The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-14, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th y 1071 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO. E SEVEN Presen.t,Atl let c A.wcards. A..t Ripley -l- u on 04 • Athletic awards for Ripley -Hur- on Central School were presented at•'the graduation .for the grade,8 class. • Pictured' , left to right , are.Jeff 'Andrew, 9; son of Mr. and,. Mts.. 6.. s' By',Mrs. John Austin I Qadon _sev"eraLweeks'',ago',., National Farmers' Union menbers:, were stopped from 'giving' away'un- pasteurized .m'ilk;by. Health officials ' The following is'par't:.of' a letter received .by. Mr.. McIl- hargy, , President of Local -312 in ub-shed iv ,the' Union' Farmer. . It was written by Dr. Robert Mac Krnley , M.. D•. , F. R;'C S Con. who states he ha;s, prac ticed •medic'ine in Sarnia for. ,50.. 'years: "I'rn sure • you will: find it interesting to know, that pasteur-, Y-.tzed-milk-has a much-hig herbac terial..counr• than the milk you • were giving, away. :When the fanners were delivering Milk be- fore it was made: a crime.:to soh `; urrp retrr1'z-"d mid a m.i. used had 'a count of"•1000 to 5000 Whereas plant's' in Sarnia .had. 100,000 and more.:, It •would .be rnteresting for you to obtain the count of bacteria :.on'your. milk :Robert :Andrew ,.. junior. boys champion;.G , Joyce uikema 15, daugh--. ter of Mr •and •Mrs A. Gtfikerna ., senior girls; Debra Magold, 12 da ugtiter: O f -Mr . and Mrs. ' George Magold, intermediate girls Randy. Strauss,, 13 soon of Mr' and Mrs. Leo Strauss, senior boys; Michael Courtney 12, .son of Mr. and Mrs." Bob Courtney, intermediate boys;. Christine Miklos, 16. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs... Lyle Miklos, junior girls. 0. 0 0,0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 '0 0.0 0 0 0 0 and c.ojnpare it with, the bacterial . count of milk delivered every day in • London -dr Woodstbek'.. My suggestion to the farmers,• is for your Union to approach the' :gov.'ernrne:nt with• the .fact that' you .can sell a product.that is:prOdud-, ing better health: in our :people, is'cleaner:and' can be sold at a lower priceto'the consumer than is being done now , 'I have, 111110' informa.t'ion. that will back up • these sta,ternents and will: be pleased.to heip.you in. 'put fight for the good • o•f:the .public at. large if you so wish./ Our pathologist at the Sarnia General Hospital will back up the statements I. have Ma'de. • 'I have five children nd l9Tgrandehildren that have been' raised and are 'being' raised on unpasteurized milk:,,•'•I also hav'e•had ample•' opportunity .to compare children raise on unpasteurze an past- eurized milk and amconvinced''- yoq,r_Union will be•doing a.' grand thing for the people of the Prov- ince .if yoti can have the:milk law corrected.," '► . FULL-TIME P9SITIQNS „ . (40. hour week) Amat-el He worth Central;11 wo Chesley District High ,(2 including.1 head custodian') --Kincardine —,District—High Fami�y�atfierin� 'thefamilies • ofthelate 'Mr; and Mrs.. W. D.:Gardner (Beckie Webster),. Mrs:., Clara ,Webster' and the late W'. G. Webster and Mr: and Mrs.:: W. G. Reed (Debbie Webster) hold a re -unionat the �• ■A •' • Lueknow Public o Port Elgin - Saugeen Central (2) Ripley -Huron "Central,Ripley Walkerton District Secondary W. E. Thompson Public, Kincardine PART-TIME POSITIONS (15-2.0 ,hours per we‘k) Bruce Central, "R R.' 3;' Tiverton Elderslie Central, Chesley G. C. Huston Public, Southampton Kincardine District High Saugeen. DistrictHigh, Port, . Elgin t SALARIES AND:WAGES..EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1971:. FULL TIME: Starting salary $5,300. ,'plus generous staff benefits: SART 'TIME Hourly Rate—' $2.25 Applicants must be willing to do shift work if required 'and' be able to provide medical certificate and proof of 'satisfactory All applications must, be: on Application Form .arluch.ean_be..-.: obtained by writing or telephoning the,employer below. Applic- ations will be received until July 28, 1971. Indicate on application the job (full -tine or part time) and location, pr.eferred; THE BRUCE `COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION BOX 190, CHESLEY, ONTARIO Telephone ''51 9-363-2014 A7TENTIO . un• ningham gn'St nday, , ;July ll. `,In all about 75' relatives gathered' to enjoy this social gettogether in.. honor of .Howard Reed of -Santa Monica , California'..i. "`Relatives came from'F-iazel *Park, Michigan, •Goderich,; chell, London, :.Port Albert Aub - urn:•Orangeville Aslifield and' '• Win ham. Misses Hazel. and Ada now a so atten •e. Mr. and .Mrs. Roy.Webster of London, and son Wayne Webster of y •.. Windsor visited in the evening,. ',' CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSER - DODGE PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 68 PLYMOUT 4 doo ,1 a sill 67 CEVY II standard -Cr�hl cylinder,"4 speed . transmission, power steering and brakes 66. OLDS 4 door, 8:atitomati'c, power 4doo 6 cylinder \. MOUTH 4 dour!:.:8...atIt atic-. With radio .66 CHRYSLER, RYSLER, 4 door; power equipped 65 FORD 2 , door hardtop; .8 auto - steering, radio 66 FORD,'4 door, 8 automatic, power steering, radio• , ma ac; powers eermg r ea an radio TRUCKS. 71 FARGO %'ton, 8 cylinder with radio, 15:,000' Miles' DODGE Y/2 ton, 8 cylinder, low' mileage l Supervisor, . Buildings' and (Maintenance'' Services ne Candidates For Confirmatim AMBERLEY_—RE-WS Nine'yongpeop. were'candi-attendingithe funeral al ofMrs'. , ;dates,' for confirmation at Pine Wally Cruikshank. • She was.the . River'United Church 'on Sunday for'mer.Chris;tine Cameron,"daugh morning,:.. An earl Communion'. ter of the late Mr, and MTs Service was held at eight:' -thirty ''Bence .Cameron , who'were prop- , :.' a m during, which parents ,' elders. •erty owners and visitors of Amber= ley. Beach: for many :years:. • of. the church and their. wives and the candidates particiated in the confirmation tervice , followed by breakfast servedin,the'Sunday; School robins. During the regular .Church •Ser-.. ' .Dinner guests with Mr: and Mrs. Perrin Lowry on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Messenger, Mr. .and Mrs: • Bob Courtney',;Mr, ,and'`, Mrs Len times a,nd Mr, and Mrs.. vice the y_ou_. _ng_peQpLe� ete. un t i ns a_rid-fain l-ies,. ed with the Church and 'were res • . • P c ''Mr and. Mrs "Cecil Hum hre ented with Bibles and their. P y • and Mark left Monday for' a ertfficat'es, • The following are the candid. -week's tri o I'tor kern Ontario,: ates with the. father's•narne •in They will v so vis tt`with Cecil's brother and famil Mr..and, Mrs. brackets. Dayid Carrick Coiling *A r y �. (Carric1) Lya 4Patrick" Courtn—ey- ;Morris- Humphrey -at I apuska,�,r , .. . (Rober"t) Roger 'Wilson Farrell (Wilson); Joan' Marie Irwin (Allan); Gail Barbara 'lviessenger (George); Linda Dianne Srnith' 111 111 V Yandt (Ervin); Misses Cathy .Irwin and Joan Fer �-msotrw- ` . `pirrist for both.services, The young. men's trio of Larry Irwin, Peter, Walden and Philip Paquette,sng; during the. Church Service.'' Misses Mary and Helen Kemp- • ' �nt�..�.eel�' �holida �a_��LL •Sarnia visiting their cousin; Barton .Irwin. Mrs. Jean _West visited a few' days last Week with .her daughter 'Mrs, Ebner Smeltzet and family; Tom Leonard of Cooksville spent the week end with Dennis Courtney'. Mr, and Mo: William perguson And Mr, .and Mts..Chestor Catnp+- bell were •in Detroit ori Sat'nrday ton -s 1\Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pace visited in Brampton on the week end'."w,ith their daughter, and family. Mr and 1\4s. Ivan Guy. CULBERT AMBERLEY HOT pOGS- -A-NIBURGS- FISH AND CHIPS' ETC:: :tAIKE OUT/ORDERS PHONE 3954298