HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-28, Page 2ter
"The Sepoy Town" On, the Huron -Bruce Boundary
Second Class" Mail Registration Number 0847
Established 1873' Published :Each Wednesday Afternoon
Member of the, C.W.N.A. and O.W.N.A.
Subscription Rate, $6*00 a year in 'advance to the U.S.A., $8:00
Donald 'C. Thompson, Publisher
WEDNESDAY, JULY 28th, 1971
Editorial ..
Good family entertainment is not, as easily found as it once was,
but its popularity is as high as ever.
There was a time when the holding, of a ball game' in Lucknow
on' a Sunday evening, particularly' a donkey ball game, would have
been a soberingand unpopular thought to a high percentage of people.
But -many peopaccept le have come. to.:Sunday as one which can
_ .
be a family day; when members of the family can do :things together
and.. be happy and contentdoing them, Whether' at a ball game or in
their •own home. Anyone who attended the .game; on. Sunday. evening.
this week could not argue the : fact that .thin was genuine" family enter-
tainment and. recreation.
Qn Sati i ..' 11 •1 1 f_ y , i i ... 1 ii1
' attended the Diane.
� A productions at a local drive-in theatre.. The' theatre
••was unable to accommodate all those wishing to• attend•' and disappoint
ed children and parents were turned away at the gate,..
"clt, to find' man �••today• .: suitable> for
•It is diffiu... y movies which are
;,. entertainment IThe' D sney' ople :ave proven that. they • are
Mill able to.makeprofitable movies which` appealto family groups. •
ue.St E'ditorial
Ask C,N,R, To.
Tidy Up 0
Huron Township'Councilyheld
their regular meeting on July 5
with all .members present.. Ivlin
utes of last meeting.and Drainage
meeting wereread and confirmed.
The Department of Transport and
Communications were asked. to
make a Hydrology test on four
bridges to determine which ones
require replacement soon. Coun-
cil passed a.cresolution for the •Tel-
ephone System, giving consent to.
a ruling of the Telephone System
that where Subscriberland has'
been divided and a portion sold ,
the portion where, the telephone is -
in service would be considered
the subscriber. property..
A letter was sent to the C. N. R.
asking them to -removes the brush
and weeds along their•tracks or
remove the trains altogether as
their. properties are badly. neglect-
ed, and intersections' re in ' a g-.
erous condition,
Township accounts of $1,'735.4;
Drains, $5.,579.00 and 'Roads.:
$27,514,72 'were approved:for
merit. '
• ••1300 PEOPLE
into oblivion. It was hard.to be-
lieve that one rural reeve was
seen pushing a donkey sideways
across: the ball field in'an attempt
to retrieve the 'ball. He had •
apparently forgotten that this,:
animal, in its day on the farrri,
had moved in a head -first manner:,
The 'Lions' were again w etors •
"winning the match 3-2. There
were suggestions, 'by the fans after
the game that the Lions felt "too
much at home" with the jackasses
and that there hadbeen previous
associations with•other jackasses
so as to make the match un air:
The only word from the Lions•
camp was "We won again
One last event.closed an enjoy
able -every" 1 -aye
lined. a the infield and the
donkeys in •the outfield. The ob-.
-ject.•, according to, the announcer ,
Council adjourned to rneet on
Tues day,,August 3rd'•aiiz17-Aii'gust
1:6 at, 7.30 p. m':'.
EA12i. T'OU`p, t .,L1Rlc
as for:the 23. jackasses .in the.;nt
field to race towards the 12 don-
'keys in the •outfield, mount them,
and ride them back, to home plate.
Don McMurray, riding Bertha ,
g P
again put )he' Lions in the
winner's cor;r er , as; he won this
The' lineupfor the' Lions was.
Grant Chisholm, Zeke 2eran, Rob
Collins, Keith Kilpatrick, Barry
McDonagh, Don McMurray, .Rick
Jardine. Gary Ritchie, Bill Nelson,
Ralph Aalders,,Stu Re.avie,'Al
For the rural •gang it was Leo.
Murray Bob . Lyons, Fraser: Mac',
Kinnon, . Warren Zinn, Girvi'n '
Smith, George Humphrey', Frank
Schumacher , Joe Hickey., Gene
Frayne . .
• Bi11. Hunter,•chairman of the
Lucknow Recreation Cornmi;tte.e,;.
the rural tearn•and: hit a double,
Proceeds of the:ev'enin wil go
towards, park improvernent..
How do ,you "behave 'away. • from . home? Many :'people,: once 75
miles from home, do things that they would never do at home where
le' know them. I ain referring. to the • le who are travelling. or'
. .
people people
even out for • a Sunday drive. The ones who abuse the 'privileges; of
using public property are the : very ones' who : have 'spic and span'
homes and are most particular about their property
Some of our roadside parks resemble, garbage dumps at the end
of one day: ;Bags of::garbage,,or. bits and pieces of lunches are scattered
• over the grounds, under • the :picnic tables and on the outside of , gar-
bage cans, Pop, ; coffee and other drinks are slopped over the tables.
and .people_dou t haze ttie capon decency to wipe them:: Not 'all
people are like this, but too many are.
'` A numberof our beautiful campsare in shambles by the end of
the season. `Pot'shots are taken at the garbage can, and unfortunately, '
many' are a shot. The washroom floors are strewn with toilet ;
paper, which many children loveppulling' out of ' dispensers. The floor
splashed with water, .soon :becomes a muddy mess. Even little notices
^make an
extraordinary..._ wall piece an.
d are never
n serious! Nat -
`no cedoesn t refer�yWh�t-da can' il
.. 'posables diapers do? That's a funny thing, because, the woman before
• you thought the sate andso did• the one 'before; her: No wonder the
toilet is flooded. The, man that.would. never clean his razor dui the sink
at home, might •when.. he is away because his wife can't nag at him for
leaving such a mess. Instead, thefellow after him cleans . up the mess.
Our nice beaches ' along Lake Huron are 'the proud owners of
beer bottles, liquor' bottles, and • pop bottles' (and any others you; can
think of) of all colours, sizes and .shapes. The bags of garbage" also
help to beautify the drab;bot sandy beach:
. , .•vv,•rW� V.....M.4, •n....: �•. '!. 'lir )..
• Mr . ':and Mrs. Ellison: Hodgins
of Kinloss' announce the ,forth-
coming.marriage of their daugh-
ter Janice Ellen to Mr. Stephen
'Earl Elliott, son.of-Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Elliott of.Ripley'. ' The wed-
ding will take place. on. Saturday,
August 28th at 3 p'm. in Kinloss
United Church. `
LS! ire
_l3t.W TGA.L
Mr. and Mrs'. Gordon Wall of
Wingham wish to.announce the •
forthcoirfing' marriage of. "their.
daughter Janice Elizabeth, to'Mr.
Ronald James: Hewitt , son, of'Mr.
and Mrs. James E. Hewitt of R.. .
R. 2 Kincardine•:"'The:wedding
will take:place at LangsidePres-
byter`: .�
ember '4 , .197'1 at 7.30 p. to ..
When you step some p, •; 'c w � . s u mi
inside.ms', yo•
there had 'been a minor riot: Broken mirrors, • upside down garbage
cans, plugged toilets, dirty sinks' and a stench that would 'make a
garbage dtuup:5iuel hedveniy reet-you-a the -door: whose -fault -is--
it that the washrooms are in this Condition. Yours? Mine? Your neigh
hour?, Anyone .Who doesn't care about•public 'property.
• In how many restatiir'ants have you found •gurn stuck to the tables
or chairs? Probably at every' one; because many wa:y people show, their
.�' '
�manners in this•
g Ying ,'property,such as,.
O , ving sinks
Others.' seem to et a thrill out .of , desire
thiowing.. picnic tables in' the Maitland River,remo from•the
Walls in tine arena, 'smashing flood igiits, and intentionally breaking
what is not 'theirs.
I wonder what' satisfaction is obtained from this? Possibly It
is'' just for the reason' "1got, jaw with some
J. �' thing, and' didn{`t :get•
• caught,`' What is damaged is naturally paid for --- fines, admittance
charges,• •acid taices'W' Usually when sotnething affects the 'pocketibook'',
it is taken more seriously, • '
•Yeur Ehoughtfilness, its you 'e'. Why:,ab,lse i 116110 pro,
I aril:
Mrs. Keith Nixon
Died kiFlorrda
Mts. ..Keith. .Nixon, age 49; of,
224 Tropic Hill, Altamonte
Springs Florida , passed away on
July e was t e ormer
Jean. E. Shockley and was born
at Carnden,. New Jersey. .
Het-•-lam-sba-n4-Keith-N ion u a
son of Mr.and :v1rs. ,Tim Nixon
of Lakeland, Florida., .J:im Nixon
is a brother of .Harry, Nixon of
Lucknow and firs. Nikon is the
.former Wilda MacLean of Kin -
Mt. and 1`rs . Nixon were resid
eats of Lucknow for a. time' and
where their son Keith was born.
Surviving besides her husband
Lt ' a son' Mark Stephen, her mother
;vlrs, kart Shockley and a brother
Walter''D. Shockle'y, both of St.
Keith Nixon'is an Altamonte
Springs' City Councilman, an
office he has held for ten years.
Mrs. Nixon w s also active in
civic events y'
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