HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-14, Page 10THE.-LUCKNOW SENTINEL,,, LU �W� ON'TARIOa WEDNESDAY,. ,JULIE 4.i Presbyterian The July and August meetings oT.the Lucknow Presbyterian *WornCn•s Missionary. $oeiet were. Y .held--on—Thtrrsdday, k1y=8th o'clock in the afternoon; in the Church._:Mrs-, Jas.:_Little was -in the chair,and opened by re- ' peating a 'verse of scripture.' The Bible scripture reading was given by. Mrs.. Austin Loree', She chose Psalm 146, and called it a chapter of .praise. The Psalmist vowing perpetual praise to God. Prayer . was given by Mrs. 'NQble Johnston. A very .pleasing piano solo; was given by Miss; Beth Mu. dea. of . Belmore.. • 'The roll callcontained the word *Rejoice"... -Thanks was. given to Mrs. H. Agnew •for her •generous donation' of $5.0:00 to- ward o-ward the bale, .A duet.b�y. Ivirs J. W. Joynt,and• Mrs. Philip.Stewart named . ."Beautiful Bells" was well receiv ed: Mrs. Little thenwelcomed'. the 'speaker Mrs. Marion 'Mundel of'Belmore,' wlio spoke on the Council Meeting of the Synodical, which she attended held iri Ewart. :,College, Toronto.: She described' .the building in the Assembly r Ha11- . _Hie., o fro •.• , .. pe ple- m-the--isiest , and in all the meeting was very, interesting.. • ,Mrs .Wm •Scoot , our church •" .Organist:,: gave -us an interesting and 'pleasing piano solo. Mrs. South Kinloss The July-meeting•.af South Kin- loss W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs,. Ira Dickie. Present were 15 members and, one visitor: Hymn:,1Q8 was•sun .and ..The Lord's Prayer repeated in unison.. The Bible Study wailed byMrs..Lorne , Sparks -With; -Members taking -parr - in questions 'and discussion, A reading "A: Red Indian Prays" was given by Mrs. Fraser MacKin- non. . Mrs. Lorne Sparks gave a very interesting account of Carrip • Kin tail .which she attended... She said Ca•inp Kintail.is' Fellowship with old friends gild new friends Fellowship in play and: Bible Study The' Study Book.was made 'most - interesting by Mrs. Allan_Macln _ _. tyre , the topic being . "Communica- tion"...Mrs..:Ted Collyer and Mrs. Harold Austin took part in_the prayer circle; . A musical duet on the piano and violin by Mrs. Jack Needham acid A11s. Ira: Dickie Was much en- joyed. The meeting;.closed.with a hymn.and prayer:.'Lunch was 'sero'- ed by Me directors in charge,' Ms. A11an Maclntye and :Mrs. Jim Gib-. son.. .. • 1 Langside ' .M.5. The July'meeting of Langside •Women'•s Missionary Society,was, held on Thursday afternoon a:t the home' of Mrs. Bob Bregman. ` Mrs, Wes Young :presided' and in the devotions the scripture was read by Mrs. Br..egman, .and the medication "Freed"on'His 'Faithful- ness'„ was given by. Mrs. Eldon Welsh. Mrs. George Young led • in prayer.; k Joan"r.'e. and Christine Bregma Th "next meeting will be at the home of Mrs.. George Young. The' roll call was answered by:7 .members. with a, Bible verse , forming part` of the Bible Study, conducted by Mrs. Gordon Wall.; " Mrs., Charlie Tiffin read an article with information on• Supply,. h!Irs. Wes Young read an' article on "The Role ;of.Women" from •Glad Tidings: Plans. were :-made_for. the W .:M S . 'to: con- ',duct on-•duct a.worship service at Carruth- er, Nursing Home ;when 'Mr.. Wy 's benga is on holiday.". • The meeting ciosed'with a hymn .andtc�Iipra.yer. Mrs; Bregman seived lui,.: " Jose /L. Qn Monday evening .July 5th, the July .meeting of St: Josephs. ,Council of the C.W.L., was held at St. Joseph's School with approx imately twenty-two members and our Spiritual Director., Father 'Henry Cassano,, in attendance, 'The president , Mrs,. Joe Courtney', opened the meeting with the reci- tation of'the League Prayer. Church Life Con;vener.,, Mrs,,. Frank Riegli1 g, gave a Spiritual ` Reading and reported that'fist' alb i corn`municants of the past'year• from both Sr.•'Joseph's and.St'.' Augustine's received in a• body at St., Augustine Church on Sunday, June 13th: A 2S:th wedding anni-' versary gift was given to; Mr. .and: Mrs:. John Miltenburg and a wed -- ding present.to Mr.. and .Mrs. Dan Dalton: Correspondence was read and the treasurer's report was given'. , Wb �. ; A. ,Porteous then thanked the nnee 1a ihes: wtro-: oo1 pa or helpedin, `� O�x w�MVa g'S, any way. Mrs. M. Sherwood „ brought the mee ting to a close . with prayer. A scrumptuous meal . was served and a. social time en-. joy.ed : Wit.. erdtor LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED . CHURCH.' . J. W, Van $tempvoo. Pastor - Sirvices: 10:00 a.m. English ,Ser 2:_30 p.m, English s Except 2nd Sunday of . Month, when .. . , . •. the aftern service. ,S-mr; Dut After roll call, Mrs. Antone Van' Osch Membership Convene°; reported a total of 6$'inembers. Mrs.. John.Sheardown was present- ed with.a :gift "membership. Christian Family Life Consigner Mrs, Walter, Clare, brought us up to date on;the'progr.ess of our Girl Guides..' Mrs; Carl Rieghng , Cons.unier Affairs Convener'', pres- ented' an interesting 'poster contairr ing pictures and articles on a, number.of subjects including pal -i•, 1'ution, mercury contamination and an' overdose of vitamins. :Cultural Life'Convener,. Mrs. Joe O'Keefe, reported:.ori the. anon -held Ju-ne.2.9th • Mrs. Alvin Moran and Mrs. Joe Courtney visited' -Mrs. Pat O'Neil., .who is in :the hospital:... Mrs .., Joe Courtney stated that' 49 boxes had ' been: packed and :sen•t :to. Corrfber- .rr ere, •`Mrs.' John Austin,gave:.a report.on'the recent •Walkathon Used.cards. are ,to ;be sent. to Huron view.. Used sfa.mps are still/being collected-. Mrs, : John •Howard re ,ported'that the .catering- Coinmit-: lee. served approximately 78 for the Grade 8 Graduation Banquet 1.' TThey also-lielpe3 at th.e: Walka then;.. • •• ' Thin Rall conStrt tit on, more room inside without increasing the ii-hehlikt for flesalility 'of storage; 'removable egg „.tray.;:. . frozen ince ,can slaeff,• battier Winer avallabl+e. on some : models; , C fvenient •31 ' width. ' uuiiiiiiIui Inar,n:I1'titin araiaseaeaaa eueaeeeinet'i aaiui'ns ari, .aaarsrr fit_ a .�ti e ■ 4at._e,,e . •mr •e �e _—ee,' ee _ear o .. - . 7pa PHONE .52863112'. ;John Austin and Mrs. John Howard Volunteered tb. take soirie of the •residents‘ of the Thornpsan' Nursing' Horne tn'kipley •for a pic- nic some tittle' during.the sunirner. . It •was moved :by Mrs. Mark. Dalton and seconded by M'rs. Clarence.Doherty that we • approach the Parish Council" about the purchase. of `a \new vacuum' c :ea ee ZT-Coek- book;- histories of Kingsbridge and '5Oth'•annty'-. ersa:y booklets .are still 'available sale. - VISITORS 'WELCO Denominational Radio east, "The Back To God .l every Sunday:. CJCS . (Str 2.00 p.m. ;: CFOS Sound) 6:00 p.m.. ANGLICAN CHURCH LfiCSNOw AREA PAR The .Rev. R. Odendah ' Rector. ' JULY 18th Trinity 6 St. Paul's; Ripley 9:15 Ascension Kinlough '' 10' 30 St. Peters Lticknow 11:45 Chun h SchoO1 10 30 , ;St. Pauls, Dungannon ------ 2ad'-aadlth-Sundays Christ Church, Port: All • Sm lig, 3rd. and..5th` Sunda Lucknow !resbyterian Cht Rev. •Glenn' 'Noble; :B.A.,' Minister . Phone 528-2740' .:JULY 18th TO"ICUGUST inclusive 10 a m. Sunday .Schee 11:00 a,m., Morning Nor The 'Presbyterian rand: 1 Churches are. holding. worship in the Lucknow' 1 Church. • Joe Courtney told the 'xi fze r: that_ so7r e o#'.the bun •' annon United Church Wortienr ' and them c sinister . \icClen- aghari .would be, joining us after, cu: n eetit- .to see,a film: on the' eye and to hear about' the eve% :• bank, �irs Carl Rieglins adjourned" the r::eetin and Fath- 3"z:h5 edw:ithWp'r y rT Foi ow.- inu':he.meeting, Mrs .'•Joe Court-. ne.y welcomed 'Mr. McClenagha i'' and members of the Dungannon '2nited Church Women and their • • president, Graham McNee_.: LOCKNOW ITED C Ht Rev. Robert 'Nicholls, E Minster JULY 18th No Sunday School Joint services with Luckno: o :u t h Kinloss Presby cher-from--Jni August 1 in the Unitea, Church Vacation School Jt 23 —� 9-11:15 a.m.. hu Un it ed Church (apph formsfrom your minister) A film on the eye was shown. .".'..=s Frank Riegling read aii att- isle 1.,0;,•Helen Keller,. firs:• 1-..a1tcn explained :he eye ti a"d,theprocedure-to be followed'i'i one wishes' his eyes to dor'ted after death t the 'eye.. b i Ws,. ,cNe'e told about.,, the weed for volunteer' cantva secs f'oz A-vM1sr►.ia. . y+ field , `,BethFathe Cassano cklleia han sp.oie .bt POINT •rTO PONDER' Peojle seldom improve they have no .model but selves to copy, ' Oliver Gold words to the' itotp, . Lunch •\s a