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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-07, Page 9
1971 WEDNESDAY,, :J LY 7th,;.1971: THE • PAGE • NM/ StanleYe Reunion We ld Saturday •BROWNIE NEWS Mr, and Mrs, Leonard; Stanley •• of ,Lansing; Everett Stanley of.11( Linden• 'Mr. and 'Mrs, James: Ruby and eh ldren De o� r i oil• Mrs . Mar ' r. retta gins o:f•Oak Par' l -Lod k;,' and Mrs. Kenneth Hod fns and - g Pamela- of Nagar.. Mr.` anl. a .. Mrs.. n, ,, Dan T'ollefso Bradle nd ' Ya 1 .. DRIVEIN...: O N N. CLINTONI TQ eh Stree Next to Commun.fy, BOX .OFFICE OPENS AT: •11:01.r ”' • Fhtsi SHOW;AT :DUSK..,' R '- W.ED, = iHU _S'- , - - J LY. 7 ...., A Parrk ,, • FRIT. r { '• .®..., .. v. M.. • : .T. - • , •• - . ...,. .,e 'ArlrovIrto.j ,...Service , . . . /ft: . .... „,,...: . . 10/42_11ve; r ® -®-'. _ ��.. r_ >< _. .r-.: Kincardne NEXT TO.00LFINO, ROLLER SKATIN p ., ica�ion d. Att Kinlough AnglicanChurchGH q 1NLQUGH NEWS , At, the An Tican Church on Sun., ' . day wo beautiful sanctuary chairs were dedicated to the rnemor of Y the 1a>e' T-ed-•-lea-ld��by b .�OGATED � SWLMMING, 8 CAMF'IN�G:•. , . ,; ... S. , PHONE.3•26.234J DAV .. :.. t I HT 1 'RHONE E 39b 2107 gxa�e� -y , los family and''frends. Iviennbers oft e f •' h a it ho . er.e "res nt ni w. w,. e _-• Y.•-•--- ::.: Dap JaneTand Nls�•-Ska-ron--Sta-n- , _ �._.:. - ley of Port Credit all attended ► the 'Stanle : famil reunion when 109 descendants of the .late Mr, . . and Mrs. Edward Stanley met" - :here on Saturday,.. •Mr and Mr Mrs,... Harvie p Y (king Of •Brantford were recent .Be _. visitors with: Mr, and Mrs', Wil- ' Liam • Haldenb ; ,• . : y . . Geor e' I aldenb accompani•ed. Y P - Mr a:nd'Mrs. Harold Haldenby ; , and_Geordiejr.of Sarnia to North J Bay where the spent the'hol da YY, ,• Week'e;nd.with Mr; and Mrs, Boli • and ,' BRIDAL Abridal-shower was held in' the- :Purple Grove Communis ',Centre `� W h. - ., �. Color :._ : John. • One• : Cotor. r "VON' SAT.:- 'JULY _ (ADULT of ©:uBtE v Ll0 DOLLY". Barbara Straisand „ Mthau. - INicha•1 Crawford . In Color . �� . VON RYAN'S- • ... SS.. EXPREa„� . ', • • , Cartoon . SUN. -: MON, ... . 10 -:11'. - 12 . _ ;� � TU sig _ r Tu k.r Wayno.. .Forms c In Color . ,sisi ,UNTIL .DARK ENTERTAINMENT) . ;H�pburn -Alan .A k n' -•the. Best All Time Thrillers • , , Cartoon ... _ .FEA�$TURE • - :' fr-or-ri--a--d•ista--ce-were..-Mr- '. .__._ * * * * * • THURS., FRI. SAT JU '� '� 'THEc IENZIE: N _ : _ _ *.....,77..*. * *�*' *. * *••* Y $. 9 10 > !• .. �- " kiy. ., ' also �•-P ': ; ,, ,_- . An Aul, n•}' St ,, 3� �I'� : ' • . .. .. .. , 'Brown . ,: -nd-4Mr- n Ha•ldenb Sally .Ann. and. Lissa „• Nip: and Mrs_ -Michael O'Malley' and Douglas of xoronto;, Mr. and Mrs; Fred priendorf of Kitchener , Mr, and, Mrs'. Ken of • Brockville': . •-/. '. Week. end visitors with Mr, and. •Mrs." Art„Ha1denby.were . Miss a, 1, t u" BRIAN° KEITH.'THE' IcKENZIE BREAK" IUTGRIEM.IAN NDRY T _.eeVaa C�ee� Heather Lennex ,• How',ard Bennett Jr.., •John .'Vallis, Toronto.. ��►,. i,. •land f * * * *: * * '*' * *"* * •* * •*- *. * ** * '* ,> ' . p SUN., MON.,• TUES:,• JUL•Y.'1.1, 12 .13* •:. .' .: all• of - • Mr,. and. Mrs. Glen Hodgins and • famil ,ha viegone to Newfound -"'CHI'S- ' for a, holiday R Every man walks lfie lint• belweeS. tight and wrong. ,. d h rill'Tawes crossed over.Smith • One aY Plena „-. �,...'WAIT e XYryl.Alal1+.WIR - fpg�Hl{LWtaf ,m •• , � ' 'Mrs.:Marretta•1-1od• ins and Ezra ar.:i 'Sam' Stanley •'o€ Lucknow rec:=Debbie..... eiv:ed.word on'Saturda night g ' iBlli4lq�/MCIKAudny x that their brother -.in-law William , .�m'N=� ,. ,•,.. .4.nne wwower : en � GEOROE.SECAt •iVAMANI[ygP„ Jerome had assed:awa in Det P Y wws a siv l iivE >:'`' 'iL _/ O _. h : '' roil. Re a.tiv . ,. l es from here attended ' the funeral:: ',>`. �. TOES.:-' WED. on Monday evening for .Miss:'.Joan ' ;. P:erC:y, whose • arri�ge takes , • TH, URS. •- :F'RL, =•SAT, • v , : . At.12a1 ; r.-•-.____ �__�..._� ..�,., '... , • .. ,• Mr.' Mrs ,place` JULY 13 •' 14 16, -.17 ,. , diF- .pre.:, P * * * * *.* * * * * * * *. * * '*;* * *' *' WED:, THURS ,FRI.' SAT.: ' . „ • • JULY. 14 and Jerry Collison and their niece Iri.nda:Evans ,of'.. ;' ..., Geor'getown visited d:urin'g the . week•with Mr..:and' Mrs. Pert. o Saturda' . ; ,.15' , .. . ': _• DOUBLE. FEATURE . •Mr and y AUR Ilt HAIIDY , Mrs.: 'Art Ha denb THu :s ��ent a•: few days with' Mr -...and . %% ... f •• ' p Y • Howard AIRPORT elft 4 ? ...'.. •1516, 17 METNOGOLOWYNMAYERPresent$ Nicholson'.. AYlan .and Lois: Mrs' Whiteside. and • 'at their Orillia. .Burr Lancaster . in ' :.• .. ....w. _. .'.... '.� : '. cotta e• at , _ - _ ...•, ,- ... _ -... ... .�..::.._�..:_._._,.: ,., sal,.• 'erit JR. AWRY KENNLOr-PROOUCi.IGN...--4--._.,::_._s.:.. .... SH - - . .. ; •`' ' ; ' ` w _ _ _ �isi~tors- with- - wr: and its .. Ch ris S. hel'ton were. Mr: and Mrs:olor Wi.11.iam Pierson' of In ersoll and g .rs. .. Camping ovver•the holiday week Dian'• into - 1•. an .'SiMr s. end:at the home of Mr.: a:nd. Mrs. � 1n `�C • _ Americas No. 1• Best Seller about those Glen 'Haadenb were MrR• and. Mrs.. who w k and love; within the,, confines :• :: - w.. ': ,,. �. i - :'- i�!tr: a:nd .. 1\!l, ..A1 x Iv1. W,.. ay.of e o bray ,_.... rnatio nal Alt brt 1Zoss' Kena`ion a`nd: family of Fres ' of a•largelnte na o p .hese .. u _ � _ , *' =l uc knoi�r "■ "THIS. ill • ' Y PANA ;:: � � ton . SAVAGE ' �- n, is •F }txt : �<, / MEiROCOEOR• t , , ,., and n&owq.aotyrlfelwi�y. >E'AJLIUS 1li�JlTBJ1;�t ' fre icMarh.; .. GEOl�C�>[>BNIf>6M! Mr.' and •Mr's. Don Gillespie, , Itarinie and Cath were. nests at Y' g g. the Aitchison• -Ritchie wedding.a;',. . 'JT he fa i e.' . .• m ly of the late:George...• , ,R Thorripson. held their annual'.pic- George t: Bic at. the:Gommunrty. (:en re'at Seo n • si' • _ Barry •Sullivan ' Cartoon the r .Ripley color - ., : k :. .. „ • : • ley on Saturday. , Congratulations to all students • :Purple Grove: on Sunday . . .. - . ; L,iud�Catmerr,►t . ... l�ytrra n-�u rda3-Scl�oca Ri.ntou.1.,Famtly,' tiny:• . • ' H•old• 5th RAIInit%n "'," : ,: - W IlT CHU.12CI1i NEWS, ` E :- : iw • .. , ., of s'ca;rbo•rough; Douglas,•Cameron f t.uelnh UnivetsiiV: Jack .Cam- •A at Norrie;' fir, and,'Mrs. Doug •Snell, Janie Joan. and'.Julie,of. •itiesboro.0 h.; \,1rs : Ewart Mac.-,• LQi ... g• , : • ,: , ' . ' ' Pherson of Luckriaw, .��tr... and ,firs, :. , . inithis area who were. successful ,; in passing. their.•examinations: •family gathering•was'held - on Sunda• at the Norrie of MrsR Y Marretta I.1od ins.followin theStat .• g . g ,,. •. 1'e '` icn�ic•on-Saturdah - y p. Y picnic was held on: Saturda :':after- ' ' • y DUNGANNC)N noon at the Park in Teeswas= • er, ` CONTINUED 'FROM'PAGE.Berbn Mt';..and: Mis: DerelC;Newman day,week.e'rid..' Barbara:Blake. _'' •,. •. and family and Miss:Gail .Breen of went. back:wit her brother to; •' - St. Catherines•visited''at Sunday Galt, for a few days; Ivir'.. and• a the lvl~olden home. . •' ;Mrs.:. Grant Sowerby o ,t .027:- ---a__- --__ :,e +- S Jirn•Reed�nd.Donald of-Se-aforth,- vlr, : Lero Rintoul., Carol., Kirti•, -Thorihill ,are holidaying with relatives in . • . •:'1.1r 5t•'h'an ua e n ,., 1 Itntoul:'fan�.ily 'reunion 'was'.held onSunda• June • .�y ;he • 4th at the home,oaf Eu henna•andof P ■ ..e.r'°or G •: ie herb and U'e.}�bic•a'f C'Inonyille,:. N1r . 'and Mrs Dave Oherholtzer ..Joaple' �: Barrie; .\ir. and' Mrs:'Go.rdon•. B i , :4 Wheat, " s New . .' '' ;' this area.. • p. Thom son is assisting at •Passes: Musa: P g . : her ss. ter's lvirsr W: A: Dahan y,• . *- 1�•e-sr�•rricr -R -'R• .. .t u..c.. ...cll. a , now,, .where• all° enlo ed a• stnorgas•.Rintoul 1 ' .,_Y o .batd.picnic lunch. at tioon.on the ' • • lawn. - . ' 'en ` _ ..Exeter ,..et Atrendin 7 fr . n . .. �..,.1. b o i .a .distance. were: : ti , , . .. • ix, and Nits ..John of " .: l�lili .: ,3.11 tt ken. Mrs, loar< AtcKaye :...30. �;: andelly of -Don Mills; Mr. and . .: r. :.G• of London, Mt. and, Doris. ' .., . Mrs; Neil; Rantoul-.of.St,.,l•ielens.' . v , - . •Th'e 'Sunda, Front the vicinity were•.Vtr,•.and Mrs... Rrntoul, Mr...and Mrs. the: Exeter. Ms. Bill , Gordon itintoul,, ,Carry,'. Brian' . was - a: d Ga le. Lwart,,'v1acP'herson fbr.the 20, n y, of•Lueknow was unable'to'attend . ab e to, :. - Navin been.•admitted Sunda , . The Christian $ Y .' : • of Clinton rrrornr.ng ro W.ingham and District ,rOnile. �'U : ' drive sponsored onsored b . Y .. P ' ,. Y, United Church .Men of .comleted• last :.S•unda ' p . ,Y residentis who.were :not,. 0 last'moiith.: `' . Reform Church held:a service, of so'n • . g s , months'. Congratulations to'Lliss Linda'. .. ,,; Mr;', and hits. Frank Thompon. • '• S .arks., daughter 'of Mr. 'and,•Mrs. .their - endsat 'their:• X P� , g • • sperid week:. Lorne Sparks , ,who .received 'First , •suiririler'home at• •Kinca'rdine•. Class Honours• with a mark of. $5; Brookside graduation took . , in her ..rade' 8 iano• examination • ; 'lace Tuesda ` .:tai ht, i'n the •for:rrr . :place Y • g Ro al Conservator of usic- Y Y '� of a: ban net and ro' rartinle, We Linda was.a pu.; il.of Miss:Jan p,p J extend congratulations to .Debbie . Mustard of Win hard.. ' . •. g. Bawden',,•Terry Olson,'Barbara • ' N.-•, Mrs- il�-l.ee. Allen and :cnida-Tof.lin � •� .• , . . .*s., •. [3urlr;ntgn, Mr. and Wayne • Wettlauffer.and Leanne of Kisch=. Leanne , . � . ' ,,:tits'', the M-Tro`ritrni 1astSui-lica :: .; Hos 'ta.lr :In the. afternoon the .. ''� • ' ' -y-'ev'- •. 1� , . : : _ . . . g' ' young'folks la ed •*times an , ening led ,by' Dick Roorda:by .. p Y;, , ' jT.he Clinton •Kinettes prbgram • the .o1dr .generation enjoyed t ' �1�-he•>=GracTl. fh� sir-e=-=�.-�bert end Ricky :of Dun-. ceived 'a mark of, 95 taught' b • her ' • . • ,her,. annon; •who were an.ron the, 5Ea g, g mother, Mrs,' Lorne 'Sparks: '. ' who graduated,. ' .ever- ICI. and ti * > 1 ... it A: Huh Ghanr ,.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ii1111111111111111iOui111i11II1liillhllllli'' . � ;. ,.1 i _ , . .-• B :: 4 .' .• • - rrd -tea as we11--as-several .::the . ' visitinY uttrl the supper hour. ; a o r• activities, ; wer'e held outdoors last" week o'wninT to•rthe'extrerne1heat . , g Kine...; � Eldon=C1%ffo . ' II ...... 111111i1lllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllillllllllllllllllllt. \IR CONDI TIONS U _ ' Sotlrrhiy M#tina• . .:• „. , . . ties -liar .rd-,-go�c . _ Thu. Frt,�. set. . :. .: _ TNE.IMAM 'Marie Jefferson Jean _ ..-/-.:: .. � � ` _ MunlT�urrsEtT>ExAs .. _ 'acme Brown,.. ... .. .... ... ,.. -, . �� ,... _ Pic h xes.-vincent c,eey. M r. tlmn 'A s> • R,-.._ _ Jewitt, Laurie, Corrie and �1ar battle of the se -IC an/.1 : RICHARD BU TON. '_'• ca.n Beattie served lunch and led . , . - in a sin son = 6ENEVIEVE BUJOLD _ _ •«.JAN! AOIlYN •.. T = N„ 1I . . t he ditoriuit was filled to•G : . _ ,.... � ' � _ - • - _ O D E R I C H _ 7 '.� _ • ,., _ _ � �, c c i n E'rid = atla s o:.. ry.' NEVIIL�.. ER - capacity o ay nig • ("/. a� y5 . 9+�F _ = a birthda Blyth 'held PHONE E _ O 5 2 4 7 81 1 . _• .t0i.4L 4.41r A UMryERSa A9ifiA 1 - C - ' . A UNIVERSAL PICTuV maElil ail&l[N' '. • ''.— the •Legion y BRAND B OVEN_ R - _ one ;party for �,of their life mem : _ ::. _ ��_ ..x� T-sy,lot• of Hugon = . , ",...;.91-.:-.1.:vi : .. •_ M ' .< ,;,,, view , who'was' celebrating her . g WALt DISNE _ .' Jird' birthd i The .varlet pro- y , _ Y aifi�lls� . _,, . t,`. -� � • .. ,� _ ;with Jini haver r- ,: . ha _1 'trait re as c , = d r _ than, included vocal numbers by _; c t l;t'r maw -, _ lvlrs Wittick and Jin , ,. • t1► i _ .Lawrie• : — ; . -, -- _ n o nston - ' � -luetolc�s by DoxLe Lyn J h _ = _ ,{ = = .tr' — t, _ '� j The'funniest •movie I've seen t h1s ' y , J,ustgoyrunto'.see it! • New�.,.Pe.l LaY�R: , `�'` t �.. '1517/1171t - ,� .. Florence Vessel• arid. Susan Street ,n : . Vii. n - r Liprsehaun DIS WALT ®dQlhand ' �00w fo"'i'_- _ accompanied y Mrs.. 1, riga 'ed n McDougal — instrumentalsb Angela hittman_ on accordian; with several Buh=.. = herby. the group whichincludd, =Shcla France, Sharon Vittich; _' brace ,Ilrowrt and Ji,ti7 y:,awrie. .... .... ...... ..., _ • ,Sun*� Mon, 2 -'„� E Th• hitai-H ili„C N IMP P y _ _ _ � -•- - Y y r +' asr.4449 .� ....,.. I DR' 'y ILS IN T THEATRE O`VI u „E �N a a�ESS ON a� ' IIIiI11l11I11111lithilithilllilllhllhlltiilllhllllliilillllilllhlhlr � . CHM a x he ro gra.ni each res.. :. yy�� piece EIS ident received �i pie_ f birthdaECVIIVE ��eake served by. inenlbers of the' - ye longi r °' , _ a •* ,� P _ — . r � ii1111111111111UIIIII111U1ii111111111111U1UI111111111111111i1fI11111111111111I111111UIIliltll1l1i111111fI1111111111MN11Nlllllllhf%