, fishing.. Retreat accessable year round, taxes only • $119.00, listed at $14,000. Terms available. Call quickly on thia one. 50 ,ACRE FARM on.highway 21, all workable, 3 bedroom cottage, good _barn, paved yard and :Tided at $16,000 with immediate possession 'the owner will consider a trade on a home in Goderich. 3 BEDROOM ranch home situated op • 45 'acres of aver •property, Mile of river frontage, ppen land & xeellent springs, excellent • potent - as a trailer park or as a private estate. This home and . acreage mustbe seen to beoppreeiated and. has .been greatly reduced in price for immediate sale, all offers will • MEMORIAL CHAPEL FUNERAL SERVICE. Set -Weft conducted according to yinir wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our MeM- Mal Chapel at no additiOrial CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone 524-7562 Day er 441910 • • :Barry mcDonagh, • • • • 150 ACRE beefs and hog farm with a nearly new barn and excellent , acres Of buSh. Owner has, agreed to• acCept $20,500 with $10,000 dawn, . well lotatedi this property is priced right. ' Wilfred *Wee It' Co„ Limited .WALKERTON *ember of the ,Grey and Bruce. Multiple Listings Service 0414141484148.4