HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-28, Page 11971
PAO Yearl• Advar‘c•
• •
$2.00 Extra To U.S.A..
• WEDNESDAY:. JULY 28th, 1971
Single Copy 15c
. 10, Paw
tO•76 Exhibitors Book
Tuesday ofthis week, July 27
at 8 a.rn ; Wi11iarr Dickie of
• KinloSS, with one hundred and •
sixteen 'other Sconis • Venturers
and Leaders, left from Malton.
Airport on the first leg of their
journey to represetit Ontario at the
13th. World Boy Scout Jamboree in
Japan, willialn is the son of Mr
. • a0 Mrs. Ira Dickie of the 4th of
....Kinioss: He is a'rnernber of 1st
Kinloss.Boy Scout Troop.
Three days.will be spent at. ,
the University of ,British Coltimbia.
where all the groups from the
provinces will assertible,. Tues,
day evening they get a free seat
, to way,- tcgalue D.el.weeil the
• British Columbia.LiOns and the ,
Saskatchewan Rough Riders at the.
Empire Stadium:
. ,
At the Jamboree there will be
, .
thousands of -Scouts fromfifty .*
different countries participating
in the many activities. • Before
the Jamboreethey will have -a
guided tour of Japan, and after
the twelve clay. Jamboree , will
have a free day in Tokyo. The
return flight is planned for August
• William .started. in the.SCoutin.g'
•movement in CUbs and advanced
through the Scout and Venturer
programme and presently is Assis-
tant Scout Leader of lst Kinloss
Boy SeOuts. , .
TO .assist William in' making 'the
trip to Japan, contributions have
been received from Kinloss Ven-
turers, the Ladies' Auxiliary of the
Scouts, South Kinloss Church.
Lake WOrnres,.InstituteS.and
friends and relatives
The trip will cost apprOxiinate
ly $1,006. • , —
• ... .
For This
Six months ago, a.. group of
'people in Lucknow began discus-
'sions about the .possiblity ofstag
•ing'a. Craft Show in the 'village.
Six months later; the Lucknow
Summer Craft Festival is just two
days away and indications point
to a successful event. ,
• The Lucknow Sumrrier Craft.
Festival will be held in the Luck-
• e
• .
Oliver McCharles of Lochalsh,
'who has advocated such Al show for
a number,of years and who has
University Grad
day July.3,0 and 31.from.,12.nOon •
to 10 p.m..eachday. Seventy-
six craftsmen frOM a Wide areal.
have booked every .available
foot of space to snow and demon
strate their. products arid skills.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <0 0
• 0 0 0 •<0 0 <0 0 • 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1300 People To Witness Donkey
•Proceeds To Aid In Park Improvement
• About 1300 people 'turned Out to
the Lucknow C e
• Sunday evening to witness two
ball games ,:one an intermediate.
game between Whitechurch and
Ripley which Whitechurch won
7-0 This preceded a, donkey
baseball game between Lucknow
.•• LiOns Muleskinners, 'with help
from a few other town players who
wete regarded as expens in • the
care and .handling,of jackasses..
They put their skills against.
- •• I
iro. - rom
field, West 'Wawanosh and kinioss
Coundils. • •
The rural gang were out to re-
venge a defeat in a tug of war
„in the,Lucknow'arena last winter
when the Lions were victorious.
Ito •
o Local Ban
Missere of Mildrnay
has conmenced•Work at the
real La Luclarow
succeeding Jim McCauley who:.
• has been appointed to the inspec-
tion department in l'orOnto.
Hilary, who is unmarried.,
ta- *' ion a irimistra
tion manager; formerly known as
• acountant. This is the sa•me
position which was held by-J-irn
prior to -hi s move. Hilary is'
a natiVe- of Mildrnay
Jim's home is at CollingWodd..
py. MARIAN '',ZI.• N14
110.R014 SCHOOL BOARD W3'12ES-
..It was.quite apparent that OILS. .
has sof-tened--.
the, rural players. They have be-
come so sO used to Wing tractors in .
their farm 'work that the skills in
hancliing .adonkey have passed
Local Men
'wo More Issues
efore Holi a s
• 'there will be two ynore
Of The Sentinel before holiday;:,
' 9 . • •
31clanlarritary, When trie::0-0;':
.ectors.of Lucknow Agricultural
•Society,were asked to come up
with an idea thazwould be bene- •
'ficial:to the society, the craft
Show Was first discussed. ,•Mrs;
Huron Township
• •
Bob.MacKenzie, Jack Fisher,..
Donald Simpson, Fra,rik-Hawthorne
.Wallace. Conn and 'AleX Juba,
member's of Old Light Lodge, Luck
now attended Grand Leidge•in.for,-
onto last week.' • .• • " •
• . •
While attending Grand Lodge
Bob Mat Kenzie met bon Striith,
-AA°, •inaelinawrii,40•no--v.•
living in Prescott.. HiS.fithetwas,
Reg Smith, a bank acc.ountant ;
‘41__Jo_w_otked_ligtedOrLa,nuinber of.
No paper p,liblished On ,
August '18 or .25. Readers' requir-
ing these issues for advertising
purposes should consider.using'the
issues of August 4 and 11. • •
Cars Stolen
n Weekend
,.Two incidents of car theft
occurred in•Lualet.now last week
Eatly/Sattirday,Morning the'
1970 Pontiac of Art Gilmore,
Ross Street, was stblenwhile. park-
ed at his home..It was recovered
about 24 hours:later , about I a. tn.
5..uildayinorning,th elglage=of.L_
Ripley.. The car had been driven
about .500 ,miles and two local:
people , an adult and a itiVenile.
years. ,
! ! • .
Died laucknow
Miss:Ida Fre.dora'•Whyard of
Lucknow passed away at her hon-ie
on Sunda :; Jul '25th in her 84th`
• The fUneral service will be
conducted' at the Johnstone Rifler-
--al-HoirreTtittrknow-7---o ret4.-ed .
day, July 28th at. 3..p. in, with
;interment atDurigantion Cemet-
ery, •
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Struck By Car
• A Pine River area lady was in
stantly killed on Sunday when • *.
crossing Highway 21' near Pine
.River Store, where •the -8t11',COnCes-
siOn of Huron Township intersects
Highway 21 •
De a
a Collingwood. resident Who has
made Huron Township her home
for the past couple of years. Mrs.
Gollop was a companion to Mrs.
John Reid of Pine River and has
become Well known in the, Huron
community since coming there,
She regularly at/tended Pine River .
United.Church and had rn n
Ttie7dFiriRTrea. s. Gollop
7' of
• .
are involved. The car wasoccu-
pied When police noticed it .in
Ripley Minor ,damage was done.
-C-onsta.bles-Bingess and Poland of
the' Kincardine Ontario Provincial .
Police inVestigated. •
A .sec.ond theft occurred ,early
Monday morning2, A 197_1 Ford.
station Wagon, licence X878,42,
owned. by. Bob Mac Kenzie of Ltielt‘
now was,stolen•frorn the yard be-
sfore. Ca-m-pber:S__tre4
Constable Whitelaw of the. Kincar,
dine Ontario Provincial Police
is investigating,
She 'had been out fOr on',
Sunday evening and had walked'
east on the 8th concession and was
returning.horne.at.o. time of the
accident, about .8.30 :p.m:: It
was' necessary. for her to cross
Highway to the Reid' home:on:. '•
the west side. 'Apparently she mis
judged: the, heavy Sundayevening
traffic aild was struelt by a car •
driven by Robert Boyne of ListoW-
el. No blame was'astac.hesl to the
Ariver--of-the-aiitotnape. •
Shc Was pronounced dead at
the scene by coroner Dr. J. C.
McKim of Lucknow.
. .
Miss .Linda Palmet, daughter
of Mr and Mrs Gordon Palmer
of R. ft. 3, Lucknow has graclua,t-.
ed from the University of Ottawa
With her Bachelor of Science
degree in nuisin• .
Early Copy
Next Monday, Augustp , is ,
Civic Holiday.
'The Sentinel will publish on.
schedule next Wednesday despite
•Deadlines for copy will have to •
beadvancecl. To be sure of
lication, altreports from various ,
press representatives should be in
our hands by Friday morning at.
Abe -latest
to be sure of publication, should
be iri our hands by the week end,:
Display ads would also be a.ppte7C-,. •
iated by the week end. • , ,
Correspondents reasked
•subnilt their early copy to us by •
Friday and • the remainder., if at • . • .
, could be dropped in •
Tifral mail will run on MOriday and
Much of the news, if received . •
in Tuesday's would be
,too late•
0 0
, • • TATIVE.
As the.successfui teridet Sunee9
will 8upp1y the 'file oil to the
majoritref-the'Schodis 111 Htutrt'
• COunty kt 'Brookside and North
Aslifield the cost Will bel6.4.0
ga3on, at 5. to.MadIli $00rid-
• '
Ary School 15.:e4 and 6oderich
District Collegiate Institute -19g.
This is:art increase of .10 td l.20 a
gallOn.oVer the County,' Otiier.
tenders were.imperial Oil., Gulf
Oil Sterling .Ptiels and Texae.O....
The Salary agreernent, With, •
335 'elementary teacheit.in. Huron
Comity hasbeen ratified and prow
ides for wage increases, in the first
three of, Seven categories. Salar-
ies in the other four categdrieS,
as well. As fringe benefits are tied
to thountettled secondary school
teachdre Salary dispute. Pollow,,
frig are niiiiiniuM and MAXIMUM
salaries in the Mama withlt.
year's salaries in.brackets: Categ."
ery,orte,, HAM:1nm S5,400
($5-,300) to maxiMuM $7,300
($7 ,100) after six years' exper-
ience; Category two, .$5,800
($5 ,700) to $8,800 ($80500) after
nine years; and Category three
$6•,,800 ($€3,200 to $10,500 after
• 12 years ($10;200 after 13 years).
The majority of principals of •.
the,elenientary schools are in Cat,
egcity 4 and 5., 'They will also
receive an additional allowance
Of $1,0b0 have 11' or more:
, full-tirne teachers', plus $260., p'er
'teacher (prorated and ex8lusive
of principal); $750, if the printiP,'
al has 6-40 teachers.oristaff,,,'
plus $200. per teacher and a prin.'
cipaI.of school having the equi•v.: