HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-28, Page 16t PAGE SIXTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO.. t • WEDNESDAY, JULY nth,1,* mmuimP9, mow* • WATCH.' FOR • r: YOUR.: LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND SIDEWALK SALE e Se ntinr PIAN' ers Write ..:. THAT Lucknow Fire Department responded to •a call on. Tuesday morning 'about 11'a. m.. to.a barn fires, a_ short distance north of Kintail on the',take.' The barn was' Opt, in' use 'and was owned by •Ken McKenzie. It is on. the former John IvlacKay property: Thebarn was levelled by'the tune firemen arrived but some danger /Was felt. for -the house: nearby which. -is not •occupied . THAT the Lucknow Businessmen's , Association 'met' last week'and finalized plans for the annual -sii wa-l-k=safe-w-l-iich will be lel on Friday and 'Saturday , August' 13 and, 14 • 55. Erskine Avenue,,. 'Apt.. •511, Toronto•315 , Ontario, July 20th1971. Donald C. -'Thompson, . Esq. , Publisher . • . The Lucknow Sentinel, ; •Lueknow , Ontario..'.' Dear Mr. Thompson„ . I 'am enclosing my cheque for' "renewal" .of the 'subscription •which was 'entered, in the name of •• rny.late Mother she being very ware , • When last' year I appliedfor 'week • ly delivery .oPThe Lucknow..Sent•, inel. 1 The continued "growth" of Ludo nnw is somethirri I -f ' ' endous interest. Particularly am. I,'interested. in The Festival notes, the last two weeks, of the -forth • WILKEN' to Murray, and Isabel Wilken of: Pine .River on Friday July 23rd ,1971• at Winghamand District Hospital, a daughter, Lisa Dawn, a sister •for Jeffery. coming joy, July 39 and 31 of the. �Cra•lers: 1 wish it'were. possible for me to attend this first year but'at this ivriting I know I` shall' not' be coming; however, I trust the Festival May become an • annual' occurrence. .L recall my Mother telling of the Highland Gashes that were accorded due prominence:"during her'girlhood in; Lu'cknow• 1.shall look forward to. attending other Festivals.in, future. years. And I shall con- tinue to read: your fine weekly... '. - v- ' McCORMICK'S +DIETETIC Cookies & Candies In Stock: Here WESTON'S 8 IN PKG.*. SAVE .31c, Hamur PKCSi n r U1S ASTRA BRAND 73/4 OZ. LIMIT 2 ;TINS PER CUSTOMER Red Sockeye Salmon PayOnIy LEE'S' 19 OZ. Pneapp e rus e SAVE 9c S 1� THAT electrical. storms , ' accom-' panied; by heavy rain, have hit r -ea- at various times dur ; the past week. On Thursday. W'AGSTAFF:E 24 OZ.:WITH.PECTIN SAVE 1 Sincerely yours, ,` _ morning of;last Week,. following, (Miss)` Winnifred J..Niall:, a heavy'rain, • Lucknow residents • Were.a- ns -:a; launched' on the lawn Lyle S•isler on Havelock Street north, the, former reside'nce of the'. late/ Pearl and Elizabeth•lHend'erson.,. HEINZ 10 OZ.., e etable Sou 1 $AV 'S. a 16 THAT Jack Fisher and brother' ,Gordon Fisher ,of "Lueknow were the winners' of the 'Hanna, trophy • at"the Men's doubles•.lawn bowl- ing. tournament .in..1Wingnant owling•tournament'.in.Wingham last,: 'week. THAT Dungannon Fall Fair prize lists have been printed. by The • Sentinel and are available 'front' the. secretary. T. M. ,Durnin of • 'Dungannon prat The Lucknow Sentinel.• . .VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, 19,, 30, 31. F IDAY, SATU RDAY 'PHONE LUCKNOW .528.3420 See our 'large `selection of NWORTHY • DOMINION AND ARMSTRONG S1IONFLOR. AND INLAI[ CRAFT FESTIVAL CONTINUED..PROM. PAGE 1- been a crafter hers .f fora long time, began preliminatrytalks with. those she. knew to be: interest. - ed in crafts.. She and Oliver. dis-=:` -eusse Ethe-matter .wit-hrReg and Carol Jones of tucknow,-knowing that :they had a similar., interest in'.. crafts and ;with Mr. anMrs.: 'hair McInnes of Holyrood, also crafts nien. These six .people' fornulated a -•.proposal which was presented to the annual meeting of the, Liickno Agricultural Society. The group sought: the sponsorship of the agri- cultural society which; after a second meeting, they received. The agricultural society agreed to provide:ta_bles_:,tiootltarra:age---- rnents• for the crafters., wiring , manpower to •tackle'the large project and, some financial, support if needed; :plans leading .up•to thisweekend''s. event. Mr. and Mrs..McCharles, in their capacity.. as publicity directors, ..have publicized the event far 'and wide. and extensive ly•in'.this area Regular columns • were carried' in The ;Sentinel' written by .Mrs.' McCharies who. .personally invited Quer 20Q' craft en`s.to tre7the evrexit with seventy six booked, •the arena is full and the einthusiasrnfor the event• by craftsmen has been shown:: '.: Numerous sub conicrlitteeshave been working towards making the event a:success. Some of these names'Will appear in a later,issue;, • President Reg Jones and his committees are:hgpe fill that this. week'•s show will attract taWber... °f•�-eap�l-e-t�iz'Fh•��;epo �They a so have hopes for big8er and, better shows in. the, future. •AdnyiSsion charge is 250 per person. • • VO COMPLETE HOME DECORATLYG CENTRE -' DR;APE'RhES FLOOR COVERINCS WALLPAPER AND .i CICN6''" ,J. N to iO AINT'i/' PHONE 8284434 will go to the. agricultural society; • The "founding cornrittee named, Reg Jones as its president.,, Carol Jones as secretary, Mr. and Mrs,. OliverMcCha'rles as public rela. tions and publicity directors, Mr.. and Mrs, bah McInnes as,treasur ers and Mr' and Mrs. Wilmer Hardy of Catiowas adv;isors, S` iF'ic Th ti the featival cotYim1t tee has Met many tithes laying Hereby -Proclaim l am ail mi. a." 4- -: Ori. —. no rt. 1010 r A CIVIC HOLIDAY FOR THE ViIIage of lucknow and c'aIl upon ail I$rsons 'to observe it as such . ► OGE„ JOiNT,