HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-21, Page 4XI omen FOU THE LUCKHOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY'R:. LY :210t11971: na Siriwci 7 W'} • WYEA WtE`•p'... , W ERIC ard•karr AHocy 3/ W::M A leo" co,. &AA Mencv: Ip�War CIV EYO•KEC:G*ADt, TOPTM Sam4tr lircll to f :M. TACT Atemi in' E a MU' 5-1 cA IER•CMECKER N11F, IMAy• PAAkeli Mono, ,w«u (LEEK' 01g11Mw & hallos w'al,• t .'wicm A esnmt,,nAL CO,1GL Ali .Miq AMMN antiHp*.:saN, AMrKv SOI. 111 :A AGEN4V11A, E {LEIII{•T g,y,,. ,IMf3S,• ERM�A ..s, CLnERKS.A- M aY tlft 'Sgt SM CLK/Mrl Euc p Gd eftl, Gwr,n.,TM� £ IIW Cilei ttt tit Gi�i� I E COifEE SM• MGR ,I�j` /CLERICALS TG. 7085 a,,T, l0 CrN11 n,a : .nlnt 414 IPE, Glom a Agency. IS2 W;A2 .1 oil p'iao 2 will Tel DISMAY M.' 1WIMaf1 iflat $ AEI s t lla rc KnCf alS $i• • Ia a tt;tT, IIt� 3�H: AYF.,,, • , CO 34331 0 t,4 Jolt GMAA haMw!�•.... Sw•fPA;GEGCKSN rEE:'rM {a'A ESfC4 Aan,-** D,*PTSAIAMSTKUCT{o _.t.�. troll. SI ..101 • 4t Av AIN • HOUSEHOLD MOVING Local and long distance Midwest- ern .:moving and storage. For free • ' estimates call Eric Walden, Wing - ham, phone 357-3221. ti FOR SALE - .a quantity of mixed' feed ,grain. Fred McQuillin, R.R. 1 Lucknow, phone 528-5550: WOOD FOR' SALE ". hardwood'. slabs, $4.00 per cord; soft wood, ;3.00 per cord; delivered to your yard in 6 or 7 cord loads..: Craigs Sawmill, Auburn, phone 5267220. AUCTIONEER SERVICE ., Grant McDonald,' Ripley Wallace Ballagh, . Teesv, ater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone' Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 • BERG,'STABLE EQUIPMENT' SILVER"•LAKE GENERAL' rSTORE" Contact' Lloyd Johnston, . R R, , 3. ' ' KINLOSS, ONTARIO Holyrood, Phone 395-5390,. W OPEN NOW • LUNCH COUNTER • FOR. SALE -- hardwood slabs, 10:» cord loads,' also furnace, blocks (tie ends-) . We deliver. Borden Litt, Teeswater, 392-68890. ' , , THE LUCKNOW SENTLNEL for sale .at. Mel Stanley's Supertes Umbach's P�aarmac y an an is t, B. dH d Discount in Lucknow,. FOR.. SALE white or black Poly • ethylene ,films Reduced prices on advance orders. Complete range of thickness., Widths up to forty feet. Phone your present and fall requirements .to: Ripley Chemical 395-2614., INCOME TAX: SERVICE ' Tax preparation, financial state- ments, averaging basic herd, 'etc. cash or accrual .system, work done at farm, reasonable 'fees:. FARM TAX'.SEkVICE Phone -1+38=9401 l at The Lucknow; Sentinel; ' available 10c per copy. If You .are interested in 'the news' of Teeswater' and Dis trict, pick• up a copy - CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING. • Every Tuesday and ;.Thursday Pigs and •Cattle,. Tuesday Cattle' only, Thursday. , „ in by .1 p.m., BrwS-ME--F-MARKS- • TOP SOIL AND GRAVEL;: and dump truck rentals, demolition of all 'tyPes, phone Symes Bros., Lucknow 528-5203• or 528-2608+ Cheeseburgs, .Hamburgs, Super Ice Cream Cones BARGAIN TABLE, ' V/2. PRICE Shirts;.•'Denim. Jackets,- Jeans, etc. See us about your twine needs • -New. Life Feed dealer FOR SALE - Paint and •Wallpaper. Special sale on room Jots. Save on quality products • at, Ripley Chem- ical Concession . 12,' Huron Town- ship, 21` miles east' of Highway 21. Open Mondays from 9 till 9. Week days including Saturday 9 till 5: 30.'. Evening appointments call 395- 2615. .SUPER 'CASH BINGO, • Legion ' Hall, • Lucknow; '.every Thursday, 8:45 p.m..' Pot of ' •Gold game - winner take all; 14 . reg- ular games, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jack- pot Game for $100,00 on 56 .calls or $25 consolation. prize, . MacDONALD •REUNION The Annual. MacDonald Clan • Re- union is being held at; MacDonald's. Cedar Grove at Lochalsh, July. 31st. Program and business at 4 p.m., supper at 5 p.m' Please accept this announcement as your •invitation..; HAM • SUPPER Pine River United Church will hold a • Buffet Ham Supper on Thursday, July 22nd. Supper served. in the. church from 5 - 8 'p.m. Adults 1.00,. HIGHEST PREVAILING • 'PRICES• paid for dead . and disabledcows arses -Call' collect 881-3459 Walkerton. ' Graf 'Stock Removal. Vista Cruiser. station wagon, . full power, tape deck, 'etc.. Will take 34 ton pick up as.: trade. Phone 529- 7314, :'FARMS FOR 'LEASE• OR 'PURCHASE-' A:R.D.A. has farms . for lease. to .r Hereford :and. Holstein., Alex• •Far- • land' :for Farm .• Consolidation and.'. , . Lucknow pone 529 CeltDH MiLLEFEALTE �� } phone _ for. -Alternate land use. Talk' ' to ..Come -=one=Come•-�a�•-to• 'th preschool free.. • LEGION DANCE; Lucknow, Legion are 'sponsoring dance hi the, hall, Saturday, July Music by"The Twylites" , Ad �IiYiSlOn' '5404 .••�:' •�ryv„ Pprennc , tatty full-time-fafms - easonable :. reave- o_ Ball and the 'nurses on the second floor of the Kincardine and, District ;General ,_Hospital ','; :• ... - . ,.: , �: : DAWNFLIGHT•• KENNELS-.- AND GAME FARM . R.R, 2 Teeswater Now renting saddle horses, $1.50 . per hour,' Monday to Friday;, $2.00 per hour; Saturday; Sunday, Holl- days•; Remember Pheasant hunting starts here September .1.: For• more .infomation call 392=6009, CARD Of THANKS I would' like to' sincerely. thank everyone for 'visits, .cards and treats While I. was hospitalized and since coning. home. Beryl Mowbray; • Mrs. Frank (Helen) Backwell of• • West Hill wishes to' express thanks to friends and. relatives, who rem- embered: her with cards » and letters, ' Centenary Hospital. The' family cf..-the late : Dail' Mac Lean would: like to express' their' sincere; thanks for all_ the acts 'of kindness and sympathy shown by 21 and over welcome the time of'..their recent be'• FOR SALE •' - dropped calves, 'rates,A.R.D.A. is still •buying farm. :, , . AF FESTIVAL b men '.A s ec • er; in - FOR SALE Beatty ' automatic ' feed. and manure handling equip went, stabling and },ressure ; sys- tems;. Contact Beatty Farm • Ser.; vice Centre, Clinton' 482-9;61. 'FOR SALE 1961 International Van, :g cylinder. 1.4 ,16 feet, °_curb; stop;: 1968' Chevy. Nova,' 6'•cylinder: 4 door sedan: Call',' Lucknow 528- '2448 after. 4 or 528-3117: PICTURE FRA11'i11G- our spec- la ty, w ` -affd me Photo 4tudio, Wingham. James Snyder. proprietor phone 357-1851. GRAIN •GU REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed' service to all types • Complete, appliance repairs. at BURKE :ELE'CTRIC. ,• W'ingham •357.2450 ec ric Appliances -= ' Motor Rewind / 24'' Hour Emergency Service. BOBBY ORR SPECIAL •BIC PENS' -- buy.'two .49c pens,_get 'four;'19c pens FREE. Regular $1.74 value for, .' 98c 'at 'The': Lucknow Sentinel. 'A;R.D:A. about- your plans for -re-. Luckn Jul ' 30 ' d '31st`'' tirement, -relocation and retraining': or about community development programs. A.R.D.A. programs are helping programs. For'" more' in- formation contact your nearest 'Ont- ario Department'of Agriculture' and -�rhere--are-�4: R. representatives in Clinton, Mark dale and Walkerton. • FOR SALE --,15 .ft, -fibreglass boat, 24' h.p. Johnston• outboard.motor and trailer. ' Price . 5500.. Phone ;524- 7401. ' •�' ; r - mg ma 'e, ��, :,in her -an bassador V8 automatic,. good :motor; , shredder. Harbourn Adams. R.R: 1 I good rubber, new - snow tires never 1• Dungannon, phone 529-7318...• ow arena u y •• an from 12 nooneach day . to • 10 p.m. Over 15 craftsmen will have :on displayand• for. sale; Handcrafts and antiques, baking, canned goods,; garden produce.' Picnic areas avail- able in Park and lots of parking space..- ANDREW' - LANE CLAN The 47th annual picnicof the, An- drew - Lane. Clan will be held on Sunday.. ' afternoon, .August 8th at Ashfield Park. Keep this:. date in mind. Further . announcement later. SWINGERS MEET The ' Huron -Bruce Swingers are squaredancing at Brookside Pubic' School' on Saturday. July 24th from ti„' p .d6 gL elco e FOR SALE International binder, good 'condition; ; .2 wheel, trailer, good tires and pick-up box: Currie Colwell, R.R. '' 5 Lucknow, phone 528-5402^ FOR SALE - McCormick 10 foot PTO swather. Harbourn''•, Adams R.R. 1 Dungannon, phone 529:•7318. FOR SALE 'rGeorge' White thresh - .1. would like' .to expressthanks to. all, -who'. remembered : me la many' different ways,: while I' was a 'pat- ient in Wingham and District Hos- pital: Thanks to Drs. 'McKim and Corrin; andto. Nurses. on 2nd floor... eepl pPrecia 'Cameron 'MacDonald Mrs.',Herman Phillips, wishes to express thanks for:'cards and visits; 'to nurses on 2nd floor 'and' Doctors Corrin and. McKim .for their .kind, el; nss• while 'she was in Hospital; All 'Was deeply.:apprreciated; ARD POWDER - ; used. Cheap for quick sale: Gordon h' Keeps »stored grain from Barger Sr., Lucknow Ontario. weevil and other insects to 12-` Phone 528`3711.. months. Used on wheatw - oats, bar ; . lev. corn . and. other grain. • .1 8 tra Lucknow, ; District Co-cptrative able . at • FOR SALE •w'hite 4burner: :heavy duty Moffat electric range working condition Mrs, C. STEREO •TAPES • 1 phone 528-2701, in good Brown, ck stereo ',tapes now. •avail - ' EGG PRO.DUC;ERS.MEETING ••1 A Meeting of all egg producers of ' Huron and, Br Waluce will ' be held in: kerton Agricultural Offices on •. Monday, July 26th at 8 p.m. THE ,•FOUNDING' COMMITTEES. '1. 1'100 acre farm in Ashfield Township. 1'99 acres workable: Low down pay= AVAILABLE •- a' home for .elder. • S5.9< at Greer: r T. V. and ... y 1117:.: and,.Mrs. Reg. Jones, Manager ladies• at; CozyCottage:' three miles and secreta, Luc],novr, 528-3112. i.y ..mortgage. meat. Owner will'. 'carr y A good farm ata reasonable praoe.'. Treasurers T. Electric: OM Ew e N D_S EEU R 'phonenslitheashiterh ur SUMMER CLEARANCE �. .FOR SAi=> ,� - T Sr , radio combin- in charge Phone 357-2839. SPECIALS . atibn: electric stove. Call Allan., ' Lucknow bistri'ct. Co-op �lliler. Langside after 6 p.m., 528- BARN. EQU1F4i:EXT'•' - complete a' line of Acorn ,r.quipment and Clay FOR SAIF - 8 Ei.guiPte►ent for pushbutton farm- u >.jinn and g WL-teel-ansce-4-eataries;- CChore• P i.P in ,Bo- -Milking Parlours, .: AL Complete 'Line 'Of .Corrug- FOR SALE - .dro. ated Metal Culverts `� 6" to,• 24" and Holstein cah e5 'sires on hand' at all tunes; larger Don Duron -ro. pipe by order: Lowry Barn . Supply, , -�-- - ,.A ti FOR ------ -o TED Mr. and 'Mrs Oliver MCCharles 100 acre: farm in Ashfield township, ; Pl m brick and frame home' with steel• culirvi: w in • • • , Ciadh 'Mille Fealte . �>roo to ' each and every', one and say all• modern ;conviences: Robert Irvin.,_ WORK. tale' ceilings. 1 . _ ... • , '• , Craft ' Festival in, Lueknow' Arena; Rustic .6,room log cabin. on 5 acres - er work, pit ..silos, concrete wal - hose Public Relations .Directors r I well' drained': Stock, machinery.and.; us the many many voh7nteers say milk quota can b'e� purchased 2w SILO AND .ROOF• EXTENSIONS come one. come all to the Lucknow. Hereford Reasonable rates. Roy , July 30. 31st from 12 noon ..to 10 of land. Perfect spot to spend t PAed and floors. Phone 14irs. Schnetler, itinlbu h, hone Ri le ' pin. each day. Antiques and: hand' leisure hours: 335-2221. g• P P y I trade articles for display and, sale • I and home baking,reserves and, and • ,-,.... L�stmgs wanted: in ,. din�arPa up . sr York., seed whe.at � i DIA. _PAYMEN"T for good garden •produce for sale eontutu don kildersa52.4 ' s"'�8 g I y from to ire, .p ne .soon: t r- standin timber and bushes. -Write • 'ous1 : n Robert Eagleson, Aisla Craig, giv-' Fort sALE- a Masser - foot bind- mg location and •telephone number 111 . t U Anyone wishing to' have , extent • stows' on :tt r silos or roof:s, please WW1 �t a M 11,- 1m George wraith.;. Box.95, Goderich.: len •Teeswater ' 2-63'73, er6-p m W,Qr phone 232=40 before .8 a' m'. or �.. Phones Resi•de.nce ..44...7.01,r2 or, Sip FOR SALE - service aged • Dur�ac WAX "ED . anyone' wanting -de --6d- ! 5244511 boars arid gilts,government weigh elmsCatBow _ to cut cog ct 'Delbert Nixon. PLAYING CARDS • and' pi -Abe 'figures.. Gilts clow to ' .g Lu p'ho�rie x28-2 Plastic coated sxnele. d trona farrowing.. ' Jack NiacKe.nzie:. = • „ �VDRK W:�`r°i - ha.gh school UM ABS Contact MASON BAILEY Off i ca- 482-9 3.7`-____ -_ Residence 523-9338 GET RESULTS _.,. log.'... and euchre decks ' t euchre c only) Drop' in at The LtleknOi Sentinelk . ' E ROY'S LUM1N.UM': • SALES AND SERVICE, wndow•s, dluors, awnings, sidings,. Per free estrniate call .'Ray iEnberlin, your local dealer. • . ' FOR SALE -- building. lot on a ol- sey , Lucknow 66' z; 165 .- very goo►`, drainage. Contact „Mrs. �L; .Lig E9 -a 931 "Wein: • to Rd.t a 433"03, rPlease contact' Gaal:' •Pritchard •FOR• Sy'�i'_F, #4 -wheel dn:��e Fad 5000 tractor: 'traction you need for a'35.1• forage trvester, ''combine or pick-' er. Aaron Showalter, laid' of Kinlo:&s ' at Whitechurch. FO R SALE - i-iduig horse, d - nut colour` Weir Eekenswller. R. R-' 2 Hol rood, phone 395-2278: 1<'0R SALE • �a quantity of ,good A y mixed feed grain, barley and oats. • Jun MaeXe:retie, }I . 3 Lucknow 3955140. 4'• tANDBLASTI'NG DEMOLITION' WORK ' SPRAY PAINTING '. NOLD .STOTERS SHONE fr•r403 FOR= t3'TI.MATES 5'2$- • •,MOBILE H-IOMES T I :Krim -of a: 'OR • 'REC'R'EATIONAL VEHICLE3 ' HILRAY FARMS LTD, BATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home 'Grown, Dry -Fed, Drug :Free ' Beef, Try our 'Fresh Home Made m Sausage. Custokit ling by appointment. Phone 528.2132 ' 'NOTICE FARMER$ • The best » returns for- your fat cattle, a canner cow or a fat steer, call Omar .Brooks 528-3839., 1 tan) maks and models to choose from. Fora better deal, drop ins a line or telephone. RUSTON D:. MOBILE HOMES LT 547 PLAINS RD.,T EAS1' »BURLING '0`H "I'ieL 'f tole 410 432I4OO ...,