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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-28, Page 12
• • PAGE TWELVE..,,.. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, -LUCKNOW.,° ONTARIO IIIA' WEDNESDAY, JULY 28th, 1971 SI! ►•L By MIs. John Austin. Several carloads of National Farmers Union rnernbers:.fronl Local' 33 attended the Farmers Mobilizationmeeting in Clinton: ori 'Thursday, July.• 15: • LOKING....BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES . WITH MARGARET THOMPSON. *NaNNN•N•4+t+ .YEA{RS SAGO APRIL 1961 °• Mr. G. Dalton Kirk, principal. of the Lucknow DiistrIct'Hiigh; school, tendered his resignation after accepting the principalship of the Milverton District"High • School, Another staff resignation rec - eived by Lucknow' District High School was that of Mrs. 'Elizabeth Suter, who accepted a position... ; • at Wingharn . High. School'': Eastcr Sunday ,.'April .2nd, 1961 wat a znernorkble`occasion ary West,, 2 if 2 .mi.les froth Luck- now, RS AGO A01211.1941 .Dental. care for pupils at Luck - now, Public Schools w.as approved Y by the Board:,of Health' This pol icy had been carried out ' for . the first-time the, previous year at a cost.'of $480•.., of -which amount ' the School Board was reimbursed'' one-third by the Government grant. The' Maple Leaf. Aircraft Corp Petee.s.'Anglican .,hurch; Luoknow oration, a local firm,,had secured when .the sod was turned; for the :an.order for:•the manufacture.of new, Parish Hallcomponent airplane/. parts and was Al Irwin' purchased- Lorne 14tniOirepring to 'get into production 'ton's100 acre:farm,on the Bound-- Several specialized,'welders were • Reasons for meetings,; Bil N. F: U' Dairy were because farmers and b uals are inten individial fare A series of me held in Ortari The. aim ;o a.price on fa it possible fcir continue operat new legislation farm policy' se of the. }onal Uni fong the Laldingdono'f the. Committee ,f the low.i'ndorne of cause some individ- on putting the terout of Business stings are .being the Union 'is to. put n products:, making family farms to frig. Assessing which pertains Ws important. Be-.. �ctur.e of 'the farmers `from st to coast were inforined. of • mplications, of the Task; and BiL1 0176 ,.which has: now been delayed: The two :farm.,products, .mink and hogs, .will be used in .this plan for action. Supply management`, without import controls and with to cau Nat coo the Fors :1' out a:fair, price , is what'we now have in Dairy. This is not accep- 'gable: ;Even'now, ,with a short-- age:of milk, theprice to the farmer has 'not increased. 1976' PONTIAC Parisienne 2 door hardtop, , V8. automatic,... power steering and power brakes • 2 1970 CHET' Impala 4; door hardtops, V.8 automatics, power 190 DODGE Dart, 4:door,'6 cylinder automatic 1969 CH EV ..4' door, Vi automatic, power brakes, power steering 2 ,— 1979 DODGE Polara 4 door, V$ automatics, power steering, -' 1969 . PONTIAC 'Laurentian 2 door hardtop, .VII. automatic; power steering,' power: brakes • 1969 .PON - .PONTIAC Pa tsie the 2 door hardtop, V$, power brakes . .. potter steering (white ;vinyl ) . 19. CADILLAC 4 door hardtop, Rill power and .air conditioning' 196IL ONT'EGO ciovr:, .6..autolnstic.: 1967 CHEV 4 door, 6'cylinder automatic' . 1967 FORD Custom 5:.g V0 automatic 1167 FORD Custom SSM, 2 door 6 cylinder autornahc 1967 PONTIAC Grand. Pa erne, Vi,, frill pow t%7 CH EV i ton :pa,el 196/ CHEVY VAN with heavy 'duty ectuiPment 1966 PLYMOUTH 4 ,door, s cylinder automatic 1966' METEOR, 4 door statonwagon, V8. automatic 15 FOOT mahogany boat andtrailer with 40 Hop. .Johnston e4ctric motor 16 . FOOT cedar strip bost andtrailer with 40 Hope, J'dhtlstott motor, "eiectric stint Walter 7Vliller, Vice President of the 'spoke of this time as being .a War of Survival:for 'farmers, We are losing farmers at the rate of 1000 per month in :' Canada. Vertical' intecration should be:'outlawed, Walter said. Family farms are :still. the ,most efficient type of operation;' The consumer would not •benefit froth'. large, corporate operations in. farrn products. • Mrs. Miller , Lady bistrict 0u ector,, •conducted the question ' period which followed..' .The maj- ority of those present signed 'a Declaration of Intent backm e s,, plan Jor, action,._ some .who were no longer engaged' in'farming declared their support' by;making.a:cash donation.. BOA: 1000, PARKHLL, ONTARIO. Phone 294-6231 or 294.6232 • Authorized by Ontario Government Lic, No, 17143,. 1^st Prize' - $50,000.00 4th' Prize $, 5,000.00 2nd: Prize -..$20,000.00 , 5th Prize. - $ 3,000:00 3rd Prize $' 7,,0.00 0© 5 . Prizes of $1,000.00 •• $I,000 00 •Every; Two Weeks Until'. The. End "" .Of NovemberIn ;Early Bird Prizes Grand Drawn December 1, 1971 FIRST EARLY .BIRD) PRI MR. FRED EMBE,i WINNER OF ,$1,00.0.'00 WAS LU OW, ONTARIO 'TICKETS.AVAILABLE AT CHARLIEs MASON'S SUNOCO' SE.,RVICE STATION, MAIN ST, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO' • . Mail To Box 1000, Parkhill, Ontario. NAME •. • • : .. .ADDRESS PHONE Number of 'Tickets i equired Amount Enclosed Tickets $2 each c employed .and the'.firm was opera- ting on"' an overtime schedule:' was rennin;;• on.a :two-shitt'sched lila ' In all twenty-zwo •men 'were e. i:io.red. ,with/tori,.. and tons .�?, o. prat sseti+: :0 EARS YEARS.AGO .ARL 191 school • epo z is e,t to aw anon' , junior Root ria the followzig 'pupils - ; To Todd, Bob ., toOdiilin ,. Lula 1%'eatiherhead 6- ac=e- a `'i;er: "ciatv? Jtes:art L+a\is,Irene Lynch, Lena Durnin•,; Eddie tiaunt, ‘4=inrri tied . c liilliri', Charles Ntc i1 lin, !teen Purvis , When you 'purchase your wedding invittions. from. The Lucknow Sentinel ' you : will receive one year's freesubscription tion (value $6.00)_ to The ,Lucknow Sentinel. Ier Iuronview Alice Rborda Norman Speir' and Jerryn,Collins provided the music .for the Monday get-togeth 'lex Lions, HelenM. i er,a'' Frank C,yarroily L1 --o a-itcha-d,. Walter:ylte Forster, Alvin Miller, - .Y Yiir�,;L�let Lyons ry Yr+ Tho�'n:, :_le L doL ons r .Hyde MildredCMar - o ie ys5 +.teY4Arsa t [pYai Uep Ma.garet Cur n s, Elwin icy f'ri'll?Yl, M. Eti anv', r.a.ld Perste: ,.'Isobel ,y.nlle ,tial,• '.ten P u•is f Helen fliert., cache , Itilar :� ivi it , the dance` peric{d everyone join- ed in the sing: -a: -long. Ti ere -were tweir''bles ofm. G.uararteed: Investment Certificates games played i'ti the auditoritim.' on Wednesday' prizewinners for. the,. euchre were., Ladies High, Mrs. Proctor:,' Men's High, ' Rodger Cilbert, Consolation )Winners Mrs: Beattie and Harvey Cott A Ct mmtinion service`.was held -the :'cha_p_el on_;TF r av morn `ing with Rev.' Whittich of the Blyth L rtited : Church charge assns- ted by Ma's, . Srown , organist Nt'rs _ lith :h sol stand oward"y Ca,rri,p.bell.:fro. ._thedil nth session:. For our •Famnily'''igh't program this weep. Harvey Johnston of Clir ton showed slides of a trip -he and Mrs. Johnston had taken to.Trini- • Played severa,1 selections en the piano during' the program.... Ntiss RED CROSS i8 ALWAYS. THERE WITH YOUR THLR, et yours today Fat' VG 880 ealand Hill, Manlier Elgin and Kingston ° Streets Goderich 24.138,1