HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-21, Page 2v-. PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LIICKNOW,:ONTARIO 1NE4N;ESDAY, JULY 2,st,. 1.91 The LU "The Sepoy 'Town Boundary . Second Class: 47 Estabhshed'.:1873 .--.. Afternoon Member of Subscription Rate, $6,.00 US.A., $8.,00 a' Donald KNOWN SENTINEL: CK. NOW; . ONTARIO t• On the Huron Bru... Mail Registration Number 08 Published Each.. Wednesday the C:W.N.A and O,W N,A a. year in advance — to the C Thompson, Publisher ,{ • EDNULYT2,st, * •r • A:Bi.S,SERVICE? Is therea bus service. through Lucknow? We have been . asked s that' question on• several occasions in recent weeks:. Residents wanting to go somewhere, have relatives coming to visit them, making travel' Pons 1these areeo w the folks Who • h h • sought this inf o rzna tionom from • us LETTER TO THE, EDITOR Feels Statements. Are Misleading Luc know Sentinel, Lucknow `Ontario;, Dear Don ... It would appear from Mrs': 1�41u-n 1ette-r of-ka-st-we -k-that the Farmers' union, is the author - ,sty -On the egg bdsiness. 'Many :of ' 4 ' her statements are misleading. The -fact that the. Federation of Agriculture is supporting the egg, producers is one .reason why the Farmers' Union is against the • -Egg Board, • The Egg Board is not controlled by the provincial. government as. Mrs. Wilkins would have her readers believe. The directors of the board• consist of a cross sec-, tion of bothsmall,and large prod- ucers and were elected by the committee men in each` of the zones'. In turn, the 'committee men had been electedby the'prod- • ucers in:their owri zone.. ' The largest egg producer in Ont:, • FROM LL CKNOW AND . SURROUNDING DISTRICT TO ENTER. TH,E CONTEST SPONSORED BY THE LUCKNOW! AGRICULTURAL. SOCIETY AIR' .be57-to--20 years ,o# age'he—`Queen ofh Fair" Will be chosen at a Friday night event the 'day before the main' Fair Day September 18. _The'winner will be eligible to represent. Lucknow Fair at the Canadian National Exhibition in ,1972, when Queens of Fairs from -all across Ontario will compete for this title. IN'ADDITIQN. The local winner will be.. eligible to.' represent Lucknow and District in the Miss 'Midwestern' Ontario beauty contest to be held on Lucknow. Fair day. The winnerifrom this contest repre sents:this :.area .in.:the Miss Dominion of Canada Contest Those Interested Please :Contact The • Secretary,' Mrs. Robe; t Struthers, Lucknow "Mrs. 'Chas...Wilkins In the event of the, failure Of ti •, buted by .tri . The'' newspaper office. in' - comim nit seems to be a focal aria , who is also a director .and is ,• interested pie, and I am pleased irnpending,egg vote will they •�Y .Y ' ' for .the 'r : es i 'of "information on: ,various things; upcoming: one of the larger .producers who. is to note the concern shown for'the able to corne up'with some; alt point � • equ "� � g' Against the farmers eontrollin �,: native plan which wi'hsave.i►s. events,closinghours;' .ole and places, etc. We have some real weird g• g . • egg'' producers of Ontario by the • •• a ai P their own.'business '.is su . , cited, b the egg .producers from the fin ".requests for uiformation some times,'. but •try` to treat'.them all with a ' ' : PF y . National Farmers • Union:, •the Farmers'Union and yet Mrs, `tial ruin which we are 'now, degree of :concern. •Wilkins claims• that bi business . As a.n' egg producer and a 9 $ facing. •. . ,; e-request=about-the-bus--operations' one . we cant will take over the egg .producers supportOntario Egg er 'of the and an. r we. son t snow wnerner, or. not Lnis: area is serves : uy pus, ,< ULC VO�� ��i�u,iu tarry - K a�� Fowl Marketing Board , 1 wisho t ^ mpt-�s einea t( ��r�-a.t~P h recsauntt-L_._ ____._____ sow the seeds. of distrust of ilia eting boards in the: nlunds'of ' producers. The real weakness in' those'`prod'uc.ers who fail to attend meetings, fail to read formation on theactivities.of their board, and fail to. elect per i g f b best .men to represent their; of and ,depa>it if Indeed d last about 30 attended an informs ion If you are an a l` roduc gg;P, er this some thought.. ' It is your 'future at stake. service at the present time: Past service has been on,an'erratic hit and the contrary. This. producer (who miss basis. We can't blame the bus: company: They'would be running', with' the Farmers' Union helped to regularly -if -it -was -a :p proposition No -private -firm can'._operate defeat the General Farm Organiz- ' at a loss... ; . - ation last' year) has spent • thousands of dollars in propaganda would appreciate: knowing if a bus, service -exists. to •try and influence:the'egg prod However, we w does,If-it`a'75cweek classified •ad -in area newspapers would' tell ucers to vote against the plan. arrival , departure ure times. • there as no bus service, then we'd• ,.he has ca,rrie:.outlas,t' like to.know Officially about that': too. minute unethical practises to de- • meeting i�n Walkerton ori June 16th :rat-file-Plaai-36Y ich.is 80 nacos-� .n..farmlzraad-• So .would dozens: of people in' the' area who depend on public for the survival of :11 •prod= .transportation::' • ucers. P Y I would suggest that Mrs." Wilk-- ins (if she is an egg producer) come to Walkerton : on July 26th ;to a meeting of all eggproducers of the area, and get -the facts. • Registration of Producers com- menced early in March o.f•this. year being well publicized through advertising,: By the -end of May, 121 producers had' registered .•• in .Bruce .County. O ' this num er 4.4 4'4 4 4 4 0 4 000 4 4 04 4 west Editorial CHER DEPRESSION?. B°Y JAMES MONTGOMERY • GRADE' 12D MADILL SECONDARY -SCHOOL. Eyervbody oda has -n.; affected ' at some' time by a. labour • Yours •truly,;, Frank MacKenzie.. LE'TTE:R TO .THE 'EDITOR *°'! About 'he Egg Vote. • R. R. 2 , 'Wingharn ,••Ont. July 1:7 1931: ' strike. The.,most' recent strikes which ear-nrour� "mmidris: tht r on ompson lengthy General Motors strike this fall 'and. the. 1970 Canadian'Pota1 ,. ' .: • •. tor, ?' nal; Edi he' Luc know Sentinel; eke Luc know , Ontat•io casters reminded `roducers daily that July`'5th was the deadline for • registration; By June. '30th , approximately 300:0 producers had` registered; . thereforethe last minute, flood of registrations. carue as ;great= surprise; considering that four. rrionths had been allotted for this :purpose. As a result , following a :meeting of Egg Board and Farm, 'ro • ucts r eting.: roar • °.a ii the vote was postpbned Investig- ation of late registration disclosed that some were not signed` 63the Owners . of the 'facilities they rep- resented , The N. F. U. is concerned for the small producer: and I :presurne. -they refer' to flocks of less than wee o. ew a..�G Although these strikes= sometimes. `cause, us inconveniences 'they serious problems for workers • involved'; . A worker ' who hasn't Dear Editor, pose :,Yours truly; Alvin; Mundell , R. R:.2, ; Wingh� ,nnouncemenl FISHER- Bill. and. Janice.. Fish. of Chapleau ,are :happy to announce t e arrival o •t, air en son ,.'James Alexander ,• bo :March .27, 1971, a brother•'for Susan:... • Poster Winner Winners of the, poster cont dve-�ta:s-i_r. (Jr not propose se to limit "the' activities are: 1st p Ao Lucknow . Fall Fair . . Gilchrist, 2nd David de 13oer -brit: Barba is .Huber , .4th. Sugar of these flock owners but to ben,- efitthem-by the_imptoatement in egg prices which the boardhopes • Hedley , 5:th Denise King... ;. , • its plan will achieve, • :The contest wassponst�red : • received a-poy cheque -tor -over -a month finds=food and clothing_bill5_ Trig letter to the editor: n the. L nate that he N, F, U. the. Ashfield Federation ,Of A; is opposed :to Marketing ;Boards., culture::.. . almost impossible to pay .as well as tle mortgage payments. July 14th• issue' of the. Sentinel con These problems are only . the immediate „ones. A .uch more . ser-` ious° matter is underlying: uses -pr inflation. In increased. •What acminflation means that the value of products is • g • ally occurs is not the .:increased.' value of our products.but_.in_reahty_the_ decreased• value of our dollar., If our dollar, is depreciated -far eA6ngliwage---ica--oTr—complete economy will' be undermined. There can be another 'depression' >s the gnawer, 'people say complete socialization, of our major industries hat almost total tcommunic ou Britain, r closer social democratic neighbour, communications breakdowns with her workers be - ``THE GEMINI" "The Gemini" is a compact model: A. complete all `round television set, 'noth- ing is left out. Electrohoine does not com cause of disagreeing government .1I MITtir -1 9. abour ctions o • � Nor is the ansWer places the. burden of paying unempp the � over- head cost down. . oyment insurance on the government and eventually oh e working taxpayers. The answer is wage parity for workers who 'do equivalent work but receive unequal wages. Price and wage controls set up by the government would •our econom and; . proide more ijobs for .stabilize vi • 'more people 'which. Would in turn 'relieve the burden on' the individual taxpayer', ' There is an answer, A depression can be aveided :but. the time to act is,.ttow* i 7 11 1. 9-P-171. . 7• able. No shortcuts are ever taken. It is so easy to move around , in the home' y , at the cottage, etc. ' 0Lt0 0 0) fon:10 LUC OW. t01�0©OL`�n f ocsa Phone , 31 12