HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-28, Page 10AGE TEN • MemberRecel-ves Life Membership • Fourteen-Members'and four.:vis- • itors were- present at. the July meet •ing of Ashfield Women's Mission- ary Society held at the home. of Mrs. Alvin Robb.. Mrs. Wylds opened the meeting with a poem, Step by Step, and after. the Purpose was recited in unison , she read a dialogue on the ,'Lord's Prayer:.. Roll call was:an- swered by a miracle of the 'Bible.. Mrs. °Grant Farrish gave the sBible Study on the Ten Command- ments.'Mrs. Wylds displayed a Glad Tidings Poster, and read•an 'artic:le,on the Helen MacDonald School in India, Mrs. Maclvurchy :one on a mobile clinic, and Mrs: J. West one on Africa. Mrs. Donald Martin presented Mrs. Ew 0 MacLean with a. Life Membe hip, Certificate in recog- nition of her service .to. the W:.M. 'S. Mrs: Gordon Robb gave: the.. •`closing prayer, and lunch. was, served. Kin:lou teUCKNOW SENTINEL., ,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • On July . 21 the Kinlough= Pres - • byteriari Women's Missionary Societmeeting was held at:tlie• home of—Mrs. Frank Moulden. • Mrs. Glen Haldenby opened,'.' with verses from St, 'John, chap- ter 3 , followed by "prayer. Roll call was answered• by eight members and one visitor which.was "An, item from the' Presbyterian Record Mrs. Maul:* den gave the treasurers report, A discussion took place regard- ing the Craft Show which is to be held July 30,and 31st in Luck- • now: It was decided everyone; • take what, and as much., baking as we wish;' Members are needed to help on .Saturday afternoon. Mrs', Tom McDonald •was in charge of the program and read ,. from St." John'and Matthew. •'The topic was "Logic . of Christians". Bible Study was on "Mass Media", and a' short play was presented •;with 'Mrs: Gien'Malden- by , Maldenby, Mrs. Don Reid ;. and Mrs:: Tom ,McDonald taking part; followed. by questions and our opinions of. articles brought into our homes'," _Langside:.WM,S Langside'.Wornen's Missionary - Society..c nducted a etshiip..ser vice on Sunday afternoon..at Car- ruthers Nursing.. Home.. Hymns. • . were sung including some request ed by the patients Prayers were given by 1,Irs. Cliff Young and Mrs, •, Visser. '., 'II, •\Man.. • Mrs •Wybenga gave a short ..menage.... Mrs: Eldon Welsh was in• charge of sacred recorded inus • ic: which was enjoyed: a poem "The Lord's ''DaY"'was read by :Mr. Gordon Wall, and a solowas. sung'b}' Mra: Bob .Bregn an.: ' • the'ladies provided a picnic lunch for the g atients.. • • Of radi .., ' he_.goodand•bad.effects offthe, ,.• "Mass Media" were -expressed and discussed;.' ,..A..pgem._entitled "Mine" was read by Mrs. Ruth Wilson, Mrs. T. McDonald gave. two Bible Quizzes; followed by prayer.. airs. Lyman Sutton gave courtesy .re- marks, followed by .Lord's Prayer and Grace. • Lunch was se time was: spent. •During:the month, of August services in the Presbyterian Church will be Withdrawn While Bev,,' T'., J McKinney is on'vaca- tion;, Sunday School •will be held each Sunday at 9,, 30 a.m., On Sunday next Rev.. R. Odendahl will begin his holidays and Rev, . F._ Johnston•of Wingham will :. tu_charge f the Anglican Services for August when all are 'invited to join in these•services at 10.30 a, m , Rev Johnston; is well known here'°having supplied on many occasions. David'•Rhody returned home after spending some time in Qu.e.bec . Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald McEver of London visited on Monday, . with. Edna and May .Boyle and with Mrs, John Barr, Mrs, McEver was the former •.Tillie ;Hodgkinson daughter of the late Mr. find' Mrs. J. B:; Hodgkinson; DAMAGED BY LIGHTNING / On Monday morning during ,the electrical storm" a driving • shedon the farm, of Cliff Robb, concession 10', was damaged by lightning;: Jeffrey and Heather Scott :of concession 4 Huron spent the week end with, their. grandparents Mr., and :Mrs. Jack Scott.: ' On' Sunday'afternoon•afamily get-together was held at the home of• Mrs,. N. E. Haldenby at West• ford: Congratulations to Mr•: and Mrs. 'Robert Bonnett.:(nee 'Ruby' Broad - hagen) who were married, Pauls Lutheran Church, M'oserville Mrs. Clare'Sparling and Doug,, las of Walkerton'' spent Monday with her.'father Mr; George-Hald- Dungannon* _-•• \irs, Gordan Finnigan inv't d the t`nited Church \o Itiornen.to her hone in Goaerich +ar',the Ju'1v 20th :• 1'�iAILING LA.BEI *TARTS tit'tTN. APR t it ,AND: ENDS WITH 1 THIS I THE LAST WE.EICYOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR, PAVER :••••••• =•••.,=••• �^w'�v1.•'+..11-�.'�.1 +111111 � 1 1'1.+1.+1 • •.7.••••'`.7.."..7••••7!..;1��'��1�� ��.i�-1..�N.r...`•�1`r•�..���1.�`. �YVY�: N-N•L‘-`•••• IF YOUR M.AILiI G LABEL STARTS Ilfirri.t MAY AND.—ENDS, WITH: START$.W TN JUME AND ENDS;,WITI•.i .1 . STA:RTS.*ITN.JULY AND ENDS., W iTH 1 YOUR, PAPER DUE 'NOW.. PLEASE CHECK; THE:LABEL ON THE•FRONT OF:'YOUR • 'PAPER: . To qualify for Past Office mailing privileges:, all subs�crip, ' �1a�.ro t inth r than t months in --al'-I-"e ca ars . in order that .your paper will Continue please nail .your _subscription or drop into 'our office •to pay. $6.O0 for Canada $8.00 fat-U.S.A. and Feign THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL BOX 38 LUCKNOW WEDNESDAY, •JULY 21 SIDS IR ALE St Catharines. visited on.Thurs- day with 'Mrs. John•• Barr'a:nd other relatives here. Mr, and Mrs,; Donald Bertrand ' .of Sirncoe visited with Miss 'Win= nifred Percy and Bill and Brian Percy .Barry Bushell of Wingham spent the past week with his - cousin Murray Barr , who .returned home With him for a holiday; . Paul Langford of Woodstock visited with, Mr. and Mrs: Be. 't , Nicholson The 'Au.gust•. meeting o#,.the H. W.I.; will be a:pot luck sup,-- per' on, August5th at 6.30 p. m. at 'the '0°1)40(4 hall.. Roll call "A bargain that did nOt prove to be a bargain", „ Top�}iic - "Con sorrier Buying". Moto - "In this o modern electrical era allia•wornan. has to::do is keep on plugging.. "White Elephant Sale";.:'Exchange of. pickle recipes:. Hostess Mrs enby. ed from' a most 'enjoyable trip to Moosonee and other points in • Northern Ontario:: 7 Miss'Winnifred Percy, was a dinner guest with Mrs, William Campbell at Kincardine.'' A. and Mrs. Lloyd Percy of meeting •Bible s•tudv talen;by Mrs. D. Logtenber� and .!qrs. J., Dren•L nen.' Hymns 164 and n2 were sung with'\trs.. L..•Reeed at :the organ. x; Mrs..D. l ogtenberg' introduced Ret-,. MMc.Clenaghan, Who showed'a ver` interesting and: informative. film: on..Brazil'..A question: and answer period followed.. The bus:. uses , portion. o:f.our• meeting,,, was Alex, Percy and, Mrs. Morgan Johnston. Word has been received', here that James fJodge,.._bcho.has_, been_ visiting with, Mr. and -Mrs. Fred,' Hodge and family in Saskatoon, . becarrie ill on .his way home and was admitted to Sudbury General • Hospital Room 601 on July 6th. His; friends herewish him ' improv' .•.,.rsgannon.,C Dungannon Calf Club n - was held at Phil Clark's of 20. The minutes of the 1 ing were given by' Donald and the roll call, was also Donald Henry. Questions. ', ere a;sked at the farm by everybody. of Holstein'heifers 'were j The final answers ,were gi Bob McNeil.... A free hour: was viewed. ,Meeting was adjourned, Luckow. Presbyterian � Y C Rev:- Glenn Noble; B./ Minister e'.eat: Mr. :a'nd : Mrs. Roy Schneller spent th•e:.week end with Mr. and. As. Donald Earle ;and family at Beechville. lr., Preston: Maldenby.of Toron-' to.calledon relatives here during' the:week end and visited: with his mother, Mr,.. Edith* Haldenby at. Wingharn Mr.• and ,Mrs. Russell Needham, concession •10 Huron visited ori Sunday with :'sir. and, 'irs.' Art •. Haldenby.. KINLOUGH l • PE_ NTECOSTAL • CHURCH MacPherson, Minister uctie `�e ;\irs. L.'.Pentland gave the. "Feature" , , w.hich consisted of a _rcnte_.t cn a 111 .Thi eet--.. in closed with the benediction. flinch hosesses were Mrs., I. Weis. : firs, I. Rivett and Mrs. G. •Finni- ga. ' EVERY .SUNDAY 10 a.m. Sunday School 11=a.:m1--Worship-Services . '.7:30 p.m. Evening Worship: WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 800 :p.m. Prayer Meeting • tie 521312740 AUGUST 1st 10 aan.-Sunday-Scl •11,00 a.m. Morning R The Presbyterian and Churches : are '" holdin .worship in the Lucknoi urch—eginn ng -4A through September` 5 in , Presbyterian Church. LUCKNOv. 'TED CH I. Rev: Robert Nicholls Minister• AUGUST tat No Sunday ` Scho 11.;,00 a. In. Morning Joint: services 'with' Luc' S o u,t h Kinloss .Pre: Churches . beginning „A through_Septembec.5.,in_ Presbyterian Church: P -POND] ee language of "hien not words hut, meaning an intelligence above..11, upen•ing su:r::.rzr o i ays their cousin': Wendy Hamilton e;Untie a nd'David ',B1ack °ell c t. C2ihaiin •\y ...,Tex MacTaysh and . L ! !. John Pindlati of EL`ti-- 1.'Ch^ti; rt. on a• niOtor °trip to the East ,.oast q r�• :�y E1 seem Osborne., with Mr. o' \ri. • a ; Penninzton.a d' fa'r: lv of Tee•'swater, v•isFted it : orothe at. week.,en, '. 1Y..y( y 131�.ta3 �U !\,!,3„,..uk White a/ (+1. a.ily. Vi Ited'h'3 �1 the is'hite cata.:dav J. W Min Stempvoot t Pastor. Sskrvicas: 10.00 a.m. English Service ANGLICAI -1, URCH LUCKNOW AREA Pi ..v:-Ode1N .. Rector'. 'AUGUST 1st Trinity 1 St Paul's Ripley 91 2:30' p.m.. English-Serice Except 2nd Sunday' of each menth when the afternoon service is in.Dutch_ VISITORS WELCOME' Denominational Radio Broad cast, "The. Back To God itOur", every Sunday:.CJCS (Stratford) — 2:00 p.m.l CFOS (Owen Sound)`-6:00p.m,: • , ASCe41611.)CithOtlgh 101 St. Peters Lueknow 11 Church' ,School...,, 14;5 AUGUST ONL1 St Paths,•l?tttngatinon. 164 aad 4'th &dal Christ Clnttc i;. Fort 11 am 1st, Sr, d' and 5tb Stiff