HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-28, Page 7WEDNESDAY., JULY 18th, 1971
• 4
For. sound counsel and a fair Price on a, Inont!Ment
correctly desiPed from tInalitY. 'notarial, rely o11
• • Pat O'Hagan,. 'Pro.p, •
' • Eatabliahect Over Sixty Years: .
ALKERTON ••• PHONE 8104234 • ••• ONTARIO
. ., •
' • . .
alent of One to five full-time ,
teacherswill receive $500. plus
an additiOnal'allowance of $200.
•per teacher.
In any category , the teacher
The Board. has approved a soiled begins his teaching career at year
ule of meetings with teachers, : zero with the • nec -
principals , and Beard members in essary to that category. ,With
the fall and winter months. The.. each year of experience the salary
is' adjusted until maximum'is
reached „Usually in about 10 years
in the lower categories, Incite in
the higher categories: -After a
teacher reaches- maximum, the
only way an increase can be earn-.
ed is to imprOve qualificatiohs and
move into a higher category.
•:• • ;Perth Secondary.'''::::
Category 4: $7 ,106. to. $12,iQ0
category 5: 7,4,00 to 12,700'
category. . S. , 30,0, to 14,400.
category 7; 8,800 to 15,400..
October meeting will be entitled
"Irnproving Communication with
in the County System" and:a total
of seven people will fOrm a sub-
committee .to get.this presenta-
tion for that meeting. In Novem-
ber the topiCis ".The Credit Sys-
tem in Secondary Schools"; in
. .
Seven At offat
Clan Reunion1
The Moffat Clan Reunion was
held On Sunday afternoon July 25th
Pioneer Museum Park at
Doon, It was a very pleasant :$et,
ting. The picnic area had.plenty
of sunshine and shade.from big
trees; The, children apc.
some adultslenjoyed the elFetric.
train rides: The different build-
ings were very interesting to Older,
• A bountiful supper was enjoyed
by seventy.rnembers; they came
from Toronto, Hamilton, Burling-
ton, Kincardine, Lucknow ,. Point
Clark, Kitchener, Teeswater,
CUltoss. •
A short business meeting was
held,and a new slate of officers
elected. They are President,
Mrs; MerVym Conley; Vice -Pres-
ident, Orm MoffatSecretary
Treasurer, Mrs. Bessie Farrell;
Sports committee , Don and lan
Moffat; .I.,Unch, Mr. and ' Mrs!
Lloyd Moffat and Mr, and Mrs:
Loran Peter. ••
• • • .
The next picnic will be•held in
toward' the end:Of August in 1971.
with dinner at 12!,30,noon ••
.• , owever , Maximums in most co ,
School ,Grading System; in Jaw- . the categories have also increased
., liar)/ "ProfessiOnal Development in In the last few yeari. - •• • ..,
The Offer'whfbh was turned down,
•also included the folio-wing:in-:
CreaSes in br: • ,
°b ortunity to attend meetings to, allowance);••for,DePattinent HeadS.
listen and ask questions °tithe . 'su.ch as th-Chead of the English ' .
p• department in a School is.$1,65'0.
• above 'tOies. '.'.' ...• . .. •, ,..
• ,Q4estions:-. .• : • ,. ($L,600) over the wage in their ..
• 1.-. Will the setondary schools in :Category:30r their assistants' an, •
Huron County be opened in Sept.! allowance, of $800; for Directors
. .
:ember') . . • ' '•
•• • of commercial andtechnical dep-
arttnen4 an allowance of $1;950
' • ' .. We all hope so. , This depends
($1, 900).and,a subject Chairman
upon the teaching staff of the,
getS.an allowance •of $1,000 which
County whose resignations• take. _is the same 1:i the-present-Prin!'.
' effarAugust ...i.1, irl and the,.
Cipais of the five county high
'.• Chairtnarr„ Warren Brown of Ont- .
schools Were to:receive a $500.
. ario .Secondary 'School Teachers'. increase as they had requested,
Federation; 0.S.S.T.f. his •
bringing their salary range to , : •
taken over negotiations at the • .$20,250 to $21,250 depending
2,..County level.:. A six percent .in.r. upon individual experience .and .•
&easeto' the teachers was turned the 'size. 61 the 'School. Had -this .,
• down in June. intheMeantime, , salary schedule been approved,. it
..•14.-.• Brown •Menibers• of the local would have •represested.a total •.:.
Federation; Chairman of e th
--- : .. '. .dollar increase, budget -wise, of
Board Salary 'COminittee„ John ' $1521,400.:: Of this amount, the
' • • Broadfoot; and the Director of , rat.p•mats_afj340.4x,1144,,,,,would_
-Ed-iftaiibilliblfri-c-CAro.rave ' have paid about 40 percent • , • '
• ' met but no settlement has been through local property taxes.
made to this date.,' ' • -• " • . '" " • • '
Ismusicor art offered as a sub -
2: Can the secondary teachersject in any, schools in Hui•On. Cohn-
, get another teaching position in • ty? . • • S, ' . :
the Province?" . • , Art was a subject taught in Ex
)n June 24th, a bulletin from . etet• High School Up until a:year
:Ontario School Trustees' Council ago when' it was dropped as only.
was. issued to all boards in Ontario ,..5 'Atidents_were_ta-king--it-in-Grad
Huron County" 'and in, February
"Curritultim,DevelOpment in
HuranCoUnty", Teachers ,
Pax-e4t-stude4s-will ha-
- -
to- rain frorn 'hiring -any second -
13.• Music at the present time is'
ary teachers from HurOn.County., : an extra-cOrricular:activity. 1
' . Since Huron• County Board of have had .. .
. Ethicatioirwls7"-pitikzliSted "Tin
had a • --0-11nbCr.--Of.-clnrilentS
May , teachers. cannot apply for a'
position in HurOncOunty. If they
. _.....did,, i4e; 0.,a -.S. T..F. woti1C1 riot ,.
assist them in any problems that.
might occur ill the future,,• • •
3. isthere any difference bei!'
•..t,Weeri the salaries in Huron land
d -Perth?
• The.follOwing is a Comparison
: between the settlements of Bruce,
, Grey and Perth and Huron's offer stated that vocaLmusic.„Wai_an
Xtra;dnrrietilar acti-VITtrffilfstoW;
• Bruce Secondary :- • 1. el •for a couple of Years and when
Category 4: $7,100 to $12,100
CategOri.5: 7,500 to 12,3.00• ...i enough students were willing to
Category 6: 8,300 to .14 ,600 follow it through 'for their remain-
ing high sChaol years, it
Category 7; 8,800 to 15,G00. ta-uotLas a_simetto pfyitkis-,1
- week.)/arid still is: Mr,enwell '
stated that he hoped parents and •
students would writejto theirreS,-
pective high SChOol principals to
tell them that they would like to
see"studentS be encouraged to -take
vocal or band as an extra -curric-
Ular aetivity, I think everyone,in
our arearealizes that :good leader"
ship.is:a prime' factor in the teach
ing and direaing.of music in bur '
solibOls, . •
•anti: inquiries as to why music
(choir and band) is,dropped at the
end of Grade 8 and these students
can no ionger have the Opportim-•
ity tc; take, mnsic , ot; lose interest
as the case may be., in the •
secondary Sehools. in a conVersa;
don with:Don 1<enwel•l, the Super-
!ntendeitTh this area and ,former
principal.at ListbWel Distripc Sec-.
ondary School until Jurie1070, he
• •
• •$econdary..••
:Category 4 $7 ,100' to $i1,900
Category 5:, 3,400 to 12,600
Category 6: 87,300 to. 14 ,406„
Category It 8,800 to 15 ,400C.
• Huron Secondary
Category 4t $7,106 to $12,060
• Category 5: 7,406 to .12,700
• Category 6t.', 8,300 to 14,40,0 '
•• category 7:1 .8;800 to 15 ,300.
-Mr. and Mrs. lick Austin and
family of South.porcUpine.Were
recent_AsitorsWiihitisMother . •
Mrs. Cliff Austin. • " .
,• Theresa, Courtney -of Toronto •
is holidaying with'her aunt and
uncle Mr. And Mrs., Johrr Austin •
and family. • •
• •
• Pat Courtney of Manitoba has 2..
been visiting his sister `Mrs. Jiin
O'Neil., Mr. O'Neil and farriily...
• M. and: Mrs. • Orrnand • • •, •
PHONE. 357-3862
1969 CHRYSLER Niwport, 4d0Or, power radiO;
1968 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 1.3 automatic and radio '
1967 CHEVY II, 4 door, 6 cylinder standnrd
1966 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury convertible, power equipped, radio.
• bucket seats and console •. •
1966 PONTIAC GTO Convertible, 8 cyljhder, 4 speed trans-
• inission, power steering and brakes .
i%OLDS4 door, 8 automatic, power iiteering, radio
1966 FORD, 4 door, 8 automatic, power steering, radio
1966 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 automatic with radio
1966 CHRYSLER, 4 door, power equipped '
1965 FORD 4 door, 6 automatic, radio
, -
Heffernan, Mr. and Mrs. Antone
Van Osch attended the Wedding
of Orrhand's nepbew.,:_phillip
fernan, at SchOmberg'on Saturday,
. ,
Mr. and Mrs.. Wilfred Hogan.. •
•of TOrontO have been yititing. s, •
Mr. and Mrs, Defutis•HOgan.:, •
, .
mer lane Frances -is -spending
this week with her iriothet/Mrs•.
• -
Mary Lambertusi•''••
Mr..and Mrs.. Artiicad Marsinen
414-iamily, of Londotrwere.visttor
on the. week end with Mt'.and
Mrs. Dennis Dalt�n,,
bridge , are taldrig,summer cours.,:, •
es in Stratford.
Mr.. and Mrs. Peter Martin
and•son. left this w'eek:on a trip to • •
the West 'Coast. They eXpeCt to •
be gOne Six weeks:• • .•
Helen Courtney of.Kitchener
has been holidaying it the home
parents M. and Mrs, Leo:,
• Mr. and Mrs. Louis McGuiness
:(Delores: Dalton) and daughter of
•WaShington were visitors recently
and, farriily.:' •• , • • • ' .
Courtney. "•
,- •
Mrs. Martin Henderick's sister,
,husband and family of Holland
have --been visiti
family for the past few weeks.
. .
A Van. Osch faniily picnic was •
. • • I
,held at. the hom,e of Mr. and, Mrs. • , •
Tony •Middegael of Blyth Siin- •
day.. Also present'were Mr. '
a brother-in-law Of Holland.,
who are.visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Van Osch and the Van Osch
farnilies. , •
• • ' •• . • "•••
Mrs. Tom Hogan and 'Mrs/.
Donald Frayne, teachers' at (ings-,
• •
• • .... .•
leadership in
feed and animal
health service
growing animal
health service
r • • .
. • • .
Good service Is just a little mOre than,carrying
out a job. It's the little extra -care going into -
the service that really counts . . .' the second
look at an 'order . . . a re -check on, a load, an
extra phone call to make sure something is:
a .
• It doesn't mean we ivon't make .rni4takes.
probab1 will. Itsloes_mean_waleel-badly
when a mistake is made and it also means
that dare is taken that it., Won't happen again
That's the kind of care we pledge to give you
and all our customers.
ottgot i6voiSt. 6ider. �f Shur -Gain', • • ...
UCKNOW • • PkION,• 528,2026