HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-07, Page 71971 WEDNESDAY,, JULY 7th
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BOX .125
at ,
Some wadies from the• Lan:g side
T, T
on re at v.
c ton isited
w i't' hMrs
Orr atr
he home and With' Miss,•
• Emma Richatd'son a t. Brookhaven
nursing. Cr otTre-,. Wirigham during
the week.
silo on t :
he •farm of'Dave
er e•ing inspecte. ,
was,found to be unsafe , • It was
d•eriiolished on Thursday.„
Mr:' and Mrs Jim Youngattend
ed 'the Uraduatidn Exercises of 'the
School of Nursing of the •
C uelph 0•eneral• Hospitatat War
'Memorial 'Hall University of •
Guelph Ott Wedriesdwlaere-lutes.
Young's sister, :Miss Linda Martin'',
Lucknow, graduated:.
{" ongratniations 4) 411. .the ••Fligh
School and, Public• School students
of, the L nbside area , who Were'
"c-ce-ss 1 --in 'passing their-se.-hoo-1 -
Some ackground Information On
Crafters 1Mho WiII Be Showing
Month At Lucknow Craft Festival
• By Marion McCharles. 'o
Just a few short weeks .Until the
burlap painting. •
much talked about Lucknow Craft John`Plumtree of Clinton creat
Festival to be held. in .the Lucknow ed for'hirriself 'a aboonl•ing busipess.
arenas J�.eques''f•s sraCP con-,_-- with`tiis basemept•lathe. He re=.
tinue to arrive in 'every snail and pairs and refinishes furniture and
by the interest -that has been.cr•eat
' works w;fth• woocl7cr.-e-atin , s��lt and
.ed; sortie crafts' people will have-- g
. •pepper, sets, lamp stands, bov4s, .
to book for next year's Festival drawer. knobs, napkin holders. All
rather than the one for Ju•l 30
Y this acid more will bein• booth
and _31st, 101. number 7, .
The ,Public Relations officers L. V. Hogarth of Exeter, wound-
have received tremendous respon7 ed in the. world mar of 191E does
se. from each participant since needlepoint. .He will work as
asking'for a $tor •• from each exhib'•
Y he sits in his wheelchair in booth
icor, number eight,:
Listing.the'various•crafts -
people in the order in' which they
purchased space for theFestival,
;arid•,according to their own story
which has been received , we hope.
;to: tell a little Of what can be •ex-
pected when yon, as a visitor ,
come to Lucknow for.the big days.
and Mrs :Reg Jones; owners
of. the Village Shop and manager:
and secretary; respectively of the
Festival, bought the first space:.
sbld and although not crafters.•
themselves; ha've..been i.riterested
its thee crafts found in the area and
haVe.bee n'interested in' c n. diana
a ` t eir ; ryes:: T ey,plan to sell
c -raft purehasei fro-rn-a-tea crafrsT-'
men. Tlie Jones' also donated
a prize to the poster contest in •
connectioiin. w:ithrthe'Festival. •Mar-
ion jol.iuston.e df Lucknow• Will' be'
able:` to try. her hand at painting as
a result. :
• .Irs. Wilmer Hardy , the second
buyer of apace:, will exhibit and
'se•I. b_ . on. -
n-strate' 'throughout the Festival
. v her i. ni
as sheweaves on , e .loon . •
Mr:.„and Mrs ' Donald McChar-
les' of Brantford
he Brantford
are..b0sy preparing
their tinYdoll furnit re .such as'
tables, chairs,' chesterfields ;
hutdhes''as well as children's, :.
play furniture o:f•Kindergarten;
sets and doll beds::
Number 4 on the buying of
space was Mrs . Dianne Bennett of
• —C-atl-air Bennett, •
has been intereste'd in 'sewing ,
.Since,a child. and makes Slippers, P
garment bags,. rag'd•olls', pin
cushions and many more small
items •which will be on exhibit.
Of, course our. hard :working'.
treasurero , 1`lr. :a.nd firs. Dan Mc
Innes , . have 'a, booth andas rna ny
.a Lte Ly_kna o--collect_ors-o-f
driftwood. They have: created
a large market'with their fine •
pieces and will have la.nrps,.
decorative pieces,' Candle hold-
ers ,.ash trays and• various•,other
items as welt as souvenirs of the
;area woods.
As for number six buyer Qliver.
and Marion`McCharles; .public
relations officers of.,the founding
cornrnittee, will have'on safe •
'►=theYr-o�-h-a+ w•erlt-of dells
: •
1Zelative4 Will be pleased to learn
that Relison Falconer of Sarnia
was dismissed from hospital there:
on Wednesday.
Mr. .and. Mrs. Iirn Ross and• •
Mark, of Kitchener•spe:nt the long
week end with -her: pare?ts/. Mr..
and 'Mrs. J. Millen of Teeswater
and with'his• par erts 1S/INV•and• Mrs.
Russel Ross.•
Mr•. 'and Mrs. •Wayne Caslick_,
of j light's Grov e_� visited here 'on '
then week end with his parents
Mr.' and Mrs. Wilfred Caslick of
Wingham and other relatives prior
to leaving on Monday fora holi-
day in England.
• Mr. and Mrs. John Willis of
Toronto were week end visitors
with her parents • Mr, and Mrs( ,
asl c an his mother Mrs
Mrs. D Matheson of Listowel Doris Willis,
started a •few years ago,making •
styrofoam centre pieces for her . Mr. and Mrs;,/ Dan Tiffin arid' '
own• decor. A hobby begun, now Toyce,-Mr, and Mrs. Bevan Tif
ha's beeorn.e.•a,craft and a sight to fin and, Stephen and Mrs. Ethel
behold: •Stewart of Wingham visited on
To see Mrs Lois. Turner of Sunday with Mrs;. Clern Yeo' of
fiannon ,1 Ontario'take pieces of .Southarnpton Mr, and Mrs..
tyrooam acid create ornantental Bevan Tiffin and Stephen and:
fruit,/,' tempting e to want to -
Joyce .�* nni
eat and make- wreaths for 'Christ-
mas decorations, plus. many niore
interesting pieces, will be enjoy.
ed by':all;who. visit booth number
1."4 +.
N• ,a •-e
Mr. and Mrs. 'Doald Young•of
Toronto were week end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford' Yawn*
Mrs. Lar:r 1`- o i' '
loves to:work with feather ;and ,
has on prizes by:the score at
C. N. E: and', Many .other places for
her be autiftil'•leather jewefleiy;
purses,' wallets and key•cases.
Marie •Ic.lowat of Kitchener will '
demonstrate how. to use :the Speed'=
0 -Weave loom,
Mrs.;' Rose :Be er of: Caledon•East
bought.' booth %number 13. and
have many' beautiful pieces of
hand pottery A nurse by pr'ofes
sign she :s, e.nt•,:her• free hours out :
of doors and• has tried to create
;a d:co b•n -. c'
n m i e the raft with he?' •
impression of animals and birds.
ULr ..:. Nloli 'Bates' of* Gu
loves to create d l3 toys and
has .been a tremendous help in •
the Guelph area in promoting the'
Festival Her son, a'
will be •on hand'to take :piciu:r'es
o e.ac • an7 :every oat
Number 15 booth -will be, occup
'ied by Nlrs. Alan• Weinstein.of:'
Teeswater with her:p,ottery. Mrs.
Weinstein is interested' in learn •
ing •m.bre history of the area , as to
where' and how this c.raft'was
known in andaround• these parts.,
Knitting and crocheting. will
inecrest Maiior;Nurslng Home
Professional Nursing Care . 24 hours• daily
Di41g i and Tracy Serv4ce
Meinber: Associated Nursing Homes • Inc. 'Ontario
Associate 1Vlernber. Ontario Hospital Association
. , 111Unicipally Licensed' • •
Licensed by ''Ontario Department of Health
• • Drawer. 220 • . Phone' 628-2i86
meed 6—p- 9 ee' oma
re ,, ..e
tures and rniscellanedus.handl-
crafts •of'Mis. Bert Mason of. ,
Kincardine and Mrs.. George Mac. -
Donald .of Ripley.
Blakes U. C.Wr..lades',wi1:1.•
-ha e ant•iN-es and aprons-w:til3---
many other items to sell'. •
Liquid Embroidery is the hobby.
of Mrs. Elm e•r •Frey of Clinton
and no doubt many will watch
her paint...
Nuirtber`19 Will be a .display of
Sewins and handiwork. ,
Lorne Sparks, known, far .and.
lv -i;d-e for -{tis- ov-e-o-f-a-nrti±cs w- 1---
Dave booth number 20 Where those
looking for the unusual 'may find it
among these treasurers of other
Braided .rugs will be featured' •
t3y iMiSx• ,Erifi.ly 1.11wson 'o LO -6-117
Mrs. Edith Harris, also of 'Lon-
don , does herself proud with, need-
eed-lepoint and quilts and has bought.
space number.22 at' Lucknow,'.
More hand crafted pottery ;this
tin* Mrs, flora Doerr Of -Exeter
tries to•express her,oWn feelings, ,
in her craft of colourful earthy
pieces,, ,,
Platens and needlecraft will be
displayed by Mrs,, Ose'ar 'White. of
Joyce'remained for this week as
,Bevan'swork is ,in that area.
Mr,.: and Mrs, John' Rintoul and
granddaughter• Kelly.•of Burling. -
ton were week .end,visitors:with,
P. 5 Lucknow and fr9m. Ripley
conies'. Mrs'. 'Harvie:Thompson and
:son Ray •with plaster cast articles •
in booth number '25.
All this•and more., this is only
1/3 of what will,be at Lucknow •
Festiva l 'in the 'next two
weeks we will endeavour to tell.
of the rest of our Crafters;.
�C--I~11 P3
PHONE 395-5.298,,
Rintoul relatives and attended the •
Rintoul Reunion. •
Mrs. Leroy Rintou•1, Carol,
Kimberley. and Debbie of'Union.=
ville wereweek end visitors with'
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and
•fami:ly.•and with.her parents .Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Black.,. On Sat-
urday evening they attended a •
shower at:Beigrave'far bride. -to
be Barbara Cook' and •on Sunday
attended the Rintoul' Reunion _
Mrs. Floyd Wilkens.,: Sharon '
and \'1ichel.: ;of` Listowel were
Saturday vis,itors. with 'Mx,. and ,
Mrs. Earl Wilkens •and fa.mily;.
Joyce Taylor., daught. ik. ' and •
Mrs Lawrence Taylor, had•the
misfortune while• riding. her 'pony •
Fridkv •ey ng to have an acid=
era. Which necessitated her admit
tance., to Wingham and District
Hospital for X-rays:' The com-
munity••wishr°her,a,speedy recov- •
2.••• 1970 CHE•V Im'• ala 4' door, hardt s• :-
1969 GALAXIE 500, 4 door hardtop ,
2 •'
-- .969 DODGE 'Pola
• � DODGE ra, 4' door, 'V$ automatics, Power steeri ,
power brakes •
1969 DODGE•'Polara• 500, '4' door; IV8 automatic, poWer. Steering
2. ...7.1969 CH EV 4 ••door V$ automatics, power brakes
power steering
1969 PONTIA:C Laurentian.; door hardtop, V8 automatie Powe
--=•=•steering;Ixowe brakes - e
1969 PONTIAC Parisienne 2. door. "hardto •- V8, power brakes,'
power steering (white vinyl interior)
' 1968 PONTIAC 4 door, V8:, automatic. ,
•1968 CADILLAC 4 door, hardtop,.' full,,,,_ power and air •condpt,on;nn
1968 :MONTEGO 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic ._
• 196$ FORD stationwagori, 9 passener, VC: power steering,
power .brakes
1967 .FORD Custom S00 V8 automatic
1967 FORD Custom 500,- 2 door 6;cylinder .automatic
1967 PONTIAC Grand P'arisienne;'V8, full''power'
' 1967-M-E-RCUR-Y, Vi ton heav ty-ggvip-tn�t. _.. • _ . _ .
1967 CAE y. vi ton panel .
'1967 CHEVY VAN with heavy duty equipment
1966 PLYMOUTH 4 door.,"6 cylinder automatic
BLYTHPHONE: ,. S234342