HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-28, Page 11eeting 1 July ' tst •meet. Henry.. given by ,o4t cla'ss idged. ien.4 • :ng barn • ;8th, .WEPPIESDAYS JULY • • with a THE' •00. • • • AUTOMATIC. PAGE ELEVEN My Year At The Town Hall Py CAMERON. GRADE 3 Asi walked to school orthe bright sunny Morning .of SePtern - tier 8th 1970, rhad a funny feel- ing inside. me; What teacher ,, what tOorn:',/Ould,..J.Jie.i.at4th.0, Town Hall? And tOMake.matters worse I-hadlogo to the -Doctor, - that day. • • ' I We worked, and Worked ail'day. I wondered if we would ever stop! • At last.,we got odt:.. I went to the' D'Oetor. He gave me band- aids for my blistered fingers (from .holding the pencil). A. few weeks later the teacher told us' we were. going to have a Hallowe'en party. I dressed up as an abominable snowrnan. At the Thanksgiving party:we kte fruit and 'biscuit. Atthe tobogganing party:I alrrpst •got run over by a toboggan. At the, Christmas party ,we. gave each other preSents.froin the tree. . We. worked hard ftom Decern ber. to June. We had rW6 field days; one at kinlOss:Central and one at the Town Hall. ,We are going to Goderich .this Monday.. I am. sorry school is airnost' out. hurch, „Ila kip,1 .United g :joint UOited umist-t8 Lucknow B.A. . • 01 reiship now and byterian .tigust,"8 Luba! &hip ',is 0, It is anguage. IahL • lacKinnon• Electric 1 , , SPECIALISTS IN .FARM WIRING , . ' • " •••••• 'tOMMERCI.A1,;-*Ii0 •• :•E1„g07,r0;t1C1AN.': • • ., --• ' • • . . , . - . . PHONE 524-0336 4," T ,G. „.0. PE RICH. . di& . . ommunitr lionourMe..Hackett 0 • Combined push button'. timed appliance outlet. Infinite .heat • ,p,vitches just dial the clesiredlinperature. T t -up t t awn oven elements for easy cleaning. Plug out elements and one piece ,removable drip .bowland ring. Timed appliance outlet — con- venient for breakfast coffee, 'Extra largestorage drawer.. Re- movable door — conveniently pulled out of the, way for oven • cleaning Recessed cooking platform spillguard edges prevent spilling liquid onto flpor. • ••••••••••0•••••••41111110111*o.ifi•••• ree LUCKNOW PHONE ‘528-3112 Form .... me FeH• • .• 9:%'In 'Quarter peopleinother:indUstries took the Cu tLiin incorneAlkat faun** ta e ,..1 bet they'd grUMNe , a lot InOre.` Burton oodgins. of Kincardine!: Presiderit of the Brik .Cou ray: Federation . Of Agri- culture was coinmenting On.a rec- eut.report that 'farm cash receipts fell nine percent in the first quarter of 19714 Receipts ran at 56niiilj�n in the first three • months, OPlast.year;:. $328 in the first,three rodoths of this year. , . product youlike, and yoti1 'see ' depressed prices ,4 Mr. Hodgins said. 4t g. .ices ,helow-ihe-d-ot--t7df Tjtothicti- Hog.prices are just inching theni.: selves out one•of thel 'lowest markets. ever l'urkey: prices are; disasirotis, ' • . • • "And yet if prices go up enough to=g04.fatirrrs a fa their' investments, everyone corti-. plains. • Consumers should .recog" • nihatl,far-niers711-arve-;.tol-dRalie pro fit as .well as*the' packers and the chain stores:" . . , • Farmers earned. an_ ave.rage ' just $4,546. last ye,ar..People in. other industries earned cOnSidetr, at;ly more.. The 1968'figures show thatOntario,teachers earned ,an , •• average Of $7,504...; lawyers, • 7.,863. , business eniployees; $6;000. 'Farmers are entitled to fair lideLof the4ie-too Kilr*Ltiodgin& :SO at • :45 ant • 'It as EEL GR -.1650 i0•-....5000..ittiStliti:SIZES' 'ERECTING. JACKS .SUPPLI•Ea. AT NO EXTRA4HARGE •• PHONE 395.5286 mums y ear. The Town Hall BY NANCY THOMPSON GRADEa 'The firstday of school was . • Septernber •§th.. WernoVed 'from the big schOOLdOWn to the•Town f�r *4-440-btac.k.--bo abort five weeks. ,• • ',Oovem,ber 7th Was my birthday' so/they spanked me; In • December we had a Christmas Corr cert, .and party... 'Grades one, two and three were in together, and 1 could hardty. think With the other.... classes • talking, ••In February We:., hada ValentiPess.. ivity 'Our teachers were Mrs: •Canip- bell and Mrs. 'In pne.„., we augeen4alley,CTOnser:Va? non farm We saw Peacocks, ‘a.... skunk, a ferret ,:and sOine pheas- ants. -:On Monday June .28th, we'tegoing to 60deqeli• t� : see the musetirn , theklarbour .park and the Signal . • • 'Out at Kinloss !Central .School. . we had .field day, nd won: three . ribbons,: J't_n..,gfadj;Wentio • school at. the'.ToWn Hall. • 1,000 To Falls Reserve Conservation Area The Honourable George A. , Q. C , M-inister-of,EFer and ' Resources- Management .and Murray Gaunt , M. P P. fOr 1-juron- ilruc'e , announce the approval of provincial -gtant-in the -amount.• of $21,000 to the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority to catty:, out further development Work in the Falls Reserve Conservation: • Area. "The Falls Reserverconservation Area comprises sOnle 2'20 acres of land' located to the west of the, Vi11age of Bentniller the Township of Colborne; County of Huron. It was acquired by the. Authority in 1964. Development work carried out igethe area to date has iticiiided ' construction of a Campground ser- vice b Idhig, a .OftedSiOti - ingtpcnic ii0t6to campground and service road, The Authority , . MR. AND MRS. MEL RACKET T. • " • 'Hackett ApprediatiOn • Night'-washeldrecently in the -Port. Etiin .Arena • • More than 35 O'people were pres- ent to, honour d.M.ri. Mel Hackett upon his retirement as Man- ager Of,the, Port' Elgin 'branch of the Ciadiap perm an o Corn- rnerce., A position he has' held for 14 years. . The Arena was transfOrme.d into, is propOsing to, probeed 'with con-' strpction of a maintenance build- ing., :stOtage btii,Iding; service a-d4and 'pa I tionof a.small darn, and pond, •, :deVelopment of scenic lookouts ,atid,-other.,:-general,development-'1 wotking'inCluding tree planting and installation of signs: The 'ex- lent.of the proposed develop-. , ':- •rrient.iwhiCh Will take place in.: , 1971,• will be limited by.the•finicis. available to the' AUtharity,frOm the Provincial :GoVernmerif,' ' Air Member MUnici lities are designated as benefiting and will bear the Authority'S'shate of•th.e cost. • , • • • t an intimate night Club With the use of .rail fencing and .• • '. decorations, With small ialiles!'sur .rounding the dance floor. • MidWdy through the evening; 14c1,HackettWas presented with a set of golf clubs MrS.•Jack :Mc. orrni-Cir-Tiresericed-rlaikeT with a bouquet Of roses. Many words c•f praise and appreciation were. spoken'by Ross •Whither M.P. Iddie Sargent 1. M.P.P. and Art Davey acted as Master of Ceremonies. Each re - Marked on the fact that Mr. Hack- ett has been:a real asset to the. comrtamity in_eyery waYL., . • . . , .4-•-••• , • •R. Laidley, Regional Gent etal.Manager Of the Bank was able to attend fora short time Mr Laidley was officiating at a func- tion -in Picton 4. 00 p. its The . Bankof Comnleice chartered a • piane to fly Mr: Laidley from - Pitton to.POrt Elgin, arriving at 8: 60 0:tn. , he then had to leave in time to be at Toronto' Island 'Airport at midnight. , • e is a son o ex an y • Hackettof Lucknow and was rads ed in this community., • • • , RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom ButcheringCuring and Smoking flitting and Wrapping — Sausage Making — Past Fretting OGS-f--**WC4ATTLE-.11 CATTLE ONLY ON FRiDAyS Rave cattle in on ,Thursday for Friday's kill With Two B19 Coolers i We Are Able Ti Hang Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks ‘-‘ Whatever Your RequiyeMents Are For Home *eaters We Sell Choice Home Med Beef, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR • PROTECTION , • CHAS; 400ISMA, PROP. • ABASTC) TTOIA a95.29es ST395-2961 ow.= ,• •• • "="—