HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-07, Page 5VISA WE'DitlE.S.P0 ,4144.Y.' 7th, 1971. • )ry-of. Jacob. July 9, row, : •$•,, if and mr.:11 ). • )D Ty. Fedi • Fresh om kit- iur fat t' steer, ated in Craft • .r • 1 • • .SENT.INEL",.1MCKNOWg, ,ONTAlita 0 ,......,hat's.New At Huronview The Open OUse at HUrQnyieW held June '20-26 in 'connection vith Senigr Citizens' week has "well Over 2.50 visitors registered; Much credit for its success goes to the,wonderful help of several , groups and individuals, the Huron- ' view Women's AUKIllary, f�r'prov- iding volunteefhelpers each day, Y•The Sorority Club„individial volunteers-r-the-oderichmuseum bus.,. -the press' and radio.and the many extra.clutiesperf9rmed the Huronview Staff; ' • The Zurich Citizens Band led COISH04.1#1. FUELS HEATINO OILS sytocco**OtsTRIBirrogs LUCKNOW .• Phone. 529-7524 or 5247681 FREE -BURNER' • products For Farm, Home an • JOHNSTONE'S by Charles Kalbfeisch of Varna opened activities on Sunday after- noon with # band:concert on the • lawn. • „ Several visitOrS 161110 the residents for the old tirne music: and dance,on Monday. The • Hurooview Orchestra provided the, music assisted by.Mrs, t6eorge Henderson of Bruoefield and Dett F4 -flay of G-O-diffa. Padre Uoum,atoff of Bayfield led a very-"sucCesSfUl sing siting or Tuesday afternoon accompanied by Mrs. Walter Scott of Seaforth. Forty residents of Husonyiew attended a Senior Citizens pro gram in i3lyth on„Tuesday evening .sponsored by the Blyth Council and service clubs. .The Lions Club* provided the transportation for the residents: Following a lively variety program lunch was served, by die service• . . The big/day ofthe week I was the residents'. picnic held on 'the lawn on Wednesday 'afternoon' With most Of the residents taking part along With about .100 visitors which included 35 members of the .Wingham Senior Citizens •. . . began.at 2 p.rn.'witn several 'relay races and games of chance. 'TheLions Club of Clintbn,provid- .ed' a crown and anchor boOth • which was quite popular, Operated 1-1s4utch-andLLiar4e Colquhoun; The picnic supper .. Served to over 30.0. people in the auditorium was another, highlight... • of 'the day.. 'The 'supper Prepared' • Modern and Convenient • Lucknow, Phone 528-3013, , Day, or Night Serving 'All Faiths our. pprovalls 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES. Arranged in the Convenience Of Your Home LOW cost. 'You can call to 10 p.m. today:for . helpful court- eous service.. Prompt invest- ment Corp.; -Ltd., 330 Bay street, Toront• o: 36!.9586 Evgs'231-8146 , • - • • and 'arranged by the kitchen staff assisted byotherstaff members with the serving included..a 'bounti- ful supply of food for everyone. Twelve tables of progressive euchre and Crokipoie were played in the auditorium on Thursday. afternoon with other games out: - doors. The Goderich•Museurn. .bus, which was provided for .• Thursday and Frida.y,LprOVed qUite interesting- for the residenEs7and 'visitors. ., . •Moderato Prices ?.e -pass tered .se call' .tune. )ur free. ; • to. -be to.wOrd Energy gement EstabIishd 1894 • • • .INSURANCE • . ' FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and LIFE 'To Protect Your Jack, • Insure With' Jack Today. kicknow , notice. ked .up pipe at' ween 10 Urn im- reation. • J. A. 1VICDOIAGH. Lucknow; Phone 528-3421.• . • , NKS iucknow. inks to mbered erS and tient.in Siid. R, W. ANDREW ilarriSter and SciliCitor.' LISTOWEL, ,ONTARIO. • IN .LUCKNOW • • Every Wednesday and..' • Saturday Afternoon: . .Offiee-in-the4eyntL-Blecit-L--- •Telephone: Lucknow. 52813116 CRAWFORD and. MILL J. H. 'CRAWFORD, • ALAN. R. MILL, B.Ai; .ROSS E. DAVIES, . . . . ' • IN :LUCIcNOW...: EV.E.RY WEDNESDAY • 10-7a.M..40 12 noon, Loated in , Breckles Bleck Phone 5282320, friends nbering & vis - 'Ingham n wonder- ' ' IN RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY lacLesd In Ross .Martyn ,Building Phone IA/Ingham • Offlw-as, 630 -- Res. 3574310 • K. J. MacKENZIE, 0.D; Optometrist NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY ..WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10:00 a.M. to 5:30 p.m.. Phone Roy MacKenzie Ripley 3954154 for appointment TED COLLYER . , . It was standing room only for. • the Family Night,prOgram on Thupday eveningyrovided by • the Bayfield.and ExeterSeniot citizens c u Twenty-five club merribers attended from Bayfield and thirty-five from Exeter. Those, taking paTt•in the prograin. from Bayfieldwee a men's gnarl' tette ,,Clare Merrier:, Brown Higgths ,Bill Parker, Harry Baker;. .reCitation4 rs--.*Matide-Stuiseon. With13resident Mrs. G•::-.HopsOn as chairman. , Mr. •Cecil Skinner: •intrOdircedthe Eketer numbers 07tite... Creditom NOTICE TO CREDITORS KENNETHIn the C EstateAM;Rf ON - Deceased • • , I All perSolla having claims against the 'estate of Kenneth Cameron, •late of the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce, Postmaster, deceased, who died on or about the •17th , day of May 1971, are hereby, notified to send full particulars of their -claims to the undersigned Sol- icitor, for the kstate. un or 'before the 30th day of JulY 1971, after which date the Estate will be: dis- tributed amongst those entitled thereto: having regard. onlyto the claims of which the Executrix shall then have notice." . • Dated at Listowel, Ontario this 2nd day of July, 1971. • R. W. ANDREW, . Listowel, Ontario, , Solicitor for the Executrix. PAGE Mil were.a vocal,dtier by Gerald and; Harold- Skinner accompanied. .by Mrs. 'Thelma King; several ,ectiOns by a young peOples. ,group•froin the butch. Reform NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of • GEORGE HENRY-KEMP— • Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of George Henry Kemp, late of the Village of LuckneW, in the County of Bruce, Retired Riv- eter, deceased, who died on or a-. bout the 19th of May 1971,.are here: y no 1 o sen • ull particulars of their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate on or before the. 30th day of July 1971, after which date the Estate will be dis- tributed •amongst those , ,entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executrix shall _thenhave_natice. • Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 2nd day of July 1971. . R. W. ANDREW • • • •,- Listowel, Ontario. - Solicitor for the 'Executrix REAL EST, - : CLINTON, . .... ...... . .• R 'FOSALE . . , .. . , . 100 -acres in Ashfield toWnthip, 95 • acres workable-. 'A _goOd farm .at a „ 'reasonable price: Low down' pap ment Owner -will carry. mortgage. . • • . ' Several other goad bums listed in Ashfield Township. , , • .. . Rustic 6 room log cabin on 5 acres. .. of land. A perfect spot to spend that leisure time. .. . • • • Contact . MASON BAILEY •%/nick -48243n Residence 523.9338 • THIS SUMMER -7---ELECTRICAV-CONTRTACTO-R7 • • • . • • • • ' • issessimesemeissoammusso •now, in the County' of Bruce, Wid- ■ .• ow, deceased, who died on or about ' • the 26th day of ../kpril 1971; are • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the- Estate Of •ELIZABETH ELEANOR ALTON Deceased. • •• WISE' • • ••••••imee•••••••••••••aw FOR SALE FULL LISTED PRICE $7,900: for a fully furnished 3 bedroomcottage in the Port Albert area, complete with all:electrical appliances, and , • , with, immediate possession avail- • able. • 100 ACRE retreat acreage, Luck- now river crossing entire property; All persons having clair_n_s_against_ _also_a_spr-mg--creek,and-15-aeres-e the estate of Elizabeth Meaner Alton, late of the Village of Luck- • hereby notified to send full partic- • ••ulars of their claims to the under- ,■ is signed Solicitor for 'the Estate on • ', Specializing In - • ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRIC . WIRING AND REPAIRS ■ ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Hydro Financing Available Lucknow Phone 528 -5802 - weigh, s, from . . • • .• OPTOMETRIST GODERICH • , . . • • BRAY . EXCELLENT LAND • r ACRES -or-before .the.3001-day of Ju)y 1971, ■ after which date the .Estate will be 'distributed aniengSt thOse•entit, oil led thereto having regard. only. to • •' the claim of which the.' Executor' ■ - • . shal Doted at Listowel, Ontario, this 2nd day of 'July 1971. R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor • .4•1 0• 00 :Having 10 workable, balance agravel 'pit and, bush. The 11/4 ■ :storey, 3 bedroom home having: ■ fairly new oil furnace and full. • basement Barn 35"x 25' con-• "staining loose' hou;ing. and •viter.■ ▪ Drilled well. Liited at $12 500 • • • •■ MCI°It-----CYF •:11111-1T17t-aidrain:resniuniCip-eral4ditalideher.s have. CHIROPRACTIC .: .,.. itursiit,t:%Ltinttirny. Leetri7.0di:nitvon: ','• ... . ' 197 JOSEPHINE • . STREET ' , . • .• .. rShip: Listed at $10,000 with :. ‘ .■ternis.. WINGHAM, • ' le • ' , . . . I ' PHONE -3574224 - - • . T.ERMS-:7C-AN-BE7-77:::• - -- -- - Church of Exeter, ,The Impressions, Twenty. games of bingo were played o,ri. Frida y afternoon in the .audi'oriunr with fort prize.wi.nri- cedar &, hardwood _bush. Excellent - building and camping sites; Listed.. at $11500 with immediate posses- sion. . • LOVELY SHADE TREES and land-. ' scaping surround this well located .. modern 3 beclroontbrick and angel__ stone ranch home in Lucknow. A' . full basement, • attached garage,. electric heating, 4 piece bath and qualitybroadloom,plus a well plan- nedliving & .dining area make this • 4 e404, • WINGHAM • MEMORIALS GUARANTEED. GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. • The Square • t0n-47.7661) Lil ;T. • Buy Direct find Spin'," 8s P11. .357.1910»; Ph. 357-101'5 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT' IV.67 South Streetc dodetich teloOhone.524.136t • MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL • FUNERAL SERVICE. Services conducted' according to ypt*.mishes at your your Church' or at our Mem- • °Hat Chapel nt rio additional Charge, Lueknow, Phone 528-3432 Dalt Or Night •ARRANGED. On this 11/2 storey hoine having"o ifatirfnualiceb,asemgenit,t-to ollidvinogil. ler e •11"11 0.9 1FrOMM:4Wch":. bath and 3 bedrooms,. aa 11 situated ori well lan,CaP!di 111.1et. Full price $15,900. NI II , : We had a HallOwesen party; 1 • • DON HOLST REAL is Rived it, At Christmas. we had 'a in •• ESTATE LTD ' s con6eri, '1 liked being,a cow in us • My Year At. • BY:LORI. . ' GRADE 2 , In September „we wereLb d down to the town hall. We had no blackboards in the Town Hall " . • ate. Make an appointment to ins- • pect thiihome at your convenience. • ' ' • , 212 ACRES of recreational pro- perty, 100 acres bush, 60 workable,. balance reggii, good ..spring • fed stream, also Teeswater river.' led Well, old log,:house and barn, • excellent Minting, fishing. Retreat accesseornly. ms: available.' Call quickly on this. one. • 50 ACRE retireMent or' hobby farm; •exCellei-irtroom Stone house', bath, furnace, spring well, barn 36 x 40, •Spring stream, ideal 'for trout ponds, one_acre_of—raspbmie, mature treet.-Well -Ideated 12 mile off highway. •Listed at $19,500, ex- cellent terms. in. September. I like... • -ti-..Lg; N• • a..., . '.• • •- the best in School. -11cl:Readi ti. am& — 11---------R- . ,. 0, • .------I t111. woulcrli 1 WINGHAM .: WI other school for ;yqu can stay fqt. ..• : 'RURAL ONTARIO : lunch there, :, , . um i .: SPECIALISTS' ' '1 1-1-4 lune ,re ikterit tel Saugeep. . 1 Valley Conservation farm and we. ■ ' iej saw a' lot of birds and animals : - Lucknow Offico . i li1<ethehe peacock ,, skunk, ducks, ■• 528-2031 '. .;: .swants egg and orme trOut, " hiariy McDonagh. , 'RePql 'We" had field da.Y ill jurke..t°° a , . ‘ .: and I gOt twO thitdS., ■ . • ' 1616' 395'532 ' Is We'are lOintO Codetich MOn., in • - e day Iline .28thi . 11 01 1 , ,.., .1* •.". TWO LOVELY river' lots located on the nine mile river, lar • • toes, very accessable, • immediate possession, listed at $2,500. .•• •• WE HAVE a • online er. who is erest stone or br,ick, situated on 5 to 100 acres, would prefer non agricultur- al 'type of land, bush, rolling'acre- age preferred. ' • WARREN ZINN 473-5 Wilfred Mclntee • • . •• • • ,•• Li. f' • • - • .„ • WALk,ERTON• • l.fetnberef the Grey and Bruce • • •Multip1e. LIStingS Service:.. •• • • Workng For Yeti,. .100.a.0.464041■•■•••••46104110414011 ' • •