HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-28, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JULY 28th, 1971 Some Iebi.ites. • Not Receive Some Ontarig fanners have. not yet received their prOperty taX rebates for 1970. The.prohlern, 'according to Department OfMun- , icipal Affairs officials, is that s9nie.properties .are incorrectly • coded on local assessment rglis, is is an Oaremely unforturj_-_,. ate sit4ation", Bruce 'County Fed- eration of Agriculture president •-4urton HodginS of Kincardine corri• • - merited on hearing the report. CHISHOLM FUELS' OILS • ," 'SUNOCO' DISTRIBUTORS: •LUCKNOW . • Phone .520-7524 or 524168/ FREE BURNER SERVICE Products .FOr farm, Home and • . •, jOHNST ONVS Industry ' FUNERAL, HOME Modern and Convenient Lucknow, Phone 528-3011 Day or Night., Serving All Faiths, AccOrdin to. Their Wilhes. • ,. Moderate Prices 1/ T110 LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LIOCICNOW. ONTARIO "This, rebate was awarded to all farmers, and all farmers should-. receiveit", The proPertrfa rebate was announced in 0C4?, er 070. by then Prime:Minister John flobattS. It amounts to 25•per cent of net farm property taxes, •• "lf anyfarmer in Bruce County hasn't received his rebate I sug, •gest he immediately contact the. ;local assesiment office to check . the coding on his property" , Said Hocigins.. "Iliacoded esideiJt. . • ial or commercial, or something other than -farm, he should the assessment vpgdi t,o correct th' it, and pass' e formation on to the Department of Municipal Affairs in Toronto". Mr. Hodgins said that if the property Owner . doesn't insist on .correction; no on will,. • "After you have spOken to your, assessment office", Hodgins con- tinued, "write to Gordon Hill, ,President Of the Ontario • Federation of Agriculture giving him details ,of your assessment and property , or you 'may ,contact our regional office at Elmwood. OFA 'has found that some assessment offices are teluctant.to make coding corrections., But if OFA has the necessary information pressure 'can be put on frOrri that end too.", , . . • Hodgins Said. "I invite any farmer who hasn't received his re- •bate:7whether he's'a mernbet.of • -the federation .or ,not - to write: to ou his rebate problerti.". • ' us a • ,Established 1894.•. An average of 20 units of whole *blood is needed:for every case of Open heart surgery:: • INSURANCE FIRE VVIND,...CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and LIFE To PrOtect Your Jack, Insure With' Jack Today. ., • A.McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423. lit..J.MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist NOW •IN RIPLEY .**" 1; • EVERY' WEDNESDAY :Office Hours 1000, a.m: to 530Pley 395-5154 for •appointnient .m. PhOne Roy MacKenzie p. Ri 10,A BAILEY Real Estate CLINTON PAGE FIVII Notice' To, Ceeditors' Notice..To Creditors. 4 .a„ • „ , NOTICE TO CREDITORS • NOTICE TO CREDITORS : • In the Estate of In the Estate of, 'HAROLD STANLEY. DONALD. HENRY' MePHERSON ALL. PERSONS, having 'claims Docitai.d against the estate, of the above men- All persons haying claims against •'• • : timed, late of the Township of Kin- the Estate of Donald Henry. Mc- • 100 acre farm in Ashfield Townahlp. loss„ hi the County of Bruce, farm- Pherson, late. Of the Township of 95 acres workable., dwYJ er, who died on'the 6th day of June," KildOSS in the • County. of Bruce, • JW Ment, 'QWner will carry Mortgage. A.D.1•191/1,. are required to -file proof Retired Farmer, deceased, who , , • • , of same with, the undersigned on or died on or about the 7th day of --Executive type'home for -safe- iri before -tile 30th-daY-0fsJelln•demfull•gratriceulharerseobitthneoirtifciedlainit:'. to the undersigned Solicitor for the! Estate on or before' the 12th day of August 1971, after which date • the Estate will be distributed a- mongst those entitled thereto hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the A.dministratortshall then have notice. •. ' • Dated at Listowel, ' Ontario this 15th day of July 1971. • R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario, , Solicitor for the Administrator Wingirm. Close to the river. 70 acre fermi 111 Ashfield tOWniihip. 10 acres workable, never failing spring, well drained. Low priced for quick sale.. Owner will card 1St mortgage. , Rustic log cabin on 5 acres of land. Perfect spot for those leisure hours. Wanted: 100 acre dairy farm com- plete ' with ,• stock, machinery and quota. • . 300 - 500 acre flute ..with good house, on a good road. List to sell 1-- listings Wanted in Ludthow 'and snrrounding area& Contact' . MASON BAILEY • Office 4824371 . Residence'. 523-933.8. ' THIS SUMMER ',After that date the executor will •proceed to distribute the estate:hay- ing regard only. to the claims, of which he shall then have had notice. DATED. at Wingham, Ontario this 6th day of July, A.D., 1971. CRAWFORD & MILL Barristers, etc. • Wingham, Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of • ETTA MARY ROBERTS ALL PERSONS having claim against the estate of the, above men- tioned, late of the Village of Luck - now,' in the County of Bruce; .who died on the 19th day of June, A.D.,. 1971, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned, on ier• before the 30th day of July, A.D., 1971. ' AFTER. THAT DATE the execu- trix will proceed to distribute the estate. ha ' ' daims of ,which she shall then have hadt notice. '" . , • . • DATED at Wingham, ,Ontarie this 6th day of July; A.D., 19'71. CRAWFORD & MILL Wingharrs, Ontario Solititors-far-the-E-xezutri-x---- R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wechiesd,ay and Saturday, Afternoon , • Telephone:• • Lucknow 528-3116 7— TED COLLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In, ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRIC •'WIRING AND REPAIRS and ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Hydro Financing Available CRAWFORD and MILL. J. IC CRAWFORD, Q.C. ALAN R. MILL, B.A.,' L.L.B. -ROSS' E. 'DAVIES., B.A., IN LUCKNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY ----404,-a-mi•tol 2 melt LoCated% in Breckles 13lock • Phone 528.2320 IN'AIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY In 'Ross Martyn Building, Phone WinghO 0 Rim. 35 Lucknow — Phone: 528-5802 • R. 'BRAY —DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC • The Red. Cross needs over 3,800 • donations of blOOd,every working day iirorder to meet the needs of patients in Canadian hospitals. • • . . . . ••••••eosio.lijeseositaitioeiteste. FOR SALE' . , • • FULL LISTED PRICE $7,900 for a fully furnished 3 bedroom .e0ttage • in the Port Albert area, complete with all electrical appliances, and with immediate possession avail- TION SitlE 1011ACRES ofchoice farm land, •• welllocated in the Kingsbridge area heck the crops for yourself • .. SALE •- lLoveI map e trees ,surrOund the, • •CLEARING AUCTION SALE of above average! home, which h,as • . . . . . , . barn suit- • ' ' • ' . • furniture will be held for Gordon ed for bot loose • . ,. . , ,,, . Smith, lot 30, concession 6,- East The owner will consider Your down . 11118011■111118018Mliamitmmitimime .Wawanosh ToWnship,.1 block gouth payment and hold a first mortgage, .. ' ■ ,: • •• , : , ' ■ and, 4 blocks, west of Belgrave on p . ossession this fall. , • • • livestock,. machinery and antique every. convenience,large • h 1cattleand hogs. ■ ■ ,11 ■ ■ • iiTTi ‘' 01 See bills for:list. Terms Cain. Farm LOVE • Sold. Brian Rintoul, auctioneer. I. ... ----... :_. - ----- - —• -- - •-- -f-- - . ■ • . . AUCTION ?ALE, , • 011• 11. , . 1 - of ' • • *Real' Estate, Modern Farm es •Implements and ram . • Will be held for ■ ■ • ROLLING HILLS • • • • ■ Drive back into the "ALPS" ands DORNE McLEL.L.AND • Lot 48, N.D.R. Kincardine•Tovinship • (First farm •west of Bervie on No. 9 Highway) . • ' You mill find a breathtakingonm SATORDAY LY SHADE TREES and scapmg surround this well located modern 3 bedroombrick and angel stone ranch home in Luckncw. A ' full basement,- attached garage, electric heating, 4 piece bath and quality broadloom, plus a well p Fled living & dining area make this a home you have to see to appreciu ate Make an appointment to ins- pect this benne at your convenience.. , • 212 ACRES of recreational pro- • , • , ■ view._Thge_are.-5,3„mente-acres ----perty00 -,-1-am•es71=11-760"Wrable-,-7 • ;having 1 a....2 bedroom:home. Situ:: - ----, 7-; 1 . :34 /.)4,4 : • . . ;• ' , balance rough, • good siring .' . fed -' . . . ; • . ' ' • . ' . . 165 clieSel.. irac-' 1Setdi'e.sWiliell,alotd: tated'high.on a hill, 'garage,: bunk* : Implements .'... Tloeges., whoautesre .r6iv:.dr.:,.b. darrnii,::-,..., Irphouse and. a spring. All this can.11 tMora.;.eit..; Ferguson loader; used 1800 excellent . hitnting, fishing. Retreat .• ' ' ' . 2.b2e1:•5y00ourooS: for the 'low, / .. s; . Massey ,. ,i; , , , ., Price of tor 'hour Ferguson 35 diesel accessable year round, taxes only ••••• ,, of, , , ., . . • . , • , , AN.. tractor; Allis .Chalmers B. 'tractor*, '$119.00,', listed at . $14 000 ' •.Terril - • ii: • ' ' • OUR BEST: . : MasSey,Ferguson 3 point lutch :14 , available, Call quickly'on 'tli. _ , • • : - . , ., . .• . ,, • ; . . la plough; Internatienal 28. plate disc . • • , ' . ill acres of good farinland, plus:. CockshOtt 28 Plate disc' 3.PIH; 18%' ,50. ACRE FARIVI; onmhi!ohwaalre2i, 'all • '',': • m odernized house and a wellm ft. cultivator 3 point hitch; 3 and workable bedroo tt Llikvips2g_bativ_ile,tising401_5L.sections-harrowsnd-packer-,Tbarn;---pa4d--Yardd -drilled 'well • • • PHONE 357-1224, Wz-BELL orromETRisr GobERIcii• Square' • WINGHAM• MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. itASONA-BE-E-TRICES =pigs at one • time, beef bernm .Massey •Fergusen No. 9 hay baler, housing 100 head, also paved:, like. new;• Massey Ferguson aide ■ yard and silo. Only a few rnin-_,■ rake, •new; Ford 7' power mower; :lutes -from - main—highway thus- 24--ftbale—elevator - and ni6t6r; - •farm • should prove An excellent: Stooker and fork —• Mildmay 36" N inveatment, withits commuter • threshing machine and belt. Grain mPossibilities and high cleat•air.• King 6" p.T.o. 34 ft. grain anger ;_ mile, of river -..frontage,-, open land & m Internatioriil 8 ft binder on rtibbe • 11 listed at , $16,000 :with iminediale possession, the owner will consider a trade :on_a horne-in Goderich.• 3; BEDROONI ranch home situated on 45 acres of river property, ' :tioreflrait; call today. • ■ . r, exce mit Springs, excellent, potent- • •• • .• Turnco 135 bushel grain box ori,new ial as a trailer park or as a private • PRICED RIGHT • • • Case 4 ton wagon; Turnco 165 bush- estate. This home and acreage • , el el grain box on new Martin 5 toll must be seen to be appreciated and. onry $6A00:00 .11/2 storey brick wagon; 'Geo. White 5 ton wagon has been greatly reduced in price - living room, andm son . !house with a full basement, 21 with new it • flat irnaec;WiMthase* kFer,p, be consmeicl‘leriaete-said rs• wilt ▪ rooms, "Wiling room. Situated on an act:e: P.T.O. • Spreadmaster',P,T.0.. man- . • • e all offers Pr ■ "Inftra") 41LE'' of land, Pircha to suit your. ure spreader; in' Ge:). White rgl:tinipOtsS:115OiciAc C7 beef land_rhoodgufc m• fee and renovate • holedigger; Chain saw,.' new; Surge a_nearlyTriewbarn and---earvineivlandntht -111Se . • , . • • sed 1 year Niking cream separa- with 8 acres of bush. Owner has GM.C. on trUck. , $10,000 down, well located, this Grain . . . property' is priced right. 105 acres of 'mixed. grain; II 2 , acres f • ■ ' • • ■ tor; cement' Buy Direct an ' Save •• ,• • !. G C ½t Bus, Ph. 35-1910' , • • . Rai, Ph.: 3514015 •'A, M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 57 Seta. Steet, COderieh'". • TelephOite 524-7542 • 1 • WitcICENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL FUNERAL SERVICE erviceS, tOnducted according to your wishe8 at yOur Home; your :Church or at otte MeM- Iirial. Chapel at „no additional charge, Lucknow, 52873432 bay or Night mixer and Mo • tor; >1963 agreed to accept $29,500 ,with 'DON HOLST REAL . • • ■ ESTATE LTD:, esta te being i50 acres,. - lots 37, 38, 39 s.p.R. Kincardine AL oNTARIo. Township is all tile drained, Will be • • L. • offered for .§ale subject to reserve SPECIALISTS' P bid requiring io% cash day of sale, •• balante in 30 clays. • LoCknow-Of• fleal TERMS CASH tiorne McL.elland, prop, • •• . 5284031 " : ALLAN ,MacINT'YRE, 'Auctioneir MalSonagh, CanadianSuCcessfully Res. 39i.S326 • • completed Ited CtOSS Water Safe, •• ty cottrset last year, Phene 529,1350 • ilfred•Mellittee Co: Limited - ':• • • . ALKE '''''''' meinfiei Orthe ate.k. Brute Multlp!e1.istingsi Service 1st )11'1.1, Saleitnei. roi Yeti 0,0014414,6010*.01 06.011414.16. • „„.