HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-21, Page 1$6.00 A Year In Advance — $2 00 Extra To U.S.A,
4-H Conference at University of
WEDNESDAY, JULY 21st, 1971 . ' Single Copy 15c• 16 Pag.S
• .
t. Helens Woman
• Girls from:every county in Ont-
ario attended the Club•Confer-
ence held at the University'of
President 'of the th.iiversity , ,in •
welcoming:the 200 girls cOmmerici•
ed them and their. leaders Off the
splendidprograrn which ;hey_
• It
-r14 •I
been 'following during the. past
,year. Guest speaker for the ban- •
•quet held the second day of .the
erence was t •e onourablo
• • •
. ,
Celeite Holmes; R. R.. 4, kincar-
dine; Dinnie Kloosterboer, R. R,.
2, Kincardine; Heather' McLa!an
.R.. R. 2, Dobbinton. . • •
•Wm. A. Stewart , MihisLer 0.f.Ag..--..--13ack • . • D. • ••
ricUlture and Food. •• . R. 2,. Elmwood, Joan •Orbsliott
••Shown are front row left to riht R R. 4, Wiarton; Nancy Walden,
Shirlyy-Mar-it •Sidden-,-W-alkertoni TR. R. 2, .LuC-know .
Queen Of The Fair Will Be Eligible To
Enter Canadian National Exhibition And
Miss Midwestern Ontario Contests
• 1,ucknow.Agritultural Soelety„,,
meeting list Week • decided to
:Sponsor a' ...Queen of the Fair"
contest in conjunction with`their.
1071 Fall Fair September 17 and::
Ali advertisement in 'this issue'
• isseeking girls ,,.ages 15 to 20-,
who'would be interested in Com-.
:peting in the Queen of the Pair •
contest. All girls from Lucknow,
and' District , in this :age group ,,
are welcome and urged to enter.
• * • •
1 The beauty contest will be • :
held on Friday night ; September
17• and the minninggirl will. be
. •
At a, special ineeting-of- Luck-
1.10W vj11a,e council on June 15 a
Mrs. Charles (Ruby) McDonald
of the st. Helens area in West
Wawanosh Township.was seriously
injured in a motor accident on
Monday morning of this week.
,Mrs. McDonalc1,•51, 'was .a pas
senger in a car, driven by her hus-
band Charles, 53. They were pro
ceeding 'east on the 10th conces-
sion of West Wawanosh between
St. Helens and the division line
When they were in collision with
a car driven by Alan Douglas
Parson, 23; of London who was
proceeding south on the St., Aug-
ustine sicleroad. The accident
hapPened at the EarlJamieson •
division ,line
:All three were admitted to:,
Wingharn hospital with Mrs.• Mc7
Donald the most seriously injured
She •received,severe head, lacer -
motion was passed that the flan of.
B. M.. Ross and Associates be en-,
gaged to complete work and,draw-
Ings On well No,, •5 and retabuLate
costs on .the Well'. '•
Another motion was to the ef-
lect'that costs be obtained from
contractors on the •removal of old.
sidewalks, granular fill and laying
of new sidewalks three feet in.
width •four inches in depth Prices
on asp a t sisewa were also to
be investigated,: , • , •
• • • • • * • • • • •
The tender of Hackett Brothers
on a ..newmower was accepted at
a price of $656.. •
• •-• • • • • • ••,
•Nirs. Thomas MacDonald:, a -
Lochalsh area resident for Many •
years, died; on. Sunday ai the
..Wingham and. District Hospita 1.
She was 81 years, of. age.
The body rested at'the Johnstone
tuesday afternoon when funeral •
service was held,at Ashfield Pre's-
byt eria n
. • kiritail Cemetery, ••• .•
.1.• •
Kailrshea Hall
Hit By Vandals
Fred Emberlin of Lucknow is the •
first "early bird" winner in the •
'Ontario Sweepstakes being spon-
sored by the community of Park-.
hill. •
Fred wins $1000 and Mr. and
Mrs. Ernberlin•were in Parkhill
last week end to•pick up the
cheque. • . • •
. A total of $1Q0,000 is being
given away in the lottery. Ten,
"early draws" will lead up to the
big money later in the Fall.. It .•
was estimated that Fred's winning •
ticket was pulledfrom. amon:
, I l ot ers which have been, •
, •
purchased to date.. • .
The Winning ticket was'purchas-
ed from Charles Matson of Luck. • .
" • •
now:, ; • • . •
led In London
Rev. Gordon W.• Kaiserof 143.
Tecumseh Avenue.,.London,,died:.
suddenly on Saturday, July 17 at ••
Victoria Hospital, •London, inhis: •
87th year. • . , '
• • 11e is, survived by his wife•
Queente Mae"(Amer) KaiSer; two
daughters Mrs, Gordon'orina)
Harrison of R., R,. .3 Bright and
Mrs. Gordon (Evelyn) Seale of
Edmonton , Alberta, one son :Keith
Kaiser Of Essex; and seven grand;
sons. . :
- -The funeral' Servi-ce wa-s c-ohddc •••
• .
The. kairshea Institute Hall; the- At a seccricl Special.nieeting•on
former 6th concession of Kinloss. • June. 22, B. M. Ross was present .•
ow,Hal_yrnel 4. .,^* • g4
road, was' the target:of vandalistn: iNiater Work in the• village
.on the. week end.. • • • . * * •• • •'*,* • * • • :
A flaail,bO`Was hurled through .....L.:„Alitie_June
.windOw of the halland, other tion Waspassed that Floyd Milne
windows were broken.ina sense- . . • •
less art of destruction. • CONTINUED N PAGE 16 _
ted at the Sharon :United•Church,I
on Tuesday,. July 20 by Re/.
George Morris and Rev,. Duncan
McTavish. • • • ••••••
. • .
eery, Delaware; • • ,
Rev. ,Gordon 'kaiser served as
United Church minister of the
Ashfield circuit for twelve years
until. June 4069 when he and. Mrs.*
Kaiser moved to London, where ' • .
•they have since. resided... '
1110104i11000100(114. Colleagues
Official Word Is
For Appointments,
• • • [ion
• •
The Lucknow Municipal Coun7:'
til, through clerk,J. W. Jamieson, '
was recently advised by the Dep-
artment of Municipal Affairs in • ,.
uired that ' ...."
n ,fiy Field.; ., .,
board:. ' ' • . '.
to fill the two vacancies Orl the .
appointments be made -to council • . '
-Official- word-wal--t•hfieotrffet1 :
A 2-year:old MOurit Forest,.
area man., last iti.his motor:-
was' found alive Monday night in
his boat drifting off the Pine River
• , • • ,
Terrence Mawhinney of Hol..
stein, alone in his 194pot
Ail: unidentified boat operator..
fle harl.,been travelling from Point
..Clark,to Kincardine,. AV ,
kftic'ardine Said When
Mr. Nlawhinney's boat ran out of
. •
Winds caught it forcing it
about 10mil'es out onto,Lal<e •
littron. 1)6 -at then drifted.back
.into share .Monday.. "
' lie was rescued by tw5 men
trenttii POint Clark4itle aver
Dr N R. .kichards , Dean of
the Ontario riculturAI Colle 'e
been made;Pellovki of the AgriC-
ultural Institute of tanada„ The.,
highest awatd of .the 5500 Mem
ber Institute,. it was conferred On
D6441. .kichards' at' the recentannual
bridge, Alberta , by Dr..11.
Atlsty of the Canada Department
of Agriculture , .6ttawa.,,thd' retir,
ing.president.,of the InStitute.
In reading the -Citation for the
PellOwship; DrT 11 Anstey re-'
!erred to Dean' Richard contribu
tiOn in the field of edtration anc-I
partionlarly his responsiblititTfor.
Placings in' the Field. Crop
COMpetition for hay have been
announced by the tueknow .
Agricultural SOciety.
• .
withpdints, 'are: Andrew Gauht
2, Blake Alton 9.1:„Oiiver Me.. -
Charles' 87, tIdOn Bradley '86
Donald Simpson 85, Fred MCtYi
lin 82, Duncan ra.rrish 80 „Alvin
Alton 19, Donald "MacIntYre; 77;
Don Bell 74, Prank Alton •.
Phillip Steer .72; Evan Xeith.71„.,
Currie CiwiiH'�, ken AIton 65,
Don i.kitort 57. .
tiiia1plaing will betletertnint
ed by the thibihat th a1r,.
haVe ;no' liority to call
ination !fleeting. '
One of these .appointments was
recently made when Oliver Glenn
was named to fill out the 1971-72'
. • •
n exists.and
it. the tinle Of last' week's council
Meeting, ;despite 'several approach
• d8 t6.area residents , no one had
agreed to fill. the post. Council
decided that. an advertisement
would be plated in The .Sentinel
secking'Sorneone to fill the posi-
Iiort,"feeling that thit'woUld give
any illtetttdd pet8dri* who might
haV'e'been overlooked , a chance
to serve. The ad brought absoo:
lately no tesu1t•