HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-21, Page 771
10,..EPHODA16...10.10r. 1911 • •
2 7
By Mrs. John Austin
The only -thing wrOtig.with
• . the N. E. U itshopldhave been
formed 10 years ago." These were
Walter Millet's•Words to the Pitt-
. rict and Local Executives from all
across Ontario :who met on Tues' -
day, Juy.?th with National•Offic
atAhe--C-frra-Inri-.+Ietel in-eion-
to. Members attendipg from
Local 335 were Bev McNay, Lorne
Cook,. Allan Gibtop,- Mr. and. .
Mrs, Lorne Luther, ,'Mts,. ,C1Tarlie
Wilkins and Mrs John Austin'.
The take 'over of farhiry farms
...by the vertical integrator was a
topic el discussion. Family type
aL e 1161 causing SUrphisOf
food. Industrial corporations,
who want. an outlet for their feed,
are producing huge amounts of .
• eggs , pork, etc.:. : * •
•Fred GoOdrnanson, Director:of
Organization for the „ said,
that the whole tyPeofrurai life as
We now have it 'Would change'if
the family farms takPn
The 'annual Ritchie picnic was:
held in Ashfield Park on.SiAnclay,,
July 18th., Those present were
the clesceudanTS of the, late Mr.
'and Mrs James E. Ritchie, who
lived in the Zion ,COrnmunim in
The 'afternoonwas spent in
sportsand sWirnMing. Of those
present Ir and Mrs George
Saunders Were the oldest and ,were
also celebrating Their 54th wed-
ding anniversary.. • • .
The youngest ones present Were
Mark, 4-rnorith,old son of Mike
and Eleanor Ritchie of Goderich,
.and Pamela , 3 -month-old darligh-
'ter of Ken and Mary Scheeref,
also of Godetith. Pamela is Mr,
and Mrs. Saunders' great grand:-. •
'daughter. Mark is the great grand-
son.of Fred Ritchie of Huntsville:
, .
71 P�ntiac, 4 door hardtop
190 Cliev.i0pitla: 2, and 4 door.4artitops
1 ,!
1970 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door hardtop
2 — 1970 MUSTANGS
1970 PONTIAC eParisienne 4 door hardtop
1969 CHEV Impala 4 door hardtop
1969 FORD Custom, power steering
7 — i969 PONTIAC Parisiennes, 2 .and/4 door hardtops
2 1968 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 door hardtop, fully equipped
1968 CHEV Impala; 4 door hardtops.
Used cars from '66 to '68 in various models, sedans, hardtops
and 4 door — 90% of all cars are V8; power steering
Us. The policy is against tended the Webb -Bryan reunion on
negotiable quotas (quotas with a Sunday at Grand Valley':
price on them) will be finan-
cially impossible for the next gen.- •Gordon Lyons • is a patent in
. , .
eration to 'Continuefarming if they Wingham and*District Hospital.
have tojaiyUoms,',..._16/44,01.1ail____
Mrs. Harvey Webb and her
gran..aug ter Nancy Grewar at-
tended a family gathering on Suri.
da/':y at Rodney. • ••
the young people not only as
trners, u as citizens an t e
dotintry. will be the poorer for it.,
Farm mobilization meetings
will be held ail 'over Ontario from
July 13 to July, 20tp., These, meet-,
Ings are operi.to all farmers to
deal' with farm problenis. •If you
are a:farrner arid do not •
• •
• • •
if! -
/ • •
• 4,.F.,mopif Aoviinis
attend the. meeting in your "area-
you -e -part of the-problern7-4-his-
is the beginning•of an action ,
which will Continue until we can,
. .
successfully negotiate price on
• •
our product., • •
leadership in
feed and animal
health service
. .
1969 FORD Country Squire,
10 passenger stationwagon
1970 VORD 1k 'ton. pickup
2 1968 CHEV 1/2 ton pickups with standard and 'automatic'
1968 CHEV 2 ton -with 12 ft van
- 1967 FORD 1 ton pickup ,
1967 FORD 14 ft stake body
1966 CHEVROLET tilt ,Cab, 14 ft stake body
1966 CHEVY, ton panel.
A number of Econoline and Chevy Vans from '64 to '67
standard and automatic transmission
BP Service Station —
Treat Accidents At Hospital
Phone .8874173
• • Robert La Rose, Wingham,.Son
of Mr and Mr Murdock 'La Rose,
foot on the farinofRobert Boast, .
R. 'ILA.; Winghani•
ara Falls, daughter of Mr. arid
Mrs. Clyne Stephenson, fell out
of a barn window while viSiting
On the farm of Lloyd Xeffet,
1, Ethel and fractured her left.
arm: She was a4mittedtO hospit-
• . " . '
Good service is just 'a little more than carrying'
the service that really counts . . the second
-look at an order . . . a re -check op, a load, an
extra phone callto make sure something is
It doesn'tmean• we Wori'f make mistakes..We •
probably willk-
. It dOes Mean. we feel badly • , ..
whiliiigte and'itgio.means
that care is taken that it Won't happen again.
That's the .ind of tare we pledge to give you
and all our customers: • " : .• :
You get it with every Order'ot•Shur.Gaint.
Ntirha.pt_Doerr,. ag
Wirigha.m.', son of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Doerr, caught his right
:thumb in .a fanning mill and frac,
ture,thand_lacerated_same:. - .K-A-theorfe-grarini age 6,, R.
Mrs. Joseph Van Osch of Ah - 'IL 2, Teeswater, , daughter of,
field caught her, left hand betweenh<t. atid Mrs Robea L. Brandon
a chain and .pipe when she was let.4
ting a cow out of the barn and lac
erated her left third finger.
, '• -n-was-ad-.
mitted via ambulance when she
Wsinjured at work. Appateptly
two pop bottles exploded while
she wat.dhsting and fragrnen'ts of
glass sttuck her on the face.
lames MacDonald, Lucknow,
received painful injuries to his
left ,hand when he, Caught his fin-
ger t in an auger it work. His
1.eft second finger was lacerated
and fractured. He was, treated ,
and releated.
, •
Peter' Mas'on; agt -23; R... 12... 1,v) '.
Belgrave, fell from a hay ITIOW
EFSEITiOkil1Htead-011:Z-thr,WhIng •
machine, causing deep latera,„
tions to his face and -head.
.John---Mi-l-ton-i-R.:-R2--2, -Wing-- .
him ,.was lucked by ,a cattle -
beast while unloading cattle and
received lacerationstoLthe_facerr
injuries to the jaw and left collar
' .•
Leonard Stamper, age 7, R. R.
, Bluevaiet, son of Mr k and, Mrs8
er-rLfell off:his •
;hip yele' int 6 a barbed: wire . fence.
and received abrasions to the
„right thigh. -• •
• 11/4.
,received.multiple abrasions arid
a lacerated scalp when she was
Ihrown from her CM
• Ronald McArthurR. R.
Wroxeter,' age 15 ,,stin of 'Mr. and
Mrs. Archie McArthur, fractured
his right collar 'bone When a hale
Of hay fell on •
Brenda Veeltva 12,.XiillCar-
dine'rdaughter of, Mr. and Mrs.
John Veen was thrown from a mini
bike'On the property of .Leslie • .
Da•Iein Blyth, 'Brendareceived
a fia4ttired right qiritind thoufth,
et ind shot it.